48 resultados para LUMBAR SPINE

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) increases during many tasks and has been argued to increase stability and stiffness of the spine. Although several studies have shown a relationship between the IAP increase and spinal stability, it has been impossible to determine whether this augmentation of mechanical support for the spine is due to the increase in IAP or the abdominal muscle activity which contributes to it. The present study determined whether spinal stiffness increased when IAP increased without concurrent activity of the abdominal and back extensor muscles. A sustained increase in IAP was evoked by tetanic stimulation of the phrenic nerves either. unilaterally or bilaterally at 20 Hz (for 5 s) via percutaneous electrodes in three subjects. Spinal stiffness was measured as the force required to displace an indentor over the L4 or L2 spinous process with the subjects lying prone. Stiffness was measured as the slope of the regression line fitted to the linear region of the force-displacement curve. Tetanic stimulation of the diaphragm increased IAP by 27-61% of a maximal voluntary pressure increase and increased the stiffness of the spine by 8-31% of resting levels. The increase in spinal stiffness was positively correlated with the size of the IAP increase. IAP increased stiffness at L2 and L4 level. The results of this:study provide evidence that the stiffness of the lumbar spine is increased when IAP is elevated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Objective: To determine if the provision of visual biofeedback using real-time ultrasound imaging enhances the ability to activate the multifidus muscle. Background: Increasingly clinicians are using real-time ultrasound as a form of biofeedback when re-educating muscle activation. The effectiveness of this form of biofeedback for the multifidus muscle has not been reported. Methods and Measures: Healthy subjects were randomly divided into groups that received different forms of biofeedback. All subjects received clinical instruction on how to activate the multifidus muscle isometrically prior to testing and verbal feedback regarding the amount of multifidus contraction, which occurred during 10 repetitions (acquisition phase). In addition, 1 group received visual biofeedback (watched the multifidus muscle contract) using real-time ultrasound imaging. All subjects were reassessed a week later (retention phase). Results: Subjects from both groups improved their voluntary contraction of the multifidus muscle in the acquisition phase (P


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Study Design. Experimental study of muscle changes after lumbar spinal injury. Objectives. To investigate effects of intervertebral disc and nerve root lesions on cross-sectional area, histology and chemistry of porcine lumbar multifidus. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus cross-sectional area is reduced in acute and chronic low back pain. Although chronic changes are widespread, acute changes at 1 segment are identified within days of injury. It is uncertain whether changes precede or follow injury, or what is the mechanism. Methods. The multifidus cross-sectional area was measured in 21 pigs from L1 to S1 with ultrasound before and 3 or 6 days after lesions: incision into L3 - L4 disc, medial branch transection of the L3 dorsal ramus, and a sham procedure. Samples from L3 to L5 were studied histologically and chemically. Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4 - L6 after nerve lesion. There was no change after sham or on the opposite side. Water and lactate were reduced bilaterally after disc lesion and ipsilateral to nerve lesion. Histology revealed enlargement of adipocytes and clustering of myofibers at multiple levels after disc and nerve lesions. Conclusions. These data resolve the controversy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury. Changes after disc lesion affect 1 level with a different distribution to denervation. Such changes may be due to disuse following reflex inhibitory mechanisms.


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During voluntary arm movements, the medial back muscles are differentially active. It is not known whether differential activity also occurs when the trunk is perturbed unpredictably, when the earliest responses are initiated by short-latency spinal mechanisms rather than voluntary commands. To assess this, in unpredictable and self-initiated conditions, a weight was dropped into a bucket that was held by the standing subject (n = 7). EMG activity was recorded from the deep (Deep MF), superficial (Sup MF) and lateral (Lat MF) lumbar multifidus, the thoracic erector spinae (ES) and the biceps brachii. With unpredictable perturbations, EMG activity was first noted in the biceps brachii, then the thoracic ES, followed synchronously in the components of the multifidus. During self-initiated perturbations, background EMG in the Deep MF increased two- to threefold, and the latency of the loading response decreased in six out of the seven subjects. In Sup MF and Lat MF, this increase in background EMG was not observed, and the latency of the loading response was increased. Short-latency reflex mechanisms do not cause differential action of the medial back muscles when the trunk is loaded. However, during voluntary tasks the central nervous system exerts a 'tuned response', which involves discrete activity in the deep and superficial components of the medial lumbar muscles in a way that varies according to the biomechanical action of the muscle component.


