em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Fifty-four Large White gilts were used to determine the effect of body composition at selection (145 d of age) on the onset of puberty and subsequent reproductive development until 202 d of age. Gilts were assigned to one of three groups based on their backfat depth at selection: 10 to 12 mm (L), 13 to 15 mm (M), and 16 to 18 mm (F). All of the F gilts, 92% of the M gilts, and 67% of the L gilts reached puberty by slaughter at 202 d of age. Data from a subgroup (first 67% to reach puberty in each group; L = Lp, M = Mp, and F = Fp) was also used. The M (Mp) and F (Fp) gilts reached puberty at 172 d (166 d) and 170 d (166 d) of age, respectively, but the L (Lp) gilts at 184.5 d were 12 d (18 d) older than M(P < .05), Mp(P < .001), and F(P < .01), Fp (P < .001) gilts. The Lp (97.68 kg) and Mp (98.33 kg) gilts were lighter (P < .01) than Fp (108.72 kg) gilts at puberty. There were no differences (P < .05) among the L, M, and F gilts in terms of backfat depth or weight at puberty. The L (Lp) gilts had a mean of 1.16 (1.75) estrous cycles, which was lower (P < .01) than for M (Mp) and (P < .01) F (Fp) gilts, with 1.96 (2.29) and 2.25 (2.33) cycles, respectively. L (Lp) gilts had fewer (P < .05) follicles, 13.14 (12.63), than either M (Mp), 19.08 (18.71), or F (Fp), 18.25 (17.42) gilts. The number of corpora lutea was not influenced (P > .05) by grouping at selection, but Fp gilts had fewer (P < .05) corpora lutea than Mp or Fp gilts. Live weight at slaughter was not influenced (P > .10) by grouping at selection or subgrouping at puberty. The L gilts with a mean of 18.05 mm of backfat at slaughter were leaner (P < .05) than the F (21.66 mm) but not (P > .10) the M gilts (19.41 mm). Subgrouping had no effect. Fat deposition and protein deposition were higher (P < .05) in those animals that attained puberty. We conclude that the rate of fat and protein deposition seems to be one of the determinants of puberty attainment.


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Non-astringent persimmon is rapidly expanding as a new fruit crop in warm subtropical regions of the world, Most research and development of this fruit crop has occurred in Japan, where there is a considerable amount of published literature on its performance. Much of this information is not readily accessible to other countries and needs to be interpreted and modified for other climatic regions. This paper reviews reproductive events from floral initiation to the completion of fruit growth. The timing and significance of these events is described in relation to the phenological cycle. Method of improving flowering, reducing fruit drop and altering the fruit maturity period are discussed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Forty-five Large White gilts were used to study the effect of energy intake from 28 to 176 d of age on body composition and reproductive development. From 28 to 60 d, the gilts were fed ad libitum a 16.6 MJ DE/kg, 24% crude protein and 1.3% total lysine diet. From 61 d of age three dietary treatments were used; 1) ad libitum access to feed (15.6 MJ DE/kg, 21% crude protein and 1.07% total lysine) (H), 2) feed offered at 75% (M) of the previous days intake of H, and 3) feed offered at 60% (L) of the previous days intake of H. ADG from 61 to 176 d of age was (p <0.05) affected by treatment. Although live weight at 176 d of age did not differ (p >0.1) the H gilts had higher (p <0.08) carcass weights than the M or L gilts. Back fat depths were similar (p >0.1) for all treatments at 115 d of age, however by 176 d of age M and H gilts were fatter (p <0.1) than L gilts. The mean lipid deposition (LD) from 115 to 176 d of age for L gilts (78.9 g/d) was less (p <0.05) than for M gilts (143.6 g/d) and H gilts (135.6 g/d). There were no differences between treatments for protein deposition (PD) over the same period. More (p <0.05) H gilts (n=8) attained puberty (first observed estrus) than either M gilts or L gilts (n=4 for both). Follicle numbers were similar (p >0.1) across treatments. For gilts that attained puberty, H gilts had fewer (p <0.05) follicles (13.5) than M gilts (19.7) and L gilts (21.3). For gilts with follicular development, H gilts had the heaviest (458.7 g) reproductive tract weight (RTW). However, for those that attained puberty, L gilts had the heaviest RTW. RTW were lowest for those with no follicular development. Energy restriction had a negative impact on puberty attainment, i.e. it took longer to reach puberty. However, for gilts that attained puberty, the number of follicles was greater for those on lower feed intakes. It would appear that rate of fat deposition, but not necessarily the total amount of fat, plays an important role in puberty attainment.


