26 resultados para Haliotis

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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In gastropod mollusks, neuroendocrine cells in the anterior ganglia have been shown to regulate growth and reproduction. As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these physiological processes in the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina, ive have identified sets of POU, Sox, and Pax transcription factor genes that are expressed in these ganglia. Using highly degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed to anneal to conserved codons in each of these gene families, we have amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2 POU genes (HasPOU-III and HasPOU-IV), 2 Sox genes (HasSox-B and HasSox-C), and two Pax genes (HasPax-258 and HaxPax-6). Analyses with gene-specific primers indicated that the 6 genes are expressed in the cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia of both reproductively active and spent adults, in a number of sensory structures, and in a subset of other adult tissues.


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On the southern Great Barrier Reef, Haliotis asinina (Vetigastropoda: Pleurotomarioidea) synchronously spawn every 2 wk in a predictable fashion. allowing detailed analysis of reproduction, gametogenesis, and gonad development. Histological examination of the ovaries of members of the Heron Reef population during this semilunar cycle reveals that oogenesis is also synchronous and predictable, and requires more than two spawning cycles (i.e. >28 days) to complete. Shortly after a spawning event the ovary comprises two cohorts of primary oocytes, one of which will be released at the next spawning event, and clusters of oogonia. At this time there is a rapid proliferation and expansion of trabeculae, germinal epithelial, and oogonia, and a dramatic increase in the size of the vitellogenic oocytes to be: spawned at the next spawning event. Within 4 days these oocytes have filled the ovary. On the day of the next spawning a lumen forms in the ovary as a result of localized degradation of trabeculae. The large primary oocytes dissociate from the receding trabeculae. initiate maturation, and accumulate in the lumen; these oocytes become embedded in a jelly coat layer. The next cohort of oocytes remain attached to the trabeculae. The jelly coat appears to be completely dissolved within 30 min of spawning. Comparison of the oogenesis and ovary development in II. asinina with other abalone species indicates that these processes are very similar in tropical and temperate abalone. This suggests that insights into the regulation of reproduction and spawning in H. asinina are likely to be applicable to other haliotids.


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Gastropod shells consist of two crystal types of calcium carbonate, an outer, prismatic calcite layer and an inner nacreous layer made of aragonite. In cross-section, the nacre of the nacreous layer appears to have a regular brick-like microstructure composed of thin laminae of aragonite crystals, separated by very thin sheets of protein (Lutz and Rhoads, 1980; Nakahara, 1983). In abalone (Genus, Haliotis) and other gastropods, thin layers of non-lamellar pigmented material occur within the nacre and have been termed alternatively, fine lines, growth rings or growth lines (Shepherd et al., 1995). It has been suggested that these pigmented layers are small, prismatic, calcite layers (Shepherd and Avalos-Borja, 1997; Zaremba et al., 1996) but investigations using a Raman laser in Haliotis rubra show that they contain aragonite rather than calcite (Hawkes et al, 1996). Day and Fleming (1992) suggest that the occurrence of pigmented layers is correlated with regular exogenous cues such as reproduction or temperature changes and indeed in some species, pigmented layers in the shell can be used to age abalone (review: Shepherd and Triantafillos, 1997). However, McShane and Smith (1992) suggest that pigmented layers can occur irregularly and therefore may be unreliable indicators of age.


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The spatial and temporal association of muscle-specific tropomyosin gene expression, and myofibril assembly and degradation during metamorphosis is analyzed in the gastropod mollusc. Haliotis rufescens. Metamorphosis of tile planktonic larva to the benthic juvenile includes rearrangement and atrophy of specific larval muscles, and biogenesis of the new juvenile muscle system. The major muscle of the larva - the larval retractor muscle - reorganizes at metamorphosis, with two suites of cells having different fates. The ventral cells degenerate, while the dorsal cells become part of the developing juvenile mantle musculature. Prior to these changes in myofibrillar structure, tropomyosin mRNA prevalence declines until undetectable in the ventral cells, while increasing markedly in the dorsal cells. In the foot muscle and right shell muscle, tropomyosin mRNA levels remain relatively stable, even trough myofibril content increases. In a population of median mesoderm cells destined to form de novo the major muscle of the juvenile and adult (the columellar muscle), tropomyosin expression is initiated at 45 h after induction of metamorphosis. Myofibrillar filamentous actin is not detected in these cells until about 7 days later. Given that patterns of tropomyosin mRNA accumulation in relation to myofibril assembly and disassembly differ significantly among the four major muscle systems examined, we suggest that different regulatory mechanisms, probably operating at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, control the biogenesis and atrophy of different larval and postlarval muscles at metamorphosis.


