29 resultados para INFECTIOUS DISEASE
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Most of epidemiological theory has been developed for terrestrial systems, but the significance of disease in the ocean is now being recognized. However, the extent to which terrestrial epidemiology can be directly transferred to marine systems is uncertain. Many broad types of disease-causing organism occur both on land and in the sea, and it is clear that some emergent disease problems in marine environments are caused by pathogens moving from terrestrial to marine systems. However, marine systems are qualitatively different from terrestrial environments, and these differences affect the application of modelling and management approaches that have been developed for terrestrial systems. Phyla and body plans are more diverse in marine environments and marine organisms have different life histories and probably different disease transmission modes than many of their terrestrial counterparts. Marine populations are typically more open than terrestrial ones, with the potential for long-distance dispersal of larvae. Potentially, this might enable unusually rapid propagation of epidemics in marine systems, and there are several examples of this. Taken together, these differences will require the development of new approaches to modelling and control of infectious disease in the ocean.
Use of PCR in the field of molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the standard method for detecting nucleic acids from a number of sample and microbial types. However, conventional PCR was already an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has catalysed wider acceptance of PCR because it is more rapid, sensitive and reproducible, while the risk of carryover contamination is minimised. There is an increasing number of chemistries which are used to detect PCR products as they accumulate within a closed reaction vessel during real-time PCR. These include the non-specific DNA-binding fluorophores and the specific, fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotide probes, some of which will be discussed in detail. It is not only the technology that has changed with the introduction of real-time PCR. Accompanying changes have occurred in the traditional terminology of PCR, and these changes will be highlighted as they occur. Factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR, as well as the role of real-time PCR in the quantitation and genotyping of the microbial causes of infectious disease, will also be discussed. Because the amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly, this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. Additionally, the advantages, limitations and general background of real-time PCR technology will be reviewed in the context of the microbiology laboratory.
Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) is common and increasing worldwide. A retrospective review was undertaken to quantify the number of cases, their place of acquisition, and the proportions caused by methicillin-resistant.S. aureus (MRSA) in 17 hospitals in Australia. Of 3,192 episodes, 1,571 (49%) were community onset. MRSA caused 40% of hospital-onset episodes and 12% of community-onset episodes. The median rate of SAB was 1.48/1,000 admissions (range 0.61-3.24; median rate for hospital-onset SAB was 0.7/1,000 and for community onset 0.8/1,000 admissions). Using these rates, we estimate that approximate to 6,900 episodes of SAB occur annually in Australia (35/100,000 population). SAB is common, and a substantial proportion of cases may be preventable. The epidemiology is evolving, with > 10% of community-onset SAB now caused by MRSA. This is an emerging infectious disease concern and is likely to impact on empiric antimicrobial drug prescribing in suspected cases of SAB.
Vaccination remains a vital strategy in the prevention of infectious disease. Commercial vaccine formulations contain a range of additives or manufacturing residuals, which may contribute to patient concerns about vaccine safety. Primary health care professionals are well placed to address patient concerns about vaccine safety. We describe the key constituents present in vaccines, discuss issues related to safety and acceptability of these constituents, and provide a table highlighting constituents of commercially available vaccines in Australia.
Objective: To examine the frequency distribution of co-existing conditions for deaths where the underlying cause was infectious and parasitic diseases. Materials and methods: Besides the underlying cause of death, the distributions of co-existing conditions for deaths from infectious and parasitic diseases were examined in total and by various age and sex groups, at individual and chapter levels, using 1998 Australian mortality data. Results: In addition to the underlying cause of death, the average number of reported co-existing conditions for a single infectious and parasitic death was 1.62. The most common co-existing conditions were respiratory failure, acute renal failure non-specific causes, ischaemic heart disease, pneumonia and diabetes. When studying the distribution of co-existing conditions at the ICD-9 chapter level, it was found that the circulatory system diseases were the most important. There was an increasing trend in the number of reported co-existing conditions from 60 years of age upwards. Gender differences existed in the frequency of some reported co-existing conditions. The most common organism types of co-existing conditions were other bacterial infection and other viruses. Conclusions: The study indicated that the quality of death certificates is less than satisfactory for the 1998 Australian mortality data. The findings may be helpful in clarifying the ICD coding rules and the development of disease prevention strategies. (C) 2003 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The liver plays a major role in the body's metabolism and, as such, is subject to a multitude of insults-infectious, toxic, metabolic, nutritional, traumatic, and neoplastic. Consequently, liver disease is not uncommon in avian and other exotic patients. As diagnostic modalities (and our experience in using them and interpreting them) improve, veterinarian are becoming more aware of the presence of (often subclinical) liver disease in their patients, and often of the specific nature of that disease. Through new research, veterinarians also are more able to appreciate the liver's unique function and metabolism and the role it plays in the function of the body as a whole. This understanding has led to a better awareness of how the liver responds to disease, and this has allowed refinements in the treatment of diseased and damaged livers. However, treating liver disease is not just about treating the organ; the patient as a whole must be supported and treated until a successful resolution has been achieved. Treatment therefore must be aimed at supporting the patient, treating the specific condition, and creating an environment that allows the liver to heal and regenerate. This article briefly reviews the anatomy and physiology of the liver and how it responds to insult. Treatment of liver disease then is discussed using the aims described above. