18 resultados para Gneiss dome

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Magnitudes and patterns of energy expenditure in animal contests are seldom measured, but can be critical for predicting contest dynamics and understanding the evolution of ritualized fighting behaviour. In the sierra dome spider, males compete for sexual access to females and their webs. They show three distinct phases of fighting behaviour, escalating from ritualized noncontact display (phase 1) to cooperative wrestling (phase 2), and finally to unritualized, potentially fatal fighting (phase 3). Using CO2 respirometry, we estimated energetic costs of male-male combat in terms of mean and maximum metabolic rates and the rate of increase in energy expenditure. We also investigated the energetic consequences of age and body mass, and compared fighting metabolism to metabolism during courtship. All three phases involved mean energy expenditures well above resting metabolic rate (3.5 X, 7.4 X and 11.5 X). Both mean and maximum energy expenditure became substantially greater as fights escalated through successive phases. The rates of increase in energy use during phases 2 and 3 were much higher than in phase 1. In addition, age and body mass affected contest energetics. These results are consistent with a basic prediction of evolutionarily stable strategy contest models, that sequences of agonistic behaviours should be organized into phases of escalating energetic costs. Finally, higher energetic costs of escalated fighting compared to courtship provide a rationale for first-male sperm precedence in this spider species. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The suspen-dome system is a new structural form that has become popular in the construction of long-span roof structures. These domes are very slender and lightweight, their configuration is complicated, and hence sequential consideration in the structural design is needed. This paper focuses on these considerations, which include the method for designing cable prestress force, a simplified analysis method, and the estimation of buckling capacity. Buckling is one of the most important problems for dome structures. This paper presents the findings of an intensive buckling study of the Lamella suspen-dome system that takes geometric imperfection, asymmetric loading, rise-to-span ratio, and connection rigidity into consideration. Finally, suggested design and construction guidelines are given in the conclusion of this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrothermally altered shock-metamorphosed gneisses consisting of relic igneous biotite-K-feldspor-Na-rich alkali feldspar - plagioclase - quartz assemblages ( accessory garnet, corundum, titanite, monazite, zircon), and showing extensive replacement by montmorillonite, illite, sericite, and to a lesser extent chlorite, calcite, epidote, zoisite and pyrite, occur in the basement core uplift of the Woodleigh impact structure, Western Australia. The rocks display extensive hydrothermal clay alteration, complicating identification of pre-hydrothermal and pre-impact textures and compositions. Analysis of quartz-hosted planar deformation features (PDFs) indicates a majority of indexed sets parallel to omega{10 (1) over bar3}, a lesser abundance of sets parallel to pi{10 (1) over bar2}, and some sets parallel to the basal plane (0001) and r,z {10 (1) over bar1}, consistent with pressures about or over 20 GPa. Feldspar-hosted FDFs form reticulate vein networks displaying checkerboard-like to irregular and serrated patterns attributable to preferential replacement of shock-damaged PDFs and/or perthitic twin lamella by clay minerals. The gneisses are pervaded by clay-dominated intergranular and intragranular veins of cryptocrystalline material that display marked departures from bulk-rock chemistry and from mineral compositions. XRD analysis identifies the cryptocrystalline components as illite - montmorillonite, illite and chlorite, while laser Raman analysis identifies high-fluorescence sub-micrometre clay assemblage, feldspar, quartz and minor mica. SEM/EDS-probe and laser-ICPMS analysis indicate low-K high-Mg clay mineral compositions consistent with montmorillonite. Quartz PDF-hosted cryptocrystalline laminae display distinct enrichments in Al, Mg, Ca and K. Altered intergranular veins and feldspar-hosted cryptocrystalline components show consistent enrichment in the relatively refractory elements (Al, Cc, Mg, Fe) and depletion in relatively volatile elements (Si, K, Na). The clay alteration retards determination whether clay-dominated vein networks represent altered shock-induced pseudotachylite veins, diaplectic zones and/or shock-damaged twin lamella, and/or result from purely mineralogical and chemical differentiation affected by hydrothermal fluids, Overall enrichment of the shocked gneiss and of the cryptocrystalline components in Mg and trace ferromagnesian elements (Ni, Cc, Cr) may be attributed alternatively to introduction of siderophile element-rich fluid from the projectile, or/and contamination of hydrothermal fluids by MgO from dolomites surrounding the basement uplift. High Ni/Co and Ni/Cr and anomalous DGE (platinum group elements) may support the former model.