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We have isolated a homeobox-containing cDNA from the gastropod mollusc Haliotis rufescens that is most similar to members of the Mox homeobox gene class, The derived Haliotis homeodomain sequence is 85% identical to mouse and frog Mox-2 homeodomains and 88.9% identical to the partial cnidarian cnox5-Hm homeodomain. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis of mRNA accumulation reveals that this gene, called HruMox, is expressed in the larva, but not in the early embryo, Transcripts are most prevalent during larval morphogenesis from trochophore to veliger. There are also transient increases in transcript prevalence 1 and 3 days after the intitiation of metamorphosis from veliger to juvenile. The identification of a molluscan Mox homeobox gene that is more closely related to vertebrate genes than other protostome (e.g. Drosophila) genes suggests the Mox class of homeobox genes may consist of several different families that have been conserved through evolution, (C) 1997 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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POU-IV genes regulate neuronal development in a number of deuterostomes (chordates) and ecdysozoans (arthropods and nematodes). Currently their function and expression in the third bilaterian clade, the Lophotrochozoa, comprising molluscs, annelids and. their affiliates, is unclear. Herein we characterise the developmental expression of HasPOU-IV in the gastropod mollusc, Haliotis asinina. The POU-IV gene is transiently expressed in I I distinct larval territories during the first 3 days of development. HasPOU-IV is first expressed in sets of ventral epidermal cells in the newly hatched trochophore larvae. As larval morphogenesis proceeds, we observe HasPOU-IV transcripts in cells that putatively form a range of sensory systems including chemo- and mechanosensory cells in the foot, cephalic tentacles, the ctenidia. the geosensory statocyst and the eyes. By comparing HasPOU-IV expression with POU-IV genes in other bilaterians we infer that this class of POU-domain genes had an ancestral role in regulating sensory cell development.


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We report the spatial expression patterns of five anterior Hox genes during larval development of the gastropod mollusc Haliotis asinina, an unsegmented spiralian lophotrochozoan. Molecular alignments and phylogenetic analysis indicate that these genes are homologues of Drosophila HOM-C genes labial, proboscipedia, zen, Deformed, and Sex combs reduced, the abalone genes are named Has-Hox1, -Hox2, -Hox3, -Hox4, and -Hox5. Has-Hox transcripts are first detected in the free-swimming trochophore larval stage- and restricted to the posttrochal ectoderm. Has-Hox2, -Hox3, and -Hox4 are expressed in bilaterally symmetrical and overlapping patterns in presumptive neuroectodermal cells on the ventral side of the trochophore. Has-Hox1 expression is restricted to a ring of cells on the dorsoposterior surface, corresponding to the outer mantle edge where new larval shell is being synthesized. There appears to be little change in the expression domains of these Has-Hox genes in pre- and posttorsional veliger larvae, with expression maintained in ectodermal and neuroectodermal tissues. Has-Hox2, -Hox3, -Hox4, and-Hox5 appear to be expressed in a colinear manner in the ganglia and connectives in the twisted nervous system. This pattern is not evident in older larvae. Has-Hox1 and-Hox4 are expressed in the margin of the mantle in the posttorsional veliger, suggesting that Hox genes play a role in gastropod shell formation.


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The non-geniculate crustose coralline alga (CCA) Mastophora pacifica can induce the metamorphosis of competent Haliotis asinina (Vetigastropoda) larvae. The ability to respond to this natural cue varies considerably with larval age, with a higher proportion of older larvae (e.g. 90 h) able to metamorphose in response to M. pacifica than younger larvae (e.g. 66 h). Here we document the variation in time to acquisition of competence within a larval age class. For example, after 18 h of exposure to M. pacifica, approximately 15 and 36% of 84 and 90-h-old H. asinina larvae had initiated metamorphosis, respectively. This age-dependent response to M. pacifica is also observed when different aged larvae are exposed to CCA for varying periods. A higher proportion of older larvae require shorter periods of exposure to CCA than younger larvae in order to initiate metamorphosis. In this experiment, as in the previous, a small proportion of young larvae were able to respond to brief periods of CCA exposure, suggesting that they had developed the same state of competency as the majority of their older counterparts. Comparisons of the proportions of larvae undergoing metamorphosis between families reveals that parentage also has a significant (P < 0.05) affect on whether an individual will initiate metamorphosis at a given age. These familial differences are more pronounced when younger, largely pre-competent larvae (i.e. 66 h old) are exposed to M. pacifica, with proportions of larvae undergoing metamorphosis differing by as much as 10 fold between families. As these data suggest that variation in the rate of development of the competent state has a genetic basis, and as a first step towards identifying the molecular basis to this variation, we have identified numerous genes that are differentially expressed later in larval development using a differential display approach. Spatial expression analysis of these genes suggests that they may be directly involved in the acquisition of competence, or may play a functional role in the postlarva following metamorphosis.


