41 resultados para Human Neuronal Protein

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Human neuronal protein 22 (hNP22) is a novel neuron-specific protein featuring numerous motifs previously described in cytoskeleton-associating and signaling proteins. Because previous studies have supported abnormalities in neuronal cytoarchitecture and/or development in the schizophrenia brain, we examined the expression of hNP22 in the anterior cingulate cortex, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic and normal control postmortem brains using high-sensitive immunohistochemistry. Seven schizophrenic and seven age- and sex-matched control brains were examined. The ratio of hNP22-immunopositive cells/total cells was significantly reduced in layer V (p = .020) and layer VI (p = .022) of the anterior cingulate cortex of schizophrenic brain compared with controls. In contrast, there were no significant changes observed in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that altered expression of hNP22 may be associated with modifications in neuronal cytoarchitecture leading to dysregulation of neural signal transduction in the anterior cingulate cortex of the schizophrenia brain.


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The action of alcohol on neuronal pathways has been an issue of increasing research focus, with numerous findings contradicting the previously accepted idea that its effect is nonspecific. The human NP22 (hNP22) gene was revealed by its elevated expression in the frontal cortex of the human alcoholic. The sequences of hNP22 and the rat orthologue rNP22 contain a number of domains consistent with those of cytoskeletal-interacting proteins. Localization of rNP22 is restricted to the cytoplasm and processes of neurons and it colocalizes with elements of the microfilament and microtubule matrices including filamentous actin (F-actin), alpha-tubulin, tau, and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2). Withdrawal of Wistar rats after alcohol dependence induced by alcohol vapor produced elevated levels of rNP22 mRNA and protein in the cortex, CA2, and dentate gyrus regions of the hippocampus. In contrast, there was decreased rNP22 expression in the striatum after chronic ethanol exposure. Chronic ethanol exposure did not markedly alter rNP22 colocalization with F-actin, alpha-tubulin, or MAP2, although colocalization at the periphery of the neuronal soma with F-actin was observed only after chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal. Rat NP22 colocalization with MAP2 was reduced during withdrawal, whereas association with alpha-tubulin and actin was maintained. These findings suggest that the effect of chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal on rNP22 expression is region selective. Rat NP22 may affect microtubule or microfilament function, thereby regulating the neuroplastic changes associated with the development of alcohol dependence and physical withdrawal.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) on pulmonary function in acute lung injury (ALI) resulting from smoke inhalation in association with a bacterial challenge. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled, experimental animal study with repeated measurements. Setting: Investigational intensive care unit at a university hospital. Subjects: Eighteen sheep (37.2 +/- 1.0 kg) were operatively prepared and randomly allocated to either the sham, control, or rhAPC group (n = 6 each). After a tracheotomy had been performed, ALI was produced in the control and rhAPC group by insufflation of 4 sets of 12 breaths of cotton smoke. Then, a 30 mL suspension of live Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria (containing 2-5 x 10(11) colony forming units) was instilled into the lungs according to an established protocol. The sham group received only the vehicle, i.e., 4 sets of 12 breaths of room air and instillation of 30 mL normal saline. The sheep were studied in the awake state for 24 hrs and were ventilated with 100% oxygen. RhAPC (24 mu g/kg/hr) was intravenously administered. The infusion was initiated 1 hr post-injury and lasted until the end of the experiment. The animals were resuscitated with Ringer's lactate solution to maintain constant pulmonary artery occlusion pressure. Measurements and Main Results., In comparison with nontreatment in controls, the infusion of rhAPC significantly attenuated the fall in PaO2/FiO(2) ratio (control group values were 521 +/- 22 at baseline [BL], 72 +/- 5 at 12 hrs, and 74 +/- 7 at 24 hrs, vs. rhAPC group values of 541 +/- 12 at BL, 151 +/- 29 at 12 hours [p < .05 vs. control], and 118 +/- 20 at 24 hrs), and significantly reduced the increase in pulmonary microvascular shunt fraction (Qs/Qt; control group at BL, 0.14 +/- 0.02, and at 24 hrs, 0.65 +/- 0.08; rhAPC group at BL, 0.24 +/- 0.04, and at 24 hrs, 0.45 +/- 0.02 [p < .05 vs. control]) and the increase in peak airway pressure (mbar; control group at BL, 20 +/- 1, and at 24 hrs, 36 +/- 4; rhAPC group at BL, 21 +/- 1, and at 24 hrs, 28 +/- 2 [p < .05 vs. control]). In addition, rhAPC limited the increase in lung 3-nitrotyrosine (after 24 hrs [%]: sham, 7 +/- 2; control, 17 +/- 1; rhAPC, 12 +/- 1 [p < .05 vs. control]), a reliable indicator of tissue injury. However, rhAPC failed to prevent lung edema formation. RhAPC-treated sheep showed no difference in activated clotting time or platelet count but exhibited less fibrin degradation products (1/6 animals) than did controls (4/6 animals). Conclusions. Recombinant human activated protein C attenuated ALI after smoke inhalation and bacterial challenge in sheep, without bleeding complications.


