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The morphology and distribution of high-pressure metastable phases BC8 and R8, formed in monocrystalline silicon under microindentation, were identified and assessed using transmission electron microscopy nanodiffraction analysis. It was discovered that the crystal growth inside the transformation zone was stress-dependent with large crystals in its central region. The crystal size could also be increased using higher maximum indentation loads. The BC8 and R8 phases distributed unevenly across the transformation zone, with BC8 crystals mainly in the center of the zone and smaller R8 fragments in the peripheral regions. Such phase distribution was in agreement with the theoretical residual stress analysis.


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The superplastic deformation behavior and superplastic forming ability of the Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 (at.%) bulk metallic glass (BMG) in the supercooled liquid region were investigated. The isothermal tensile results indicate (hat the BMG exhibits a Newtonian behavior at low strain rates but a non-Newtonian behavior at hiqh-strain rates in the initial deformation stage. The maximum elongation reaches as high as 1624% at 656 K. and nanocrystallization was found to occur during the deformation process. Based cm the analysis on tensile deformation. a gear-like micropart is successfully die-forged via a superplastic forgings process. demonstrating that the BMG has excellent workability in the supercooled liquid region. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tensile deformation behavior of a range of supersaturated Mg-Al solid solutions and an as-cast magnesium alloy AM60 has been studied. The Mg-Al alloys were tested at room temperature while the alloy AM60 was tested in the temperature range 293-573 K. The differences in the deformation behavior of the alloys is discussed in terms of hardening and softening processes. In order to identify which processes were active, the stress dependence of the strain-hardening coefficient was assessed using Lukac and Balik's model of hardening and softening. The analysis indicates that hardening involves solid solution hardening and interaction with forest dislocations and non-dislocation obstacles such as second phase particles. Cross slip is not a significant recovery process in the temperature range 293-423 K. At temperatures between 473 and 523 K the analysis suggests that softening is controlled by cross slip and climb of dislocations. At temperatures above 523 K softening seems to be controlled by dynamic recrystallisation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reviews the recent developments in the mechanics of superplasticity and its applications in industrial practice. After introducing the phenomena of superplasticity, the basic experiments for determining material deformation behavior and related parameters, and constructing superplastic constitutive equations, are reviewed. Finite element related formulations and techniques for simulating superplastic forming are discussed, together with some practical applications. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Partially solid commercial Al-Si and Mg-Al alloys have been deformed in shear during solidification using vane rheometry. The dendritic mush was deformed for a short period at 29% solid and allowed to cool naturally after deformation. Both alloys exhibited yield point behaviour and deformation was highly localised at the surface of maximum shear stress. The short period of deformation was found to have a distinct impact on the as-cast microstructure leading to fragmented dendrites in the deformation region of both alloys. In the case of the Mg-Al alloy, a concentrated region of interdendritic porosity was also observed in the deformation region. Concentrated porosity was not observed in the Al-Si alloy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the first of two articles presenting the case for emotional intelligence in a point/counterpoint exchange, we present a brief summary of research in the field, and rebut arguments against the construct presented in this issue.We identify three streams of research: (1) a four-branch abilities test based on the model of emotional intelligence defined in Mayer and Salovey (1997); (2) self-report instruments based on the Mayer–Salovey model; and (3) commercially available tests that go beyond the Mayer–Salovey definition. In response to the criticisms of the construct, we argue that the protagonists have not distinguished adequately between the streams, and have inappropriately characterized emotional intelligence as a variant of social intelligence. More significantly, two of the critical authors assert incorrectly that emotional intelligence research is driven by a utopian political agenda, rather than scientific interest. We argue, on the contrary, that emotional intelligence research is grounded in recent scientific advances in the study of emotion; specifically regarding the role emotion plays in organizational behavior. We conclude that emotional intelligence is attracting deserved continuing research interest as an individual difference variable in organizational behavior related to the way members perceive, understand, and manage their emotions.


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In this second counterpoint article, we refute the claims of Landy, Locke, and Conte, and make the more specific case for our perspective, which is that ability-based models of emotional intelligence have value to add in the domain of organizational psychology. In this article, we address remaining issues, such as general concerns about the tenor and tone of the debates on this topic, a tendency for detractors to collapse across emotional intelligence models when reviewing the evidence and making judgments, and subsequent penchant to thereby discount all models, including the ability-based one, as lacking validity. We specifically refute the following three claims from our critics with the most recent empirically based evidence: (1) emotional intelligence is dominated by opportunistic academics-turned-consultants who have amassed much fame and fortune based on a concept that is shabby science at best; (2) the measurement of emotional intelligence is grounded in unstable, psychometrically flawed instruments, which have not demonstrated appropriate discriminant and predictive validity to warrant/justify their use; and (3) there is weak empirical evidence that emotional intelligence is related to anything of importance in organizations. We thus end with an overview of the empirical evidence supporting the role of emotional intelligence in organizational and social behavior.


