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em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We present experimental results for the dynamics of cold atoms in a far detuned amplitude-modulated optical standing wave. Phase-space resonances constitute distinct peaks in the atomic momentum distribution containing up to 65% of all atoms resulting from a mixed quantum chaotic phase space. We characterize the atomic behavior in classical and quantum regimes and we present the applicable quantum and classical theory, which we have developed and refined. We show experimental proof that the size and the position of the resonances in phase space can be controlled by varying several parameters, such as the modulation frequency, the scaled well depth, the modulation amplitude, and the scaled Planck’s constant of the system. We have found a surprising stability against amplitude noise. We present methods to accurately control the momentum of an ensemble of atoms using these phase-space resonances which could be used for efficient phase-space state preparation.
Data mining is the process to identify valid, implicit, previously unknown, potentially useful and understandable information from large databases. It is an important step in the process of knowledge discovery in databases, (Olaru & Wehenkel, 1999). In a data mining process, input data can be structured, seme-structured, or unstructured. Data can be in text, categorical or numerical values. One of the important characteristics of data mining is its ability to deal data with large volume, distributed, time variant, noisy, and high dimensionality. A large number of data mining algorithms have been developed for different applications. For example, association rules mining can be useful for market basket problems, clustering algorithms can be used to discover trends in unsupervised learning problems, classification algorithms can be applied in decision-making problems, and sequential and time series mining algorithms can be used in predicting events, fault detection, and other supervised learning problems (Vapnik, 1999). Classification is among the most important tasks in the data mining, particularly for data mining applications into engineering fields. Together with regression, classification is mainly for predictive modelling. So far, there have been a number of classification algorithms in practice. According to (Sebastiani, 2002), the main classification algorithms can be categorized as: decision tree and rule based approach such as C4.5 (Quinlan, 1996); probability methods such as Bayesian classifier (Lewis, 1998); on-line methods such as Winnow (Littlestone, 1988) and CVFDT (Hulten 2001), neural networks methods (Rumelhart, Hinton & Wiliams, 1986); example-based methods such as k-nearest neighbors (Duda & Hart, 1973), and SVM (Cortes & Vapnik, 1995). Other important techniques for classification tasks include Associative Classification (Liu et al, 1998) and Ensemble Classification (Tumer, 1996).
The solubilities and dissolution rates of three gypsum sources (analytical grade (AG), phosphogypsum (PG) and mined gypsum (MG)) with six MG size fractions ((mm) > 2.0, 1.0-2.0, 0.5-1.0, 0.25-0.5, 0.125-0.25, and < 0.125) were investigated in triple deionised water (TDI) and seawater to examine their suitability for bauxite residue amelioration. Gypsum solubility was greater in seawater (3.8 g L 1) than TDI (2.9 g L 1) due to the ionic strength effect, with dissolution in both TDI and seawater following first order kinetics. Dissolution rate constants varied with gypsum source (AR > PG > MG) due to reactivity and surface area differences, with 1:20 gypsum:solution suspensions reaching saturation within 15 s (AR) to 30 min (MG > 2.0). The ability of bauxite residue to adsorb Ca from solution was also examined. The quantity of the total solution Ca adsorbed was found to be small (5 %). These low rates of solution Ca adsorption combined with the comparatively rapid dissolution rates preclude the application of gypsum to the residue sand/seawater slurry as a method for residue amelioration. Instead, direct field application to the residue would ensure more efficient gypsum use. In addition, the formation of a sparingly soluble CaCO3 coating around the gypsum particles after mixing in a highly alkaline seawater/supernatant liquor (SNL) solution greatly reduced the rate of gypsum dissolution.
Nature-based tourism has grown in importance in recent decades, and strong links have been established between it and ecotourism. This reflects rising incomes, greater levels of educational attainment and changing values, especially in the Western world. Nature-based tourism is quite varied. Different types of such tourism are identified and their consequences for sustainability of their resource-base are briefly considered. The development and management of nature-based tourism involves many economic aspects, several of which are discussed. For example, one must consider the economics of reserving or protecting land for this type of tourism. What economic factors should be taken into account? Economists stress the importance of taking into account the opportunity costs involved in such a decision. This concept is explained. However, determining the net economic value of an area used for tourism is not straightforward. Techniques for doing this, such as the travel cost method and stated value methods, are introduced. Natural areas reserved for tourism may have economic value not only for tourism but also jointly for other purposes, such as conserving wildlife, maintaining hydrological cycles and so on. These other purposes, should be taken into account when considering the use of land for nature-based tourism. According to one economic point of view, land should be used in a way that maximises its total economic value. While this approach has its merits, it does not take into account the distribution of benefits from land use and its local impacts on income and employment. These can be quite important politically and for nature conservation, and are discussed. Finally, there is some discussion of whether fees charged to tourists for access to environmental resources should discriminate between domestic tourists and foreigners.
This paper investigates factors influencing the public’s support for conservation of tropical reptile species in a focal group drawing on Australian data and an experiment involving a sample of the Australian public. The influences of the likeability of the species, their degree of endangerment, ethical considerations as well as knowledge are examined and found to be important. Likeability is found to be much less important than the existing literature suggests. This is highlighted by comparing the likeability of the focal group of reptiles with that for a group of birds and a group of mammals with differences in willingness to pay for their conservation.
A total of 164 primary school teachers from Perth, Western Australia anonymously completed a survey of their knowledge and attitudes about asthma. These teachers were active in assisting children with asthma management but most (91.5%) felt that they did not know enough about asthma. Attitudes toward children with asthma were positive; 97% agreed that such children should be encouraged to participate in sporting activities. Specific knowledge about asthma management and medications was, however, poor. This large sample of Western Australian teachers knew more than their European counterparts but asthma training is needed and should be targeted at improving knowledge of both regular and emergency treatments for asthma.
A class of integrable boundary terms for the eight-state supersymmetric U model are presented by solving the graded reflection equations. The boundary model is solved by using the coordinate Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Thermogravimetrically-determined carbon dioxide reactivities of chars formed from New Zealand coals, ranging in rank from lignite to high volatile bituminous, vary from 0.12 to 10.63 mg/h/mg on a dry, ash-free basis. The lowest rank subbituminous coal chars have similar reactivities to the lignite coal chars. Calcium content of the char shows the strongest correlation with reactivity, which increases as the calcium content increases. High calcium per se does not directly imply a high char reactivity. Organically-bound calcium catalyses the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide in the presence of carbon dioxide, whereas calcium present as discrete minerals in the coal matrix, e.g., calcite, fails to significantly affect reactivity. Catalytic effects of magnesium, iron, sodium and phosphorous are not as obvious, but can be recognised for individual chars. The thermogravimetric technique provides a fast, reliable analysis that is able to distinguish char reactivity differences between coals, which may be due to any of the above effects. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.