41 resultados para Light absorption in nanocomposites
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
In a randomized trial involving 71 postmenopausal osteoporotic women with vertebral compression fractures, radiocalcium absorption studies using the Ca-45 single isotope method (alpha) were performed at baseline and after 8 months of treatment with either continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT, as piperazine estrone sulfate 0.625-0.937mg daily +/- medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg daily depending on uterine status) or HRT plus calcitriol 0.25 mu g twice daily. A calcium supplement of 600 mg nocte was given to only those women who had a daily calcium intake of less than 1 g per day at baseline, as assessed by recalled dietary intake. There was a significant decrease 0.74 (+/- 0.35 SD) to 0.58 (+/- 0.22), Delta alpha = -0.17 (+/- 0.26), p<0.0005] in alpha at 8 months compared with baseline in the HRT-treated group, but a significant increase [0.68 (+/- 0.31) to 0.84 (+/- 0.27), Delta alpha = +0.16 (+/- 0.30), p<0.003] in the HRT-plus-calcitriol treated patients, resulting in alpha being significantly higher after 8 months in the latter group than in the HRT-only group. Although 72% of the patients had been supplemented with calcium between the first and second studies, separate analyses revealed that the change in calcium intake had not affected the result. Further breakdown of the groups into baseline 'normal' absorbers (alpha greater than or equal to 0.55) and 'malabsorbers' (alpha <0.55) revealed that alpha decreased with HRT treatment only in the normal absorbers, and remained stable in the malabsorbers. Conversely, following HRT plus calcitriol treatment, alpha increased only in the malabsorbers, the normal absorbers in this group remaining unchanged. In conclusion, our data show that HRT, of the type and dose used in this study, did not produce an increase in absorption efficiency; it was in fact associated with a fall. increased absorption efficiency cannot be achieved unless calcitriol is used concurrently, and then only in patients with malabsorption. Calcitriol also had a significant effect in normal absorbers in that it prevented the decline in alpha seen with HRT alone, and thus should be considered in all patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with HRT.
Motion of chains of poly(ethylene oxide) within the interlayer spacing of 2:1 phyllosilicate/montmorillonite was studied with H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Measurements of the H-1 NMR line widths and relaxation times across a large temperature range were used to determine the effect of bulk thermal transitions on polymer chain motion within the nanocomposites. The results were consistent with previous reports of low apparent activation energies of motion. Details of the frequency and geometry of motion were obtained from a comparison of the C-13 cross-polarity/magic-angle spinning spectra and relaxation times of the nanocomposite with those of the pure polymer. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ultrasonic absorption in polymer gel dosimeters was investigated. An ultrasonic interferometer was used to study the frequency (f) dependence of the absorption coefficient (alpha) in a polyacrylamide gel dosimeter (PAG) in the frequency range 5-20 MHz. The frequency dependence of ultrasonic absorption deviated from that of an ideal viscous fluid. The presence of relaxation mechanisms was evidenced by the frequency dependence of alpha/f(2) and the dispersion in ultrasonic velocity. It was concluded that absorption in polymer gel dosimeters is due to a number of relaxation processes which may include polymer-solvent interactions as well as relaxation due to motion of polymer side groups. The dependence of ultrasonic absorption on absorbed dose and formulation was also investigated in polymer gel dosimeters as a function of pH and chemical composition. Changes in dosimeter pH and chemical composition resulted in a variation in ultrasonic dose response curves. The observed dependence on pH was considered to be due to pH induced modifications in the radiation yield while changes in chemical composition resulted in differences in polymerisation kinetics. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The absorption of fluid by unsaturated, rigid porous materials may be characterized by the sorptivity. This is a simple parameter to determine and is increasingly being used as a measure of a material's resistance to exposure to fluids (especially moisture and reactive solutes) in aggressive environments. The complete isothermal absorption process is described by a nonlinear diffusion equation, with the hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the degree of saturation of the material. This diffusivity can be estimated from the sorptivity test. In a typical test the cumulative absorption is proportional to the square root of time. However, a number of researchers have observed deviation from this behaviour when the infiltrating fluid is water and there is some potential for chemo-mechanical interaction with the material. In that case the current interpretation of the test and estimation of the hydraulic diffusivity is no longer appropriate. Kuntz and Lavallee (2001) discuss the anomalous behaviour and propose a non-Darcian model as a more appropriate physical description. We present an alternative Darcian explanation and theory that retrieves the earlier advantages of the simple sorptivity test in providing parametric information about the material's hydraulic properties and allowing simple predictive formulae for the wetting profile to be generated.
