22 resultados para Huntington

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Predictive testing is one of the new genetic technologies which, in conjunction with developing fields such as pharmacogenomics, promises many benefits for preventive and population health. Understanding how individuals appraise and make genetic test decisions is increasingly relevant as the technology expands. Lay understandings of genetic risk and test decision-making, located within holistic life frameworks including family or kin relationships, may vary considerably from clinical representations of these phenomena. The predictive test for Huntington's disease (HD), whilst specific to a single-gene, serious, mature-onset but currently untreatable disorder, is regarded as a model in this context. This paper reports upon a qualitative Australian study which investigated predictive test decision-making by individuals at risk for HD, the contexts of their decisions and the appraisals which underpinned them. In-depth interviews were conducted in Australia with 16 individuals at 50% risk for HD, with variation across testing decisions, gender, age and selected characteristics. Findings suggested predictive testing was regarded as a significant life decision with important implications for self and others, while the right not to know genetic status was staunchly and unanimously defended. Multiple contexts of reference were identified within which test decisions were located, including intra- and inter-personal frameworks, family history and experience of HID, and temporality. Participants used two main criteria in appraising test options: perceived value of, or need for the test information, for self and/or significant others, and degree to which such information could be tolerated and managed, short and long-term, by self and/or others. Selected moral and ethical considerations involved in decision-making are examined, as well as the clinical and socio-political contexts in which predictive testing is located. The paper argues that psychosocial vulnerabilities generated by the availability of testing technologies and exacerbated by policy imperatives towards individual responsibility and self-governance should be addressed at broader societal levels. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the utility of a stress/coping model in explaining adaptation in two groups of people at-risk for Huntington's Disease (HD): those who have not approached genetic testing services (non-testees) and those who have engaged a testing service (testees). The aims were (1) to compare testees and non-testees on stress/coping variables, (2) to examine relations between adjustment and the stress/coping predictors in the two groups, and (3) to examine relations between the stress/coping variables and testees' satisfaction with their first counselling session. Participants were 44 testees and 40 non-testees who completed questionnaires which measured the stress/coping variables: adjustment (global distress, depression, health anxiety, social and dyadic adjustment), genetic testing concerns, testing context (HD contact, experience, knowledge), appraisal (control, threat, self-efficacy), coping strategies (avoidance, self-blame, wishful thinking, seeking support, problem solving), social support and locus of control. Testees also completed a genetic counselling session satisfaction scale. As expected, non-testees reported lower self-efficacy and control appraisals, higher threat and passive avoidant coping than testees. Overall, results supported the hypothesis that within each group poorer adjustment would be related to higher genetic testing concerns, contact with HD, threat appraisals, passive avoidant coping and external locus of control, and lower levels of positive experiences with HD, social support, internal locus of control, self-efficacy, control appraisals, problem solving, emotional approach and seeking social support coping. Session satisfaction scores were positively correlated with dyadic adjustment, problem solving and positive experience with HD, and inversely related to testing concerns, and threat and control appraisals. Findings support the utility of the stress/coping model in explaining adaptation in people who have decided not to seek genetic testing for HD and those who have decided to engage a genetic testing service.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat encoding an extended polyglutamine tract in the huntingtin protein. Affected individuals display progressive motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms (including depression), leading to terminal decline. Given that transgenic HD mice have decreased hippocampal cell proliferation and that a deficit in neurogenesis has been postulated as an underlying cause of depression, we hypothesized that decreased hippocampal neurogenesis contributes to depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in HD. Fluoxetine, a serotonin-reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression, is known to increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of wild-type mouse hippocampus. Here we show that hippocampal-dependent cognitive and depressive-like behavioural symptoms occur in HD mice, and that the administration of fluoxetine produces a marked improvement in these deficits. Furthermore, fluoxetine was found to rescue deficits of neurogenesis and volume loss in the dentate gyrus of HD mice.


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This report presents and discusses selected findings regarding gender differences from an Australian-based study that investigated attitudes of individuals at risk for Huntington's disease (HD) towards genetic risk and predictive testing. Clear gender differences emerged regarding perceived coping capacity with regard to predictive testing, as well as disclosure of the genetic risk for HD to others. Female participants were more likely to disclose their genetic risk to others, including their medical practitioners, while male participants were three times more fearful of disclosing their genetic risk to others. These findings are of interest in light of gender differences that have consistently been reported regarding the uptake of predictive testing for HD, other genetic conditions, and health services more generally. While gender differences cannot provide a fully explanatory framework for differential uptake of predictive genetic testing, men and women may experience and respond differently to the genetic risk for HD and possibly other inherited disorders. The meanings of genetic risk to men and women warrants further exploration, given anticipated increases in genetic testing for more common conditions, especially if post-test interventions are possible. These issues are also relevant within the context of individuals' concerns about the potential for discrimination on the basis of genetic risk or genetic test information.


