6 resultados para Isolamento sismico alla base, Seismic isolation, Spectral response, Analisi sismica dinamica lineare con spettro di risposta, Isolatori, HDRB, Isolatori a pendolo scorrevole, Isolatori in gomma, Analisi modale.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The BZLF1 antigen of Epstein-Barr virus includes three overlapping sequences of different lengths that conform to the binding motif of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B*3501. These 9-mer ((56)LPOGQLTAy(64)), 11-mer ((54)EPLPQGQLTAy(64)), and 13-mer ((52)LPEPLPQGQLTAY(64)) peptides all bound well to B*3501; however, the CTL response in individuals expressing this HILA allele was directed strongly and exclusively towards the 11-mer peptide. In contrast, EBV-exposed donors expressing HLA B*3503 showed no significant CTL response to these peptides because the single amino acid difference between B*3501 and B*3503 within the F pocket inhibited HLA binding by these peptides. The extraordinarily long 13-mer peptide was the target for the CTL response in individuals expressing B*3508, which differs from B*3501 at a single position within the D pocket (B*3501, 156 Leucine; B*3508, 156 Arginine). This minor difference was shown to enhance binding of the 13-mer peptide, presumably through a stabilizing interaction between the negatively charged glutamate at position 3 of the peptide and the positively charged arginine at HLA position 156. The 13-mer epitope defined in this study represents the longest class I-binding viral epitope identified to date as a minimal determinant. Furthermore, the potency of the response indicates that peptides of this length do not present a major structural barrier to CTL recognition.


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Screening for drought resistance of rainfed lowland rice using drought score (leaf death) as a selection index has a long history of use in breeding programs. Genotypic variation for drought score during the vegetative stage in two dry season screens was examined among 128 recombinant inbred lines from four biparental crosses. The genotypic variation detected for drought score in the dry season was used to examine the reliability of the dry season screening method to estimate relative grain yield of genotypes under different types of drought stress in the wet season. Large genotypic variation for drought score existed in two experiments (A and B). However, there was no relationship between the drought scores of genotypes determined in these two experiments. Different patterns of development and severity of drought stress in these two experiments, i.e. slow development and mild plant water deficit in experiment A and fast development and severe plant water deficit in experiment B, were identified as the major factors contributing to the genotypes responding differently. Larger drought score in the dry season experiments was associated with lower grain yield under specific drought stress conditions in the wet season, but the association was weak to moderate and significant only in particular drought conditions. In most cases, a significant phenotypic and moderate genetic correlation between drought score in the dry season and grain yield in the wet season existed only when both drought score and grain yield of genotypes were affected by similar patterns and severity of drought stress in their respective experimental environments. The dry season environments used to measure genotypic variation for drought score should be managed to correspond to relevant types of drought environment that are frequent in the wet season. The efficiency of using the drought score as an indirect selection criterion for improving grain yield for drought conditions was lower than the direct selection for grain yield, and hence wet season screening with grain yield as a selection criterion would be more efficient. However, using drought score as a selection index, a larger number of genotypes can be evaluated than for wet season grain yield. Therefore, it is possible to apply higher selection intensities using the drought score system, and the selected lines can be further tested for grain yield in the wet season. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), the protein defective in ataxia-telangiectasia, plays a central role in DNA damage response and signaling to cell cycle checkpoints. We describe here a cell line from a patient with an ataxia-telangiectasia-like clinical phenotype defective in the p53 response to radiation but with normal ATM activation and efficient downstream phosphorylation of other ATM substrates. No mutations were detected in ATM cDNA. A normal level of interaction between p53 and peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase Pin1 suggests that posttranslational modification was intact in these cells but operating at reduced level. Defective p53 stabilization was accompanied by defective induction of p53 effector genes and failure to induce apoptosis in response to DNA-damaging agents. Continued association between p53 and murine double minute-2 (Mdm2) occurred in irradiated ATL2ABR cells in response to DNA damage, and incubation with Mdm2 antagonists, nutlins, increased the stabilization of p53 and its transcriptional activity but failed to induce apoptosis. These results suggest that ATM-dependent stabilization of p53 and induction of apoptosis by radiation involve an additional factor(s) that is defective in ATL2ABR cells.