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This article provides a review of recent developments in two topical areas of research in contemporary organizational behavior: diversity and emotions. In the section called “Diversity,”we trace the history of diversity research, explore the definitions and paradigms used in treatments of diversity, and signal new areas of interest. We conclude that organizational behavior in the 21st century is evolving to embrace a more eclectic and holistic view of humans at work. In the section called “Emotions,” we turn our attention to recent developments in the study of emotions in organizations. We identify four major topics: mood theory, emotional labor, affective events theory (AET), and emotional intelligence, and argue that developments in the four domains have significant implications for organizational research, and the progression of the study of organizational behavior. As with the study of diversity, the topic of emotions in the workplace is shaping up as one of the principal areas of development in management thought and practice for the next decade. Finally, we discuss in our conclusion how these two areas are being conceptually integrated, and the implications for management scholarship and research in the contemporary world.


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The aim of this mental health promotion initiative was to evaluate the effectiveness of a universally delivered group behavioral family intervention (BFI) in preventing behavior problems in children. This study investigates the transferability of an efficacious clinical program to a universal prevention intervention delivered through child and community health services targeting parents of preschoolers within a metropolitan health region. A quasiexperimental two-group (BFI, n=804 vs. Comparison group, n=806) longitudinal design followed preschool aged children and their parents over a 2-year period. BFI was associated with significant reductions in parent-reported levels of dysfunctional parenting and parent-reported levels of child behavior problems. Effect sizes on child behavior problems ranged from large (.83) to moderate (.47). Positive and significant effects were also observed in parent mental health, marital adjustment, and levels of child rearing conflict. Findings are discussed with respect to their implication for significant population reductions in child behavior problems as well as the pragmatic challenges for prevention science in encouraging both the evaluation and uptake of preventive initiatives in real world settings.


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This study evaluated two variants of a behavioral parent training program known as Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) using 74 preschool-aged children with developmental disabilities. Families were randomly allocated to an enhanced parent training intervention that combined parenting skills and care-giving coping skills (SSTP-E), standard parent training intervention alone (SSTP-S) or waitlist control (WL) condition. At post-intervention, both programs were associated with lower levels of observed negative child behavior, reductions in the number of care-giving settings where children displayed problem behavior, and improved parental competence and satisfaction in the parenting role as compared with the waitlist condition. Gains attained at post-intervention were maintained at 1-year follow-up. Both interventions produced significant reductions in child problem behavior, with 67% of children in the SSTP-E and 77% of children in the SSTPS showing clinically reliable change from pre-intervention to follow-up. Parents reported a high level of satisfaction with both interventions.


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The study investigated the behaviors and interactions of children in structured and unstructured groups as they worked together on a 6-week social studies activity each term for 3 school terms. Two hundred and twelve children in Grade 1 and 184 children in Grade 3 participated in the study. Stratified random assignment occurred so that each gender-balanced group consisted of 1 high-, 2 medium-, and 1 low-ability student. The results show that the children in the structured groups were consistently more cooperative and they provided more elaborated and nonelaborated help than did their peers in the unstructured groups. The children in the structured groups in Grade 3 obtained higher reading and learning outcome scores than their peers in the unstructured groups.


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This research tested the proposition that the effect of attachment security on safer-sex practice may be mediated by communication patterns. One hundred eighty-five undergraduate students completed questionnaire measures of attachment, assertiveness, and attitudes to communication about AIDS. Eight weeks later, they reported on their practice of safer sex in the period since the first testing session. Hierarchical regressions showed that at Step 1, anxiety about relationships (a measure of insecure attachment) was associated with less safer-sex practice, for all outcome measures. Attitudes to communication about AIDS added to the prediction of general reports of safer-sex practice: in line with the mediational model, anxiety about relationships became unimportant as a predictor when communication variables were included. Communication variables failed to add to the prediction of safer sex on the most recent encounter, and both anxiety about relationships and attitudes to communication about AIDS predicted condom use. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were noted. The results are discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with the negotiation of sexual practice and relationship issues.


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This research applied attachment theory to the study of sexual attitudes and behaviors in a sample of late adolescents. Four hundred and seventy heterosexual undergraduate students completed questionnaires assessing attachment (discomfort with closeness; anxiety over relationships), relationship history, communication about sex, sexual self-efficacy and locus of control, and attitudes to condoms. Eight weeks later, participants reported on sexual behaviors occurring during the eight-week interval, and perceived risk of these activities. Both discomfort with closeness and anxiety over relationships were associated with external locus of control for sexual outcomes, and with use of drugs before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was linked to unsafe sex and to negative attitudes to condoms, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a more cautious approach to sexual risk-taking. Some results were qualified by gender differences, and by differences between the full sample and those who were sexually active. The findings are discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with communication and affect regulation.