132 resultados para Impact Breakage

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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This paper discusses the design and characterisation of a short, and hence portable impact load cell for in-situ quantification of ore breakage properties under impact loading conditions. Much literature has been published in the past two decades about impact load cells for ore breakage testing. It has been conclusively shown that such machines yield significant quantitative energy-fragmentation information about industrial ores. However, documented load cells are all laboratory systems that are not adapted for in-situ testing due to their dimensions and operating requirements. The authors report on a new portable impact load cell designed specifically for in-situ testing. The load cell is 1.5 m in height and weighs 30 kg. Its physical and operating characteristics are detailed in the paper. This includes physical dimensions, calibration and signal deconvolution. Emphasis is placed on the deconvolution issue, which is significant for such a short load cell. Finally, it is conclusively shown that the short load cell is quantitatively as accurate as its larger laboratory analogues. (C) 2062 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The PFC3D (particle flow code) that models the movement and interaction of particles by the DEM techniques was employed to simulate the particle movement and to calculate the velocity and energy distribution of collision in two types of impact crusher: the Canica vertical shaft crusher and the BJD horizontal shaft swing hammer mill. The distribution of collision energies was then converted into a product size distribution for a particular ore type using JKMRC impact breakage test data. Experimental data of the Canica VSI crusher treating quarry and the BJD hammer mill treating coal were used to verify the DEM simulation results. Upon the DEM procedures being validated, a detailed simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects of the machine design and operational conditions on velocity and energy distributions of collision inside the milling chamber and on the particle breakage behaviour. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the area of dry particle breakage, Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations have been widely used to analyse the sensitivity of various physical parameters to the behaviour of agglomerates during breakage. This paper looks at the effect of agglomerate shape and structure on the mechanisms and extent of breakage of dry agglomerates under compressive load using DEM simulations. In the simulations, a spherical-shaped agglomerate produced within the DEM code is compared with an irregularly shaped agglomerate, whose structure is that of an actual granule that was characterised with X-ray microtomography (muCT). Both agglomerates have identical particle size distribution, coordination number and surface energy values, with only the agglomerate shape and structure differing between the two. The work here details the breakage behaviour with a number of traditional DEM output parameters (i.e., contact/cluster distributions) with showing vastly different behaviour between the two agglomerates. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many granulation plants operate well below design capacity, suffering from high recycle rates and even periodic instabilities. This behaviour cannot be fully predicted using the present models. The main objective of the paper is to provide an overview of the current status of model development for granulation processes and suggest future directions for research and development. The end-use of the models is focused on the optimal design and control of granulation plants using the improved predictions of process dynamics. The development of novel models involving mechanistically based structural switching methods is proposed in the paper. A number of guidelines are proposed for the selection of control relevant model structures. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Wet agglomeration processes have traditionally been considered an empirical art, with great difficulties in predicting and explaining observed behaviour. Industry has faced a range of problems including large recycle ratios, poor product quality control, surging and even the total failure of scale up from laboratory to full scale production. However, in recent years there has been a rapid advancement in our understanding of the fundamental processes that control granulation behaviour and product properties. This review critically evaluates the current understanding of the three key areas of wet granulation processes: wetting and nucleation, consolidation and growth, and breakage and attrition. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that there now exist theoretical models which predict or explain the majority of experimentally observed behaviour. Provided that the correct material properties and operating parameters are known, it is now possible to make useful predictions about how a material will granulate. The challenge that now faces us is to transfer these theoretical developments into industrial practice. Standard, reliable methods need to be developed to measure the formulation properties that control granulation behaviour, such as contact angle and dynamic yield strength. There also needs to be a better understanding of the flow patterns, mixing behaviour and impact velocities in different types of granulation equipment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The best accepted method for design of autogenous and semi-autogenous (AG/SAG) mills is to carry out pilot scale test work using a 1.8 m diameter by 0.6 m long pilot scale test mill. The load in such a mill typically contains 250,000-450,000 particles larger than 6 mm, allowing correct representation of more than 90% of the charge in Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations. Most AG/SAG mills use discharge grate slots which are 15 mm or more in width. The mass in each size fraction usually decreases rapidly below grate size. This scale of DEM model is now within the possible range of standard workstations running an efficient DEM code. This paper describes various ways of extracting collision data front the DEM model and translating it into breakage estimates. Account is taken of the different breakage mechanisms (impact and abrasion) and of the specific impact histories of the particles in order to assess the breakage rates for various size fractions in the mills. At some future time, the integration of smoothed particle hydrodynamics with DEM will allow for the inclusion of slurry within the pilot mill simulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.


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One of the main objectives of the first International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures is to provide an opportunity for young researchers and engineers to present their research. But a research project is only completed when it has been published and shared with the community. Referees and peer experts play an important role to control the research quality. While some new electronic tools provide further means to disseminate some research information, the quality and impact of the works remain linked with some thorough expert-review process and the publications in international scientific journals and books. Importantly unethical publishing standards are not acceptable and cheating is despicable.


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For the last three decades, the engineering higher education and professional environments have been completely transformed by the "electronic/digital information revolution" that has included the introduction of personal computer, the development of email and world wide web, and broadband Internet connections at home. Herein the writer compares the performances of several digital tools with traditional library resources. While new specialised search engines and open access digital repositories may fill a gap between conventional search engines and traditional references, these should be not be confused with real libraries and international scientific databases that encompass textbooks and peer-reviewed scholarly works. An absence of listing in some Internet search listings, databases and repositories is not an indication of standing. Researchers, engineers and academics should remember these key differences in assessing the quality of bibliographic "research" based solely upon Internet searches.


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The study of the mechanisms of mechanical alloying requires knowledge of the impact characteristics between the ball and vial in the presence of milling powders. In this paper, foe falling experiments have br cn used to investigate the characteristics of impact events involved in mechanical milling. The effects of milling conditions, including impact velocity, ball size and powder thickness. on the coefficient of restitution and impact force are studied. It is found that the powder has a significant influence on the impact process due to its porous structure. This effect can be demonstrated using a modified Kelvin model. This study also confirms that the impact force is a relevant parameter for characterising the impact event due to its sensitivity to the milling conditions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Using the framework of communication accommodation theory the authors examined convergence and maintenance on evaluations of Chinese and Australian students. In Study 1, Australian students judged interactions between an Anglo-Australian. and another interactant who either maintained his or converged in speech style. Results indicated that participants were aware of convergence but that speaker ethnicity (Anglo-Australian, Chinese Australian or Chinese national) was a stronger influence on evaluations and future intentions to interact with the speaker In Study 2, Australian students judged Chinese speakers who maintained communication style or converged on interpersonal speech markers, intergroup markers, or both types of markers. Results indicated that the more participants defined themselves in intergroup terms, the more positively they judged intergroup convergence relative to interpersonal convergence and maintenance. This points to the importance of distinguishing between, convergence on interpersonal and intergroup speech markers, and underlines the role of individual differences in the evaluation of convergence.


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