em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We comment on the recent Letter by Argyros et al. [Opt. Lett. 29, 1882 (2004)] in which a microstructured polymer fiber doped with the dye Rhodamine 6G was discussed as a possible fiber laser source. We suggest that the lasing action at 632 nm was due to stimulated Raman scattering in the poly(methyl methacrylate) host material. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
We theoretically demonstrate a method for producing the maximally path-entangled state (1/root2)(\N,0>+exp[iNphi]\0,N>) using intensity-symmetric multiport beam splitters, single photon inputs, and either photon-counting postselection or conditional measurement. The use of postselection enables successful implementation with non-unit efficiency detectors. We also demonstrate how to make the same state more conveniently by replacing one of the single photon inputs by a coherent state.
An optical quantum memory scheme using two narrow-linewidth cavities and some optical fibers is proposed. The cavities are connected via an optical fiber, and the gap of each cavity can be adjusted to allow photons with a certain bandwidth to transmit through or reflect back. Hence, each cavity acts as a shutter and the photons can be stored in the optical fiber between the cavities at will. We investigate the feasibility of using this device in storing a single photon. We estimate that with current technology storage of a photon qubit for up to 50 clock cycles (round trips) could be achieved with a probability of success of 85%. We discuss how this figure could be improved.