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Sry, a gene from the Y chromosome, is known to initiate testis formation and subsequent male differentiation in mammals. A related gene, Sox9, also plays a critical role in testis determination, possibly in all vertebrates. A number of models have been presented regarding the molecular modes of action of these two genes. However, details regarding their regulation, regulatory target genes, and interacting protein factors and co-factors have not been established with any certainty. In this review, we examine new evidence and re-examine existing evidence bearing on these issues, in an effort to build up an integrative model of the network of gene activity centred around Sry and Sox9. J. Exp. Zool. 290:463-474, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants are susceptible to low temperature during the young microspore stage, which occurs 10-12 days before heading. Low temperature at this time increases spikelet sterility which can cause massive yield loss. Increasing the cold tolerance of cultivars can reduce yield variability in temperate rice-growing environments. Two experiments were conducted in cold air screenings and two were conducted in cold water screenings to examine genotypic variation for cold tolerance, explore flowering traits related to spikelet sterility, and investigate whether the results reflect the level of cold tolerance determined previously in the field. Cold air screenings imposed day/night temperatures of 27 degrees C/13 degrees C, 25 degrees C/15 degrees C and 32 degrees C/25 degrees C following particle initiation until 50% heading, while cold water screenings maintained a relatively constant 19 degrees C. The variation in the commencement of low air temperature treatment did not have an effect on the level of spikelet sterility, indicating that exposure to low temperature during the young microspore stage was more important than the duration of exposure. Spikelet sterility of common cultivars showed a significant correlation between cold air and cold water screenings (r(2) = 0.63, p < 0.01), cold air and field screenings (r(2) = 0.52, p < 0.01) and cold water and field screenings (r(2) = 0.53, p < 0.01), indicating that cold air and cold water can be used for screening genotypes for low temperature tolerance. HSC55, M 103 and Jyoudeki were identified as cold tolerant and Doongara, Sasanishiki and Nipponbare as susceptible cultivars. There was a significant negative relationship between spikelet sterility and both the number of engorged pollen grains per anther and anther area only after imposing cold air and cold water treatment hence, it was concluded that these flowering traits were facultative in nature. In addition, cultivars originating from Australia and California were inefficient at producing filled grain with similar sized anthers containing a similar number of engorged pollen grains as cultivars from other origins. One suggested reason for this poor conversion to filled grain of cultivars from Australia and California may be associated with their small stigma area, particularly when exposed to low temperature conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multiple-sown field trials in 4 consecutive years in the Riverina region of south-eastern Australia provided 24 different combinations of temperature and day length, which enabled the development of crop phenology models. A crop model was developed for 7 cultivars from diverse origins to identify if photoperiod sensitivity is involved in determining phenological development, and if that is advantageous in avoiding low-temperature damage. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive were identified from sowing to flowering and from panicle initiation to flowering. The crop models were run for 47 years of temperature data to quantify the risk of encountering low temperature during the critical young microspore stage for 5 different sowing dates. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive, such as Amaroo, had a reduced likelihood of encountering low temperature for a wider range of sowing dates compared with photoperiod-insensitive cultivars. The benefits of increased photoperiod sensitivity include greater sowing flexibility and reduced water use as growth duration is shortened when sowing is delayed. Determining the optimal sowing date also requires other considerations, e. g. the risk of cold damage at other sensitive stages such as flowering and the response of yield to a delay in flowering under non-limiting conditions. It was concluded that appropriate sowing time and the use of photoperiod-sensitive cultivars can be advantageous in the Riverina region in avoiding low temperature damage during reproductive development.


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Low temperature during microspore development increases spikelet sterility and reduces grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The objectives of this study were to determine genotypic variation in spikelet sterility in the field in response to low-temperature and then to examine the use of physio-morphological traits at flowering to screen for cold tolerance. Multiple-sown field experiments were conducted over 4 consecutive years in the rice-growing region of Australia to increase the likelihood of encountering low-temperature during microspore development. More than 50 cultivars of various origins were evaluated, with 7 cultivars common to all 4 years. The average minimum temperature for 9 days during microspore development was used as a covariate in the analysis to compare cultivars at a similar temperature. The low-temperature conditions in Year 4 identified cold-tolerant cultivars such as Hayayuki and HSC55 and susceptible cultivars such as Sasanishiki and Doongara. After low temperature conditions, spikelet sterility was negatively correlated with the number of engorged pollen grains, anther length, anther area, anther width, and stigma area. The number of engorged pollen grains and anther length were found to be facultative traits as their relationships with spikelet sterility were identified only after cold water exposure and did not exist under non-stressed conditions.


