12 resultados para Histograms of Oriented Gradients

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We have recently introduced the concept of whole-body asymmetric MRI systems [1]. In this theoretical study, we investigate the PNS characteristics of whole-body asymmetric gradient systems as compared to conventional symmetric systems. Recent experimental evidence [2] supports the hypothesis of transverse gradients being the largest contributor of PNS due to induced electric currents. Asymmetric head gradient coils have demonstrated benefits in the past [3]. The numerical results are based on an anatomically-accurate 2mm-human voxel-phantom NORMAN [4]. The results of this study can facilitate the optimization of whole-body asymmetric gradients in terms of patient comfort/safety (less PNS), while prospering the use of asymmetric MRI systems for in-vivo medical interventions.


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Many instances of differential diffusion, i e, different species having different turbulent diffusion coefficients in the same flow, can be explained as a finite mixing length effect. That is, in a simple mixing length scenario, the turbulent diffusion coefficient has the form 1 ( m )2 m m c l K w l OL   =  +    where, wm is the mixing velocity, lm the mixing length and Lc the overall distribution scale for a particular species. The first term represents the familiar gradient diffusion while the second term becomes important when lm/Lc is finite. This second term shows that different species will have different diffusion coefficients if they have different overall distribution scales. Such different Lcs may come about due to different boundary conditions and different intrinsic properties (molecular diffusivity, settling velocity etc) for different species. For momentum transfer in turbulent oscillatory boundary layers the second term is imaginary and explains observed phase leads of shear stresses ahead of velocity gradients.


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Socialist Republic of Vietnam's reform process in the telecommunications sector - obligations imposed on Vietnam by the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) - the regulatory framework required by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the associated, telecommunications-specific WTO agreements - institutional and political problems that may hinder full implementation of these international obligations.


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For the managers of a region as large as the Great Barrier Reef, it is a challenge to develop a cost effective monitoring program, with appropriate temporal and spatial resolution to detect changes in water quality. The current study compares water quality data (phytoplankton abundance and water clarity) from remote sensing with field sampling (continuous underway profiles of water quality and fixed site sampling) at different spatial scales in the Great Barrier Reef north of Mackay (20 degrees S). Five transects (20-30 km long) were conducted from clean oceanic water to the turbid waters adjacent to the mainland. The different data sources demonstrated high correlations when compared on a similar spatial scale (18 fixed sites). However, each data source also contributed unique information that could not be obtained by the other techniques. A combination of remote sensing, underway sampling and fixed stations will deliver the best spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality in the Great Barrier Reef. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Information about the world is often represented in the brain in the form of topographic maps. A paradigm example is the topographic representation of the visual world in the optic tectum/superior colliculus. This map initially forms during neural development using activity-independent molecular cues, most notably some type of chemospecific matching between molecular gradients in the retina and corresponding gradients in the tectum/superior colliculus. Exactly how this process might work has been studied both experimentally and theoretically for several decades. This review discusses the experimental data briefly, and then in more detail the theoretical models proposed. The principal conclusions are that (1) theoretical models have helped clarify several important ideas in the field, (2) earlier models were often more sophisticated than more recent models, and (3) substantial revisions to current modelling approaches are probably required to account for more than isolated subsets of the experimental data.


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It has been suggested that growth cones navigating through the developing nervous system might display adaptation, so that their response to gradient signals is conserved over wide variations in ligand concentration. Recently however, a new chemotaxis assay that allows the effect of gradient parameters on axonal trajectories to be finely varied has revealed a decline in gradient sensitivity on either side of an optimal concentration. We show that this behavior can be quantitatively reproduced with a computational model of axonal chemotaxis that does not employ explicit adaptation. Two crucial components of this model required to reproduce the observed sensitivity are spatial and temporal averaging. These can be interpreted as corresponding, respectively, to the spatial spread of signaling effects downstream from receptor binding, and to the finite time over which these signaling effects decay. For spatial averaging, the model predicts that an effective range of roughly one-third of the extent of the growth cone is optimal for detecting small gradient signals. For temporal decay, a timescale of about 3 minutes is required for the model to reproduce the experimentally observed sensitivity.


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Field observations of instantaneous water surface slopes in the swash zone are presented. For free-surface flows with a hydrostatic pressure distribution the surface slope is equivalent to the horizontal pressure gradient. Observations were made using a novel technique which in its simplest form consists of a horizontal stringline extending seaward from the beach face. Visual observation, still photography or video photography is then sufficient to determine the surface slope where the free-surface cuts the line or between reference points in the image. The method resolves the mean surface gradient over a cross-shore distance of 5 m or more to within +/- 0.001, or 1/20th -1/100th of typical beach gradients. In addition, at selected points and at any instant in time during the swash cycle, the water surface slope can be determined exactly to be dipping either seaward or landward. Close to the location of bore collapse landward dipping water surface slopes of order 0.05-0.1 occur over a very small region (order 0.5 m) at the blunt or convex leading edge of the swash. In the middle and upper swash the water surface slope at this leading edge is usually very close to horizontal or slightly seaward. Behind the leading edge, the water surface slope was observed to be very close to horizontal or dipping seaward at all times throughout the swash uprush. During the backwash the water surface slope was observed to be always dipping seaward, approaching the beach slope, and remained seaward until a new uprush edge or incident bore passed any particular cross-shore location of interest. The observations strongly Suggest that the swash boundary layer is subject to an adverse pressure gradient during uprush and a favourable pressure gradient during the backwash. Furthermore, assuming Euler's equations are a good approximation in the swash, the observations also show that the total fluid acceleration is negative (offshore) for almost the whole of the uprush and for the entire backwash. The observations are contrary to recent work suggesting significant shoreward directed accelerations and pressure gradients occur in the swash (i.e., delta u/delta t > 0 similar to delta p/delta x < 0), but consistent with analytical and numerical solutions for swash uprush and backwash. The results have important implications for sediment transport modelling in the swash zone.


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A major task of traditional temporal event sequence mining is to predict the occurrences of a special type of event (called target event) in a long temporal sequence. Our previous work has defined a new type of pattern, called event-oriented pattern, which can potentially predict the target event within a certain period of time. However, in the event-oriented pattern discovery, because the size of interval for prediction is pre-defined, the mining results could be inaccurate and carry misleading information. In this paper, we introduce a new concept, called temporal feature, to rectify this shortcoming. Generally, for any event-oriented pattern discovered under the pre-given size of interval, the temporal feature is the minimal size of interval that makes the pattern interesting. Thus, by further investigating the temporal features of discovered event-oriented patterns, we can refine the knowledge for the target event prediction.


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Object-orientation supports software reuse via features such as abstraction, information hiding, polymorphism, inheritance and redefinition. However, while libraries of classes do exist, one of the challenges that still remains is to locate suitable classes and adapt them to meet the specific requirements of the software developer. Traditional approaches to library retrieval are text-based; it is therefore difficult for the developer to express their requirements in a precise and unambiguous manner. A more promising approach is specification-based retrieval, where library component interfaces and requirements are expressed using a formal specification language. In this case retrieval is based on matching formal specifications. In this paper we describe how existing approaches to specification matching can be extended to handle object-oriented components.