15 resultados para Magma

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe rare earth element (REE) data for discrete growth phases of complex polyphase zircons from early Archaean Amitsoq gneisses, outer Godthabsfjord, SW Greenland. In Matsuda diagrams, the two major growth phases, >3.8 Ga cores and ca. 3.65 Ga rims, have steep positive slopes from La to Lu, prominent positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies that are consistent with growth in a melt. Exceptions to this are non-cathodolurnmescent zircon developed between the cores and rims, sometimes truncating zoning in the cores, and late Archaean prismatic tip overgrowths, both of which exhibit flatter light REE (LREE) patterns and have small or no Eu anomaly, which we interpret as the result of metamorphism and/or small-degree, isolated partial melting. Our data support previous interpretations that the ca. 3.65 Ga zircon phase was generated in a melt, with the >3.8 Ga phase representing either original protolith zircons in a large degree partial melt or inherited zircons in an introduced magma. Regardless which of these two interpretations is correct for these, and similar, rocks in the outer GodthAbsfjord, the 3.65 Ga event will have profoundly affected isotopic systems and obscured beyond recognition any earlier igneous features such as cross-cutting relationships, which may only be assigned a minimum 3.65 Ga age. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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New high-precision niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) concentration data are presented for early Archaean metabasalts, metabasaltic komatiites and their erosion products (mafic metapelites) from SW Greenland and the Acasta gneiss complex, Canada. Individual datasets consistently show sub-chondritic Nb/Ta ratios averaging 15.1+/-11.6. This finding is discussed with regard to two competing models for the solution of the Nb-deficit that characterises the accessible Earth. Firstly, we test whether Nb could have sequestered into the core due to its slightly siderophile (or chalcophile) character under very reducing conditions, as recently proposed from experimental evidence. We demonstrate that troilite inclusions of the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite have Nb and V concentrations in excess of typical chondrites but that the metal phase of the Grant, Toluca and Canyon Diablo iron meteorites do not have significant concentrations of these lithophile elements. We find that if the entire accessible Earth Nb-deficit were explained by Nb in the core, only ca. 17% of the mantle could be depleted and that by 3.7 Ga, continental crust would have already achieved ca. 50% of its present mass. Nb/Ta systematics of late Archaean metabasalts compiled from the literature would further require that by 2.5 Ga, 90% of the present mass of continental crust was already in existence. As an alternative to this explanation, we propose that the average Nb/Ta ratio (15.1+/-11.6) of Earth's oldest mafic rocks is a valid approximation for bulk silicate Earth. This would require that ca. 13% of the terrestrial Nb resided in the Ta-free core. Since the partitioning of Nb between silicate and metal melts depends largely on oxygen fugacity and pressure, this finding could mean that metal/silicate segregation did not occur at the base of a deep magma ocean or that the early mantle was slightly less reducing than generally assumed. A bulk silicate Earth Nb/Ta ratio of 15.1 allows for depletion of up to 40% of the total mantle. This could indicate that in addition to the upper mantle, a portion of the lower mantle is depleted also, or if only the upper mantle were depleted, an additional hidden high Nb/Ta reservoir must exist. Comparison of Nb/Ta systematics between early and late Archaean metabasalts supports the latter idea and indicates deeply subducted high Nb/Ta eclogite slabs could reside in the mantle transition zone or the lower mantle. Accumulation of such slabs appears to have commenced between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga. Regardless of these complexities of terrestrial Nb/Ta systematics, it is shown that the depleted mantle Nb/Th ratio is a very robust proxy for the amount of extracted continental crust, because the temporal evolution of this ratio is dominated by Th-loss to the continents and not Nb-retention in the mantle. We present a new parameterisation of the continental crust volume versus age curve that specifically explores the possibility of lithophile element loss to the core and storage of eclogite slabs in the transition zone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Re-Os data for chromite separates from 10 massive chromitite seams sampled along the 550-km length of the 2.58-Ga Great Dyke layered igneous complex, Zimbabwe, record initial 187Os/188Os ratios in the relatively narrow range between 0.1106 and 0.1126. This range of initial 187Os/188Os values is only slightly higher than the value for the coeval primitive upper mantle (0.1107) as modeled from the Re-Os evolution of chondrites and data of modern mantle melts and mantle derived xenoliths. Analyses of Archean granitoid and gneiss samples from the Zimbabwe Craton show extremely low Os concentrations (3-9 ppt) with surprisingly unradiogenic present-day 187Os/188Os signatures between 0.167 and 0.297. Only one sample yields an elevated 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.008. Using these data, the range of crustal contamination of the Great Dyke magma would be minimally 0%-33% if the magma source was the primitive upper mantle, whereas the range estimated from Nd and Pb isotope systematics is 5%-25%. If it is assumed that the primary Great Dyke magma derived from an enriched deep mantle reservoir (via a plume), a better agreement can be obtained. A significant contribution from a long-lived subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) reservoir with subchondritic Re/Os to the Great Dyke melts cannot be reconciled with the Os isotope results at all. However, Os isotope data on pre-Great Dyke ultramafic complexes of the Zimbabwe Craton and thermal modeling show that such an SCLM existed below the Zimbabwe Craton at the time of the Great Dyke intrusion. It is therefore concluded that large melt volumes such as that giving rise to the Great Dyke were able to pass lithospheric mantle keels without significant contamination in the late Archean. Because the ultramafic-mafic melts forming the Great Dyke must have originated below the SCLM (which extends to at least a 200-km depth ), the absence of an SCLM signature precludes a subduction-related magma-generation process.