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Human MxA protein belongs to the superfamily of dynamin-like large GTPases that are involved in intracellular membrane trafficking. MxA is induced by interferons-alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta) and is a key component of the antiviral response against RNA viruses. Here, we show that MxA localizes to membranes that are positive for specific markers of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, such as Syntaxin17, but is excluded from other membrane compartments. Overexpression of MxA leads to a characteristic reorganization of the associated membranes. Interestingly, Hook3, mannose-6-phosphate receptor, and Lamp-1, which normally accumulate in cis-Golgi, endosomes, and lysosomes, respectively, also colocalized with MxA, indicating that these markers were redistributed to the MxA-positive compartment. Functional assays, however, did not show any effect of MxA on endocytosis or the secretory pathway. The present results demonstrate that MxA is an IFN-induced antiviral effector protein that resembles the constitutively expressed large GTPase family members in its capacity to localize to and reorganize intracellular membranes.


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Neuronal development and process targeting is mediated by proteins of the cytoskeleton. However, the signaling pathways underlying these mechanisms are complex and have not yet been fully elucidated. Neuronal protein 22 (NP22) has been identified as a cytoskeleton-associated protein. It colocalizes with microtubules and actin, the two major components of the cytoskeleton. It contains numerous signaling motifs and induces process formation in non-neuronal cells. Expression of rat NP22 (rNP22) rises incrementally at specific time points during brain development, with the greatest elevation occurring during synaptogenesis in the rat brain. its neuronal localization is primarily at the plasma membrane of the soma in the embryonic brain and progresses into homogeneous expression in the postnatal rat brain. Data suggest that NP22 may play a role in mediating the molecular events governing development of the neuronal architecture. Furthermore, its sustained expression in postnatal brain implies a function in the maintenance of neuronal morphology.


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The orthologous proteins of the stress-activated protein kinase-interacting 1 (Sin1) family have been implicated in several different signal transduction pathways. In this study, we have investigated the function of the full-length human Sin1 protein and a C-terminally truncated isoform, Sin 1 alpha, which is produced by alternative splicing. Immunoblot analysis using an anti-Sin 1 polyclonal antibody showed that full-length Sin I and several smaller isoforms are widely expressed. Sin 1 was demonstrated to bind to c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in vitro and in vivo, while no interaction with p38- or ERK1/2-family MAPKs was observed. The Sin1 alpha isoform could also form a complex with JNK in vivo. Despite localizing in distinct compartments within the cell, both Sin1 and Sin1 alpha co-localized with JNK, suggesting that the Sin1 proteins could recruit JNK. Over-expression of full-length Sin1 inhibited the activation of JNK by UV-C in DG75 cells, as well as basal JNK-activity in HEK293 cells. These data suggest that the human Sin1 proteins may act as scaffold molecules in the regulation of signaling by JNK. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Neisseria gonorrhoeae has well-characterized oxidative stress defense systems that protect against oxidative killing in in vitro assays. In contrast, mutant strains of N. gonorrhoeae lacking oxidative stress defenses are identical to the wild type when tested in an ex vivo survival assay using human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.


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Importin-alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes cargo proteins carrying conventional basic monopartite and bipartite nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and facilitates their transport into the nucleus. Bipartite NLSs contain two clusters of basic residues, connected by linkers of variable lengths. To determine the structural basis of the recognition of diverse bipartite NLSs by mammalian importin-alpha, we co-crystallized a non-autoinhibited mouse receptor protein with peptides corresponding to the NLSs from human retinoblastoma protein and Xenopus laevis phosphoprotein N1N2, containing diverse sequences and lengths of the linker. We show that the basic clusters interact analogously in both NLSs, but the linker sequences adopt different conformations, whereas both make specific contacts with the receptor. The available data allow us to draw general conclusions about the specificity of NLS binding by importin-alpha and facilitate an improved definition of the consensus sequence of a conventional basic/bipartite NLS (KRX10-12KRRK) that can be used to identify novel nuclear proteins.