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The vaccines 1-2 and V4 are avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus. Organ tropism of strain V4 has been determined and the virus has a predilection for the digestive tract. Tropism of strain 1-2 has not yet been determined. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of strain 1-2 in various body organs and fluids following vaccination in comparison with V4. Four-week-old chickens were vaccinated by eye drop separately with these two avirulent strains. Virus isolation and the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique were employed to detect 1-2 and V4 viruses in various tissues and body fluids for 7 days following vaccination. Tissues from the respiratory tract showed earlier positive signals than tissues from other organs for chickens vaccinated with strain 1-2. Conversely, tissues from mainly digestive tract produced earlier positive signals than from respiratory tract and other organs from chickens vaccinated with strain V4. In early infection, strain 1-2 had preferential predilection for the respiratory tract and strain V4 for the digestive tract. Later after vaccination, other organs showed positive results from chickens vaccinated with both 1-2 and V4 strains. The differences in organ tropism observed in this study suggest that 1-2 may perform better than V4 as a live vaccine strain.


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Background: Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) activated cellular signalling is negatively regulated by inhibitory factors, including the suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) family. The effects of host factors such as obesity on hepatic expression of these inhibitory factors in subjects with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) are unknown. Objectives: To assess the independent effects of obesity, insulin resistance, and steatosis on response to IFN-alpha therapy and to determine hepatic expression of factors inhibiting IFN-alpha signalling in obese and nonobese subjects with chronic HCV. Methods: A total of 145 subjects were analysed to determine host factors associated with non-response to antiviral therapy. Treatment comprised IFN-alpha or peginterferon alpha, either alone or in combination with ribavirin. In a separate cohort of 73 patients, real time-polymerase chain reaction was performed to analyse hepatic mRNA expression. Immunohistochemistry for SOCS-3 was performed on liver biopsy samples from 38 patients with viral genotype 1 who had received antiviral treatment. Results: Non-response (NR) to treatment occurred in 55% of patients with HCV genotypes 1 or 4 and 22% with genotypes 2 or 3. Factors independently associated with NR were viral genotype 1/4 (p < 0.001), cirrhosis on pretreatment biopsy (p = 0.025), and body mass index >= 30 kg/m(2) (p = 0.010). Obese subjects with viral genotype 1 had increased hepatic mRNA expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase (p = 0.01) and SOCS-3 (p = 0.047), in comparison with lean subjects. Following multivariate analysis, SOCS-3 mRNA expression remained independently associated with obesity (p = 0.023). SOCS-3 immunoreactivity was significantly increased in obesity (p = 0.013) and in non-responders compared with responders (p = 0.014). Conclusions: In patients with chronic HCV viral genotype 1, increased expression of factors that inhibit interferon signalling may be one mechanism by which obesity reduces the biological response to IFN-alpha.


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This paper presents a set of hypotheses to explain the cultural differences between Aboriginal people of the North and South Wellesley Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria and to characterise the relative degree and nature of their isolation and cultural change over a 10,000-year time-scale. This opportunity to study parallelisms and divergences in the cultural and demographic histories of fisher-hunter-gatherers arises from the comparison of three distinct cultural groupings: (a) the Ganggalida of the mainland, (b) the Lardil and Yangkaal of the North Wellesley Islands, and (c) the Kaiadilt of the South Wellesley Islands. Despite occupying similar island environments and despite their languages being as closely related as for example, the West Germanic languages, there are some major differences in cultural, economic and social organization as well as striking genetic differences between the North and South Wellesley populations. This paper synthesizes data from linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, genetics and environmental science to present hypotheses of how these intriguing differences were generated, and what we might learn about early processes of marine colonization and cultural change from the Wellesley situation.