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A much-revised Quaternary stratigraphy is presented for ignimbrites and pumice fall deposits of the Bandas del Sur, in southern Tenerife. New Ar-41/Ar-39 data obtained for the Arico, Granadilla, Fasnia, Poris, La Caleta and Abrigo formations are presented, allowing correlation with previously dated offshore marine ashfall layers and volcaniclastic sediments. We also provide a minimum age of 287 +/- 7 ka for a major sector collapse event at the Gaimar valley. The Bandas del Sur succession includes more than seven widespread ignimbrite sheets that have similar characteristics, including widespread basal Plinian layers, predominantly phonolite composition, ignimbrites with similar extensive geographic distributions, thin condensed veneers with abundant diffuse bedding and complex lateral and vertical grading patterns, lateral gradations into localized massive facies within palaeo-wadis, and widespread lithic breccia layers that probably record caldera-forming eruptions. Each ignimbrite sheet records substantial bypassing of pyroclastic material into the ocean. The succession indicates that Las Canadas volcano underwent a series of major explosive eruptions, each starting with a Plinian phase followed by emplacement of ignimbrites and thin ash layers, some of coignimbrite origin. Several of the ignimbrite sheets are compositionally zoned and contain subordinate mafic pumices and banded pumices indicative of magma mingling immediately prior to eruption. Because passage of each pyroclastic density current was characterized by phases of non-deposition and erosion, the entire course of each eruption is incompletely recorded at any one location, accounting for some previously perceived differences between the units. Because each current passed into the ocean, estimating eruption volumes is virtually impossible. Nevertheless, the consistent widespread distributions and the presence of lithic breccias within most of the ignimbrite sheets suggest that at least seven caldera collapse eruptions are recorded in the Bandas del Sur succession and probably formed a complex, nested collapse structure. Detailed field relationships show that extensive ignimbrite sheets (e.g. the Arico, Poris and La Caleta formations) relate to previously unrecognized caldera collapse events. We envisage that the evolution of the nested Las Cahadas caldera is more complex than previously thought and involved a protracted history of successive ignimbrite-related caldera collapse events, and large sector collapse events, interspersed with edifice-building phases.


