114 resultados para LEAD LEVELS

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Concern about the neurotoxicity of lead, particularly in infants and young children, has led to a revision of blood lead levels which are considered to involve an acceptable level of human exposure. Drinking water guidelines have also been reviewed in order to reduce this source of population exposure to lead. In the last 20 years, guidelines have been reduced from 100 to 50 to 10 mu g/litre. Lead in tap water used to be a major public health problem in Glasgow because of the high prevalence of houses with lead service pipes, the low pH of the public water supply and the resulting high levels of lead in water used for public consumption. Following two separate programmes of water treatment, involving the addition of lime and, a decade later, lime supplemented with orthophosphate, it is considered that maximal measures have been taken to reduce lead exposure by chemical treatment of the water supply. Any residual problem of public exposure would require large scale replacement of lead service pipes. In anticipation of the more stringent limits for lead in drinking water, we set out to measure current lead exposure From tap water in the population of Glasgow served by the Loch Katrine water supply. to compare the current situation with 12 years previously and to assess the public health implications of different limits. The study was based on mothers of young children since maternal blood lead concentrations and the domestic water that mothers use to prepare bottle feeds are the principal sources of foetal and infant lead exposure. An estimated 17% of mothers lived in households with tap water lead concentrations of 10 mu g/litre (the WHO guideline) or above in 1993 compared with 49% in 1981. Mean maternal blood lead concentrations fell by 69% in 12 years. For a given water lead concentration, maternal blood lead concentrations were 67% lower. The mean maternal blood lead concentration was 3.7 mu g/litre in the population at large, compared with 3.3 mu g/litre in households with negligible or absent tap water lead. Nevertheless, between 63% and 76% of cases of mothers with blood lead concentrations of 10 mu g/dl or above were attributable to tap water lead. The study found that maternal blood lead concentrations were well within limits currently considered safe for human health. About 15% of infants may be exposed via bottle feeds to tap water lead concentrations that exceed the WHO guideline of 10 mu g/litre. In the context of the health and social problems which affect the well-being and development of infants and children in Glasgow, however, current levels of lend exposure are considered to present a relatively minor health problem. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The authors undertook this study to assess levels of cadmium exposure in the general population. Samples of lung, liver, and kidney were obtained from 61 cadavers (43 males, 18 females; 2-89 yr of age, mean age = 38.5 yr) who died from accidental causes and who were subject to postmortem examinations at the John Tonge Centre for Forensic Sciences, Queensland Health Scientific Services, Brisbane, Australia, in 1997 and 1998. Samples of bladder urine were also obtained from 22 cadavers. Tissue and urine samples were analyzed for cadmium, zinc, and copper with inductively coupled plasm (ICP) mass spectrometry. The overall mean values for cadmium in the lung, liver, and kidney cortex samples were 0.13, 0.95, and 15.45 mug/gm wet tissue weight. The average renal cadmium level in subjects with high lung-cadmium levels (n = 13) was 6 mug/gm wet tissue weight higher than that of similarly aged subjects who had medium lung-cadmium levels (n = 30). In females, the average level of cadmium in the liver was 74% greater than in males, and the average liver cadmium in females with high lung-cadmium levels was 100% higher than in males in the same age range who had the same high lung-cadmium levels. Renal cadmium accumulation tended to be greater in females than in males who were in the same age range and who had similar lung-cadmium levels, a result that suggested that there was a higher absorption rate of cadmium in females. The mean value for a urinary cadmium excretion of 2.30 mug/gm creatinine was found in a subset of samples that had a mean age of 39 yr and a renal cortex cadmium concentration of 18.6 mug/gm wet tissue weight. Urinary cadmium excretion rates were correlated more strongly with lung and kidney cadmium content than with age or liver cadmium levels. The results suggest that urinary cadmium excretion may be increased in smokers and could provide some estimate of body cadmium burdens in future Australian epidemiological studies.


