42 resultados para IL component
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Force measurement in hypervelocity expansion tubes is not possible using conventional techniques. The stress wave force balance technique can be applied in expansion tubes to measure forces despite the short test times involved. This paper presents a new calibration technique for multiple-component stress wave force balances where an impulse response created using a load distribution is required and no orthogonal surfaces on the model exist.. This new technique relies on the tensorial superposition of single-component impulse responses analogous to the vectorial superposition of the calibration loads. The example presented here is that of a scale model of the Mars Pathfinder, but the technique is applicable to any geometry and may be useful for cases where orthogonal loads cannot be applied.
Theoretical analyses have shown the radiation use efficiency of maize, soybean, and peanut to increase with a decrease in the level of incident radiation and an increase in the proportion of diffuse radiation. This study compared the growth and radiation use efficiency of Panicum maximum cv. Petrie (green panic) and Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset (creeping bluegrass) beneath shading treatments (birdguard and solarweave shadecloths) with that in full sunlight. A level of incident radiation reduced by 25% under birdguard shadecloth decreased final yield and final leaf area index, but increased canopy leaf nitrogen concentration and radiation use efficiency (19-14%) (compared with the full sun treatment). A similar level of reduced incident radiation under solarweave shadecloth (which provided an increased proportion of diffuse radiation), increased final yield and radiation use efficiency (46-50%). An understanding of the effects of composition of incident radiation on radiation use efficiency of tropical grasses enables more accurate estimation of potential pasture growth in shaded environments. It also has impact upon crop production in glasshouses and greenhouses.
The high affinity receptor for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) consists of a cytokine-specific alpha-subunit (hGMR alpha) and a common signal-transducing beta-subunit (hpc) that is shared with the interleukin-3 and -5 receptors, We have previously identified a constitutively active extracellular point mutant of hpc, I374N, that can confer factor independence on murine FDC-P1 cells but not BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells (Jenkins, B. J., D'Andrea, R. J., and Gonda, T. J. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 4276-4287), This restricted activity suggested the involvement of cell type-specific signaling molecules in the activation of this mutant. We report here that one such molecule is the mouse GMR alpha (mGMR alpha) subunit, since introduction of mGMR alpha, but not hGMR alpha, into BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells expressing the I374N mutant conferred factor independence, Experiments utilizing mouse/human chimeric GMR alpha subunits indicated that the species specificity lies in the extracellular domain of GMRa. Importantly, the requirement for mGMR alpha correlated with the ability of I374N (but not wild-type hpc) to constitutively associate with mGMRa. Expression of I374N in human factor-dependent UT7 cells also led to factor-independent proliferation, with concomitant up-regulation of hGMR alpha surface expression. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical role for association with GMR alpha in the constitutive activity of I374N.
Background: IL-5 controls development of eosinophilia and has been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. In both atopic and nonatopic asthma, elevated IL-5 has been detected in peripheral blood and the airways. IL-5 is produced mainly by activated T cells, and its expression is regulated at the transcriptional level. Objective: This study focuses on the functional analysis of the human IL-5 (hIL-5) promoter and characterization of eis-regulatory elements and transcription factors involved in the suppression of IL-5 transcription in T cells. Methods: Methods used in this study include DNase I footprint assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and functional analysis by mammalian cell transfection involving deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis. Results: We identified 5 protein binding regions (BRs) located within the proximal hIL-5 promoter. Functional analysis indicates that the BRs are involved in control of hIL-5 promoter activity. Two of these regions, BR3 and BR4 located at positions -102 to -73, have not previously been described as regulators of IL-5 expression in T cells. We show that the BR3 sequence contains a novel negative regulatory element located at positions -90 to -79 of the hIL-5 promoter, which binds Oct1, octamer-like, and YY1 nuclear factors. Substitution mutations, which abolished binding of these proteins to the BR3 sequence, significantly increased hIL-5 promoter activity in activated T cells. Conclusion: We suggest that Oct1, YY1, and octamer-like factors binding to the -90/-79 sequence within the proximal IL-5 promoter are involved in suppression of IL-5 transcription in T cells.
