41 resultados para Guided mode resonant filters
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The technique of permanently attaching piezoelectric transducers to structural surfaces has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design. For thin structural members such as composite laminated plates, it has been well recognized that guided Lamb wave techniques can provide a very sensitive and effective means for large area interrogation. However, since in these applications multiple wave modes are generally generated and the individual modes are usually dispersive, the received signals are very complex and difficult to interpret. An attractive way to deal with this problem has recently been introduced by applying piezoceramic transducer arrays or interdigital transducer (IDT) technologies. In this paper, the acoustic wave field in composite laminated plates excited by piezoceramic transducer arrays or IDT is investigated. Based on dynamic piezoelectricity theory, a discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the input impedance characteristics of the transducer and the surface velocity response of the plate. The method enables the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the electrical characteristics of the excitation circuit, the geometric and piezoelectric properties of the transducer array, and the mechanical and geometrical features of the laminate. Numerical results are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of single wave mode selection and isolation. The results show that the interaction between individual elements of the piezoelectric array has a significant influence on the performance of the IDT, and these effects can not be neglected even in the case of low frequency excitation. It is also demonstrated that adding backing materials to the transducer elements can be used to improve the excitability of specific wave modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Holographic interferometry measurements have been performed on high-speed, high-temperature gas flows with a laser output tuned near a resonant sodium transition. The technique allows the detection and quantification of the sodium concentration in the flow. By controlling the laser detuning and seeded sodium concentration, we performed flow visualization in low-density flows that are not normally detectable with standard interferometry. The technique was also successfully used to estimate the temperature in the boundary layer of the flow over a flat plate.
We report on the experimental observation of the generalized synchronization of chaos in a real physical system. We show that under a nonlinear resonant interaction, the chaotic dynamics of a single mode laser can become functionally related to that of a chaotic driving signal and furthermore as the coupling strength is further increased, the chaotic dynamics of the laser approaches that of the driving signal.
Control of chaos in the single-mode optically pumped far-infrared (NH3)-N-15 laser is experimentally demonstrated using continuous time-delay control. Both the Lorenz spiral chaos and the detuned period-doubling chaos exhibited by the laser have been controlled. While the laser is in the Lorenz spiral chaos regime the chaos has been controlled both such that the laser output is cw, with corrections of only a fraction of a percent necessary to keep it there, and to period one. The laser has also been controlled while in the period-doubling chaos regime, to both the period-one and -two states.
Multidimensional spatiotemporal parametric simultons (simultaneous solitary waves) are possible in a nonlinear chi((2)) medium with a Bragg grating structure, where large effective dispersion occurs near two resonant band gaps for the carrier and second-harmonic field, respectively. The enhanced dispersion allows much reduced interaction lengths, as compared to bulk medium parametric simultons. The nonlinear parametric band-gap medium permits higher-dimensional stationary waves to form. In addition, solitons can occur with lower input powers than conventional nonlinear Schrodinger equation gap solitons. In this paper, the equations for electromagnetic propagation in a grating structure with a parametric nonlinearity are derived from Maxwell's equation using a coupled mode Hamiltonian analysis in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. Simultaneous solitary wave solutions are proved to exist by reducing the equations to the coupled equations describing a nonlinear parametric waveguide, using the effective-mass approximation (EMA). Exact one-dimensional numerical solutions in agreement with the EMA solutions are also given. Direct numerical simulations show that the solutions have similar types of stability properties to the bulk case, providing the carrier waves are tuned to the two Bragg resonances, and the pulses have a width in frequency space less than the band gap. In summary, these equations describe a physically accessible localized nonlinear wave that is stable in up to 3 + 1 dimensions. Possible applications include photonic logic and switching devices. [S1063-651X(98)06109-1].
We describe the classical two-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of cold atoms in far-off-resonant donut beams. We show that chaotic dynamics exists there for charge greater than unity, when the intensity of the beam is periodically modulated. The two-dimensional distributions of atoms in the (x,y) plant for charge 2 are simulated. We show that the atoms will accumulate on several ring regions when the system enters a regime of global chaos. [S1063-651X(99)03903-3].