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Many studies have identified changes in trunk muscle recruitment in clinical low back pain (LBP). However, due to the heterogeneity of the LBP population these changes have been variable and it has been impossible to identify a cause-effect relationship. Several studies have identified a consistent change in the feed-forward postural response of transversus abdominis (TrA), the deepest abdominal muscle, in association with arm movements in chronic LBP. This study aimed to determine whether the feedforward recruitment of the trunk muscles in a postural task could be altered by acute experimentally induced LBP. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the abdominal and paraspinal muscles were made during arm movements in a control trial, following the injection of isotonic (non-painful) and hypertonic (painful) saline into the longissimus muscle at L4, and during a 1-h follow-up. Movements included rapid arm flexion in response to a light and repetitive arm flexion-extension. Temporal and spatial EMG parameters were measured. The onset and amplitude of EMG of most muscles was changed in a variable manner during the period of experimentally induced pain. However, across movement trials and subjects the activation of TrA was consistently reduced in amplitude or delayed. Analyses in the time and frequency domain were used to confirm these findings. The results suggest that acute experimentally induced pain may affect feedforward postural activity of the trunk muscles. Although the response was variable, pain produced differential changes in the motor control of the trunk muscles, with consistent impairment of TrA activity.


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Many authors report changes in the control of the trunk muscles in people with low back pain (LBP). Although there is considerable disagreement regarding the nature of these changes, we have consistently found differential effects on the deep intrinsic and superficial muscles of the lumbopelvic region. Two issues require consideration; first, the potential mechanisms for these changes in control, and secondly, the effect or outcome of changes in control for lumbopelvic function. Recent data indicate that experimentally induced pain may replicate some of the changes identified in people with LBP. While this does not exclude the possibility that changes in control of the trunk muscles may lead to pain, it does argue that, at least in some cases, pain may cause the changes in control. There are many possible mechanisms, including changes in excitability in the motor pathway, changes in the sensory system, and factors associated. with the attention demanding, stressful and fearful aspects of pain. A new hypothesis is presented regarding the outcome from differential effects of pain on the elements of the motor system. Taken together these data argue for strategies of prevention and rehabilitation of LBP (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Exercise is commonly used in the management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic low back pain (CLBP). The focus of exercise is varied and may include parameters ranging from strength and endurance training, to specific training of muscle coordination and control. The assumption underpinning these approaches is that improved neuromuscular function will restore or augment the control and support of the spine and pelvis. In a biomechanical model of CLBP, which assumes that pain recurrence is caused by repeated mechanical irritation of pain sensitive structures [1], it is proposed that this improved control and stability would reduce mechanical irritation and lead to pain relief [1]. Although this model provides explanation for the chronicity of LBP, perpetuation of pain is more complex, and contemporary neuroscience holds the view that chronic pain is mediated by a range of changes including both peripheral (eg, peripheral sensitization) and central neuroplastic changes [2]. Although this does not exclude the role of improved control of the lumbar spine and pelvis in management of CLBP, particularly when there is peripheral sensitization, it highlights the need to look beyond outdated simplistic models. One factor that this information highlights is that the refinement of control and coordination may be more important than simple strength and endurance training for the trunk muscles. The objective of this article is to discuss the rationale for core stability exercise in the management of CLBP, to consider critical factors for its implementation, and to review evidence for efficacy of the approach.


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Introduction/Purpose: The role of impact loading activity on bone mass is well established; however, there are little data on the effects of exercise on bone geometry and indices of bone strength. The primary purpose of this study was to compare indices of bone strength at the proximal femur (PF) between elite premenarcheal gymnasts (N = 30) and age-matched controls (N = 30). Methods: Structural properties of the proximal femur were derived from the hip analyses program and included measurement of subperiosteal width, endosteal diameter, cross-sectional area, bone mineral density, cross-section moment of inertia (CSMI), and section modulus (Z). These parameters were measured for two regions of the PF: the narrow neck (NN), and the shaft (S). In addition, a strength index (S-SI) was calculated at the shaft by dividing the Z at the shaft by the femur length. A secondary purpose was to compare bone mineral content (BMC) values at the total body, lumbar spine, and three sites at the PF (neck, trochanter, and total) between the groups. All dependent values were compared adjusting for height and weight using an ANCOVA procedure and for relative lean body mass post hoc. Results: The gymnasts had significantly greater size-adjusted strength indices (CSMI, Z, and SI) at the NN and S. Gymnasts also had significantly greater size-adjusted BMC at all sites investigated. However, these differences disappeared when adjusted for relative lean body mass. Conclusion: When adjusted for body size, gymnasts had significantly greater indices of both axial strength and bending strength at the NN region of the PF and S, as well as a greater bone SI at the femoral shaft. These differences may be related to greater relative lean body mass attained in gymnastics training.