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In this Study we examine the spectral and morphometric properties of the four important lunar mare dome fields near Cauchy, Arago, Hortensius. and Milichius. We utilize Clementine UV vis mulfispectral data to examine the soil composition of the mare domes while employing telescopic CCD imagery to compute digital elevation maps in order to determine their morphometric properties, especially flank slope, height, and edifice Volume. After reviewing previous attempts to determine topographic data for lunar domes, we propose an image-based 3D reconstruction approach which is based on a combination of photoclinometry and shape from shading. Accordingly, we devise a classification scheme for lunar Marc domes which is based on a principal component analysis of the determined spectral and morphometric features. For the effusive mare domes of the examined fields we establish four Classes, two of which are further divided into two subclasses, respectively, where each class represents distinct combinations of spectral and morphometric dome properties. As a general trend, shallow and steep domes formed out of low-TiO2 basalts are observed in the Hortensius and Milichius dome fields, while the domes near Cauchy and Arago that consist of high-TiO2 basalts are all very shallow. The intrusive domes of our data set cover a wide continuous range of spectral and morphometric quantities, generally characterized by larger diameters and shallower flank slopes than effusive domes. A comparison to effusive and intrusive mare domes in other lunar regions, highland domes, and lunar cones has shown that the examined four mare dome fields display Such a richness in spectral properties and 3D dome shape that the established representation remains valid in a more global context. Furthermore, we estimate the physical parameters of dome formation for the examined domes based on a rheologic model. Each class of effusive domes defined in terms of spectral and morphometric properties is characterized by its specific range of values for lava viscosity, effusion rate, and duration of the effusion process. For our data set we report lava viscosities between about 10(2) and 10(8) Pas, effusion rates between 25 and 600 m(3) s(-1), and durations of the effusion process between three weeks and 18 years. Lava viscosity decreases with increasing R-415/R-750 spectral ratio and thus TiO2 content; however, the correlation is not strong, implying an important influence of further parameters like effusion temperature on lava viscosity.


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Aims: An early adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon was confined to a mass of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). The first description of an adenocarcinoma of colon differentiating as dome epithelium is presented. Methods and results: A plaque-like carcinoma was identified opposite the ileocaecal valve in an asymptomatic 56-year-old man with a family history of colorectal cancer. Malignant epithelium was confined to a mass of GALT filling but limited to the submucosa, Characterization of the neoplasm was undertaken by means of mucin histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and assessment of DNA microsatellite instability status. The malignant epithelium comprised well differentiated columnar cells with a microvillous brush border and expressing MUC1, but no goblet cells or expression of MUC2. The demonstration of focal clusters of intraepithelial B-lymphocytes supported the presence of functioning M-cells within the malignant neoplasm. The cancer was DNA microsatellite stable despite the finding of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes. Conclusions: There is evidence for the origin of colorectal neoplasia from dome epithelium in both experimental models and microreconstruction studies of early adenomas in nonpolypotic human colorectal mucose, It is suggested that the lymphocyte-rich subset of colorectal cancer that expresses MUC1 but not MUC2 may be differentiating as dome epithelium of gut-associated lymphoid tissue.


