3 resultados para Ituglanis Ina
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The intercalated discs of working myocardium and Purkinje fibers of the monkey heart were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The NaOH/ultrasonication technique resulted in the digestion of connective tissue and a separation of the intercellular junctions of intercalated discs, such that these could be visualized three-dimensionally. The intercalated discs of ventricular myocytes, atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers vary considerably in number and configuration, as do the intercalated discs of the three different layers of the ventricular myocardium. Myocytes in the subepicardial, middle and subendocardial layers of the ventricle have 1-3, 4-5 and 5-6 intercalated discs at the end of these cells, respectively, Those in the endocardial layer are characterized by the presence of small laterally-placed intercalated discs. Atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers usually only have 1-2 intercalated discs, Individual intercalated discs in ventricular myocytes have complicated stairs with 10-30 steps and corresponding risers, while those of atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers have simple stairs with 1-3 steps and risers, Steps equivalent to the plicate segments are characterized by densely-packed microplicae and finger-like microprojections which greatly increase surface area in vertricular myocytes, Microprojections in atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers are sparse by comparison, Risers equivalent to the interplicate segments containing large gap junctional areas are most numerous in left ventricular myocytes, followed by right ventricular myocytes, Purkinje fibers and atrial myocytes in decreasing order. The geometric arrangement of the various types of myocytes may be related with impulse propagation. Large intercalated discs of cell trunks and series branches may participate in longitudinal propagation, while small laterally-placed ones may be the site of transverse propagation.
Evidence for the presence of storage pits described in Hittite texts by the Sumerogram "ÉSAG" is presented from Kaman-Kalehöyük, a multi-period tell site in central Turkey occupied during the second and first millennia BC. Small earthen pits matching the description of "ÉSAG" were part of the normal suite of domestic installations at the site throughout the period. Similar to pits seen across western Eurasia, they were probably used to store seed corn or seed for trade. Large earthen pits (>7m in diameter) were also present that matched the description of the "ÉSAG" form, and in some cases contained archaeological cereal remains. Evidence from Kaman shows "ÉSAG" were part of Anatolian life for at least 4,000 years and suggests that the term was generic for lined, earthen storage pits. The presence of so many small pits at Kaman-Kalehöyük showed that it was an agricultural production site for much of its existence. The appearance of the large pits, confined to the Hittite period, reflects centralised control of grain supply, probably by the Hittite Kingdom, and fits a pattern seen at other sites in the region during the second millennium BC. /// Hitit metinlerinde Sumerogram "ÉSAG" ile tanimlanan depo çukurlarinin varliğina dair kanit, Orta Anadolu'da M.Ö. İkinci ve Birinci binde iskan edilmiş çok dönemli bir yerleşim alani olan Kaman-Kalehöyük'ten taninmaktadir. Küçük toprak çukurlar "ÉSAG" in tanimlamasina uygun olarak bu dönem süresince normal ev düzeninin bir parçasi olarak karşimiza çikmiştir. Çukurlar, Bati Avrasya'daki benzer çukurlar gibi olasilikla ticaret maksadi ile misir tohumu ya da tohum muhafaza etmişlerdir. "ÉSAG" formunun tanimina uyan büyük toprak çukurlara (çapi 7m. den büyük) rağmen bunlarin tahil depolama ile ilgili bağlantilari tam olarak belirlenmemiştir. Kaman'daki delil, "ÉSAG" in en az 4,000 yildir Anadolu yaşaminin bir parçasi olduğunu ve bu sözcüğün sivanmiş toprak çukurlar için kullanildiğini işaret etmektedir. Kaman-Kalehöyük'te ele geçen birçok küçük çukur, yerleşimin varliğini sürdürdüǧü sürecin büyük bir bölümünde zirai üretim yapildiğini göstermektedir. Hitit Döneminde büyük çukurlarin ortaya çikmasi muhtemelen Hitit Kralliği tarafindan gerçekleştirilen tahil tedarikinin merkezi kontrolünü yansitmakta ve M.Ö. İkinci binde bu bölgedeki diğer yerleşim alanlarinda görülen şekle uymaktadir.