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Aim. Numerous studies report an association between muscle strength and bone mineral density (BMD) in young and older women. However, the participants are generally non-athletes, thus it is unclear if the relationship varies by exercise status. Therefore, the purpose was to examine the relationships between BMD and muscle strength in young women with markedly different exercise levels. Methods. Experimental design: cross-sectional. Setting: a University research laboratory. Participants: 18 collegiate gymnasts and 22 age- and weight-matched recreationally active control women. Measures: lumbar spine, femoral neck, arm, leg and whole body BMD (g/cm(2)) were assessed by dual X-ray absorptiometry. In addition, lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral apparent density (BMAD, g/cm(3)) was calculated. Handgrip strength and knee extensor and flexor torque (60degrees/s) were determined by dynamometry, and bench press and leg press strength (1-RM) using isotonic equipment. Results. BMD at all sites and bench press, leg press and knee flexor strength were greater in gymnasts than controls (p


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Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Objective. The present study compared activity of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles and craniocervical flexion range of motion during a test of craniocervical flexion between 10 patients with chronic neck pain and 10 controls. Summary of Background Data. Individuals with chronic neck pain exhibit reduced performance on a test of craniocervical flexion, and training of this maneuver is effective in management of neck complaints. Although this test is hypothesized to reflect dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles, this has not been tested. Methods. Deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the superficial neck muscles ( sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene). Root mean square electromyographic amplitude and craniocervical flexion range of motion was measured during five incremental levels of craniocervical flexion in supine. Results. There was a strong linear relation between the electromyographic amplitude of the deep cervical flexor muscles and the incremental stages of the craniocervical flexion test for control and individuals with neck pain ( P = 0.002). However, the amplitude of deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was less for the group with neck pain than controls, and this difference was significant for the higher increments of the task ( P < 0.05). Although not significant, there was a strong trend for greater sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene electromyographic activity for the group with neck pain. Conclusions. These data confirm that reduced performance of the craniocervical flexion test is associated with dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles and support the validity of this test for patients with neck pain.


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Study Design. Quiet stance on supporting bases with different lengths and with different visual inputs were tested in 24 study participants with chronic low back pain (LBP) and 24 matched control subjects. Objectives. To evaluate postural adjustment strategies and visual dependence associated with LBP. Summary of Background Data. Various studies have identified balance impairments in patients with chronic LBP, with many possible causes suggested. Recent evidence indicates that study participants with LBP have impaired trunk muscle control, which may compromise the control of trunk and hip movement during postural adjustments ( e. g., hip strategy). As balance on a short base emphasizes the utilization of the hip strategy for balance control, we hypothesized that patients with LBP might have difficulties standing on short bases. Methods. Subjects stood on either flat surface or short base with different visual inputs. A task was counted as successful if balance was maintained for 70 seconds during bilateral stance and 30 seconds during unilateral stance. The number of successful tasks, horizontal shear force, and center-of-pressure motion were evaluated. Results. The hip strategy was reduced with increased visual dependence in study participants with LBP. The failure rate was more than 4 times that of the controls in the bilateral standing task on short base with eyes closed. Analysis of center-of-pressure motion also showed that they have inability to initiate and control a hip strategy. Conclusions. The inability to control a hip strategy indicates a deficit of postural control and is hypothesized to result from altered muscle control and proprioceptive impairment.


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Pain changes postural activation of the trunk muscles. The cause of these changes is not known but one possibility relates to the information processing requirements and the stressful nature of pain. This study investigated this possibility by evaluating electromyographic activity (EMG) of the deep and superficial trunk muscles associated with voluntary rapid arm movement. Data were collected from control trials, trials during low back pain (LBP) elicited by injection of hypertonic saline into the back muscles, trials during a non-painful attention-demanding task, and during the same task that was also stressful. Pain did not change the reaction time (RT) of the movement, had variable effects on RT of the superficial trunk muscles, but consistently increased RT of the deepest abdominal muscle. The effect of the attention-demanding task was opposite: increased RT of the movement and the superficial trunk muscles but no effect on RT of the deep trunk muscles. Thus, activation of the deep trunk muscles occurred earlier relative to the movement. When the attention-demanding task was made stressful, the RT of the movement and superficial trunk muscles was unchanged but the RT of the deep trunk muscles was increased. Thus, the temporal relationship between deep trunk muscle activation and arm movement was restored. This means that although postural activation of the deep trunk muscles is not affected when central nervous system resources are limited, it is delayed when the individual is also under stress. However, a non-painful attention-demanding task does not replicate the effect of pain on postural control of the trunk muscles even when the task is stressful.