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Disease in wildlife raises a number of issues that have not been widely considered in the bioethical literature. However, wildlife disease has major implications for human welfare. The majority of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic: that is, they occur in humans by cross-species transmission from animal hosts. Managing these diseases often involves balancing concerns with human health against animal welfare and conservation concerns. Many infectious diseases of domestic animals are shared with wild animals, although it is often unclear whether the infection spills over from wild animals to domestic animals or vice versa. Culling is the standard means of managing such diseases, bringing economic considerations, animal welfare and conservation into conflict. Infectious diseases are also major threatening processes in conservation biology and their appropriate management by culling, vaccination or treatment raises substantial animal ethics issues. One particular issue of great significance in Australia is an ongoing research program to develop genetically modified pathogens to control vertebrate pests including rabbits, foxes and house mice. Release of any self-replicating GMO vertebrate pathogen gives rise to a whole series of ethical questions. We briefly review current Australian legal responses to these problems. Finally, we present two unresolved problems of general importance that are exemplified by wildlife disease. First, to what extent can or should 'bioethics' be broadened beyond direct concerns with human welfare to animal welfare and environmental welfare? Second, how should the irreducible uncertainty of ecological systems be accounted for in ethical decision making?
In the United States and several other countries., the development of population viability analyses (PVA) is a legal requirement of any species survival plan developed for threatened and endangered species. Despite the importance of pathogens in natural populations, little attention has been given to host-pathogen dynamics in PVA. To study the effect of infectious pathogens on extinction risk estimates generated from PVA, we review and synthesize the relevance of host-pathogen dynamics in analyses of extinction risk. We then develop a stochastic, density-dependent host-parasite model to investigate the effects of disease on the persistence of endangered populations. We show that this model converges on a Ricker model of density dependence under a suite of limiting assumptions, including. a high probability that epidemics will arrive and occur. Using this modeling framework, we then quantify: (1) dynamic differences between time series generated by disease and Ricker processes with the same parameters; (2) observed probabilities of quasi-extinction for populations exposed to disease or self-limitation; and (3) bias in probabilities of quasi-extinction estimated by density-independent PVAs when populations experience either form of density dependence. Our results suggest two generalities about the relationships among disease, PVA, and the management of endangered species. First, disease more strongly increases variability in host abundance and, thus, the probability of quasi-extinction, than does self-limitation. This result stems from the fact that the effects and the probability of occurrence of disease are both density dependent. Second, estimates of quasi-extinction are more often overly optimistic for populations experiencing disease than for those subject to self-limitation. Thus, although the results of density-independent PVAs may be relatively robust to some particular assumptions about density dependence, they are less robust when endangered populations are known to be susceptible to disease. If potential management actions involve manipulating pathogens, then it may be useful to. model disease explicitly.
Koala retrovirus (KoRV) is a newly described endogenous retrovirus and is unusual in that inserts comprise a full-length replication competent genome. As koalas are known to suffer from an extremely high incidence of leukaemia/lymphoma, the association between this retrovirus and disease in koalas was examined. Using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR it was demonstrated that KoRV RNA levels in plasma are significantly increased in animals suffering from leukaemia or lymphoma when compared with healthy animals. Increased levels of KoRV were also seen for animals with clinical chlamydiosis. A significant positive association between viral RNA levels and age was also demonstrated. Real-time PCR demonstrated as much as 5 log variation in KoRV proviral DNA levels in genomic DNA extracted from whole blood from different animals. Taken together these data indicate that KoRV is an active endogenous retrovirus and suggests that it may be causally linked to neoplastic disease in koalas.
In today's Lancet, Felicity Cutts and colleagues present their findings on the randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial on the efficacy of a nine-valent pneumococcal conjugate-vaccine (9PCV) against radiologically confirmed pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease in children immunised before 12 months of age in The Gambia. The study site is a rural African setting with high child-mortality, a low prevalence of HIV-1 infection in pregnant mothers, and with endemic malaria. The authors report a vaccine efficacy of 37% (95% CI 27–45%) against first-episodes of radiological pneumonia in a per-protocol analysis. Intention-to-treat analysis showed similar results. The investigators also found that the vaccine could significantly reduce the incidence of vaccine-type invasive pneumococcal disease by 77%, by 50% for all-serotype invasive pneumococcal disease, by 15% for all-cause health-facility admissions, and by 16% for overall child mortality.