10 resultados para HER2
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The tests that are currently available for the measurement of overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor-2 (HER2) in breast cancer have shown considerable problems in accuracy and interlaboratory reproducibility. Although these problems are partly alleviated by the use of validated, standardised 'kits', there may be considerable cost involved in their use. Prior to testing it may therefore be an advantage to be able to predict from basic pathology data whether a cancer is likely to overexpress HER2. In this study, we have correlated pathology features of cancers with the frequency of HER2 overexpression assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using HercepTest (Dako). In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) has been used to re-test the equivocal cancers and interobserver variation in assessing HER2 overexpression has been examined by a slide circulation scheme. Of the 1536 cancers, 1144 (74.5%) did not overexpress HER2. Unequivocal overexpression (3+ by IHC) was seen in 186 cancers (12%) and an equivocal result (2+ by IHC) was seen in 206 cancers (13%). Of the 156 IHC 3+ cancers for which complete data was available, 149 (95.5%) were ductal NST and 152 (97%) were histological grade 2 or 3. Only 1 of 124 infiltrating lobular carcinomas (0.8%) showed HER2 overexpression. None of the 49 'special types' of carcinoma showed HER2 overexpression. Re-testing by FISH of a proportion of the IHC 2+ cancers showed that only 25 (23%) of those assessable exhibited HER2 gene amplification, but 46 of the 47 IHC 3+ cancers (98%) were confirmed as showing gene amplification. Circulating slides for the assessment of HER2 score showed a moderate level of agreement between pathologists (kappa 0.4). As a result of this study we would advocate consideration of a triage approach to HER-2 testing. Infiltrating lobular and special types of carcinoma may not need to be routinely tested at presentation nor may grade 1 NST carcinomas in which only 1.4% have been shown to overexpress HER2. Testing of these carcinomas may be performed when HER2 status is required to assist in therapeutic or other clinical/prognostic decision-making. The highest yield of HER2 overexpressing carcinomas is seen in the grade 3 NST subgroup in which 24% are positive by IHC. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy, ease of use and reproducibility of chromogenic in situ hybridisation (CISH) for HER2 testing by studying its inter-laboratory concordance in five Australian pathology laboratories. Methods: The HER2 status of 49 breast cancers was determined by CISH twice in two different laboratories. Each sample had previously been tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC; 2+ and 3+ cases selected) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation ( FISH). Participating laboratories were blinded to these test results. Oestrogen receptor ( ER) status was also evaluated for each cancer. Results: High correlation was observed between FISH and CISH results. No cases showing high gene amplification by FISH were scored as non-amplified by CISH ( kappa coefficient=1). High correlation was observed between IHC and CISH, all IHC 3+ samples showing amplification by CISH. Inter-laboratory CISH concordance was also good ( kappa coefficient=0.67). Fifty-six per cent of HER2-amplified samples tested ER positive, while 42% of ER-positive cases showed HER2 gene amplification, confirming that HER2 testing should not be confined to ER-negative breast cancers. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that CISH is a robust test to assess HER2 status in breast cancer and therefore is an important addition to the HER2 testing algorithm.
Immunohistochemical analysis of E-cadherin has changed the way lobular neoplasia is perceived. It has helped to classify difficult cases of carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features and led to the identification of new variants of lobular carcinoma. Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (PLC) and pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (PLCIS), recently described variants of invasive and in situ classic lobular carcinoma, are reported to be associated with more aggressive clinical behaviour. Although PLC/PLCIS show morphological features of classic lobular neoplasia and lack E-cadherin expression, it is still unclear whether these lesions evolve through the same genetic pathway as lobular carcinomas or are high-grade ductal neoplasms that have lost E-cadherin. Here we have analysed a case of extensive PLCIS and invasive PLC associated with areas of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features, using immunohistochemistry, chromogenic in situ hybridization, high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and array-based CGH. We observed that all lesions lacked E-cadherin and beta-catenin and showed gain of 1q and loss of 16q, features that are typical of lobular carcinomas but are not seen in high-grade ductal lesions. In addition, amplifications of c-myc and HER2 were detected in the pleomorphic components, which may account for the high-grade features in this case and the reported aggressive clinical behaviour of these lesions. Taken together, these data suggest that at least some PLCs may evolve from the same precursor or through the same genetic pathway as classic lobular carcinomas. