13 resultados para Lumbar vertebrae

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The ciliary neurotrophic factor alpha-receptor(CNTFRalpha) is required for motoneuron survival during development, but the relevant ligand(s) has not been determined. One candidate is the heterodimer formed by cardiotrophin-like cytokine (CLC) and cytokine-like factor 1 (CLF). CLC/CLF binds to CNTFRalpha and enhances the survival of developing motoneurons in vitro; whether this novel trophic factor plays a role in neural development in vivo has not been tested. We examined motor and sensory neurons in embryonic chicks treated with CLC and in mice with a targeted deletion of the clf gene. Treatment with CLC increased the number of lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that survived the cell death period in chicks. However, this effect was regionally specific, because brachial and thoracic motoneurons were unaffected. Similarly, newborn clf -/- mice exhibited a significant reduction in lumbar motoneurons, with no change in the brachial or thoracic cord. Clf deletion also affected brainstem motor nuclei in a regionally specific manner; the number of motoneurons in the facial but not hypoglossal nucleus was significantly reduced. Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia were not affected by either CLC treatment or clf gene deletion. Finally, mRNA for both clc and clf was found in skeletal muscle fibers of embryonic mice during the motoneuron cell death period. These findings support the view that CLC/CLF is a target-derived factor required for the survival of specific pools of motoneurons. The in vivo actions of CLC and CLF can account for many of the effects of CNTFRalpha on developing motoneurons.


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A new mesosuchian crocoddian from the Nova Olinda Member of the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian) of north-eastern Brazil is described. Susisuchus anatoceps gen. et sp. nov. is the first crocodillan to be reported from this formation. It is represented by an incomplete, partially articulated skeleton: the skull and mandible, partial postcranial axial skeleton, forelimbs and portions of the osteodermal skeleton. Preservation of soft tissues includes the skin surrounding both forelimbs and the digits of the right hand. The state of preservation of the specimen suggests that it was incorporated into the basin as a desiccated carcass. Susisuchus anatoceps is one of the oldest crocodilians with a eusuchian-type dorsal shield, comprising a tetraserial paravertebral shield and, either side of this, two sagittal rows of accessory osteoderms. It also possesses amphicoelous thoracic, lumbar and caudal vertebrae. This combination of postcranial features have never before been seen in a crocodilian and warrant the erection of a new family within Mesosuchia: Susisuchidae. Taxonomically, S. anatoceps is similar to a number of Lower Cretaceous mesosuchians previously considered to have given rise to eusuchians, most notably the Glen Rose crocodilian and a new, but as yet undescribed crocodillan from the Lower Cretaceous Winton Formation of western Queensland, Australia. Preliminary preparation of the Winton crocodilian indicates that it may belong to Susisuchidae, supporting the hypotheses of interchange between the vertebrate faunas of South America and Australia during the Lower Cretaceous.


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The ovine lumbar intervertebral disc is a useful model for the human lumbar disc. We present preliminary estimates of diffusion coefficients and T-2 relaxation times in a pilot MRI study of the ovine lumbar intervertebral disc during uniaxial compression in vitro, and identify factors that hamper the ability to accurately monitor the temporal evolution of the effective diffusion tensor at high spatial resolution.