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Hemocyanins are large copper-containing respiratory proteins that play a role in oxygen transport in many molluscs. In some species only one hemocyanin isoform is present while in others two are expressed. The physiological relevance of these isoforms is unclear and the developmental and tissue-specific expression of hemocyanin genes is largely unknown. Here we show that two hemocyanin genes in the gastropod Haliotis asinina, which encode H. asinina hemocyanin (HaH1) and HaH2 isoforms, are developmentally expressed. These genes initially are expressed in a small number of mesenchyme cells at trochophore and pre-torsional veliger stages, with HaH1 expression slightly preceding HaH2. These cells largely are localized to the visceral mass, although a small number of cells are present in head and foot regions. Following metamorphosis the isoforms show overlapping as well as isoform-specific expression profiles, suggesting some degree of isoform-specific function.


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Approximately 1-2% of the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina inhabiting Heron Island Reef are infected with opecoelid digeneans. These largely inhabit the haemocoel surrounding the cerebral ganglia and digestive gland-gonad complex, and infected abalone typically have significantly reduced or ablated gonads. Observations of infected abalone reveal two distinct cercarial emergence patterns, one which correlates tightly with the abalone's highly regular and synchronous fortnightly spawning cycle, and the other which occurs in a circadian pattern. The former appears to be a novel emergence strategy not previously observed in digeneans. While the cercariae in all abalone are morphologically indistinguishable, comparison of sequences from the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS 2) region of the ribosomal DNA reveals a 5.7% difference between cercariae displaying different emergence patterns, indicating these are two distinct species that probably belong to the same genus. The ITS 2 sequences of the species with the daily emergence pattern are identical to that of an undescribed adult opecoelid from the gut of the barramundi cod, Cromileptes altivelis. Combined molecular, morphological and emergence data suggest that while these opecoelid cercariae use the same first intermediate host and are closely related species-members of the genus Allopodocotyle-they fill different ecological niches that are likely to include different definitive hosts.


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The tropical abalone Haliotis asinina is a wild-caught and cultured species throughout the Indo-Pacific as well as being an emerging model species for the study of haliotids. H. asinina has the fastest recorded natural growth rate of any abalone and reaches sexual maturity within one year. As such, it is a suitable abalone species for selective breeding for commercially important traits such as rapid growth. Estimating the amount of variation in size that is attributable to heritable genetic differences can assist the development of such a selective breeding program. Here we estimated heritability for growth-related traits at 12 months of age by creating a single cohort of 84 families in a full-factorial mating design consisting of 14 sires and 6 dams. Of 500 progeny sampled, 465 were successfully assigned to their parents based on shared alleles at 5 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Using an animal model, heritability estimates were 0.48 +/- 0.15 for shell length, 0.38 +/- 0.13 for shell width and 0.36 +/- 0.13 for weight. Genetic correlations were > 0.98 between shell parameters and weight, indicating that breeding for weight gains could be successfully achieved by selecting for shell length. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tropical abalone. Haliotis asinina. is,in ideal species to investigate the molecular mechanisms that control development. growth, reproduction and shell formation in all cultured haliotids. Here we describe the analysis of 232 expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained front a developmental H. asinina cDNA library intended for future microarray studies. From this data set we identified 183 unique gene Clusters. Of these, 90 clusters showed significant homology with sequences lodged in GenBank, ranging in function from general housekeeping to signal transduction, gene regulation and cell-cell communication. Seventy-one clusters possessed completely novel ORFs greater than 50 codons in length, highlighting the paucity of sequence data from molluscs and other lophotrochozoans. This study of developmental gene expression in H. asinina provides the foundation for further detailed analyses of abalone growth, development and reproduction.


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Infection of molluscs by digenean trematode parasites typically results in the repression of reproduction - the so-called parasitic castration. This is known to occur by altering the expression of a range of host neuropeptide genes. Here we analyse the expression levels of 10 members of POU, Pax, Sox and Hox transcription factor gene families, along with genes encoding FNIRFamide, prohormone convertase and P-tubulin, in the brain ganglia of actively reproducing (summer), non-reproducing (winter) and infected Haliotis asinina (a vetigastropod mollusc). A number of the regulatory genes are differentially expressed in parasitised H. asinina, but in only a few cases do expression patterns in infected animals match those occurring in animals where reproduction is normally repressed. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.