13 resultados para John, Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita, fl. 11th cent.
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Returns to farm-level soil conservation on tropical steep slopes: The case of the Eritrean highlands
This study conducts an economic analysis of investment in simple soil conservation technologies in the highlands of Eritrea. The data used in the analysis were obtained from a farm survey and supplemented with data from secondary sources. Risk analysis techniques are used to take account of the uncertainties regarding the relationship between soil erosion and crop yield. The financial analysis reveals negative net present values (NPVs) and internal rates of return (IRRs) below 12 per cent for various slope categories. On the other hand, the economic analysis returns positive NPVs and IRRs of over 20 per cent. The results clearly indicate that in-vestment in soil conservation technology may not be a viable short-term proposition from the farmer's point of view and yet the net social benefits are positive. There is a strong case for government to provide incentives for soil conservation in view of the economic benefits.
The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of axillary metastasis in women with tubular carcinoma (TC) of the breast. Women who underwent axillary dissection for TC in the Western Sydney area (1984-1995) were identified retrospectively through a search of computerized records. A centralized pathology review was performed and tumours were classified as pure tubular (22) or mixed tubular (nine), on the basis of the invasive component containing 90 per cent or more, or 75-90 per cent tubule formation respectively. A Medline search of the literature was undertaken to compile a collective series (20 studies with a total of 680 patients) to address the frequency of nodal involvement in TC. A quantitative meta-analysis was used to combine the results of these studies. The overall frequency of nodal metastasis was five of 31 (16 per cent); one of 22 pure tubular and four of nine mixed tumours (P = 0.019). None of the tumours with a diameter of 10 mm or less (n = 16) had nodal metastasis compared with five of 15 larger tumours (P = 0.018). The meta-analysis of 680 women showed an overall frequency of nodal metastasis in TC of 13.8 (95 per cent confidence interval 9.3-18.3) per cent. The frequency of nodal involvement was 6.6 (1.7-11.4) per cent in pure TC (n = 244) and 25.0 (12.5-37.6) per cent in mixed TC (n = 149). A case may be made for observing the clinically negative axilla in women with a small TC (10 mm or less in diameter).
To date, several activating mutations have been discovered in the common signal-transducing subunit (h beta c) of the receptors for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and interleukin-5. Two of these, Fl Delta and 1374N, result in a 37 amino acid duplication and a single amino acid substitution in the extracellular domain of h beta c, respectively. A third, V449E, results in a single amino acid substitution in the transmembrane domain, Previous studies comparing the activity of these mutants in different hematopoietic cell lines imply that the transmembrane and extracellular mutations act by different mechanisms and suggest the requirement for cell type-specific molecules in signalling. To characterize the ability of these mutant hpc subunits to mediate growth and differentiation of primary cells and hence investigate their oncogenic potential, we have expressed all three mutants in primary murine hematopoietic cells using retroviral transduction. It is shown that, whereas expression of either extracellular hpc mutant confers factor-independent proliferation and differentiation on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, expression of the transmembrane mutant does so on these lineages as well as the eosinophil, basophil, megakaryocyte, and erythroid lineages, Factor-independent myeloid precursors expressing the transmembrane mutant display extended proliferation in liquid culture and in some cases yielded immortalized cell lines. (C) 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.
A new algorithm has been developed for smoothing the surfaces in finite element formulations of contact-impact. A key feature of this method is that the smoothing is done implicitly by constructing smooth signed distance functions for the bodies. These functions are then employed for the computation of the gap and other variables needed for implementation of contact-impact. The smoothed signed distance functions are constructed by a moving least-squares approximation with a polynomial basis. Results show that when nodes are placed on a surface, the surface can be reproduced with an error of about one per cent or less with either a quadratic or a linear basis. With a quadratic basis, the method exactly reproduces a circle or a sphere even for coarse meshes. Results are presented for contact problems involving the contact of circular bodies. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Coins and commemorative medals constitute one special repository of the history of military medicine. The numismatic record has proven to be the most enduring, albeit one of the most selective, records of the progress of history. Matters of health, and especially of military medicine, have been central to the endeavors and indeed the survival of many cultures and societies. Many such themes in the national and international history of military medicine are preserved in the medallic record. Coins and medallions thus constitute one record of the chronology of this profession, one parallel to that of the more traditional history to be found in oral and written records. This account presents a four-part classification of medical coins and medals of military interest. These examples include (1) medals that portray military surgeons and physicians; (2) medals that commemorate special events of military medicine; (3) coins that portray the themes of the discipline of military medicine and health; and (4) a miscellaneous group that includes such examples as disease touch pieces and the militarily worn medals of such bodies as the International Red Cross and the Order of St. John, the latter of which are awarded inter alia for contributions to prehospital care in the field. A representative photo archive of such exemplars is included in this account.
Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem because of its strong association with adulthood obesity and the related adverse health consequences. The published literature indicates a rising prevalence of childhood obesity in both developed and developing countries. However no data exists on the prevalence in Northeast Thailand, one of the poorest regions of the country and one that has experienced a recent economic transition. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity in seven to nine year old children in urban Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand. A cross-sectional school based survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of obesity in children of urban Khon Kaen, Thailand. Multi-staged cluster sampling was used to select 12 school clusters of 72 children each between the ages of 7 and 9 years, in primary school grades 1, 2 and 3 from government, private and demonstration schools. A total of 864 seven to nine year old school children were studied. Anthropometric measurements of standing height and weight were taken for all subjects to the nearest tenth of a centimetre and tenth of a kilogram respectively. Childhood obesity was defined as a weight-for-height Z-score above 2.0 standard deviations of the National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organisation reference population median. The prevalence of childhood obesity was 10.8% (95% CI: 7.6, 13.9). Obesity was significantly more prevalent in boys than girls. The biggest difference was observed between the three school types, with the highest prevalence of obesity found at teacher training demonstration schools and the lowest at the government schools. This study provides the first data on childhood obesity prevalence in Northeast Thailand. The prevalence of 10.8 per cent is lower than that found in two other urban areas of Thailand but slightly higher than expected for this relatively poor region. If this prevalence rate increases, as observed in other countries in economic transition, the incidence of non-communicable diseases associated with obesity is also likely to increase, thus raising cause for concern and reason for intervention to both control and prevent obesity during childhood.
Filaments of galaxies are known to stretch between galaxy clusters at all redshifts in a complex manner. In this Letter, we present an analysis of the frequency and distribution of intercluster galaxy filaments selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Out of 805 cluster-cluster pairs, we find at least 40 per cent have bona fide filaments. We introduce a filament classification scheme and divide the filaments into several types according to their visual morphology: straight (lying on the cluster-cluster axis; 37 per cent), warped or curved (lying off the cluster-cluster axis; 33 per cent), sheets (planar configurations of galaxies; 3 per cent), uniform (1 per cent) and irregular (26 per cent). We find that straight filaments are more likely to reside between close cluster pairs and they become more curved with increasing cluster separation. This curving is toward a larger mass concentration in general. We also show that the more massive a cluster is, the more likely it is to have a larger number of filaments. Our results are found to be consistent with a cold dark matter cosmology.
1. Protein utilisation and turnover were measured in male chickens sampled from a line selected for high breast yield and a randombred control line (lines QL and CL, experiment 1) and in male chickens sampled from lines selected for either high or low abdominal fatness (lines FL and LL, experiment 2). In each experiment, 18 birds per line were given iso-energetic (12.9 MJ ME/kg) diets containing either 120 or 220 g CP/kg from 21 to 29 d (experiment 1) and 33 to 43 d (experiment 2). 2. Measurements were made of growth rate, food intake, body composition, excreta production and N-tau-methylhistidine excretion as a measure of myofibrillar protein breakdown, and fractional rates (%/d) of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis were calculated. 3. In experiment 1, there were no significant differences between the line means for the fractional measures of protein turnover, but there was marked differential response in the two lines in the fractional rates of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis, to increase in protein intake. The positive slope of the regressions of fractional (%/d) protein deposition and synthesis rates on protein intake (g/d/kg BW) were approximately 1.4- and 2.0-fold higher respectively in the QL than the CL line birds, and the negative slope of the regression of fractional breakdown rate on protein intake was approximately threefold greater in the CL than the QL line birds. 4. In experiment 2, fractional deposition rate was 6.2% lower, but fractional breakdown rate 9.4% higher in the LL than the FL birds, whilst there was essentially no difference in response of the FL and LL birds in the components of protein turnover to increase in protein intake. Line differences in deposition and breakdown rates were thus a reflection of the considerably higher (20%) food and hence protein intake in the FL than the LL birds. 5. The differential line responses in protein turnover in the two experiments suggest that selection for increased breast muscle yield and for reduced body fatness manipulate different physiological pathways in relation to protein turnover, but neither selection strategy results in an improvement in net protein utilisation at typical levels of protein intake by birds on commercial broiler diets, through a reduction in protein breakdown rate.