Several constitutively active mutant forms of the common β subunit of the human IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors (hβc), which enable it to signal in the absence of ligand, have recently been described. Two of these, V449E and I374N, are amino acid substitutions in the transmembrane and extracellular regions of hβc, respectively. A third, FIΔ, contains a 37 amino acid duplication in the extracellular domain. We have shown previously that when expressed in primary murine haemopoietic cells, the extracellular mutants confer factor-independence on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, whereas V449E does so on all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To study the in vivo effects and leukaemic potential of these mutants, we have expressed all three in mice by bone marrow reconstitution using retrovirally infected donor cells. Expression of the extracellular mutants leads to an early onset, chronic myeloproliferative disorder marked by elevations in the neutrophil, monocyte, erythrocyte and platelet lineages. In contrast, expression of V449E leads to an acute leukaemia-like syndrome of anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and blast cell expansion. These data support the possibility that activating mutations in hβc are involved in haemopoietic disorders in man.
Several activating mutations have recently been described in the common beta subunit for the human interleukin(IL)-3, IL-5, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptors (h beta c), Two of these, FI Delta and 1374N, result, respectively, in a 37-amino acid duplication and an isoleucine-to-asparagine substitution in the extracellular domain. A third, V449E, leads to valine-to-glutamic acid substitution in the transmembrane domain. Previous studies have shown that when expressed in murine hemopoietic cells in vitro, the extracellular mutants can confer factor independence on only the granulocyte-macrophage lineage while the transmembrane mutant can do so to all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To further study the signaling properties of the constitutively active hpc mutants, we have used novel murine hemopoietic cell lines, which we describe in this report. These lines, FDB1 and FDB2, proliferate in murine IL-3 and undergo granulocyte-macrophage differentiation in response to murine GM-CSF, We find that while the transmembrane mutant, V449E, confers factor-independent proliferation on these cell lines, the extracellular hpc mutants promote differentiation. Hence, in addition to their ability to confer factor independence on distinct cell types, transmembrane and extracellular activated h beta c mutants deliver distinct signals to the same cell type. Thus, the FDB cell lines, in combination with activated h beta c mutants, constitute a powerful new system to distinguish between signals that determine hemopoietic proliferation or differentiation. (C) 2000 by The American Society of Hematology.
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), Interleukin-3 (IL-3) and Interleukin-5 (IL-5) have overlapping, pleiotropic effects on hematopoietic cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and early progenitor cells. The high-affinity receptors for human GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-5 share a common beta-subunit (h beta(c)), which is essential for signalling and plays a major role in recruiting intracellular signalling molecules. While activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase JAK2 appears to be the initiating event for signalling, the immediate events that trigger this are still unclear. We have isolated a number of activated mutants of h beta(c), which can be grouped into classes defined by their state of receptor phosphorylation, their requirement for alpha subunit as a cofactor, and their activities in primary cells and cell lines. We discuss these findings with regard to the stoichiometry, activation, and signalling of the normal GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5 receptor complexes. Specifically, this work has implications for the role of the ligand-specific alpha-subunits in initiating the signalling through the beta-subunit, the role of beta subunit dimerization as a receptor trigger, and the function of receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in generating growth and survival signals. Based on the properties of the activated mutants and the recent structures of erythropoietin receptor (Epo-R) complexes, we propose a model in which (1) activation of h beta(c) can occur via alternative states that differ with respect to stoichiometry and subunit assembly, but which all mediate proliferative responses, and (2) each of the different classes of activated mutants mimics one of these alternative states. (C) 2000 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
Previously, two binding sites for interleukin 5 (IL-5) were identified on the IL-5 receptor alpha chain (IL-5R alpha). They are located within the CD loop of the first fibronectin type III (FnIII)-like domain and the EF loop of the second FnIII-like domain. The first binding site was identified by exploiting the different abilities of human IL-5R alpha (hIL-5R alpha) and mouse IL-5R alpha (mIL-5R alpha) to bind hIL-5. Here we show that ovine IL-5 (oIL-5) has the ability to activate the hIL-5R alpha but not the mIL-5R alpha. By using chimeras of the mIL-5R alpha and hIL-5R alpha we demonstrate that residues within the first and third FnIII-like domains of mIL-5R alpha are responsible for this lack of activity. Furthermore, mutation of residues on hIL-5R alpha to mIL-5R alpha within the predicted DE and FG loop regions of the third FnIII domain reduces oIL-5 activity, These results show that regions of the third FnIII domain of IL-5R alpha are involved in binding, in addition to the regions in domains one and two of the IL-5R alpha that were identified in an earlier study. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
IL-12 has been demonstrated to have potent anti-tumor activities in a variety of mouse tumor models, but the relative roles of NK, NKT, and T cells and their effector mechanisms in these responses have not been fully addressed. Using a spectrum of gene-targeted or Ab-treated mice we have shown that for any particular tumor model the effector mechanisms downstream of IL-12 often mimic the natural immune response to that tumor. For example, metastasis of the MHC class I-deficient lymphoma, EL4-S3, was strictly controlled by NK cells using perforin either naturally or following therapy with high-dose IL-12. Intriguingly, in B16F10 and RM-1 tumor models both NK and NKT cells contribute to natural protection from tumor metastasis, In these models, a lower dose of IL-12 or delayed administration of IL-12 dictated a greater relative role of NKT cells in immune protection from tumor metastasis. Overall, both NK and NKT cells can contribute to natural and IL-12-induced immunity against tumors, and the relative role of each population is turner and therapy dependent.