Background: A new immunoassay for free light chain measurements has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal light chain diseases and nonsecretory myeloma. We describe experience with and some potential pitfalls of the assay. Methods: The assay was assessed for precision, sample type and stability, recovery, and harmonization of results between two analyzers on which the reagents are used. Free-light-chain concentrations were measured in healthy individuals (to determine biological variation), patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, myeloma patients after autologous stem cell transplants, and patients with renal disease. Results: Analytical imprecision (CV) was 6-11% for kappa and A free-light-chain measurement and 16% for the calculated kappa/lambda ratio. Biological variation was generally insignificant compared with analytical variation. Despite the same reagent source, values were not completely harmonized between assay systems and may produce discordant free-light-chain ratios. In some patients with clinically stable myeloma, or post transplantation, or with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, free-light-chain concentration and ratio were within the population reference interval despite the presence of monoclonal intact immunoglobulin in serum. In other patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, values were abnormal although there was no clinical evidence of progression to multiple myeloma. Conclusions: The use of free-light-chain measurements alone cannot differentiate some groups of patients with monoclonal gammopathy from healthy individuals. As with the introduction of any new test, it is essential that more scientific data about use of this assay in different subject groups are available so that results can be interpreted with clinical certainty. (C) 2003 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
We examine here the relative importance of different contributions to transport of light gases in single walled carbon nanotubes, using methane and hydrogen as examples. Transport coefficients at 298 K are determined using molecular dynamics simulation with atomistic models of the nanotube wall, from which the diffusive and viscous contributions are resolved using a recent approach that provides an explicit expression for the latter. We also exploit an exact theory for the transport of Lennard-Jones fluids at low density considering diffuse reflection at the tube wall, thereby permitting the estimation of Maxwell coefficients for the wall reflection. It is found that reflection from the carbon nanotube wall is nearly specular, as a result of which slip flow dominates, and the viscous contribution is small in comparison, even for a tube as large as 8.1 nm in diameter. The reflection coefficient for hydrogen is 3-6 times as large as that for methane in tubes of 1.36 nm diameter, indicating less specular reflection for hydrogen and greater sensitivity to atomic detail of the surface. This reconciles results showing that transport coefficients for hydrogen and methane, obtained in simulation, are comparable in tubes of this size. With increase in adsorbate density, the reflection coefficient increases, suggesting that adsorbate interactions near the wall serve to roughen the local potential energy landscape perceived by fluid molecules.
Rev-erbbeta is an orphan nuclear receptor that selectively blocks trans-activation mediated by the retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-alpha (RORalpha). RORalpha has been implicated in the regulation of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, lipid homeostasis, and inflammation. Rev-erbbeta and RORalpha are expressed in similar tissues, including skeletal muscle; however, the pathophysiological function of Rev-erbbeta has remained obscure. We hypothesize from the similar expression patterns, target genes, and overlapping cognate sequences of these nuclear receptors that Rev-erbbeta regulates lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle. This lean tissue accounts for > 30% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure. Moreover, this metabolically demanding tissue is a primary site of glucose disposal, fatty acid oxidation, and cholesterol efflux. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. We utilize ectopic expression in skeletal muscle cells to understand the regulatory role of Rev-erbbeta in this major mass peripheral tissue. Exogenous expression of a dominant negative version of mouse Rev-erbbeta decreases the expression of many genes involved in fatty acid/lipid absorption (including Cd36, and Fabp-3 and -4). Interestingly, we observed a robust induction (> 15-fold) in mRNA expression of interleukin-6, an exercise-induced myokine that regulates energy expenditure and inflammation. Furthermore, we observed the dramatic repression (> 20- fold) of myostatin mRNA, another myokine that is a negative regulator of muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia that impacts on body fat accumulation. This study implicates Rev-erbbeta in the control of lipid and energy homoeostasis in skeletal muscle. In conclusion, we speculate that selective modulators of Rev-erbbeta may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of dyslipidemia and regulation of muscle growth.
The similarity between the Peleg, Pilosof –Boquet–Batholomai and Singh–Kulshrestha models was investigated using the hydration behaviours of whey protein concentrate, wheat starch and whey protein isolate at 30 °C in 100% relative humidity. The three models were shown to be mathematically the same within experimental variations, and they yielded parameters that are related. The models, in their linear and original forms, were suitable (r2 > 0.98) in describing the sorption behaviours of the samples, and are sensitive to the length of the sorption segment used in the computation. The whey proteins absorbed more moisture than the wheat starch, and the isolate exhibited a higher sorptive ability than the concentrate.
Body parts that can reflect highly polarized light have been found in several species of stomatopod crustaceans (mantis shrimps). These polarized light reflectors can be grossly divided into two major types. The first type, usually red or pink in color to the human visual system, is located within an animal’s cuticle. Reflectors of the second type, showing iridescent blue, are located beneath the exoskeleton and thus are unaffected by the molt cycle. We used reflection spectropolarimetry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the reflective properties and the structures that reflect highly polarized light in stomatopods. For the first type of reflector, the degree of polarization usually changes dramatically, from less than 20% to over 70%, with a change in viewing angle. TEM examination indicates that the polarization reflection is generated by multilayer thin-film interference. The second type of reflector, the blue colored ones, reflects highly polarized light to all viewing angles. However, these reflectors show a slight chromatic change with different viewing angles. TEM sections have revealed that streams of oval-shaped vesicles might be responsible for the production of the polarized light reflection. In all the reflectors we have examined so far, the reflected light is always maximally polarized at around 500 nm, which is close to the wavelength best transmitted by sea water. This suggests that the polarized light reflectors found in stomatopods are well adapted to the underwater environment. We also found that most reflectors produce polarized light with a horizontal e-vector. How these polarized light reflectors are used in stomatopod signaling remains unknown.