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Relatively few cyclic peptides have reached the pharmaceutical marketplace during the past decade, most produced through fermentation rather than made synthetically. Generally, this class of compounds is synthesized for research purposes on milligram scales by solid-phase methods, but if the potential of macrocyclic peptidomimetics is to be realized, low-cost larger scale solution-phase syntheses need to be devised and optimized to provide sufficient quantities for preclinical, clinical, and commercial uses. Here, we describe a cheap, medium-scale, solution-phase synthesis of the first reported highly potent, selective, and orally active antagonist of the human C5a receptor. This compound, Ac-Phe[Orn-Pro-D-Cha-Trp-Arg], known as 3D53, is a macrocyclic peptidomimetic of the human plasma protein C5a and displays excellent antiinflammatory activity in numerous animal models of human disease. In a convergent approach, two tripeptide fragments Ac-Phe-Orn-(Boc)-Pro-OH and H-D-Cha-Trp(For)-Arg-OEt were first prepared by high-yielding solution-phase couplings using a mixed anhydride method before coupling them to give a linear hexapeptide which, after deprotection, was obtained in 38% overall yield from the commercially available amino acids. Cyclization in solution using BOP reagent gave the antagonist in 33% yield (13% overall) after HPLC purification. Significant features of the synthesis were that the Arg side chain was left unprotected throughout, the component Boe-D-Cha-OH was obtained very efficiently via hydrogenation Of D-Phe with PtO2 in TFA/water, the tripeptides were coupled at the Pro-Cha junction to minimize racemization via the oxazolone pathway, and the entire synthesis was carried out without purification of any intermediates. The target cyclic product was purified (>97%) by reversed-phase HPLC. This convergent synthesis with minimal use of protecting groups allowed batches of 50100 g to be prepared efficiently in high yield using standard laboratory equipment. This type of procedure should be useful for making even larger quantities of this and other macrocyclic peptidomimetic drugs.


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Hookworms feed on blood, but the mechanism by which they lyse ingested erythrocytes is unknown. Here we show that Ancylostoma caninum, the common dog hookworm, expresses a detergent soluble, haemolytic factor. Activity was identified in both adult and larval stages, was heat-stable and unaffected by the addition of protease inhibitors, metal ions, chelators and reducing agents. Trypsin ablated lysis indicating that the haemolysin is a protein. A closely migrating doublet of hookworm proteins with apparent molecular weights of 60-65 kDa bound to the erythrocyte membrane after lysis of cells using both unlabeled and biotinylated detergent-solubilised hookworm extracts. In addition, separation of detergent-soluble parasite extracts using strong cation-exchange chromatography, resulted in purification of 60-65 kDa proteins with trypsin-sensitive haemolytic activity. Erythrocytes lysed with particulate, buffer-insoluble worm extracts were observed using scanning electron microscopy and appeared as red cell ghosts with approximately 100 nm diameter pores formed in the cell membranes. Red blood cell ghosts remained visible indicating that lysis was likely caused by pore formation and followed by osmotic disruption of the cell. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sulfate plays an essential role during growth, development, bone/cartilage formation, and cellular metabolism. In this study, we have isolated the human sulfate anion transporter cDNA (hsat-1; SCL26A1) and gene (SAT1), determined its protein function in Xenopus oocytes and characterized SAT1 promoter activity in mammalian renal cell lines. hsat-1 encodes a protein of 75 kDa, with 12 putative transmembrane domains, that induces sulfate, chloride, and oxalate transport in Xenopus oocytes. hsat-1 mRNA is expressed most abundantly in the kidney and liver, with lower levels in the pancreas, testis, brain, small intestine, colon, and lung. The SAT1 gene is comprised of four exons stretching 6 kb in length, with an alternative splice site formed from an optional exon. SAT1 5' flanking region led to promoter activity in renal OK and LLC-PK1 cells. Using SAT1 5' flanking region truncations, the first 135 bp was shown to be sufficient for basal promoter activity. Mutation of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) site at position 252 in the SAT1 promoter led to loss of transcriptional activity, suggesting its requirement for SAT1 basal expression. This study represents the first functional characterization of the human SAT1 gene and protein encoded by the anion transporter hsat-1.