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Columnar cell lesions (CCLs) of the breast are a spectrum of lesions that have posed difficulties to pathologists for many years, prompting discussion concerning their biologic and clinical significance. We present a study of CCL in context with hyperplasia of usual type (HUT) and the more advanced lesions ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinoma. A total of 81 lesions from 18 patients were subjected to a comprehensive morphologic review based upon a modified version of Schnitt's classification system for CCL, immunophenotypic analysis (estrogen receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PgR], Her2/neu, cytokeratin 5/6 [CK5/6], cytokeratin 14 [CK14], E-cadherin, p53) and for the first time, a whole genome molecular analysis by comparative genomic hybridization. Multiple CCLs from 3 patients were studied in particular detail, with topographic information and/or showing a morphologic spectrum of CCL within individual terminal duct lobular units. CCLs were ER an PgR positive, CK5/6 and CK14 negative, exhibit low numbers of genetic alterations and recurrent 16q loss, features that are similar to those of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. The molecular genetic profiles closely reflect the degree of proliferation and atypia in CCL, indicating some of these lesions represent both a morphologic and molecular continuum. In addition, overlapping chromosomal alterations between CCL and more advanced lesions within individual terminal duct lobular units suggest a commonality in molecular evolution. These data further support the hypothesis that CCLs are a nonobligate, intermediary step in the development of some forms of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. Copyright: © 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Background: Grade-III invasive ductal carcinomas of no special type (IDCs-NST) constitute a heterogeneous group of tumours with different clinical behaviour and response to chemotherapy. As many as 25% of all grade-III IDCs-NST are known to harbour a basal-like phenotype, as defined by gene expression profiling or immunohistochemistry for basal cytokeratins. Patients with basal-like breast carcinomas (BLBC) are reported to have a shorter disease-free and overall survival. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of 49 patients with BLBC (as defined by basal cytokeratin expression) and 49 controls matched for age, nodal status and grade was carried out. Histological features, immunohistochemical findings for oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR) and HER2, and clinical outcome and survival after adjuvant chemotherapy were compared between the two groups. Results: It was more likely for patients with BLBCs to be found negative for ER (p < 0.0001), PgR (p < 0.0001) and HER2 (p < 0.01) than controls. Patients with BLBCs were found to have a significantly higher recurrence rate (p < 0.05) and were associated with significantly shorter disease-free and overall survival (both p, 0.05). In the group of patients who received anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy (BLBC group, n = 47; controls, n = 49), both disease-free and overall survival were found to be significantly shorter in the BLBC group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: BLBCs are a distinct clinical and pathological entity, characterised by high nuclear grade, lack of hormone receptors and HER2 expression and a more aggressive clinical course. Standard adjuvant chemotherapy seems to be less effective in these tumours and new therapeutic approaches are indicated.
Chromogenic (CISH) and fluorescent ( FISH) in situ hybridization have emerged as reliable techniques to identify amplifications and chromosomal translocations. CISH provides a spatial distribution of gene copy number changes in tumour tissue and allows a direct correlation between copy number changes and the morphological features of neoplastic cells. However, the limited number of commercially available gene probes has hindered the use of this technique. We have devised a protocol to generate probes for CISH that can be applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (FFPETS). Bacterial artificial chromosomes ( BACs) containing fragments of human DNA which map to specific genomic regions of interest are amplified with phi 29 polymerase and random primer labelled with biotin. The genomic location of these can be readily confirmed by BAC end pair sequencing and FISH mapping on normal lymphocyte metaphase spreads. To demonstrate the reliability of the probes generated with this protocol, four strategies were employed: (i) probes mapping to cyclin D1 (CCND1) were generated and their performance was compared with that of a commercially available probe for the same gene in a series of 10 FFPETS of breast cancer samples of which five harboured CCND1 amplification; (ii) probes targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 4 were used to validate an amplification identified by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) in a pleomorphic adenoma; (iii) probes targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and CCND1 were used to validate amplifications mapping to these regions, as defined by aCGH, in an invasive lobular breast carcinoma with FISH and CISH; and (iv) gene-specific probes for ETV6 and NTRK3 were used to demonstrate the presence of t(12; 15)(p12; q25) translocation in a case of breast secretory carcinoma with dual colour FISH. In summary, this protocol enables the generation of probes mapping to any gene of interest that can be applied to FFPETS, allowing correlation of morphological features with gene copy number.