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Several behavioral studies of large, gregarious, and sexually dimorphic macropods have shown that males form dominance hierarchies and large males have the highest reproductive success. The bridled nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata) is a smaller and strongly sexually dimorphic macropod, but is also highly solitary and males do not form dominance hierarchies that are maintained temporally or spatially. Genetic studies of paternity have shown that large males are the most reproductively successful and only one-quarter of males sire offspring at any one time. The aim of this study was to investigate the tactics that males adopt to secure access to females at the time of estrus and to investigate whether females can influence which males have access to them. This study was conducted using 2 wild, free-ranging populations of bridled nailtail wallabies. Females in estrus were located and observed. and the total number of males present, the relative weight rank of each mate, and interactions between individuals were recorded. Females showed a preference for large males and incited male-male competition when the group of males present was large. Unlike other dimorphic macropods, fights among males were rare and were restricted to males of similar size. Large males gained access to females by guarding and following them closely and threatening other males who attempted to gain access. Smaller males spent less time with females, suggesting that small males may leave multimale groups in an attempt to locate unguarded females. Given the solitary nature of this species and the lack of a stable dominance hierarchy to influence male reproductive success. mate searching and mate guarding may be important male reproductive tactics in this species.


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As the mammalian embryo develops, it must engage one of the two distinct programmes of gene activity, morphogenesis and organogenesis that characterize males and females. In males, sexual development hinges on testis determination and differentiation, but also involves many coordinated transcriptional, signalling and endocrine networks that underpin the masculinization of other organs and tissues, including the brain. Here we bring together current knowledge about these networks, identify gaps in the overall picture, and highlight the known defects that lead to disorders of male sexual development.


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Translocation is an important tool for the conservation of species that have suffered severe range reductions. The success of a translocation should be measured not only by the survival of released animals, but by the reproductive output of individuals and hence the establishment of a self-sustaining population. The bridled nailtail wallaby is an endangered Australian macropod that suffered an extensive range contraction to a single remaining wild population. A translocated population was established and subsequently monitored over a four year period. The aim of this study was to measure the reproductive success of released males using genetic tools and to determine the factors that predicted reproductive success. Captive-bred and wild-caught animals were released and we found significant variation in male reproductive success among release groups. Variation in reproductive success was best explained by individual male weight, survival and release location rather than origin. Only 26% of candidate males were observed to sire an offspring during the study. The bridled nailtail wallaby is a sexually dimorphic, polygynous macropod and reproductive success is skewed toward large males. Males over 5800 g were six times more likely to sire an offspring than males below this weight. This study highlights the importance of considering mating system when choosing animals for translocation. Translocation programs for polygynous species should release a greater proportion of females, and only release males of high breeding potential. By maximizing the reproductive output of released animals, conservation managers will reduce the costs of translocation and increase the chance of successfully establishing a self-sustaining population. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The blood-borne renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known best for its role in the maintenance of blood pressure and electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. However, numerous tissues show intrinsic angiotensin-generating systems that cater for specific local needs through actions that add to, or differ from, the circulating RAS. The male reproductive system has several sites of intrinsic RAS activity. Recent focus on the epididymis, by our laboratories and by others, has contributed important details about the local RAS in this tissue. The RAS components have been localized morphologically and topographically; they have been shown to be responsive to androgens and to hypoxia; and angiotensin has been shown to influence tubular, and consequently, fluid secretion. Components of the RAS have also been found in the testis, vas deferens, prostate and semen. Angiotensin II receptors, type 1 and, to a lesser extent, type 2 are widespread, and angiotensin IV receptors have been localized in the prostate. The roles of the RAS in local processes at these sites are still uncertain and have yet to be fully elucidated, although there is evidence for involvement in tubular contractility, spermatogenesis, sperm maturation, capacitation, acrosomal exocytosis and fertilization. Notwithstanding this evidence for the involvement of the RAS in various important aspects of male reproduction, there has so far been a lack of clinical evidence, demonstrable by changes in fertility, for a crucial role of the RAS in male reproduction. However, it is clear that there are several potential targets for manipulating the activity of the male reproductive system by interfering with the locally generated angiotensin systems.


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Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.