26 resultados para Guinea pigs

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Neurons in pelvic ganglia receive nicotinic excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) from sacral preganglionic neurons via the pelvic nerve, lumbar preganglionic neurons via the hypogastric nerve or both. We tested the effect of a range of calcium channel antagonists on EPSPs evoked in paracervical ganglia of female guinea-pigs after pelvic or hypogastric nerve stimulation. omega-Conotoxin GVIA (CTX GVIA, 100 nM) or the novel N-type calcium channel antagonist, CTX CVID (100 nM) reduced the amplitude of EPSPs evoked after pelvic nerve stimulation by 50-75% but had no effect on EPSPs evoked by hypogastric nerve stimulation. Combined addition of CTX GVIA and CTX CVID was no more effective than either antagonist alone. EPSPs evoked by stimulating either nerve trunk were not inhibited by the P/Q calcium channel antagonist, omega-agatoxin IVA (100 nM), nor the L-type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine (30 muM). SNX 482 (300 nM), an antagonist at some R-type calcium channels, inhibited EPSPs after hypogastric nerve stimulation by 20% but had little effect on EPSPs after pelvic nerve stimulation. Amiloride (100 muM) inhibited EPSPs after stimulation of either trunk by 40%, while nickel (100 muM) was ineffective. CTX GVIA or CTX CVID (100 nM) also slowed the rate of action potential repolarization and reduced afterhyperpolarization amplitude in paracervical neurons. Thus, release of transmitter from the terminals of sacral preganglionic neurons is largely dependent on calcium influx through N-type calcium channels, although an unknown calcium channel which is resistant to selective antagonists also contributes to release. Release of transmitter from lumbar preganglionic neurons does not require calcium entry through either conventional N-type calcium channels or the variant CTX CVID-sensitive N-type calcium channel and seems to be mediated largely by a novel calcium channel. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1 The effects of calcium channel blockers on co-transmission from different populations of autonomic vasomotor neurons were studied on isolated segments of uterine artery and vena cava from guinea-pigs. 2 Sympathetic, noradrenergic contractions of the uterine artery (produced by 200 pulses at 1 or 10 Hz; 600 pulses at 20 Hz) were abolished by the N-type calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin (CTX) GVIA at 1-10 nM. 3 Biphasic sympathetic contractions of the vena cava (600 pulses at 20 Hz) mediated by noradrenaline and neuropeptide Y were abolished by 10 nM CTX GVIA. 4 Neurogenic relaxations of the uterine artery (200 pulses at 10 Hz) mediated by neuronal nitric oxide and neuropeptides were reduced < 50% by CTX GVIA 10-100 nM. 5 Capsaicin (3 muM) did not affect the CTX GVIA-sensitive or CTX GVIA-resistant neurogenic relaxations of the uterine artery. 6 The novel N-type blocker CTX CVID (100-300 nM), P/Q-type blockers agatoxin IVA (10-100 nM) or CTX CVIB (100 nM), the L-type blocker nifedipine (10 muM) or the 'R-type' blocker SNX-482 (100 nM), all failed to reduce CTX GVIA-resistant relaxations. The T-type channel blocker NiCl2 (100-300 muM) reduced but did not abolish the remaining neurogenic dilations. 7 Release of different neurotransmitters from the same autonomic vasomotor axon depends on similar subtypes of calcium channels. N-type channels are responsible for transmitter release from vasoconstrictor neurons innervating a muscular artery and capacitance vein, but only partly mediate release of nitric oxide and neuropeptides from pelvic vasodilator neurons.


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Hyperthermia is teratogenic to human and animal embryos and induces mainly anomalies of the nervous system. However, the teratogenic mechanism is poorly understood. Mammalian embryos are known to switch from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism around the time of neural tube closure. This critical event might be sensitive to hyperthermia. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the ultrastructural changes of the mitochondria of the neuroepithelium (NE) of rat embryos following maternal exposure to hyperthermia. Pregnant rats were heat stressed for an hour on gestation day (GD) 9 and embryos were examined by electron microscopy on GD 10. NE presented extensive apoptosis. Intercellular junctions were weakened and copious cellular debris projected into the ventricle. The mitochondria were of diverse size and shape. Most of them were swollen and had short cristae and electron dense matrix. Hydropic changes were also observed in numerous mitochondria. Lipid-laden mitochondria were found in the apical portions of neuroblasts. The mesenchyme (ME) of heat-treated embryos showed paucity of cells and only as frequent apoptosis as the controls. Their mitochondria also showed changes similar to those of the NE. Additionally extensive lipid accumulation was observed in and in the vicinity of mitochondria, often surrounded by short strands of endoplasmic reticulum. Whereas mitochondrial pathology was associated with profound apoptosis in the NE, growth restriction and lipid accumulation accompanied mitochondrial changes in the ME. The results of this study indicate that the embryonic response to maternal heat shock is tissue-specific and morphologically distinct in this species.