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ELA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology has been used to show that the porphyritic intrusions related to the formation of the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, NW Argentina, are cogenetic with stratigraphically well-constrained volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Late Miocene Farallon Negro Volcanic Complex. Zircon geochronology for intrusions in this deposit and the host volcanic sequence show that multiple mineralized porphyries were emplaced in a volcanic complex that developed over 1.5 million years. Volcanism occurred in a multivent volcanic complex in a siliciclastic intermontane basin. The complex evolved from early mafic-intermediate effusive phases to a later silicic explosive phase associated with mafic intrusions. Zircons from the basal mafic-intermediate lavas have ages that range from 8.46 +/- 0.14 to 7.94 +/- 0.27 Ma. Regionally extensive silicic explosive volcanism occurred at similar to8.0 Ma (8.05 +/- 0.13 and 7.96 +/- 0.11 Ma), which is co-temporal with intrusion of the earliest mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera (8.02 +/- 0.14 and 7.98 +/- 0.14 Ma). Regional uplift and erosion followed during which the magmatic-hydrothermal system was probably unroofed. Shortly thereafter, dacitic lava domes were extruded (7.95 +/- 0.17 Ma) and rhyolitic diatremes (7.79 +/- 0.13 Ma) deposited thick tuff blankets, across the region. Emplacement of large intermediate composition stocks occurred at 7.37 +/- 0.22 Ma, shortly before renewed magmatism occurred at Bajo de la Alumbrera (7.10 +/- 0.07 Ma). The latest porphyry intrusive event is temporally associated with new ore-bearing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. Other dacitic intrusions are associated with subeconomic deposits that formed synchronously with the mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera. However, their emplacement continued (from 7.10 +/- 0.06 to 6.93 +/- 0.07 Ma) after the final intrusion at Bajo de al Alumbrera. Regional volcanism had ceased by 6.8 Ma (6.92 +/- 0.07 Ma). The brief history of the volcanic complex hosting the Bajo de la Alumbrera Cu-Au deposit differs from that of other Andean provinces hosting porphyry deposits. For example, at the El Salvador porphyry copper district in Chile, magmatism related to Cu mineralization was episodic in regional igneous activity that occurred over tens of millions of years. Bajo de la Alumbrera resulted from the superposition of multiple porphyry-related hydrothermal systems, temporally separated by a million years. It appears that the metal budget in porphyry ore deposits is not simply a function of their longevity and/or the superposition of multiple porphyry systems. Nor is it a function of the duration of the associated cycle of magmatism. Instead, the timing of processes operating in the parental magma body is the controlling factor in the formation of a fertile porphyry-related ore system.


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As a result of their relative concentration towards the respective Atlantic margins, the silicic eruptives of the Parana (Brazil)-Etendeka large igneous province are disproportionately abundant in the Etendeka of Namibia. The NW Etendeka silicic units, dated at similar to132 Ma, occupy the upper stratigraphic levels of the volcanic sequences, restricted to the coastal zone, and comprise three latites and five quartz latites (QL). The large-volume Fria QL is the only low-Ti type. Its trace element and isotopic signatures indicate massive crustal input. The remaining NW Etendeka silicic units are enigmatic high-Ti types, geochemically different from low-Ti types. They exhibit chemical affinities with the temporally overlapping Khumib high-Ti basalt (see Ewart et al. Part 1) and high crystallization temperatures (greater than or equal to980 to 1120degreesC) inferred from augite and pigeonite phenocrysts, both consistent with their evolution from a mafic source. Geochemically, the high-Ti units define three groups, thought genetically related. We test whether these represent independent liquid lines of descent from a common high-Ti mafic parent. Although the recognition of latites reduces the apparent silica gap, difficulty is encountered in fractional crystallization models by the large volumes of two QL units. Numerical modelling does, however, support large-scale open-system fractional crystallization, assimilation of silicic to basaltic materials, and magma mixing, but cannot entirely exclude partial melting processes within the temporally active extensional environment. The fractional crystallization and mixing signatures add to the complexity of these enigmatic and controversial silicic magmas. The existence, however, of temporally and spatially overlapping high-Ti basalts is, in our view, not coincidental and the high-Ti character of the silicic magmas ultimately reflects a mantle signature.


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The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continental end of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprises a high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg, Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphically higher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units) and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite. Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibit trace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plotting to the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated Pb-207/Pb-204 ratios, and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions plotting in the lower Nd-143/Nd-144 part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Ti basalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable, radiogenic initial Sr (similar to0.707-0.717) and Pb isotope compositions, implying crustal contamination. Four samples, however, have less radiogenic Pb and Sr that we suggest approximate their uncontaminated source. All basalt types, but particularly the low-Ti types, contain samples with trace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Nb-*) suggesting metasediment input, considered source-related. Radiogenic isotope compositions of these samples require long-term isolation of the source in the mantle and depletions (relative to unmodified sediment) in certain elements (e.g. Cs, Pb, U), which are possibly subduction-related. A geodynamic model is proposed in which the emerging Tristan plume entrained subducted material in the Transition Zone region, and further entrained asthenosphere during plume head expansion. Mixing calculations suggest that the main features of the Etendeka basalt types can be explained without sub-continental lithospheric mantle input. Crustal contamination is evident in most low-Ti basalts, but is distinct from the incorporation of a metasedimentary source component at mantle depths.