Background: The solubility of dental pulp tissue in sodium hypochlorite has been extensively investigated but results have been inconsistent; due most likely to variations in experimental design, the volume and/or rate of replenishment of the solutions used and the nature of the tissues assessed. Traditionally, the sodium hypochlorite solutions used for endodontic irrigation in Australia have been either Milton or commercial bleach, with Milton being the most common. Recently, a range of Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved proprietary sodium hypochlorite solutions, which contain surfactant, has become available. Some domestic chlorine bleaches now also contain surfactants. The purpose of this study was to perform new solubility assessments, comparing Milton with new TGA approved products, Hypochlor 1% and Hypochlor 4% forte, and with a domestic bleach containing surfactant (White King). Methods: Ten randomly assigned pulp samples of porcine dental pulp of approximately equal dimensions were immersed in the above solutions, as well as representative concentrations of sodium hydroxide. Time to complete dissolution was measured and assessed statistically. Results: White King 4% showed the shortest dissolution time, closely followed by Hypochlor 4% forte. White King 1% and Hypochlor 1% each took around three times as long to completely dissolve the samples of pulp as their respective 4% concentrations, while Milton took nearly 10 times as long. The sodium hydroxide solutions showed no noticeable dissolution of the pulp samples. Conclusions: The composition and content of sodium hypochlorite solutions had a profound effect on the ability of these solutions to dissolve pulp tissue in vitro. Greater concentrations provided more rapid dissolution of tissue. One per cent solutions with added surfactant and which contained higher concentrations of sodium hydroxide were significantly more effective in dissolution of pulp tissue than Milton.
The unemployment of Muslims in Australia was 28 and 25 per cent compared to the national total of around nine per cent in 1986 and 1996 respectively (Australian Bureau of Statistics). This article conceptually analyses the disadvantaged position of the Muslims in the Australian labour market from 1980 to 2001 within a framework of 'structural racism'. It studies the Muslims from three perspectives: first, a comparative study of the qualifications and unemployment of the Muslim labour force in relation to the dominant population. Secondly, it examines the extent of this disadvantaged position in comparison with other ethnic minorities within an historical context. Finally, the basis of structural racism is explored to demonstrate how the Muslims have become systematically victimized. The analysis concludes that Muslims are significantly disadvantaged in Australia on the basis of their ethnicity and religion.
Background: This study aimed to determine the reasons for dentists' choice of materials, in particular amalgam and resin composite, in Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed to elicit this information. The names and addresses of 1000 dentists in Australia were selected at random. The questionnaire was mailed to these dentists with an explanatory letter and reply-paid envelope. Results: A total of 560 replies were received. Regarding choice of material, 99 per cent of respondents cited clinical indication as an influencing factor, although patients' aesthetic demands (99 per cent), patients' financial situation (82 per cent), and lecturers' suggestions (72 per cent) were also reported to influence respondents' choice of materials. Twelve per cent of respondents used composite 'always', 29 per cent 'often', 32 per cent 'sometimes', 23 per cent 'seldom' and 4 per cent 'never' in extensive load-bearing cavities in molar teeth. For composite restorations in posterior teeth, 84 per cent 'always', 'often' or 'sometimes' used the total etch technique, 84 per cent used a thick glass-ionomer layer and 36 per cent never used rubber dam. Fifty-nine per cent of respondents reported a decreased use of amalgam over the previous five years. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents agreed with the statement 'discontinuation of amalgam restricts a dentist's ability to adequately treat patients'. Seventy-five per cent considered that the growth in the use of composites increased the total cost of oral health care. Conclusions: Of the respondents from Australia 73 per cent place large composite restorations in molar teeth and their choice of material is influenced greatly by clinical indications, and patients' aesthetic demands.