Purpose: Classic lobular carcinomas (CLC) account for 10% to 15% of all breast cancers. At the genetic level, CLCs show recurrent physical loss of chromosome16q coupled with the lack of E-cadherin (CDH1 gene) expression. However, little is known about the putative therapeutic targets for these tumors. The aim of this study was to characterize CLCs at the molecular genetic level and identify putative therapeutic targets. Experimental Design: We subjected 13 cases of CLC to a comprehensive molecular analysis including immunohistochemistry for E-cadherin, estrogen and progesterone receptors, HER2/ neu and p53; high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (HR-CGH); microarray-based CGH (aCGH); and fluorescent and chromogenic in situ hybridization for CCND1 and FGFR1. Results: All cases lacked the expression of E-cadherin, p53, and HER2, and all but one case was positive for estrogen receptors. HR-CGH revealed recurrent gains on 1q and losses on 16q (both, 85%). aCGH showed a good agreement with but higher resolution and sensitivity than HR-CGH. Recurrent, high level gains at 11q13 (CCND1) and 8p12-p11.2 were identified in seven and six cases, respectively, and were validated with in situ hybridization. Examination of aCGH and the gene expression profile data of the cell lines, MDA-MB-134 and ZR-75-1, which harbor distinct gains of 8p12-p11.2, identified FGFR1 as a putative amplicon driver of 8p12-p11.2 amplification in MDA-MB-134. Inhibition of FGFR1 expression using small interfering RNA or a small-molecule chemical inhibitor showed that FGFR1 signaling contributes to the survival of MDA-MB-134 cells. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that receptor FGFR1 inhibitors may be useful as therapeutics in a subset of CLCs.
We analysed the molecular genetic profiles of breast cancer samples before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with combination doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (AC). DNA was obtained from microdissected frozen breast core biopsies from 44 patients before chemotherapy. Additional samples were obtained before the second course of chemotherapy (D21) and after the completion of the treatment (surgical specimens) in 17 and 21 patients, respectively. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation was performed using a platform containing approx5800 bacterial artificial chromosome clones (genome-wide resolution: 0.9 Mb). Analysis of the 44 pretreatment biopsies revealed that losses of 4p, 4q, 5q, 12q13.11–12q13.12, 17p11.2 and 17q11.2; and gains of 1p, 2p, 7q, 9p, 11q, 19p and 19q were significantly associated with oestrogen receptor negativity. 16q21–q22.1 losses were associated with lobular and 8q24 gains with ductal types. Losses of 5q33.3–q4 and 18p11.31 and gains of 6p25.1–p25.2 and Xp11.4 were associated with HER2 amplification. No correlations between DNA copy number changes and clinical response to AC were found. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation analysis of matched pretreatment and D21 biopsies failed to identify statistically significant differences, whereas a comparison between matched pretreatment and surgical samples revealed a statistically significant acquired copy number gain on 11p15.2–11p15.5. The modest chemotherapy-driven genomic changes, despite profound loss of cell numbers, suggest that there is little therapeutic selection of resistant non-modal cell lineages.
Aim: HER-2/neu amplification occurs in 15-25% of breast carcinomas. This oncogene, also referred to as c-erbB-2, encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor belonging to the epidermal growth factor receptor family. HER-2 over-expression is reported to be associated with a poor prognosis in breast carcinoma patients and in some studies is associated with a poorer response to anti-oestrogen therapy. These patients are less likely to benefit from CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil)-based chemotherapy compared with anthracycline-based chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate breast carcinomas to determine hormone receptor status and if there is a difference in breast cancer specific survival for HER-2 positive patients. Methods: A total of 591 breast carcinomas were evaluated using immunohistochemistry (IHC) for oestrogen receptor (ERp), progesterone receptor (PRp) and three different HER2 antibodies (CB11, A0485 and TAB250). Percentage of tumour cells and intensity of staining for ERp were evaluated using a semiquantitative method. Results: Of the 591 tumours, 91 (15.4%) showed 3+ membrane staining for HER-2 with one or more antibodies. Of these 91 tumours, 41 (45.1%) were ERp+/ PRp+, seven (7.7%) were ERp+/PR-, six (6.6%) were ERp-/PRp+ and 37 (40.7%) were ERp-/PR-. Of HER-2 positive tumours, 5.5% showed > 80% 3+ staining for ERp compared with 31.8% of 0-2+ HER-2 tumours; 24.2% of HER-2-positive tumours showed 60% or more cells with 2+ or 3+ staining for ERp. Treatment data were available for 209 patients and no difference was observed in breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) with HER-2 status and tamoxifen. Conclusion: Oestrogen receptor status cannot be used to select tumours for evaluation of HER-2 status, and oestrogen and progesterone receptor positivity does not preclude a positive HER-2 status. There is a higher proportion of ERp negative tumours associated with HER-2 positivity, however, more than 20% of HER-2 positive tumours show moderate or strong staining for ERp. HER-2 positive patients in this study did not show an adverse BCSS with tamoxifen treatment unlike some previous studies.