7 resultados para Introns

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Alternative splicing is widespread in mammalian gene expression, and variant splice patterns are often specific to different stages of development, particular tissues or a disease state. There is a need to systematically collect data on alternatively spliced exons, introns and splice isoforms, and to annotate this data. The Alternative Splicing Database consortium has been addressing this need, and is committed to maintaining and developing a value-added database of alternative splice events, and of experimentally verified regulatory mechanisms that mediate splice variants. In this paper we present two of the products from this project: namely, a database of computationally delineated alternative splice events as seen in alignments of EST/cDNA sequences with genome sequences, and a database of alternatively spliced exons collected from literature. The reported splice events are from nine different organisms and are annotated for various biological features including expression states and cross-species conservation. The data are presented on our ASD web pages (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/asd).


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Do non-coding RNAs that are derived from the introns and exons of protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes represent a fundamental advance in the genetic operating system of higher organisms? Recent evidence from comparative genomics and molecular genetics indicates that this might be the case. If so, there will be profound consequences for our understanding of the genetics of these organisms, and in particular how the trajectories of differentiation and development and the differences among individuals and species are genomically programmed. But how might this hypothesis be tested?


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There are 481 segments longer than 200 base pairs (bp) that are absolutely conserved (100% identity with no insertions or deletions) between orthologous regions of the human, rat, and mouse genomes. Nearly all of these segments are also conserved in the chicken and dog genomes, with an average of 95 and 99% identity, respectively. Many are also significantly conserved in fish. These ultraconserved elements of the human genome are most often located either overlapping exons in genes involved in RNA processing or in introns or nearby genes involved in the regulation of transcription and development. Along with more than 5000 sequences of over 100 bp that are absolutely conserved among the three sequenced mammals, these represent a class of genetic elements whose functions and evolutionary origins are yet to be determined, but which are more highly conserved between these species than are proteins and appear to be essential for the ontogeny of mammals and other vertebrates.


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Mammalian cells harbor numerous small non-protein-coding RNAs, including small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and small double-stranded RNAs, which regulate gene expression at many levels including chromatin architecture, RNA editing, RNA stability, translation, and quite possibly transcription and splicing. These RNAs are processed by multistep pathways from the introns and exons of longer primary transcripts, including protein-coding transcripts. Most show distinctive temporal- and tissue-specific expression patterns in different tissues, including embryonal stem cells and the brain, and some are imprinted. Small RNAs control a wide range of developmental and physiological pathways in animals, including hematopoietic differentiation, adipocyte differentiation and insulin secretion in mammals, and have been shown to be perturbed in cancer and other diseases. The extent of transcription of non-coding sequences and the abundance of small RNAs suggests the existence of an extensive regulatory network on the basis of RNA signaling which may underpin the development and much of the phenotypic variation in mammals and other complex organisms and which may have different genetic signatures from sequences encoding proteins.


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This report describes the presence of a unique dual domain carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the giant clam, Tridacna gigas. CA plays an important role in the movement of inorganic carbon (C-i) from the surrounding seawater to the symbiotic algae that are found within the clam's tissue. One of these isoforms is a glycoprotein which is significantly larger (70 kDa) than any previously reported from animals (generally between 28 and 52 kDa). This alpha-family CA contains two complete carbonic anhydrase domains within the one protein, accounting for its large size; dual domain CAs have previously only been reported from two algal species. The protein contains a leader sequence, an N-terminal CA domain and a C-terminal CA domain. The two CA domains have relatively little identity at the amino acid level (29%). The genomic sequence spans in excess of 17 kb and contains at least 12 introns and 13 exons. A number of these introns are in positions that are only found in the membrane attached/secreted CAs. This fact, along with phylogenetic analysis, suggests that this protein represents the second example of a membrane attached invertebrate CA and it contains a dual domain structure unique amongst all animal CAs characterized to date.


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Recent large-scale analyses of mainly full-length cDNA libraries generated from a variety of mouse tissues indicated that almost half of all representative cloned sequences did flat contain ail apparent protein-coding sequence, and were putatively derived from non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes. However, many of these clones were singletons and the majority were unspliced, raising the possibility that they may be derived from genomic DNA or unprocessed pre-rnRNA contamination during library construction, or alternatively represent nonspecific transcriptional noise. Here we Show, using reverse transcriptase-dependent PCR, microarray, and Northern blot analyses, that many of these clones were derived from genuine transcripts Of unknown function whose expression appears to be regulated. The ncRNA transcripts have larger exons and fewer introns than protein-coding transcripts. Analysis of the genomic landscape around these sequences indicates that some cDNA clones were produced not from terminal poly(A) tracts but internal priming sites within longer transcripts, only a minority of which is encompassed by known genes. A significant proportion of these transcripts exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns, as well as dynamic changes in their expression in macrophages following lipopolysaccharide Stimulation. Taken together, the data provide strong support for the conclusion that ncRNAs are an important, regulated component of the mammalian transcriptome.


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The term non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is commonly employed for RNA that does not encode a protein, but this does not mean that such RNAs do not contain information nor have function. Although it has been generally assumed that most genetic information is transacted by proteins, recent evidence suggests that the majority of the genomes of mammals and other complex organisms is in fact transcribed into ncRNAs, many of which are alternatively spliced and/or processed into smaller products. These ncRNAs include microRNAs and snoRNAs (many if not most of which remain to be identified), as well as likely other classes of yet-to-be-discovered small regulatory RNAs, and tens of thousands of longer transcripts (including complex patterns of interlacing and overlapping sense and antisense transcripts), most of whose functions are unknown. These RNAs (including those derived from introns) appear to comprise a hidden layer of internal signals that control various levels of gene expression in physiology and development, including chromatin architecture/epigenetic memory, transcription, RNA splicing, editing, translation and turnover. RNA regulatory networks may determine most of our complex characteristics, play a significant role in disease and constitute an unexplored world of genetic variation both within and between species.