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Effects of cigarette smoking and exposure to dietary cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) on urinary biomarkers of renal function and phenotypic variability of cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) were investigated in a group of 96 healthy Thai men with mean age of 36.7 year (19-57 years). In non-smokers, Cd burden increased with age (r = 0.47, P < 0.001). In current smokers, Cd burden increased with both age (r = 0.45, P = 0.01) and number of cigarettes smoked per day (r = 0.32, P = 0.05). Cd-linked renal tubular dysfunction was seen in both smokers and non-smokers, but Pb-linked glomerular dysfunction was seen in smokers only, possibly due to more recent exposure to high levels of Cd and Pb, as reflected by 30-50% higher serum Cd and Pb levels in smokers than non-smokers (P < 0.05). Exposure to dietary Cd and Pb appeared to be associated with mild tubular dysfunction whereas dietary exposure plus cigarette smoking was associated with tubular plus glomerular dysfunction. Hepatic CYP2A6 activity in non-smokers showed a positive association with Cd burden (adjusted P = 0.38, P = 0.006), but it showed an inverse correlation with Pb (adjusted beta = -0.29, P = 0.003), suggesting opposing effects of Cd and Pb on hepatic CYP2A6 phenotype. In contrast, CYP2A6 activity in current smokers did not correlate with Cd or Pb, but it showed a positive correlation with serum ferritin levels (r = 0.45, P = 0.01). These finding suggest that Pb concentrations in the liver probably were too low to inhibit hepatic synthesis of heme and CYP2A6 and that the concurrent induction of hepatic CYP2A6 and ferritin was probably due to cigarette smoke constituents other than the Cd and Pb. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The blink reflex is modulated if a weak lead stimulus precedes the blink-eliciting stimulus. In two experiments, we examined the effects of the sensory modality of the lead and blink-eliciting stimuli on blink modulation. Acoustic, visual, or tactile lead stimuli were followed by an acoustic (Experiment 1) or an electrotactile (Experiment 2) blink-eliciting stimulus at lead intervals of -30, 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360, and 4,500 msec. The inhibition of blink magnitude at the short (60- to 360-msec) lead intervals and the facilitation of blink magnitude at the long (4,500-msec) lead interval observed for each lead stimulus modality was relatively unaffected by the blink-eliciting stimulus modality. The facilitation of blink magnitude at the very short (-30- to 30-msec) lead intervals was dependent on the combination of the lead and the blink-eliciting stimulus modalities. Modality specific and nonspecific processes operate at different levels of perceptual processing.


