em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The development of gymnolaemate Ectoprocta includes a larval stage of either the coronate or the cyphonautes type. Herein, we provide the first description of the larval neural anatomy of a coronate larva using immunocytochemical methods. We used antibodies against the neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide and followed the fate of immunoreactive cells through metamorphosis. The larval serotonergic nervous system of Triphyllozoon mucronatum consists of an apical commissure, one pair of lateral axons, a coronate nerve net, an internal nerve mesh, and one pair of axons innervating the frontal organ. FMRFamide is only found in the larval commissure and in the lateral axons. The entire serotonergic and FMRFamidergic nervous system is lost during metamorphosis and the adult neural structures form independent of the larval ones. In the postlarval zooid, both neurotransmitters are detected in the cerebral commissure, in cell bodies located at the base of the lophophore, and in neurites connecting these somata to the cerebral commissure. These findings differ significantly from that observed in other lophotrochozoans, where certain larval neural features are either incorporated in the adult nervous system and/or have inductive functions during its ontogeny. The occurrence of a larval commissure and the lack of a serotonergic or FMRFamidergic apical organ in T. mucronatum are unique among lophotrochozoan larvae, which usually have a distinct apical organ containing serotonergic cells. Our data show that the larval neuroanatomy and the processes that underlie the reorganization of larval organ systems during metamorphosis may vary much more among lophotrochozoan taxa than previously thought.


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Renin and angiotensinogen have been previously found in the rat pancreas, and angiotensin receptors have been located in the apical domain of duct cells. To evaluate the possibility that angiotensin II could be generated within the duct system, we decided to determine whether angiotensinogen is present in rat pancreatic juice and the angiotensinogen-immunoreactive pancreatic cell types that could be responsible for its production. Angiotensinogen was detected in significant amounts by Western blotting in pancreatic juice collected from several individual rats. Different isoforms between plasma and pancreatic juice angiotensinogens were demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. Immunocytochemical experiments revealed angiotensinogen-immunoreactive cells at the periphery of the islets of Langerhans, and confocal microscopy demonstrated that most angiotensinogen-immunoreactive cells were glucagon-secreting cells. Secretion of angiotensinogen did not follow the regulated secretory pathway since it was absent from the glucagon-containing granules. This was confirmed by electron microscopy immunocytochemistry. Duct and acinar cells did not express angiotensinogen at an immunocytochemical detectable level. The present findings indicated an exocrine secretion of angiotensinogen by glucagon-secreting cells and suggest that one of the final targets of the local pancreatic renin-angiotensin system may be the duct epithelium.


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The homeostasis of GABA is critical to normal brain function. Extracellular levels of GABA are regulated mainly by plasmalemmal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporters. Whereas the expression of GABA transporters has been extensively studied in rodents, validation of this data in other species, including humans, has been limited. As this information is crucial for our understanding of therapeutic options in human diseases such as epilepsy, we have compared, by immunocytochemistry, the distributions of the GABA transporters GAT-1 and GAT-3 in rats, cats, monkeys and humans. We demonstrate subtle differences between the results reported in the literature and our results, such as the predominance of GAT-1 labelling in neurons rather than astrocytes in the rat cortex. We note that the optimal localisation of GAT-1 in cats, monkeys and humans requires the use of an antibody against the human sequence carboxyl terminal region of GAT-1 rather than against the slightly different rat sequence. We demonstrate that GAT-3 is localised mainly to astrocytes in hindbrain and midbrain regions of rat brains. However, in species such as cats, monkeys and humans, additional strong immunolabelling of oligodendrocytes has also been observed. We suggest that differences in GAT distribution, especially the expression of GAT-3 by oligodendrocytes in humans, must be accommodated in extrapolating rodent models of GABA homeostasis to humans.


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The cholinergic amacrine cells in the rabbit retina slowly accumulate glycine to very high levels when the tissue is incubated with excess sarcosine (methylglycine), even though these cells do not normally contain elevated levels of glycine and do not express high-affinity glycine transporters. Because the sarcosine also depletes the endogenous glycine in the glycine-containing amacrine cells and bipolar cells, the cholinergic amacrine cells can be selectively labeled by glycine immunocytochemistry under these conditions. Incubation experiments indicated that the effect of sarcosine on the cholinergic amacrine cells is indirect: sarcosine raises the extracellular concentration of glycine by blocking its re-uptake by the glycinergic amacrine cells, and the excess glycine is probably taken-up by an unidentified low-affinity transporter on the cholinergic amacrine cells. Neurobiotin injection of the On-Off direction-selective (DS) ganglion cells in sarcosine-incubated rabbit retina was combined with glycine immunocytochemistry to examine the dendritic relationships between the DS ganglion cells and the cholinergic amacrine cells. These double-labeled preparations showed that the dendrites of the DS ganglion cells closely follow the fasciculated dendrites of the cholinergic amacrine cells. Each ganglion cell dendrite located within the cholinergic strata is associated with a cholinergic fascicle and, conversely, there are few cholinergic fascicles that do not contain at least one dendrite from an On-Off DS cell. It is not known how the dendritic co-fasciculation develops, but the cholinergic dendritic plexus may provide the initial scaffold, because the dendrites of the On-Off DS cells commonly run along the outside of the cholinergic fascicles. J. Comp. Neurol. 421:1-13, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Increased expression of the epithelial mucin MUC1 has been linked to tumor aggressiveness in human breast carcinoma. Recent studies have demonstrated that overexpression of MUC1 interferes with cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion by masking cell surface integrins and E-cadherin. Additionally, the cytoplasmic tail of MUC1 is involved in signal transduction and interactions with catenins. In the present study, we have examined the in vitro expression of MUC1 mRNA and protein in a panel of 14 human breast cancer cell lines using northern blotting, western blotting, immunocytochemistry, and flow cytometry. Considerable variability of expression was noted not only between cell lines but also within several individual lines. Many cell lines such as BT 20, KPL-1, and T47D expressed abundant MUC1 whilst others such as MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 showed intermediate expression, and MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-453 expressed very low levels. Low levels of MUC1 expression were associated with decreased expression of cytokeratin and increased expression of vimentin. Additionally, 12 of the cell lines were established as xenografts in immunocompromised (SCID) mice, and MUC1 expression in both the primary tumors as well as metastases was assessed immunohistochemically. In general, in vivo expression mirrored in vitro expression, although there was reduced in vivo expression in T47D and ZR-75-1 xenografts. Although we showed no correlation between tumorigenicity or metastasis and MUC1 expression, this study will assist development of experimental models to assess the influence of MUC1 of on breast cancer progression.