em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Objective: Our previous studies showed that the pleiotropic cytokine leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) inhibits the de novo formation of experimental atherosclerotic lesions. The present study examined whether LIF also inhibits progression of pre-existing atheroma. Methods: Balloon angioplasty was performed on the right carotid arteries of 18 rabbits immediately before placing animals on a cholesterol-enriched diet. After 4 weeks, at which time the intima:media ratio (IN) was 0.99+/-0.12 (n=6), osmotic minipumps containing LIF (n=6) or saline control n=6) were inserted into the peritoneal cavity of each of the remaining rabbits for a further 4 weeks. Arteries were then harvested for analysis. Results: Continuous administration of LIF for the final 4 weeks of an 8-week cholesterol-enriched diet completely inhibited lesion progression in injured carotid arteries (I:M 1.05+/-0.16) compared with the saline-treated group at 8 weeks (1.62+/-0.13; P


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Successive immunization of mice with Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis has been shown to modulate the specific serum IgG responses to these organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate these antibody responses further by examining the IgG subclasses induced as well as the opsonizing properties of the specific antibodies. Serum samples from BALB/c mice immunized with F. nucleatum (gp1-F), P. gingivalis (gp2-P), P. gingivalis followed by F. nucleatum (gp3-PF) F. nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis (gp4-FP) or saline alone (gp5-S) were examined for specific IgG1 (Th2) and IgG2a (Th1) antibody levels using an ELISA and the opsonizing properties measured using a neutrophil chemiluminescence assay. While IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses were induced in all immunized groups, there was a tendency towards an IgG1 response in mice immunized with P. gingivalis alone, while immunization with F. nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis induced significantly higher anti-P. gingivalis IgG2a levels than IgG1. The maximum light output due to neutrophil phagocytosis of P. gingivalis occurred at 10 min using nonopsonized bacteria. Chemiluminescence was reduced using serum-opsonized P. gingivalis and, in particular, sera from P. gingivalis-immunized mice (gp2-P), with maximum responses occurring at 40 min. In contrast, phagocytosis of immune serum-opsonized F. nucleatum demonstrated peak light output at 10 min, while that of F. nucleatum opsonized with sera from saline injected mice (gp5-S) and control nonopsonized bacteria showed peak responses at 40 min. The lowest phagocytic response occurred using gp4-FP serum-opsonized F. nucleatum. In conclusion, the results of the present study have demonstrated a systemic Th1/Th2 response in mice immunized with P. gingivalis and/or F. nucleatum with a trend towards a Th2 response in P. gingivalis-immunized mice and a significantly increased anti-P. gingivalis IgG2a (Th1) response in mice immunized with F. nucleatum prior to P. gingivalis. Further, the inhibition of neutrophil phagocytosis of immune serum-opsonized P. gingivalis was modulated by the presence of anti-F. nucleatum antibodies, while anti-P. gingivalis antibodies induced an inhibitory effect on the phagocytic response to F. nucleatum.


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Pentobarbitone sodium (Sodium 5-ethyl-5[1-methylbutyl]-pentobarbitone) is a short-acting barbiturate that is commonly used to euthanase animals. As part of our studies into the molecular genetics of copper toxicosis in Bedlington terrier dogs, reverse-transcription (RT)-PCR was noted to always fail on RNA samples collected from livers of dogs sacrificed by pentobarbitone injection. When samples were collected without pentobarbitone, however, RTPCR was always successful. We suspected the possible inhibition by pentobarbitone sodium of either reverse transcriptase or Taq polymerase. In vitro studies showed that pentobarbitone interference of PCR occurred at >4 mug/mul. To identify if pentobarbitone produced competitive inhibition, each components (Taq polymerase, MgCl2, dNTP, etc.) of the PCR was individually altered. However, inhibition still persisted, suggesting that multiple PCR components may be affected. Also it was shown that pentobarbitone interference was not dependent on the PCR product size. Simple dilution of pentobarbitone contaminated DNA solutions, and the addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to the PCR mix overcame pentobarbitone interference. In vivo, PCR by pentobarbitone was found to be compounded by high DNA concentration and pentobarbitone contamination. In addition, both high DNA concentration and pentobarbitone contamination could be overcome through dilution and the addition of BSA. Further work is required to quantify pentobarbitone concentration in the liver-extracted DNA and RNA samples before this inhibition effect on PCR can be fully elucidated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.