24 resultados para H-ras

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A new study shows that Ras2 regulates GPI-anchor synthesis in the ER. Reciprocally, the targeted enzyme GPI-GlcNAc transferase regulates Ras2 signal output. This novel intersection of Ras2 signaling and an ER-localized protein complex has interesting implications for Ras function.


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The spatial organization of plasma membrane components in discrete microdomains is thought to be a key factor in the generation of distinct signal outputs. A detailed characterization of plasma membrane microdomains, including descriptions of their size, dynamics and abundance, has proved to be a taxing problem for cell biologists and biophysicists. The use of novel techniques is providing exciting new insights into the challenging problem of plasma membrane microstructure and has allowed the visualization of domains with the characteristics expected of lipid rafts - microdomains of the plasma membrane enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. This review focuses on some of these recent advances and uses Ras signaling as a paradigm for understanding inner plasma membrane organization and the role of lipid rafts in cellular function.


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The microlocalization of Ras proteins to different microdomains of the plasma membrane is critical for signaling specificity. Here we examine the complex membrane interactions of H-ras with a combination of FRAP on live cells to measure membrane affinity and electron microscopy of intact plasma membrane sheets to spatially map microdomains. We show that three separable forces operate on H-ras at the plasma membrane. The lipid anchor, comprising a processed CAAX motif and two palmitic acid residues, generates one attractive force that provides a high-affinity interaction with lipid rafts. The adjacent hypervariable linker domain provides a second attractive force but for nonraft plasma membrane microdomains. Operating against the attractive interaction of the lipid anchor for lipid rafts is a repulsive force generated by the N-terminal catalytic domain that increases when H-ras is GTP loaded. These observations lead directly to a novel mechanism that explains how H-ras lateral segregation is regulated by activation state: GTP loading decreases H-ras affinity for lipid rafts and allows the hypervariable linker domain to target to nonraft microdomains, the primary site of H-ras signaling.


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Plasma membrane compartmentalization imposes lateral segregation on membrane proteins that is important for regulating signal transduction. We use computational modeling of immunogold spatial point patterns on intact plasma membrane sheets to test different models of inner plasma membrane organization. We find compartmentalization at the nanoscale level but show that a classical raft model of preexisting stable domains into which lipid raft proteins partition is incompatible with the spatial point patterns generated by the immunogold labeling of a palmitoylated raft marker protein. Rather, approximate to 30% of the raft protein exists in cholesterol-dependent nanoclusters, with approximate to 70% distributed as monomers. The cluster/monomer ratio (number of proteins in clusters/number of proteins outside clusters) is independent of expression level. H-rasG12V and K-rasG12V proteins also operate in nanoclusters with fixed cluster/monomer ratios that are independent of expression level. Detailed calibration of the immunogold imaging protocol suggests that radii of raft and RasG12V protein nanoclusters may be as small as 11 and 6 nm, respectively, and shows that the nanoclusters contain small numbers (6.0-7.7) of proteins. Raft nanoclusters do not form if the actin cytoskeleton is disassembled. The formation of K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V nanoclusters also is actin-dependent. K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V signaling is abrogated by actin cytoskeleton disassembly, which shows that nanoclustering is critical for Ras function. These findings argue against stable preexisting domains on the inner plasma membrane in favor of dynamic actively regulated nanoclusters similar to those proposed for the outer plasma membrane. RasG12V nanoclusters may facilitate the assembly of essential signal transduction complexes.


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The plasma membrane is a complex, dynamic structure that provides platforms for the assembly of many signal transduction pathways. These platforms have the capacity to impose an additional level of regulation on cell signalling networks. In this review, we will consider specifically how Ras proteins interact with the plasma membrane. The focus will be on recent studies that provide novel spatial and dynamic insights into the micro-environments that different Ras proteins utilize for signal transduction. We will correlate these recent studies suggesting Ras proteins might operate within a heterogeneous plasma membrane with earlier biochemical work on Ras signal transduction.


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H-ras is anchored to the plasma membrane by two palmitoylated cysteine residues, Cys181 and Cys184, operating in concert with a C-terminal S-farnesyl cysteine carboxymethylester. Here we demonstrate that the two palmitates serve distinct biological roles. Monopalmitoylation of Cys181 is required and sufficient for efficient trafficking of H-ras to the plasma membrane, whereas monopallmitoylation of Cys184 does not permit efficient trafficking beyond the Golgi apparatus. However, once at the plasma membrane, monopalmitoylation of Cys184 supports correct GTP-regulated lateral segregation of H-ras between cbolesterol-dependent and cholesterol-independent microdomains. In contrast, monopallmitoylation of Cys181 dramatically reverses H-ras lateral segregation, driving GTP-loaded H-ras into cholesterol-dependent microdomains. Intriguingly, the Cys181 monopalmitoylated H-ras anchor emulates the GTP-regulated microdomain interactions of N-ras. These results identify N-ras as the Ras isoform that normally signals from lipid rafts but also reveal that spacing between palmitate and prenyl groups influences anchor interactions with the lipid bilayer. This concept is further supported by the different plasma membrane affinities of the monopalmitoylated anchors: Cys181-palmitate is equivalent to the dually palmitoylated wild-type anchor, whereas Cys184-pahnitate is weaker. Thus, membrane affinity of a pallmitoylated anchor is a function both of the hydrophobicity of the lipid moieties and their spatial organization. Finally we show that the plasma membrane affinity of monopahnitoylated anchors is absolutely dependent on cholesterol, identifying a new role for cholesterol in promoting interactions with the raft and nonraft plasma membrane.