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New high-precision niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) concentration data are presented for early Archaean metabasalts, metabasaltic komatiites and their erosion products (mafic metapelites) from SW Greenland and the Acasta gneiss complex, Canada. Individual datasets consistently show sub-chondritic Nb/Ta ratios averaging 15.1+/-11.6. This finding is discussed with regard to two competing models for the solution of the Nb-deficit that characterises the accessible Earth. Firstly, we test whether Nb could have sequestered into the core due to its slightly siderophile (or chalcophile) character under very reducing conditions, as recently proposed from experimental evidence. We demonstrate that troilite inclusions of the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite have Nb and V concentrations in excess of typical chondrites but that the metal phase of the Grant, Toluca and Canyon Diablo iron meteorites do not have significant concentrations of these lithophile elements. We find that if the entire accessible Earth Nb-deficit were explained by Nb in the core, only ca. 17% of the mantle could be depleted and that by 3.7 Ga, continental crust would have already achieved ca. 50% of its present mass. Nb/Ta systematics of late Archaean metabasalts compiled from the literature would further require that by 2.5 Ga, 90% of the present mass of continental crust was already in existence. As an alternative to this explanation, we propose that the average Nb/Ta ratio (15.1+/-11.6) of Earth's oldest mafic rocks is a valid approximation for bulk silicate Earth. This would require that ca. 13% of the terrestrial Nb resided in the Ta-free core. Since the partitioning of Nb between silicate and metal melts depends largely on oxygen fugacity and pressure, this finding could mean that metal/silicate segregation did not occur at the base of a deep magma ocean or that the early mantle was slightly less reducing than generally assumed. A bulk silicate Earth Nb/Ta ratio of 15.1 allows for depletion of up to 40% of the total mantle. This could indicate that in addition to the upper mantle, a portion of the lower mantle is depleted also, or if only the upper mantle were depleted, an additional hidden high Nb/Ta reservoir must exist. Comparison of Nb/Ta systematics between early and late Archaean metabasalts supports the latter idea and indicates deeply subducted high Nb/Ta eclogite slabs could reside in the mantle transition zone or the lower mantle. Accumulation of such slabs appears to have commenced between 2.5 and 2.0 Ga. Regardless of these complexities of terrestrial Nb/Ta systematics, it is shown that the depleted mantle Nb/Th ratio is a very robust proxy for the amount of extracted continental crust, because the temporal evolution of this ratio is dominated by Th-loss to the continents and not Nb-retention in the mantle. We present a new parameterisation of the continental crust volume versus age curve that specifically explores the possibility of lithophile element loss to the core and storage of eclogite slabs in the transition zone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Comparison of initial Pb-isotope signatures of several early Archaean (3.65-3.82 Ga) lithologies (orthogneisses and metasediments) and minerals (feldspar and galena) documents the existence of substantial isotopic heterogeneity in the early Archaean, particularly in the Pb-207/Pb-204 ratio. The magnitude of isotopic variability at 3.82-3.65 Ga requires source separation between 4.3 and 4.1 Ga, depending on the extent of U/Pb fractionation possible in the early Earth. The isotopic heterogeneity could reflect the coexistence of enriched and depleted mantle domains or the separation of a terrestrial protocrust with a U-238/Pb-204 (mu) that was ca. 20-30% higher than coeval mantle. We prefer this latter explanation because the high-p signature is most evident in metasediments (that formed at the Earth's surface). This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that no straightforward mantle model can be constructed for these high-mu lithologies without violating bulk silicate Earth constraints. The Pb-isotope evidence for a long-lived protocrust complements similar Hf-isotope data from the Earth's oldest zircons, which also require an origin from an enriched (low Lu/Hf) environment. A model is developed in which greater than or equal to3.8-Ga tonalite and monzodiorite gneiss precursors (for one of which we provide zircon U-Pb data) are not mantle-derived but formed by remelting or differentiation of ancient (ca. 4.3 Ga) basaltic crust which had evolved with a higher U/Pb ratio than coeval mantle in the absence of the subduction process. With the initiation of terrestrial subduction at, we propose, ca. 3.75 Ga, most of the greater than or equal to3.8-Ga basaltic shell (and its differentiation products) was recycled into the mantle, because of the lack of a stabilising mantle lithosphere. We argue that the key event for preservation of all greater than or equal to3.8-Ga terrestrial crust was the intrusion of voluminous granitoids immediately after establishment of global subduction because of complementary creation of a lithospheric keel. Furthermore, we argue that preservation of !3.8-Ga material (in situ rocks and zircons) globally is restricted to cratons with a high U/Pb source character (North Atlantic, Slave, Zimbabwe, Yilgarn, and Wyoming), and that the Pb-isotope systematics of these provinces are ultimately explained by reworking of material that was derived from ca. 4.3 Ga (i.e. Hadean) basaltic crust.