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Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) increases during many tasks and has been argued to increase stability and stiffness of the spine. Although several studies have shown a relationship between the IAP increase and spinal stability, it has been impossible to determine whether this augmentation of mechanical support for the spine is due to the increase in IAP or the abdominal muscle activity which contributes to it. The present study determined whether spinal stiffness increased when IAP increased without concurrent activity of the abdominal and back extensor muscles. A sustained increase in IAP was evoked by tetanic stimulation of the phrenic nerves either. unilaterally or bilaterally at 20 Hz (for 5 s) via percutaneous electrodes in three subjects. Spinal stiffness was measured as the force required to displace an indentor over the L4 or L2 spinous process with the subjects lying prone. Stiffness was measured as the slope of the regression line fitted to the linear region of the force-displacement curve. Tetanic stimulation of the diaphragm increased IAP by 27-61% of a maximal voluntary pressure increase and increased the stiffness of the spine by 8-31% of resting levels. The increase in spinal stiffness was positively correlated with the size of the IAP increase. IAP increased stiffness at L2 and L4 level. The results of this:study provide evidence that the stiffness of the lumbar spine is increased when IAP is elevated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Objective: To determine if the provision of visual biofeedback using real-time ultrasound imaging enhances the ability to activate the multifidus muscle. Background: Increasingly clinicians are using real-time ultrasound as a form of biofeedback when re-educating muscle activation. The effectiveness of this form of biofeedback for the multifidus muscle has not been reported. Methods and Measures: Healthy subjects were randomly divided into groups that received different forms of biofeedback. All subjects received clinical instruction on how to activate the multifidus muscle isometrically prior to testing and verbal feedback regarding the amount of multifidus contraction, which occurred during 10 repetitions (acquisition phase). In addition, 1 group received visual biofeedback (watched the multifidus muscle contract) using real-time ultrasound imaging. All subjects were reassessed a week later (retention phase). Results: Subjects from both groups improved their voluntary contraction of the multifidus muscle in the acquisition phase (P


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Study Design. Biomechanical study of unembalmed human lumbar segments. Objective. To investigate the effects of tensioning the lumbar fasciae ( transversus abdominis [TrA]) aponeurosis) on segment stiffness during flexion and extension. Summary of Background Data. Animal and human studies suggest that TrA may influence intersegmental movement via tension in the middle and posterior layers of lumbar fasciae ( MLF, PLF). Methods. Compressive flexion and extension moments were applied to 17 lumbar segments from 9 unembalmed cadavers with 20 N lateral tension of the TrA aponeurosis during: 1) static tests: load was compared when fascial tension was applied during static compressive loads into flexion-extension; 2) cyclic loading tests: load, axial displacement, and stiffness were compared during repeated compressive loading cycles into flexion-extension. After testing, the PLF was incised to determine the tension transmitted by each layer. Results. At all segments and loads (< 200 N), fascial tension increased resistance to flexion loads by similar to 9.5 N. In 15 of 17, fascial tension decreased resistance to extension by similar to 6.6 N. Fascial tension during cyclic flexion loading decreased axial displacement by 26% at the onset of loading (0 - 2 N) and 2% at 450 N ( 13 of 17). During extension loading, fascial tension increased displacement at the onset of loading ( 10 of 17) by similar to 23% and slightly (1%) decreased displacement at 450 N. Segment stiffness was increased by 6 N/mm in flexion (44% at 25 N) and decreased by 2 N/mm (8% at 25 N) in extension. More than 85% of tension was transmitted through the MLF. Conclusions. Tension on the lumbar fasciae simulating moderate contraction of TrA affects segmental stiffness, particularly toward the neutral zone.


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Study Design. Experimental study of muscle changes after lumbar spinal injury. Objectives. To investigate effects of intervertebral disc and nerve root lesions on cross-sectional area, histology and chemistry of porcine lumbar multifidus. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus cross-sectional area is reduced in acute and chronic low back pain. Although chronic changes are widespread, acute changes at 1 segment are identified within days of injury. It is uncertain whether changes precede or follow injury, or what is the mechanism. Methods. The multifidus cross-sectional area was measured in 21 pigs from L1 to S1 with ultrasound before and 3 or 6 days after lesions: incision into L3 - L4 disc, medial branch transection of the L3 dorsal ramus, and a sham procedure. Samples from L3 to L5 were studied histologically and chemically. Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4 - L6 after nerve lesion. There was no change after sham or on the opposite side. Water and lactate were reduced bilaterally after disc lesion and ipsilateral to nerve lesion. Histology revealed enlargement of adipocytes and clustering of myofibers at multiple levels after disc and nerve lesions. Conclusions. These data resolve the controversy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury. Changes after disc lesion affect 1 level with a different distribution to denervation. Such changes may be due to disuse following reflex inhibitory mechanisms.