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The blood-borne renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known best for its role in the maintenance of blood pressure and electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. However, numerous tissues show intrinsic angiotensin-generating systems that cater for specific local needs through actions that add to, or differ from, the circulating RAS. The male reproductive system has several sites of intrinsic RAS activity. Recent focus on the epididymis, by our laboratories and by others, has contributed important details about the local RAS in this tissue. The RAS components have been localized morphologically and topographically; they have been shown to be responsive to androgens and to hypoxia; and angiotensin has been shown to influence tubular, and consequently, fluid secretion. Components of the RAS have also been found in the testis, vas deferens, prostate and semen. Angiotensin II receptors, type 1 and, to a lesser extent, type 2 are widespread, and angiotensin IV receptors have been localized in the prostate. The roles of the RAS in local processes at these sites are still uncertain and have yet to be fully elucidated, although there is evidence for involvement in tubular contractility, spermatogenesis, sperm maturation, capacitation, acrosomal exocytosis and fertilization. Notwithstanding this evidence for the involvement of the RAS in various important aspects of male reproduction, there has so far been a lack of clinical evidence, demonstrable by changes in fertility, for a crucial role of the RAS in male reproduction. However, it is clear that there are several potential targets for manipulating the activity of the male reproductive system by interfering with the locally generated angiotensin systems.


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The oligomeric lipid raft-associated integral protein stomatin normally localizes to the plasma membrane and the late endosomal compartment. Similar to the caveolins, it is targeted to lipid bodies (LBs) on overexpression. Endogenous stomatin also associates with LBs to a small extent. Green fluorescent protein-tagged stomatin (StomGFP) and the dominant-negative caveolin-3 mutant DGV(cav3)(HA) occupy distinct domains on LB surfaces but eventually intermix. Studies of StomGFP deletion mutants reveal that the region for membrane association but not oligomerization and raft association is essential for LB targeting. Blocking protein synthesis leads to the redistribution of StomGFP from LBs to LysoTracker-positive vesicles indicating a connection with the late endosomal/ lysosomal pathway. Live microscopy of StomGFP reveals multiple interactions between LBs and microtubule-associated vesicles possibly representing signaling events and/or the exchange of cargo. Proteomic analysis of isolated LBs identifies adipophilin and TIP47, various lipid-specific enzymes, cytoskeletal components, chaperones, Ras-related proteins, protein kinase D2, and other regulatory proteins. The association of the Rab proteins 1, 6, 7, 10, and 18 with LBs indicates various connections to other compartments. Our data suggest that LBs are not only involved in the storage of lipids but also participate actively in the cellular signaling network and the homeostasis of lipids.


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The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc-finger protein that is mutated in Wilms' tumours and other malignancies. WT1 is one of the earliest genes expressed during kidney development. WT1 proteins can activate and repress putative target genes in vitro, although the in vivo relevance of such target genes often remains unverified. To better understand the role of WT1 in tumorigenesis and kidney development, we need to identify downstream target genes. In this study, we have expression pro. led human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected to allow inducible WT1 expression and mouse mesonephric M15 cells transfected with a WT1 antisense construct to abolish endogenous expression of all WT1 isoforms to identify WT1-responsive genes. The complementary overlap between the two cell lines revealed a pronounced repression of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis by WT1. This pathway is transcriptionally regulated by the sterol responsive element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal end of the WT1 protein can directly interact with SREBP, suggesting that WT1 may modify the transcriptional function of SREBPs via a direct protein-protein interaction. Therefore, the tumour suppressor activities of WT1 may be achieved by repressing the mevalonate pathway, thereby controlling cellular proliferation and promoting terminal differentiation.


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Small GTPases of the Ras superfamily play critical roles in epithelial biogenesis. Many key morphogenetic functions occur when small GTPases act at epithelial junctions, where they mediate an increasingly complex interplay between cell-cell adhesion molecules and fundamental cellular processes, such as cytoskeletal activity, polarity and trafficking. Important recent advances in this field include the role of additional members of the Ras superfamily in cell-cell contact stability and the capacity for polarity determinants to regulate small GTPase signalling. Interestingly, small GTPases may participate in the cross-talk between different adhesive receptors: in tissues classical cadherins can selectively regulate other junctions through cell signalling rather than through a global influence on cell-cell cohesion.


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The Raf-MEK-ERK MAP kinase cascade transmits signals from activated receptors into the cell to regulate proliferation and differentiation. The cascade is controlled by the Ras GTPase, which recruits Raf from the cytosol to the plasma membrane for activation. In turn, MEK, ERK, and scaffold proteins translocate to the plasma membrane for activation. Here, we examine the input-output properties of the Raf-MEK-ERK MAP kinase module in mammalian cells activated in different cellular contexts. We show that the MAP kinase module operates as a molecular switch in vivo but that the input sensitivity of the module is determined by subcellular location. Signal output from the module is sensitive to low-level input only when it is activated at the plasma membrane. This is because the threshold for activation is low at the plasma membrane, whereas the threshold for activation is high in the cytosol. Thus, the circuit configuration of the module at the plasma membrane generates maximal outputs from low-level analog inputs, allowing cells to process and respond appropriately to physiological stimuli. These results reveal the engineering logic behind the recruitment of elements of the module from the cytosol to the membrane for activation.