4 resultados para Interação G x A

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The radiation chemistry of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) with a TFE mole fraction of 0.90 has been studied under vacuum using Co-60 gamma-radiation over a range of temperatures and absorbed doses. The radiolysis temperatures were 300, 363, 423, 523 and 543 K. New structure formation in the copolymers was analysed by solid-state F-19 NMR spectroscopy. The new structures formed in the copolymers have been identified and the G-values for the formation of new chemical structures have been investigated at 363 and 523 K. These two temperatures are just above and just below the polymer T-g and T-m, respectively. At the lower temperature, there was no evidence for any chain branching and an estimate of G(S) of 1.0 was obtained. A value of G(S) of 1.3 and a minimum value of G(X)(Y) of 1.3 were obtained at 523 K. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Improvement of end-use quality in bread wheat depends on a thorough understanding of current wheat quality and the influences of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype by environment interaction (G x E) on quality traits. Thirty-nine spring-sown spring wheat (SSSW) cultivars and advanced lines from China were grown in four agro-ecological zones comprising seven locations during the 1998 and 1999 cropping seasons. Data on 12 major bread-making quality traits were used to investigate the effect of G, E, and G x E on these traits. Wide range variability for protein quantity and quality, starch quality parameters and milling quality in Chinese SSSW was observed. Genotype and environment were found to significantly influence all quality parameters as major effects. Kernel hardness, flour yield, Zeleny sedimentation value and mixograph properties were mainly influenced by the genetic variance components, while thousand kernel weight, test weight, and falling number were mostly influenced by the environmental variance components. Genotype, environment, and their interaction had important effects on test weight, mixing development time and RVA parameters. Cultivars originating from Zone VI (northeast) generally expressed high kernel hardness, good starch quality, but poor milling and medium to weak mixograph performance; those from Zone VII (north) medium to good gluten and starch quality, but low milling quality; those from Zone VIII (central northwest) medium milling and starch quality, and medium to strong mixograph performance; those from Zone IX (western/southwestern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) medium milling quality, but poor gluten strength and starch parameters; and those from Zone X (northwest) high milling quality, strong mixograph properties, but low protein content. Samples from Harbin are characterized by good gluten and starch quality, but medium to poor milling quality; those from Hongxinglong by strong mixograph properties, medium to high milling quality, but medium to poor starch quality and medium to low protein content; those from Hohhot by good gluten but poor milling quality; those from Linhe by weak gluten quality, medium to poor milling quality; those from Lanzhou by poor bread-making and starch quality; those from Yongning by acceptable bread-making and starch quality and good milling quality; and those from Urumqi by good milling quality, medium gluten quality and good starch pasting parameters. Our findings suggest that Chinese SSSW quality could be greatly enhanced through genetic improvement for targeted well-characterized production environments.


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The initial disturbance amplitude has an effect on stretching jets that is not observed for capillary jet instability where gravitational acceleration is not significant. For inviscid and viscous fluids, gravity diminishes the effect that the initial amplitude has on jet length and its ability to prevent satellite formation. In stretching jets, not only the dimensionless frequency of the disturbance but also its initial amplitude must be known to properly study their satellite forming nature. Indirect methods of relating the applied disturbance energy to an initial velocity perturbation are not simple when the gravity parameter G is changing. When G A 0, the optimum disturbance frequency Omega(opt) and the initial disturbance amplitude are related, with Omega(opt) proportional to f (G) x In(1 /epsilon(nu)). Results from numerical simulations and experiments are presented here. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability to track large numbers of individuals and families is a key determinant of the power and precision of breeding programs, including the capacity to quantify interactions between genotypes and their environment. Until recently, most family based selective breeding programs for shrimp, and other highly fecund aquaculture species, have been restricted by the number of animals that can be physically tagged and individually selected. Advances in the development of molecular markers, such as microsatellite loci, are now providing the means to track large numbers of individuals and families in commercial production systems. In this study microsatellites, coupled with DNA parentage analyses, were used to determine the relative performance of 22 families of R japonicus reared in commercial production ponds. In the experimental design 6000 post-larvae from each of 22 families, whose maternal parents had been genotyped at 8 microsatellite loci, were stocked into each of four I ha ponds. After 6 months the ponds were harvested and a total of 6000 individuals were randomly weighed from each pond. Mean wet weight of the shrimp from one pond was significantly lower than that of the other three ponds demonstrating a possible pond effect on growth rate. The representation of families in the top 10% of each pond's weight distribution was then determined by randomly genotyping up to 300 individuals from this upper weight class. Parentage analyses based on individual genotypic data demonstrated that some families were over-represented in the top 10% in all ponds, while others were under-represented due to slower growth rates. The results also revealed some weak, but significant, male genotype x environment (G x E) interactions in the expression of shrimp growth for some families. This indicates that G x E effects may need to be factored into future R japonicus selective breeding programs. This study demonstrated the utility of DNA parentage analyses for tracking individual family performance in communally stocked shrimp pond populations and, its application to examining G x E effects on trait expression under commercial culture conditions. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.