5 resultados para ISCOM

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of the polar lipids Quil A, cholesterol (Chol) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) in aqueous mixtures prepared by the lipid film hydration method (where dried lipid film of phospholipids and cholesterol are hydrated by an aqueous solution of Quil A) were investigated in terms of the types of particulate structures formed therein. Negative staining transmission electron microscopy and polarized light microscopy were used to characterize the colloidal and coarse dispersed particles present in the systems. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were established for lipid mixtures hydrated in water and in Tris buffer (pH 7.4). The effect of equilibration time was also studied with respect to systems hydrated in water where the samples were stored for 2 months at 4degreesC. Depending on the mass ratio of Quil A, Chol and PC in the systems, various colloidal particles including ISCOM matrices, liposomes, ring-like micelles and worm-like micelles were observed. Other colloidal particles were also observed as minor structures in the presence of these predominant colloids including helices, layered structures and lamellae (hexagonal pattern of ring-like micelles). In terms of the conditions which appeared to promote the formation of ISCOM matrices, the area of the phase diagrams associated with systems containing these structures increased in the order: hydrated in water/short equilibration period < hydrated in buffer/short equilibration period < hydrated in water/prolonged equilibration period. ISCOM matrices appeared to form over time from samples, which initially contained a high concentration of ring-like micelles suggesting that these colloidal structures may be precursors to ISCOM matrix formation. Helices were also frequently found in samples containing ISCOM matrices as a minor colloidal structure. Equilibration time and presence of buffer salts also promoted the formation of liposomes in systems not containing Quil A. These parameters however, did not appear to significantly affect the occurrence and predominance of other structures present in the pseudo-binary systems containing Quil A. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of PC, Chol and Quil A are important to identify combinations which will produce different colloidal structures, particularly ISCOM matrices, by the method of lipid film hydration. Colloidal structures comprising these three components are readily prepared by hydration of dried lipid films and may have application in vaccine delivery where the functionality of ISCOMs has clearly been demonstrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pseudo-ternary diagrams for Quil A, phospholipid (phosphatidylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)) and cholesterol were established in order to identify combinations that result in the formation of immune-stimulating complex (ISCOM) matrices and other colloidal structures produced by these three components in aqueous systems following lipid-film hydration or dialysis (methods that can be used to produce ISCOMs). In addition, the effect of equilibration time (1 month at 4degreesC) on the structures formed by the various combinations of the three components was investigated. Depending on the ratio of Quil A, cholesterol and phospholipid, different colloidal particles, including ISCOM matrices, liposomes and ring-like micelles, were found irrespective of the preparation method used. In contrast, worm-like micelles were only observed in systems prepared by lipid-film hydration. For samples prepared by dialysis, ISCOM matrices were predominantly found near the Quil A apex of the pseudo-ternary diagram (> 50% Quil A). On the other hand, for samples prepared by lipid-film hydration, ISCOM matrices were predominantly found near the phospholipid apex of the pseudo-ternary diagram (> 50% phospholipid). The regions in the pseudo-ternary diagrams in which ISCOM matrices were observed increased following an extended equilibration time, particularly for samples prepared by lipid-film hydration. Differences were also observed between pseudoternary diagrams prepared using either PE or PC as phospholipids.


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The aim of the present study was to prepare solid Quil A-cholesterol-phospholid formulations (as powder mixtures or compressed to pellets) by physical mixing or by freeze-drying of aqueous dispersions of these components in ratios that allow spontaneous formation of ISCOMs and other colloidal stuctures upon hydration. The effect of addition of excess cholesterol to the lipid mixtures on the release of a model antigen (PE-FITC-OVA) from the pellets was also investigated. Physical properties were evaluated by X-ray powder diffractometry (XPRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and polarized light microscopy (PLM). Characterization of aqueous colloidal dispersions was performed by negative staining transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Physically mixed powders (with or without PE-FITC-OVA) and pellets prepared from the same powders did not spontaneously form ISCOM matrices and related colloidal structures such as worm-like micelles, ring-like micelles, lipidic/layered structures and lamellae (hexagonal array of ring-like micelles) upon hydration as expected from the pseudo-temary diagram for aqueous mixtures of Quil A, cholesterol and phospholipid. In contrast, spontaneous formation of the expected colloids was demonstrated for the freeze-dried lipid mixtures. Pellets prepared by compression of freeze-dried powders released PE-FITC-OVA slower than those prepared from physically mixed powders. TEM investigations revealed that the antigen was released in the form of colloidal particles (ISCOMs) from pellets prepared by compression of freeze-dried powders. The addition of excess cholesterol slowed down the release of antigen. The findings obtained in this study are important for the formulation of solid Quil A-containing lipid articles as controlled particulate adjuvant containing antigen delivery systems. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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preparation of liposomes, as a new, continuous and potentially scaleable method for the preparation of ISCOMs. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and cholesterol (Chol) were dissolved in ether, which was injected into an aqueous solution, maintained at 55 degrees C, containing Quil A. The influences of the following variables on ISCOM formation were investigated: ratio of PC:Quil A:Chol used, pumping rate, total lipid mass and concentration of buffer salts and Quil A in the aqueous phase. All samples were characterized by negative stain transmission electron microscopy, photon correlation spectroscopy and sucrose ultracentrifugation gradient. It was demonstrated that ISCOMs could be produced by this method but the homogeneity of the preparation was influenced by the conditions used. Homogeneous ISCOM preparations were consistently produced only when the weight ratio of PC:Quil A:Chol was 5:3:2 with a total lipid mass of 20 mg, the Quil A dissolved in a 0.01 M phosphate buffer at a concentration of 6 mg in 4 ml, and the ether solution injected into the warmed buffer solution at a rate of 0.2 ml/min. Changing any of these variables resulted in more heterogeneous preparations in which ISCOMs typically co-existed with other colloidal structures such as worm-like and helical micelles, liposomes, lamellae and lipidic particles. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ISCOMs have received much attention as vaccine adjuvants due to their immunostimulatory effects. They are colloidal particles typically comprised of phospholipids, cholesterol and Quil A, a crude mixture of saponins extracted from the bark of Quillaja saponaria Molina. We have previously shown that ISCOMs can be prepared by ether injection wherein an ether solution of phospholipids and cholesterol in a mass ratio of 5:2 is injected into a solution of Quil A at a mass ratio of 7 lipids: 3 Quil A. The aim of this study was firstly to isolate and characterise discrete fractions of Quil A and secondly to investigate which of these fractions were able to form ISCOMs by the method of ether injection. Six fractions of Quil A were isolated by semi-preparative reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and characterised by analytical HPLC, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and the qualitative Liebermann- Burchard and Molisch tests for triterpenoids and carbohydrates respectively. ISCOMs were subsequently prepared from the isolated fractions by the method of ether injection and the resulting preparations characterized by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and negative stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The molecular weights of the major compounds in the fractions ranged from ∼1200 to ∼2300 Da; all fractions tested positive for triterpenoids and saccharides and four of the fractions were identified as QS-7, QS-17, QS-18 and QS-21 by analysis (LC-MS and analytical HPLC). Injection of ether solutions of lipids into aqueous solutions of QS-17, QS-18 or QS-21 all resulted in homogeneous ISCOM dispersions. The combination of lipids and QS-7 by ether injection produced lamellae and liposomes as the prominent structures and a minor amount of ISCOMs. The remaining two hydrophilic, low molecular weight fractions of Quil A did not produce ISCOMs, instead liposomes and helical structures predominated in the samples.