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Predictive genetic testing for serious, mature-onset genetic illness represents a unique context in health decision making. This article presents findings from an exploratory qualitative Australian-based study into the decision making of individuals at risk for Huntington's disease (HD) with regard to predictive genetic testing. Sixteen in-depth interviews were conducted with a range of at-risk individuals. Data analysis revealed four discrete decision-making positions rather than a 'to test' or not to test' dichotomy. A conceptual dimension of (non-)openness and (non-)engagement characterized the various decisions. Processes of decision making and a concept of 'test readiness' were identified. Findings from this research, while not generalizable, are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and stage models of health decision making, as well as possible clinical implications.


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The lexical-semantic and syntactic abilities of a group of individuals with chronic nonthalamic subcortical (NS) lesions following stroke (n = 6) were investigated using the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) picture description task [Kertesz, A. (1982). The Western aphasia battery. New York: Grune and Stratton] and compared with those of a group of subjects with Huntington's Disease (HD) (n = 6) and a nonneurologically impaired control group (n = 6) matched for age, sex, and educational level. The performance of the NS and HD subjects did not differ significantly from the well controls on measures of lexical-semantic abilities. NS and HD subjects provided as much information about the target picture as control subjects, but produced fewer action information units. Analysis of syntactic abilities revealed that the HD subjects produced significantly more grammatical errors than both the NS and control subjects and that the NS group performed in a similar manner to control subjects. These findings are considered in terms of current theories of subcortical language function Learning outcomes: As a result of this activity, the reader will obtain information about the debate surrounding the role of subcortical language mechanisms and be provided with new information on the comparative picture description abilities of individuals with known vascular and degenerative subcortical pathologies and healthy control participants. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60-70% of cases in subjects over 65 years of age. Several postulates have been put forward that relate AD neuropathology to intellectual and functional impairment. These range from free-radical-induced damage, through cholinergic dysfunction, to beta-amyloid-induced toxicity. However, therapeutic strategies aimed at improving the cognitive symptoms of patients via choline supplementation, cholinergic stimulation or beta-amyloid vaccination, have largely failed. A growing body of evidence suggests that perturbations in systems using the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (L-Glu) may underlie the pathogenic mechanisms of (e.g.) hypoxia-ischemia, epilepsy, and chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease and AD. Almost all neurons in the CNS carry the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic L-glutamate receptors, which can mediate post-synaptic Ca2+ influx. Excitotoxicity resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors may enhance the localized vulnerability of neurons in a manner consistent with AD neuropathology, as a consequence of an altered regional distribution of NMDA receptor subtypes. This review discusses mechanisms for the involvement of the NMDA receptor complex and its interaction with polyamines in the pathogenesis of AD. NMDA receptor antagonists have potential for the therapeutic amelioration of AD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe a scheme for the encoding and manipulation of single photon qubits in optical sideband modes using standard optical elements. We propose and analyze the radio frequency half-wave plate, which may be used to make arbitrary rotations of a state in the frequency basis, and the frequency beamsplitter, which may be used to separate (or combine) photons of different frequencies into (from) different spatial modes.


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Quantum optics experiments on bright beams are based on the spectral analysis of field fluctuations and typically probe correlations between radio-frequency sideband modes. However, the extra degree of freedom represented by this dual-mode picture is generally ignored. We demonstrate the experimental operation of a device which can be used to separate the quantum sidebands of an optical field. We use this device to explicitly demonstrate the quantum entanglement between the sidebands of a squeezed beam.


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We demonstrate a device that allows for the coherent analysis of a pair of optical frequency sidebands in an arbitrary basis. We show that our device is quantum noise limited, and hence applications for this scheme may be found in discrete and continuous variable optical quantum information experiments. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Focussing particularly on solid-state laser systems, the phase-noise penalties of laser injection-locking and electro-optical phase-locking are derived using linearised quantum mechanical models. The fundamental performance limit (minimum achievable output phase noise) for an injection-locked laser (IJL) system at low frequencies is equal to that of a standard phase-insensitive amplifier, whereas, in principle, that of a phase-locked laser (PLL) system can be better. At high frequencies, the output phase noise of the IJL system is limited by that of the master laser, while that of the PLL system tends to a weighted sum of contributions from the master and slave laser fields. Under conditions of large amplification, particularly where there has been significant attenuation, the noise penalties are shown to be substantial. Nonideal photodetector characteristics are shown to add significantly to the noise penalties for the PLL system. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease, ischemia, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are major causes of death. Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), a group of seven-transmembrane-domain proteins that couple to G-proteins, have become of interest for studies of pathogenesis. Group I mGluRs control the levels of second messengers such as inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) Cal(2+) ions and cAMP. They elicit the release of arachidonic acid via intracellular Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. This facilitates the release of glutamate and could trigger the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, a pathological hallmark of AD. mGluRs regulate neuronal injury and survival, possibly through a series of downstream protein kinase and cysteine protease signaling pathways that affect mitochondrially mediated programmed cell death. They may also play a role in glutamate-induced neuronal death by facilitating Cal(2+) mobilization. Hence, mGluRs have become a target for neuroprotective drug development. They represent a pharmacological path to a relatively subtle amelioration of neurotoxicity because they serve a modulatory rather than a direct role in excitatory glutamatergic transmission.