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1. We have investigated the cardiovascular pharmacology of the crude venom extract (CVE) from the potentially lethal, very small carybdeid jellyfish Carukia barnesi, in rat, guinea-pig and human isolated tissues and anaesthetized piglets. 2. In rat and guinea-pig isolated right atria, CVE (0.1-10 mu g/mL) caused tachycardia in the presence of atropine (I mu mol/L), a response almost completely abolished by pretreatment with tetrodotoxin (TTX; 0.1 mu mol/L). In paced left atria from guinea-pig or rat, CVE (0.1-3 mu g/mL) caused a positive inotropic response in the presence of atropine (1 mu mol/L). 3. In rat mesenteric small arteries, CVE (0.1-30 mu g/mL) caused concentration-dependent contractions that were unaffected by 0.1 mu mol/L TTX, 0.3 mu mol/L prazosin or 0.1 mu mol/L co-conotoxin GVIA. 4. Neither the rat right atria tachycardic response nor the contraction of rat mesenteric arteries to CVE were affected by the presence of box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) antivenom (92.6 units/mL). 5. In human isolated driven right atrial trabeculae muscle strips, CVE (10 mu g/mL) tended to cause an initial fall, followed by a more sustained increase, in contractile force. In the presence of atropine (I mu mol/L), CVE only caused a positive inotropic response. In separate experiments in the, presence of propranolol (0.2 mu mol/L), the negative inotropic effect of CVE was enhanced, whereas the positive inotropic response was markedly decreased. 6. In anaesthetized piglets, CVE (67 mu g/kg, i.v.) caused sustained tachycardia and systemic and pulmonary hypertension. Venous blood samples demonstrated a marked elevation in circulating levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline. 7. We conclude that C. barnesi venom may contain a neural sodium channel activator (blocked by TTX) that, in isolated atrial tissue (and in vivo), causes the release of transmitter (and circulating) catecholamines. The venom may also contain a 'direct' vasoconstrictor component. These observations explain, at least in part, the clinical features of the potentially deadly Irukandji syndrome.


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The effects of microbial phytase supplementation of phosphorus-adequate, wheat-based diets with available lysine : energy density ratios ranging from 0.75 to 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE on growth performance of weaner pigs were investigated in 3 studies. In the first study, increasing levels of dietary phytate depressed growth rates (P<0.08) and efficiency of feed conversion (P<0.01) and phytase supplementation enhanced growth rates (P<0.05) and tended to improve feed efficiency (P<0.15). There were no significant interactions between dietary phytate and phytase inclusion to support the hypothesis that dietary substrate levels of phytate govern responses to phytase. However, in this and other studies, percentage increases in efficiency of feed conversion generated by phytase were positively correlated to dietary phytate concentrations to a significant extent (P<0.005), so it is possible that dietary substrate levels are of importance to the magnitude of responses following phytase supplementation. Diets with 3 levels of protein, expressed as 0.80, 0.85, and 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE, were offered to pigs without and with phytase in the second study. Protein/amino acid levels or lysine : energy density ratios did not influence growth performance, which was not expected. However, phytase tended to increase growth rates (P<0.08) and improved feed efficiency (P<0.01). Although it is believed that phytase may have a positive influence on protein utilisation, this was not demonstrated in this experiment. In the third study, the simultaneous inclusion of phytase and xylanase feed enzymes in wheat-based weaner diets did not increase growth performance responses in comparison with phytase alone. Individually, phytase improved feed efficiency (P<0.05) and numerically increased growth rates (P<0.25). Although responses in growth performance of weaner pigs following phytase supplementation lacked consistency, they were generally positive and indicative of anti-nutritive properties of phytate that are unrelated to P availability. That these positive responses were observed in diets with suboptimal available lysine : energy density ratios is consistent with the possibility that phytate has a negative influence on protein utilisation, which is ameliorated by phytase. However, these antinutritive effects and their underlying mechanisms need to be better defined if full advantage of the potential protein-sparing effects of microbial phytase is to be taken.


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A total of 160 samples of 20 Australian-sourced feed ingredients of plant origin for pigs and poultry was analysed for total phosphorus and phytate-phosphorus contents and endogenous phytase activity. The majority of total P was present as phytate-phosphorus, and these concentrations were significantly correlated in 9 feed ingredients. The endogenous phytase activity in tested feed ingredients was negligible other than for wheat, its by-products and barley. Phytate-phosphorus was determined by a standard 'ferric chloride precipitation' method, which was satisfactory for individual feed ingredients, with the exception of lupins and faba beans. It appears that phytate is more difficult to extract from these two feedstuffs, possibly because of the affinity of phytate for protein. Ferric chloride precipitation methods are not suitable for phytate-phosphorus determinations of complete feed samples containing other sources of phosphorus, which is a distinct limitation. A lesser limitation is that these methods cannot distinguish between the various esters of myo-inositol phosphate present. Given the variation of phytate contents within ingredients, particularly wheat, the desirability of determining dietary substrate levels is emphasised to take full advantage of including exogenous phytases in pig and poultry diets to reduce phosphorus excretion and abate phosphorus pollution.


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two studies, pneumococcal polysaccharide (Pnc PS) vaccine was given to more than 400 pregnant Papua New Guinean women. No deleterious effects were found. The vaccine prevented acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) among offspring in utero or aged 1-17 months at the time of maternal immunisation, suggesting protection through breast feeding. Serum IgG antibody titres were higher in vaccinated than unvaccinated groups for 2-4 months after delivery and no immune suppression, evaluated by the response to subsequent Pnc PS vaccination, was detected. Breast milk IgA to four serotypes was 1.1-1.8 times higher in immunised than unimmunised women for 6 months postpartum. Given results from several developing countries, large-scale safety and efficacy trials are now justified. Postpartum maternal immunisation is another intervention under consideration. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although most of the Papua New Guinea highlands are too high for stable malaria transmission, local epidemics are a regular feature of the region. Few detailed descriptions of such epidemics are available, however. We describe the investigation of a malaria epidemic in the Obura Valley, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Of the 244 samples examined by microscopy, 6.6% were positive for Plasmodium falciparum only, 9.4% were positive for Plasmodium vivax only, and 1.2% were mixed infections. MSP2 and MSP3alpha genotyping and AMA1 sequencing were used to determine the genetic variation present in a sample of P. falciparum and P. vivax infections. The P. vivax infections were found to be genetically highly diverse. In contrast, all P. falciparum samples were of a single genotype. This striking difference in genetic diversity suggests endemic, low-level local transmission for P. vivax but an outside introduction of P. falciparum as the most likely source of the epidemic.