em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Strain-dependent hydraulic conductivities are uniquely defined by an environmental factor, representing applied normal and shear strains, combined with intrinsic material parameters representing mass and component deformation moduli, initial conductivities, and mass structure. The components representing mass moduli and structure are defined in terms of RQD (rock quality designation) and RMR (rock mass rating) to represent the response of a whole spectrum of rock masses, varying from highly fractured (crushed) rock to intact rock. These two empirical parameters determine the hydraulic response of a fractured medium to the induced-deformations The constitutive relations are verified against available published data and applied to study one-dimensional, strain-dependent fluid flow. Analytical results indicate that both normal and shear strains exert a significant influence on the processes of fluid flow and that the magnitude of this influence is regulated by the values of RQD and RMR.


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Developing a unified classification system to replace four of the systems currently used in disability athletics (i.e., track and field) has been widely advocated. The diverse impairments to be included in a unified system require severed assessment methods, results of which cannot be meaningfully compared. Therefore, the taxonomic basis of current classification systems is invalid in a unified system. Biomechanical analysis establishes that force, a vector described in terms of magnitude and direction, is a key determinant of success in all athletic disciplines. It is posited that all impairments to be included in a unified system may be classified as either force magnitude impairments (FMI) or force control impairments (FCI). This framework would provide a valid taxonomic basis for a unified system, creating the opportunity to decrease the number of classes and enhance the viability of disability athletics.


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Development of a unified classification system to replace four of the systems currently used in disability athletics (i.e., track and field) has been widely advocated. The definition and purpose of classification, underpinned by taxonomic principles and collectively endorsed by relevant disability sport organizations, have not been developed but are required for successful implementation of a unified system. It is posited that the International classification of functioning. disability, and health (ICF), published by the World Health Organization (2001), and current disability athletics systems are, fundamentally, classifications of the functioning and disability associated with health conditions and are highly interrelated. A rationale for basing a unified disability athletics system on ICF is established. Following taxonomic analysis of the current systems, the definition and purpose of a unified disability athletics classification are proposed and discussed. The proposed taxonomic framework and definitions have implications for other disability sport classification systems.


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Patients who have no residual invasive cancer following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast carcinoma have a better overall survival than those with residual disease. Many classification systems assessing pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy include residual ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) only in the definition of pathological complete response. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether patients with residual DCIS only have the same prognosis as those with no residual invasive or in situ disease. A retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database identified 435 patients, who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancer between February 1985 and February 2003. Of these, 30 (7%; 95% CI 5-9%) had no residual invasive disease or DCIS and 20 (5%; CI 3-7%) had residual DCIS only. With a median follow-up of 61 months, there was no statistical difference in disease-free survival, 80% (95% CI 60-90%) in those with no residual invasive or in situ disease and 61% (95% CI 35-80%) in those with DCIS only (P = 0.4). No significant difference in 5-year overall survival was observed, 93% (95% CI 75-98%) in those with no residual invasive or in situ disease and 82% (95% CI 52-94%) in those with DCIS only (P = 0.3). Due to the small number of patients and limited number of events in each group, it is not possible to draw definitive conclusions from this study. Further analyses of other databases are required to confirm our finding of no difference in disease-free and overall survival between patients with residual DCIS and those with no invasive or in situ disease following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.


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We present a new set of dissipationless N-body simulations to examine the feasibility of creating bright ellipticals (following the Kormendy relation, hereafter KR) by hierarchically merging present-day early-type dwarf galaxies, and to study how the encounter parameters affect the location of the end product in the (mu(e))-R-e plane. We investigate the merging of one-component galaxies of both equal and different masses, the merging of two-component galaxy models to explore the effect of dark haloes on the final galaxy characteristics, and the merging of ultracompact dwarf galaxies. We find that the increase of (mu(e)) with R-e is attributable to an increase in the initial orbital energy. The merger remnants shift down in the (mu(e))-R-e plane and fail to reach the KR. Thus, the KR is not reproducible by mergers of dwarf early-type systems, rendering untenable the theory that present-day dwarfs are responsible for even a small fraction of the present-day ellipticals, unless a considerable amount of dissipation is invoked. However, we do find that present-day dwarfs can be formed by the merger of ultracompact dwarfs.