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The Pan-African (640 Ma) Chengannoor granite intrudes the NW margin of the Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain of the Trivandrum Block (TB), southern India, and is spatially associated with the Cardamom hills igneous charnockite massif (CM). Geochemical features characterize the Chengannoor granite as high-K alkali-calcic I-type granite. Within the constraints imposed by the high temperature, anhydrous, K-rich nature of the magmas, comparison with recent experimental studies on various granitold source compositions, and trace- and rare-earth-element modelling, the distinctive features of the Chengannoor granite reflect a source rock of igneous charnockitic nature. A petrogenetic model is proposed whereby there was a period of basaltic underplating; the partial melting of this basaltic lower crust formed the CM charnockites. The Chengannoor granite was produced by the partial melting of the charnoenderbites from the CM, with subsequent fractionation dominated by feldspars. In a regional context, the Chengannoor I-type granite is considered as a possible heat source for the near-UHT nature of metamorphism in the northern part of the TB. This is different from previous studies, which favoured CM charnockite as the major heat source. The Occurrence of incipient charnockites (both large scale as well as small scale) adjacent to the granite as well as pegmatites (which contain CO2, CO2-H2O, F and other volatiles), suggests that the fluids expelled from the alkaline magma upon solidification generated incipient charnockites through fluid-induced lowering of water activity. Thus the granite and associated alkaline pegmatites acted as conduits for the transfer of heat and volatiles in the Achankovil Shear Zone area, causing pervasive as well as patchy charnockite formation. The transport Of CO2 by felsic melts through the southern Indian middle crust is suggested to be part of a crustal-scale fluid system that linked mantle heat and CO2 input with upward migration of crustally derived felsic melts and incipient charnockite formation, resulting in an igneous charnockite - I-type granite - incipient charnockite association.


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Shale-normalised rare earth element and yttrium (REE + Y) patterns for siderite-jasper couples in a banded iron formation of the 3.45 Ga Panorama Formation, Warrawoona Group, eastern Pilbara Craton, display distinct positive Y and Eu anomalies and weak positive La and Gd anomalies, combined with depleted light REE relative to middle and heavy REE. Ambient seawater and hydrothermal fluids are identified as major sources of REE + Y for the BIF. In the case of siderites, strong correlations between incompatible trace elements and trace element ratios diagnostic of seawater indicate variable input from a terrigenous source (e.g. volcanic ash). We propose a volcanic caldera setting as a likely depositional environment where jasper and siderite precipitated as alternating bands in response to episodic changes in ambient water chemistry. The episodicity was either driven by fluctuations in the intensity of hydrothermal activity or changes in magma chamber activity, which in turn controlled relative sea level. In this context, precipitation of jasper probably reflects background conditions during which seawater was saturated in silica due to evaporative conditions, while siderites were deposited most likely during intermittent periods of enhanced volcanic activity when seawater was more acidic due to the release of exhalative phases (e.g. CO2). © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A granodiorite from Akilia, southwest Greenland, previously suggested to date putative life-bearing rocks to greater than or equal to3.84 Ga, is re-investigated using whole-rock major and trace-element geochemistry, and detailed cathodoluminescence image-guided secondary ion mass spectrometer analyses of zircon U-Th-Pb and rare earth elements. Complex zircon internal structure reveals three episodes of zircon growth and/or recrystallization dated to c. 3.84 Ga, 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. Rare earth element abundances imply a significant role for garnet in zircon generation at 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. The 3.62 Ga event is interpreted as partial melting of a c. 3.84 Ga grey gneiss precursor at granulite facies with residual garnet. Migration of this 3.62 Ga magma (or melt-crystal mush) away from the melt source places a maximum age limit on any intrusive relationship. These early Archaean relationships have been complicated further by isotopic reworking in the 2.71 Ga event, which could have included a further episode of partial melting. This study highlights a general problem associated with dating thin gneissic veins in polyphase metamorphic terranes, where field relationships may be ambiguous and zircon inheritance can be expected.