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The present study examined accumulation of the metal toxins cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in relation to the abundance of cytochrome P450 4F2 (CYP4F2), CYP2E1 and concentrations of zinc and copper in liver and kidney samples using immunoblotting coupled with metal analysis. The post mortem liver and kidney cortex samples were from 23 males and 8 females aged 3-89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to metals in the workplace. Average kidney cortex Cd load of 17.4 mu g/g w.w. was 17 times greater than average liver Cd load (1.1 mu g/g w.w.). In contrast, average kidney cortex Ph load of 0.09 mu g/g w.w. was two times lower than liver Pb load of 0.19 mu g/g w.w. Average Zn and Cu concentrations in the kidney cortex samples were 67% and 33% lower than those in the liver. Liver and kidney Cd loads, but not liver or kidney Ph loads, correlated positively with donors' age. After controlling for liver Cd load, an inverse correlation was seen between Zn and age (partial r = -0.39, P = 0.02), suggesting reduction in liver Zn levels in old age. Liver CYP2E1 protein abundance correlated with age-adjusted Cd load (partial r = 0.37, P = 0.02) whereas kidney CYP4172 protein abundance showed a positive correlation with age-adjusted Cd loads (partial r = 0.40, P = 0.02). These findings suggest that Cd may be an inducer of renal CYP4172 and hepatic CYP2E1 and that increased renal CYP4172 expression may implicate in Cd-linked renal tubular dysfunction and high blood pressure, involving CYP4F2-dependent arachidonic acid metabolism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lead compounds are known genotoxicants, principally affecting the integrity of chromosomes. Lead chloride and lead acetate induced concentration-dependent increases in micronucleus frequency in V79 cells, starting at 1.1 μ M lead chloride and 0.05 μ M lead acetate. The difference between the lead salts, which was expected based on their relative abilities to form complex acetato-cations, was confirmed in an independent experiment. CREST analyses of the micronuclei verified that lead chloride and acetate were predominantly aneugenic (CREST-positive response), which was consistent with the morphology of the micronuclei (larger micronuclei, compared with micronuclei induced by a clastogenic mechanism). The effects of high concentrations of lead salts on the microtubule network of V79 cells were also examined using immunofluorescence staining. The dose effects of these responses were consistent with the cytotoxicity of lead(II), as visualized in the neutral-red uptake assay. In a cell-free system, 20-60 μ M lead salts inhibited tubulin assembly dose-dependently. The no-observed-effect concentration of lead(II) in this assay was 10 μ M. This inhibitory effect was interpreted as a shift of the assembly/disassembly steady-state toward disassembly, e.g., by reducing the concentration of assembly-competent tubulin dimers. The effects of lead salts on microtubule-associated motor-protein functions were studied using a kinesin-gliding assay that mimics intracellular transport processes in vitro by quantifying the movement of paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules across a kinesin-coated glass surface. There was a dose-dependent effect of lead nitrate on microtubule motility. Lead nitrate affected the gliding velocities of microtubules starting at concentrations above 10 μ M and reached half-maximal inhibition of motility at about 50 μ M. The processes reported here point to relevant interactions of lead with tubulin and kinesin at low dose levels. Environ. Mal. Mutagen. 45:346-353, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In 82 wild-caught Crocodylus porosus, levels of NADH-MetHb reductase and GSH seem adequate to maintain hemoglobin in its reduced functional state. Studies of C. porosus erythrocytes in vitro show reduction of metHb in the presence of lactate, glucose and plasma, but not pyruvate. These findings, together with recent data which show low metHb in a variety of reptiles, cast doubt on the accepted view that high levels of MetHb are typical of healthy reptiles. One explanation for the sharp contrast between earlier and more recent data could be technical. We found low metHb in Crocodylus johnstoni, Chelodina longicollis and Sphenomorphus quoyi. However, high and variable values reminiscent of many of the earlier data were obtained by omitting final centrifugation prior to spectrophotometry. Interestingly, this step is not part of the standard clinical method but is necessary in analyses of blood with nucleated red cells. These observations suggest that high metHb may not be typical of reptiles after all.


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Endothelial dysfunction is an early key event of atherogenesis. Both fitness level and exercise intervention have been shown to positively influence endothelial function. In a cross-sectional study of 47 children, the relationship between habitual physical activity and flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery was explored. Habitual physical activity levels (PALs) were assessed using a validated stable isotope technique, and FMD of the brachial artery was measured via high-resolution ultrasound. The results showed that habitual physical activity significantly correlated with FMD (r=0.39, P=0.007), and remained the most influential variable on dilation in multivariate analysis. Although both fitness level and exercise intervention have previously been shown to positively influence FMD, this is the first time that a relationship with normal PALs has been investigated, especially, at such a young age. These data support the concept that physical activity exerts its protective effect on cardiovascular health via the endothelium and add further emphasis to the importance of physical activity in childhood.


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We conducted a study to assess the association between the acute respiratory health of children and the levels of particulates in communities near and away from active opencast coal mines. The study enrolled children aged 1–11 years from the general population of five socioeconomically matched pairs of nonurban communities in northern England. Diaries of respiratory events were collected for 1405 children, and information was collected on the consultations of 2442 children with family/general practitioners over the 6-week study periods during 1996–1997, with concurrent monitoring of particulate levels. The associations found between daily PM10 levels and respiratory symptoms were frequently small and positive and sometimes varied between communities. The magnitude of these associations were in line with those from previous studies, even though daily particulate levels were low, and the children were drawn from the general population, rather than from the population with respiratory problems. The associations among asthma reliever use, consultations with general practitioners, and daily particulate levels were of a similar strength but estimated less precisely. The strength of association between all respiratory health measures and particulate levels was similar in communities near and away from opencast coal mining sites.