Cultured melanoma cells release soluble factors that influence immune responses. Screening of a cDNA library with anti-sera from a melanoma patient identified an immunoreactive plaque, which encoded heavy-chain ferritin (H-ferritin), Previous studies have drawn attention to the immunosuppressive effects of this molecule and prompted further studies on its biochemical and functional properties in human melanoma, These studies demonstrated, firstly, that H-ferritin appeared to be secreted by melanoma cells, as shown by immunoprecipitation of a 21.5 kDa band from supernatants. It was also detected in extracts of melanoma cells by Western blotting as 43 and 64 kDa dimers and trimers of the 21.5 kDa fraction. Secondly, flow-cytometric analysis of H- and light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) expression on melanoma showed a wide variation in L-ferritin expression and consequently of the ratio of H- to L-ferritin expression. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 showed a correlation with the ratio of H- to L-ferritin in the supernatants and was specific for H-ferritin, as shown by inhibition studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against H-ferritin, Similar results were obtained with H- and L-ferritin from other sources. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 by H-ferritin was inhibited using a MAb against IL-IO, which suggested that the immunosuppressive effect of H-ferritin was mediated by IL-IO, Assays of cytokine production from anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocytes showed that H-ferritin markedly increased production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma and had only slight effects on IL-2 and IL-4 production, Our results suggest that melanoma cells may be a major source of H-ferritin and that production of the latter may account for some of the immunosuppressive effects of melanoma, (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
Heavy chain ferritin (H-ferritin) Is a component of the Iron-binding protein, ferritin. We have previously shown that H-ferritin Inhibits anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation and that this was due to Increased production of Interleukin-10 (IL-10). In the present study we have shown that Induction of IL-10 production was due to effects of H-ferritin on adherent antigen-presenting cells (APCs) In blood and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). IL-10 was produced by a subpopulation of CD4 T cells, which expressed the CD25 component of the IL-2 receptor and the CTLA-4 receptor characteristic of regulatory T cells. The changes Induced In MoDCs were compared with those Induced by CD40L and their significance tested by Inhibition with monoclonal antibodies. These studies Indicated that H-ferritin Induced relatively greater expression of CD86 and B7-H1 on MoDCs and that monoclonal antibodies against their receptors, CTLA-4 and programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1), Inhibited IL-10 production from the regulatory T cells. H-ferritin did not appear to Induce direct production of the cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, or Interferon-gamma from the DCs. These results are consistent with the thesis that H-ferritin Induces B7-H1 and CD86 (B7-2) on APCs, which In turn Induce IL-10 production from regulatory T cells. This is possibly one mechanism by which melanoma cells may Induce changes In APCs In the vicinity of the tumor and result in suppression of Immune responses by induction of regulatory T cells. (C) 2002 by The American Society of Hematology.
This paper is concerned with the use of scientific visualization methods for the analysis of feedforward neural networks (NNs). Inevitably, the kinds of data associated with the design and implementation of neural networks are of very high dimensionality, presenting a major challenge for visualization. A method is described using the well-known statistical technique of principal component analysis (PCA). This is found to be an effective and useful method of visualizing the learning trajectories of many learning algorithms such as back-propagation and can also be used to provide insight into the learning process and the nature of the error surface.