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Alteration zones at the gold-rich Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper deposit in northwestern Argentina are centered on several porphyritic intrusions. They are zoned from a central copper-iron sulfide and gold-mineralized potassic (biotite-K-feldspar +/- quartz) core outward to propylitic (chlorite-illite-epidote-calcite) assemblages. A mineralized intermediate argillic alteration assemblage (chlorite-illite +/- pyrite) has overprinted the potassic alteration zone across the top and sides of the deposit and is itself zoned outward into phyllic (quartzinuscovite-illite +/- pyrite) alteration. This study contributes new data to previously reported delta(18)O and delta D compositions of fluids responsible for the alteration at Bajo de la Alumbrera, and the data are used to infer likely ore-forming processes. Measured and calculated delta(18)O and delta D values of fluids (+8.3 to +10.2 and -33 to -81 parts per thousand, respectively) confirm a primary magmatic origin for the earliest potassic alteration phase. Lower temperature potassic alteration formed from magmatic fluids with lower delta D values (down to -123 parts per thousand). These depleted compositions are distinct from meteoric water and consistent with degassing and volatile exsolution of magmatic fluids derived from an underlying magma. Variability in the calculated composition of fluid associated with potassic alteration is explained in terms of phase separation (or boiling). if copper-iron sulfide deposition occurred during cooling (as proposed elsewhere), this cooling was largely a result of phase separation. Magmatic water was directly involved in the formation of overprinting intermediate argillic alteration assemblages at Bajo de la Alumbrera. Calculated delta(18)O and delta D values of fluids associated with this alteration range from +4.8 to +8.1 and -31 to -71 per mil, respectively Compositions determined for fluids associated with phyllic alteration (-0.8 to +10.2 and -31 to -119 parts per thousand) overlap with the values determined for the intermediate argillic alteration. We infer that phyllic alteration assemblages developed during two stages; the first was a high-temperature (400 degrees-300 degrees C) stage with D-depleted water (delta D = -66 to -119 parts per thousand). This compositional range may have resulted from magma degassing and/or the injection of new magmatic water into a compositionally evolved hydrothermal system. The isotopic variations also can be explained by increased fluid-rock interaction. The second stage of phyllic alteration occurred at a lower temperature (similar to 200 degrees C), and variations in the modeled isotopic compositions imply mixing of magmatic and meteoric waters. Ore deposition that occurred late in the evolution of the hydrothermal system was probably associated with further cooling of the magmatic fluid, in part caused by fluid-rock interaction and phase separation. Changing pH and/or oxygen fuoracity may have caused additional ore deposition. The ingress of meteoric water appears to postdate the bulk of mineralization and occurred as the system at Bajo de la Alumbrera waned.


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The late Miocene Farallon Negro volcanics, comprising basaltic to rhyodacitic volcano-sedimentary rocks, host the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper-gold deposit in northwest Argentina. Early studies of the geology of the district have underpinned the general model for porphyry ore deposits where hydrothermal alteration and mineralization develop in and around porphyritic intrusions emplaced at shallow depths (2.5-3.5 km) into stratovolcanic assemblages. The Farallon Negro succession is dominated by thick sequences of volcano-sedimentary breccias, with lavas forming a minor component volumetrically. These volcaniclastic rocks conformably overlie crystalline basement-derived sedimentary rocks deposited in a developing foreland basin southeast of the Puna-Altiplano plateau. Within the Farallon Negro volcanics, volcanogenic accumulations evolved from early mafic to intermediate and silicic compositions. The younger and more silicic rocks are demonstrably coeval and comagmatic with the earliest group of mineralized porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera. Our analysis of the volcanic stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Farallon Negro volcanics indicates that volcanic eruptions evolved from effusive to mixed effusive and explosive styles, as magma compositions changed to more intermediate and silicic compositions. Air early phase of mafic to intermediate voleanism was characterized by small synsedimentary intrusions with peperitic contacts, and lesser lava units scattered widely throughout the district, and interbedded with thick and extensive successions of coarse-grained sedimentary breccias. These sedimentary breccias formed from numerous debris- and hyperconcentrated flow events. A later phase of silicic volcanism included both effusive eruptions, forming several areally restricted lavas, and explosive eruptions, producing more widely dispersed (up to 5 kin) tuff units, some tip to 30-m thickness in proximal sections. Four key features of the volcanic stratigraphy suggest that the Farallon Negro volcanics need not simply record the construction of a large steep-sided polygenetic stratovolcano: (1) sheetlike, laterally continuous debris-flow and other coarse-grained sedimentary deposits are dominant, particularly in the lower sections; (2) mafic-intermediate composition lavas are volumetrically minor; (3) peperites are present throughout the sequence; and (4) fine-grained lacustrine sandstone-siltstone sequences occur in areas previously thought to be proximal to the summit region of the stratovolcano. Instead, the nature, distribution, and geometry of volcanic and volcaniclastic facies suggest that volcanism occurred as a relatively low relief, multiple-vent volcanic complex at the eastern edge of a broad, > 200-km-wide late Miocene volcanic belt and oil ail active foreland sedimentary basin to the Puna-Altiplano. Volcanism that occurred synchronously with the earliest stages of porphyry-related mineralization at Bajo de la Alumbrera apparently developed in an alluvial to ring plain setting that was distal to larger volcanic edifices.