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Individuals with periodontitis have been reported to have a significantly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. Several studies have demonstrated that the immune response to heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) may be involved in the pathogenesis of both atherosclerosis and chronic periodontitis. To investigate this possible link between these diseases, cellular and humoral immune responses to HSP60 in atherosclerosis patients were compared with those in periodontitis patients and healthy subjects using human and Porphyromonas gingivalis HSP60 (GroEL) as antigens. Antibody levels to both human and P. gingivalis HSP60s were the highest in atherosclerosis patients, followed by periodontitis patients and healthy subjects. Clonal analysis of the T cells clearly demonstrated the presence of not only human HSP60- but also P. gingivalis GroEL-reactive T-cell populations in the peripheral circulation of atherosclerosis patients. Furthermore, these HSP60-reactive T cells seemed to be present in atherosclerotic lesions in some patients. These results suggest that T-cell clones with the same specificity may be involved in the pathogenesis of the different diseases.


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Clustering of the T cell integrin, LFA-1, at specialized regions of intercellular contact initiates integrin-mediated adhesion and downstream signaling, events that are necessary for a successful immunological response. But how clustering is achieved and sustained is not known. Here we establish that an LFA-1-associated molecule, PTA-1, is localized to membrane rafts and binds the carboxyl-terminal domain of isoforms of the actin-binding protein 4.1G. Protein 4.1 is known to associate with the membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue, human discs large. We show that the carboxyl-terminal peptide of PTA-1 also can bind human discs large and that the presence or absence of this peptide greatly influences binding between PTA-1 and different isoforms of 4.1G. T cell stimulation with phorbol ester or PTA-1 cross-linking induces PTA-1 and 4.1G to associate tightly with the cytoskeleton, and the PTA-1 from such activated cells now can bind to the amino-terminal region of 4.1G. We propose that these dynamic associations provide the structural basis for a regulated molecular adhesive complex that serves to cluster and transport LFA-1 and associated molecules.


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The number of mammalian transcripts identified by full-length cDNA projects and genome sequencing projects is increasing remarkably. Clustering them into a strictly nonredundant and comprehensive set provides a platform for functional analysis of the transcriptome and proteome, but the quality of the clustering and predictive usefulness have previously required manual curation to identify truncated transcripts and inappropriate clustering of closely related sequences. A Representative Transcript and Protein Sets (RTPS) pipeline was previously designed to identify the nonredundant and comprehensive set of mouse transcripts based on clustering of a large mouse full-length cDNA set (FANTOM2). Here we propose an alternative method that is more robust, requires less manual curation, and is applicable to other organisms in addition to mouse. RTPSs of human, mouse, and rat have been produced by this method and used for validation. Their comprehensiveness and quality are discussed by comparison with other clustering approaches. The RTPSs are available at ftp://fantom2.gsc.riken.go.jp/RTPS/. (C). 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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alpha-Conotoxins, from cone snails, and alpha-neurotoxins, from snakes, are competitive inhibitors of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) that have overlapping binding sites in the ACh binding pocket. These disulphide-rich peptides are used extensively as tools to localize and pharmacologically characterize specific nAChRs subtypes. Recently, a homology model based on the high-resolution structure of an ACh binding protein (AChBP) allowed the three-fingered alpha-neurotoxins to be docked onto the alpha7 nAChR. To investigate if alpha-conotoxins interact with the nAChR in a similar manner, we built homology models of human alpha7 and alpha3beta2 nAChRs, and performed docking simulations of alpha-conotoxins ImI, PnIB, PnIA and MII using the program GOLD. Docking revealed that alpha-conotoxins have a different mode of interaction compared with alpha-neurotoxins, with surprisingly few nAChR residues in common between their overlapping binding sites. These docking experiments show that Imi and PnIB bind to the ACh binding pocket via a small cavity located above the beta9/beta10 hairpin of the (+)alpha7 nAChR subunit. Interestingly, PnIB, PnIA and MII were found to bind in a similar location on alpha7 or alpha3beta2 receptors mostly through hydrophobic interactions, while ImI bound further from the ACh binding pocket, mostly through electrostatic interactions. These findings, which distinguish alpha-conotoxin and alpha-neurotoxin binding modes, have implications for the rational design of selective nAChR antagonists. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.