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We use the finite element method to solve reactive mass transport problems in fluid-saturated porous media. In particular, we discuss the mathematical expression of the chemical reaction terms involved in the mass transport equations for an isothermal, non-equilibrium chemical reaction. It has turned out that the Arrhenius law in chemistry is a good mathematical expression for such non-equilibrium chemical reactions especially from the computational point of view. Using the finite element method and the Arrhenius law, we investigate the distributions of PH (i.e. the concentration of H+) and the relevant reactive species in a groundwater system. Although the main focus of this study is on the contaminant transport problems in groundwater systems, the related numerical techniques and principles are equally applicable to the orebody formation problems in the geosciences. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The development of the new TOGA (titration and off-gas analysis) sensor for the detailed study of biological processes in wastewater treatment systems is outlined. The main innovation of the sensor is the amalgamation of titrimetric and off-gas measurement techniques. The resulting measured signals are: hydrogen ion production rate (HPR), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), nitrogen transfer rate (NTR), and carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR). While OTR and NTR are applicable to aerobic and anoxic conditions, respectively, HPR and CTR are useful signals under all of the conditions found in biological wastewater treatment systems, namely, aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic. The sensor is therefore a powerful tool for studying the key biological processes under all these conditions. A major benefit from the integration of the titrimetric and off-gas analysis methods is that the acid/base buffering systems, in particular the bicarbonate system, are properly accounted for. Experimental data resulting from the TOGA sensor in aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions demonstrates the strength of the new sensor. In the aerobic environment, carbon oxidation (using acetate as an example carbon source) and nitrification are studied. Both the carbon and ammonia removal rates measured by the sensor compare very well with those obtained from off-line chemical analysis. Further, the aerobic acetate removal process is examined at a fundamental level using the metabolic pathway and stoichiometry established in the literature, whereby the rate of formation of storage products is identified. Under anoxic conditions, the denitrification process is monitored and, again, the measured rate of nitrogen gas transfer (NTR) matches well with the removal of the oxidised nitrogen compounds (measured chemically). In the anaerobic environment, the enhanced biological phosphorus process was investigated. In this case, the measured sensor signals (HPR and CTR) resulting from acetate uptake were used to determine the ratio of the rates of carbon dioxide production by competing groups of microorganisms, which consequently is a measure of the activity of these organisms. The sensor involves the use of expensive equipment such as a mass spectrometer and requires special gases to operate, thus incurring significant capital and operational costs. This makes the sensor more an advanced laboratory tool than an on-line sensor. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The control of the nitrate recirculation flow in a predenitrification system is addressed. An elementary mass balance analysis on the utilisation efficiency of the influent biodegradable COD (bCOD) for nitrate removal indicates that the control problem can be broken down into two parts: maintaining the anoxic zone anoxic (i.e. nitrate is present throughout the anoxic zone) and maximising the usage of influent soluble bCOD for denitrification. Simulation studies using the Simulation Benchmark developed in the European COST program show that both objectives can be achieved by maintaining the nitrate concentration at the outlet of the anoxic zone at around 2 mgN/L. This setpoint appears to be robust towards variations in the influent characteristics and sludge kinetics.


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High-throughput screening (HTS) using high-density microplates is the primary method for the discovery of novel lead candidate molecules. However, new strategies that eschew 2D microplate technology, including technologies that enable mass screening of targets against large combinatorial libraries, have the potential to greatly increase throughput and decrease unit cost. This review presents an overview of state-of-the-art microplate-based HTS technology and includes a discussion of emerging miniaturized systems for HTS. We focus on new methods of encoding combinatorial libraries that promise throughputs of as many as 100 000 compounds per second.


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The las and rhl quorum sensing (QS) systems regulate the expression of several genes in response to cell density changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Many of these genes encode surface-associated or secreted virulence factors. Proteins from stationary phase culture supernatants were collected from wild-type and P. aeruginosa PAO1 mutants deficient in one or more of the lasRI, rhIRI and vfr genes and analysed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All mutants released significantly lower amounts of protein than the wild-type. Protein spot patterns from each strain were compared using image analysis and visible spot differences were identified using mass spectrometry. Several previously unknown OS-regulated proteins were characterized, including an aminopeptidase (PA2939), an endoproteinase (PrpL) and a unique 'hypothetical' protein (PA0572), which could not be detected in the culture supernatants of Delta/as mutants, although they were unaffected in Deltarhl mutants. Chitin-binding protein (CbpD) and a hypothetical protein (PA4944) with similarity to host factor I (HF-1) could not be detected when any of the lasRI or rhIRI genes were disrupted. Fourteen proteins were present at significantly greater levels in the culture supernatants of OS mutants, suggesting that QS may also negatively control the expression of some genes. Increased levels of two-partner secretion exoproteins (PA0041 and PA4625) were observed and may be linked to increased stability of their cognate transporters in a CS-defective background. Known QS-regulated extracellular proteins, including elastase (lasB), LasA protease (lasA) and alkaline metalloproteinase (aprA) were also detected.


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We present a new, accurate measurement of the H I mass function of galaxies from the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog, a sample of 1000 galaxies with the highest H I peak flux densities in the southern (delta