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Effective surface passivation of lead sulfide (PbS) nanocrystals (NCs) in an aqueous colloidal solution has been achieved following treatment with CdS precursors. The resultant photoluminescent emission displays two distinct components, one originating from the absorption band edge and the other from above the absorption band edge. We show that both of these components are strongly polarized but display distinctly different behaviours. The polarization arising from the band edge shows little dependence on the excitation energy while the polarization of the above-band-edge component is strongly dependent on the excitation energy. In addition, time-resolved polarization spectroscopy reveals that the above-band-edge polarization is restricted to the first couple of nanoseconds, while the band edge polarization is nearly constant over hundreds of nanoseconds. We recognize an incompatibility between the two different polarization behaviours, which enables us to identify two distinct types of surface-passivated PbS NC.


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Surface passivation of PbS nanocrystals (NC), resulting in strong photoluminescence, can be achieved by the introduction of CdS precursors. The role of CdS in the surface passivation of PbS NCs is uncertain, as the crystalline structure of CdS and PbS are different, which should impede effective epitaxial overgrowth. Absorption spectroscopy is used to show that the CdS precursors strongly interact with the PbS NC surface. Electron microscopy reveals that the introduction of CdS precursors results in an increased particle size, consistent with overcoating. However, we also find the process to be highly non-uniform. Nevertheless, evidence for epitaxial growth is found, suggesting that effective surface passivation may be possible.


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Prepulse inhibition and facilitation of the blink reflex are said to reflect different responses elicited by the lead stimulus, transient detection and orienting response respectively. Two experiments investigated the effects of trial repetition and lead stimulus change on blink modification. It was hypothesized that these manipulations will affect orienting and thus blink facilitation to a greater extent than they will affect transient detection and thus blink inhibition. In Experiment 1 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 12 lead stimulus and 12 blink stimulus alone presentations, and 24 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. Lead interval was 120 ms for 12 of the trials and 2000 ms for the other 12. For half the subjects this sequence was followed by a change in pitch of the lead stimulus. In Experiment 2 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 36 blink alone stimuli and 36 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. The lead interval was 120 ms for half the subjects and 2000 ms for the other half. The pitch of the lead stimulus on prestimulus trials 31-33 was changed for half the subjects in each group. In both experiments, the amount of blink inhibition decreased during training whereas the amount of blink facilitation remained unchanged. Lead stimulus change had no effect on blink modification in either experiment although it resulted in enhanced skin conductance responses and greater heart rate deceleration in Experiment 2. The present results are not consistent with the notion that blink facilitation is linked to orienting whereas blink inhibition reflects a transient detection mechanism. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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If sexual selection is to result in speciation, traits involved in mate choice within species need to be capable of producing sexual isolation between species. We investigated the association between mate choice and sexual isolation using interspecific hybrids between two sibling species, Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii. A perfuming experiment demonstrated that olfaction was involved in the sexual isolation between the two species. A quantitative genetic analysis using 30 populations of hybrids between the two species indicated that mating success in hybrid individuals was predominately determined by cuticular hydrocarbons; the average genetic correlation between mating success and cuticular hydrocarbon profile was 0.84, and in some instances exceeded 0.95. Multivariate analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbons of the two species revealed that there were three independent blends of cuticular hydrocarbons that separated three levels of organization: species, sex, and sex within species. The hydrocarbons used by hybrids in mate choice included those that separated the two species, demonstrating that species-specific characters may be used in mate choice within populations. The interspecific reciprocal cross had a major effect on which cuticular hydrocarbons were associated with mating success, indicating that the expression of the cuticular hydrocarbons was strongly sex linked.