OBJECTIVES: To simplify the practice of stereotactic surgery by using an original method, apparatus, and solid anatomic replica for trajectory planning and to validate the method and apparatus in a laboratory and clinical trial. METHODS: The patient is marked with fiducials and scanned by using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The three-dimensional data are converted to a format acceptable to stereolithography. Stereolithography uses a laser to polymerize photosensitive resin into a solid plastic model (biomodel). Stereolithography can replicate brood vessels, soft tissue, tumor, and bone accurately (
A quantum Markovian master equation is derived to describe the current noise in resonant tunneling devices. This equation includes both incoherent and coherent quantum tunneling processes. We show how to obtain the population master equation by adiabatic elimination of quantum coherences in the presence of elastic scattering. We calculate the noise spectrum for a double well device and predict subshot noise statistics for strong tunneling between the wells. The method is an alternative to Green's function methods and population master equations for very small coherently coupled quantum dots.
We describe the classical and quantum two-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of large blue-detuned evanescent-wave guiding cold atoms in hollow fiber. We show that chaotic dynamics exists for classic dynamics, when the intensity of the beam is periodically modulated. The two-dimensional distributions of atoms in (x,y) plane are simulated. We show that the atoms will accumulate on several annular regions when the system enters a regime of global chaos. Our simulation shows that, when the atomic flux is very small, a similar distribution will be obtained if we detect the atomic distribution once each the modulation period and integrate the signals. For quantum dynamics, quantum collapses, and revivals appear. For periodically modulated optical potential, the variance of atomic position will be suppressed compared to the no modulation case. The atomic angular momentum will influence the evolution of wave function in two-dimensional quantum system of hollow fiber.
This paper reports an investigation on techniques for determining elastic modulus and intrinsic stress gradient in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) silicon nitride thin films. The elastic property of the silicon nitride thin films was determined using the nanoindentation method on silicon nitride/silicon bilayer systems. A simple empirical formula was developed to deconvolute the film elastic modulus. The intrinsic stress gradient in the films was determined by using micrometric cantilever beams, cross-membrane structures and mechanical simulation. The deflections of the silicon nitride thin film cantilever beams and cross-membranes caused by in-thickness stress gradients were measured using optical interference microscopy. Finite-element beam models were built to compute the deflection induced by the stress gradient. Matching the deflection computed under a given gradient with that measured experimentally on fabricated samples allows the stress gradient of the PECVD silicon nitride thin films introduced from the fabrication process to be evaluated.
Spinosad, applied as a jetting solution or dip is an efficacious, non-systemic treatment for the control of Bovicola ovis in sheep. This paper describes the effect of back-line treatment width and group housing of animals on the efficacy of spinosad for the control of lice. A 0.4 mg/kg liveweight dose was found to be the suboptimal dose of spinosad for the control of body lice in a dose titration study and was used to investigate application and housing effects in a second study. Lousy Merino sheep were treated with either a narrow 3-cm application of spinosad or with a wider 25-cm swathe. After treatment they were either kept alone or in groups of 6 sheep per pen. Lice were counted at day 0 and every 14 days to 70 days after treatment before estimation of the percentage of lice control and analysis of treatment effects. A much higher percentage of lice control was achieved with 0.4 mg/kg in the second study than in the first, possibly because of differences in formulation used. The wider application width gave significantly higher (P < 0.05) control of lice than the narrow application when sheep were either housed alone or in groups up to day 42 post-treatment. Greater control of lice was seen in group-housed sheep compared with sheep housed individually (P < 0.05) up to day 70. Using broader application widths combined with holding the animals together after treatment with pour-on formulations may optimise the delivery and efficacy of ectoparasiticides for livestock.
A single-beam gradient trap could potentially be used to hold a stylus for scanning force microscopy. With a view to development of this technique, we modeled the optical trap as a harmonic oscillator and therefore characterized it by its force constant. We measured force constants and resonant frequencies for 1-4-mu m-diameter polystyrene spheres in a single-beam gradient trap using measurements of back-scattered light. Force constants were determined with both Gaussian and doughnut laser modes, with powers of 3 and 1 mW, respectively. Typical values for spring constants were measured to be between 10(-6) and 4 x 10(-6) N/m. The resonant frequencies of trapped particles were measured to be between 1 and 10 kHz, and the rms amplitudes of oscillations were estimated to be around 40 nm. Our results confirm that the use of the doughnut mode for single-beam trapping is more efficient in the axial direction. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America.
We present results from both theoretical and experimental studies of the noise characteristics of mode-locked superfluorescent lasers. The results show that observed macroscopic broadband amplitude noise on the laser pulse train has its origin in quantum noise-initiated ''phase-wave'' fluctuations, and we find an associated phase transition in the noise characteristics as a function of laser cavity detuning.