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Re-Os data for chromite separates from 10 massive chromitite seams sampled along the 550-km length of the 2.58-Ga Great Dyke layered igneous complex, Zimbabwe, record initial 187Os/188Os ratios in the relatively narrow range between 0.1106 and 0.1126. This range of initial 187Os/188Os values is only slightly higher than the value for the coeval primitive upper mantle (0.1107) as modeled from the Re-Os evolution of chondrites and data of modern mantle melts and mantle derived xenoliths. Analyses of Archean granitoid and gneiss samples from the Zimbabwe Craton show extremely low Os concentrations (3-9 ppt) with surprisingly unradiogenic present-day 187Os/188Os signatures between 0.167 and 0.297. Only one sample yields an elevated 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.008. Using these data, the range of crustal contamination of the Great Dyke magma would be minimally 0%-33% if the magma source was the primitive upper mantle, whereas the range estimated from Nd and Pb isotope systematics is 5%-25%. If it is assumed that the primary Great Dyke magma derived from an enriched deep mantle reservoir (via a plume), a better agreement can be obtained. A significant contribution from a long-lived subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) reservoir with subchondritic Re/Os to the Great Dyke melts cannot be reconciled with the Os isotope results at all. However, Os isotope data on pre-Great Dyke ultramafic complexes of the Zimbabwe Craton and thermal modeling show that such an SCLM existed below the Zimbabwe Craton at the time of the Great Dyke intrusion. It is therefore concluded that large melt volumes such as that giving rise to the Great Dyke were able to pass lithospheric mantle keels without significant contamination in the late Archean. Because the ultramafic-mafic melts forming the Great Dyke must have originated below the SCLM (which extends to at least a 200-km depth ), the absence of an SCLM signature precludes a subduction-related magma-generation process.


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We report comprehensive trace element and Sr-isotope data for microbial carbonates from the Archaean Mushandike limestone, Masvingo Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe. The stromatolites have very coherent REE + Y patterns and share the essential shale-normalised characteristics of other Archaean marine precipitates (positive La and Gd anomalies, absence of a negative Cc anomaly and a strongly superchondritic Y/Ho ratio). Mixing models constrain the maximum amount of shale contamination to 0.25-1% and calculated detritus-free carbonate REE + Y systematics require precipitation from seawater. In terms of light-REE over heavy-REE depletion, however, the studied samples are very different from all other known Archaean marine precipitates. In shale-normalised plots, the Mushandike samples yield a negative slope. A very restricted, regional input source of the dissolved load is indicated because normalisation with locally occurring tonalite gneiss REE + Y data yields a pattern closely resembling typical shale-normalised Archaean marine chemical sediments. The disappearance of a negative Eu anomaly when patterns are normalised with local tonalite gneiss strengthens this interpretation. Sr-isotope ratios are strongly correlated with trace element contents and ratios, which explains the modest scatter in Sr-isotope ratios as representing (minor) clastic contamination. Importantly, even the least contaminated samples have very radiogenic initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (0.7184) implying Sr input from an ancient high Rb/Sr source, such as the early Archaean gneisses of south-central Zimbabwe. A local ancient (3.5-3.8 Ga) source is also indicated by previously published Pb-isotope datasets for the Mushandike stromatolites. This is entirely compatible with the occurrence of 3.7-3.8 Ga zircons in quartzites and metapelites from comparably old greenstone belts within less than 150 km of the studied locality. Comparison of the Pb-isotope ratios of the Mushandike stromatolites with 2.7 and 2.6 Ga old stromatolites from the neighbouring, Belingwe Greenstone Belt demonstrates differences in initial isotope composition that relate to the extent of exchange with the open ocean. The development of numerous basins on old continental crust, with water masses variably restricted from the open ocean. suggests a lack of strong vertical topography on this late Archaean craton. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Distribution and organisation of the mineral, amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), has been investigated in the exoskeleton of the xylophagid fly larva Exeretonevra angustifrons Hardy. While head capsule and anal plate are smooth with a thin epicuticle, the epicuticle of the body is thicker and shows unusual micro-architecture comprised of minute hemispherical (dome-shaped) protrusions. Electron microprobe analysis and energy dispersive spectroscopy revealed heterogeneity of mineral elements across body cuticle and a concentration of ACP in the epicuticle, especially associated with the hemispherical structures. Further imaging and analysis showed the bulk of the ACP to be present in nano-sized granules. It is hypothesised that the specific distribution of ACP may enhance cuticular hardness or durability without reducing flexibility. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soft tissue engineering presents significant challenges compared to other tissue engineering disciplines such as bone, cartilage or skin engineering. The very high cell density in most soft tissues, often combined with large implant dimensions, means that the supply of oxygen is a critical factor in the success or failure of a soft tissue scaffold. A model is presented for oxygen diffusion in a 15-60 mm diameter dome-shaped scaffold fed by a blood vessel loop at its base. This model incorporates simple models for vascular growth, cell migration and the effect of cell density on the effective oxygen diffusivity. The model shows that the dynamic, homogeneous cell seeding method often employed in small-scale applications is not applicable in the case of larger scale scaffolds such as these. Instead, we propose the implantation of a small biopsy of tissue close to a blood supply within the scaffold as a technique more likely to be successful. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A granodiorite from Akilia, southwest Greenland, previously suggested to date putative life-bearing rocks to greater than or equal to3.84 Ga, is re-investigated using whole-rock major and trace-element geochemistry, and detailed cathodoluminescence image-guided secondary ion mass spectrometer analyses of zircon U-Th-Pb and rare earth elements. Complex zircon internal structure reveals three episodes of zircon growth and/or recrystallization dated to c. 3.84 Ga, 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. Rare earth element abundances imply a significant role for garnet in zircon generation at 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. The 3.62 Ga event is interpreted as partial melting of a c. 3.84 Ga grey gneiss precursor at granulite facies with residual garnet. Migration of this 3.62 Ga magma (or melt-crystal mush) away from the melt source places a maximum age limit on any intrusive relationship. These early Archaean relationships have been complicated further by isotopic reworking in the 2.71 Ga event, which could have included a further episode of partial melting. This study highlights a general problem associated with dating thin gneissic veins in polyphase metamorphic terranes, where field relationships may be ambiguous and zircon inheritance can be expected.


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We present high-spatial resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of Pb and S isotopes in sulphides from early Archaean samples at two localities in southwest Greenland. Secondary pyrite from a 3.71 Ga sample of magnetite-quartz banded iron formation in the Isua Greenstone Belt, which has previously yielded unradiogenic Pb consistent with its ancient origin, contains sulphur with a mass independently fractionated (MIF) isotope signature (Delta(33)S =+3.3 parts per thousand). This reflects the secondary mineralization of remobilized sedimentary S carrying a component modified by photochemical reactions in the early Archaean atmosphere. It further represents one of the most extreme positive excursions so far known from the early Archaean rock record. Sulphides from a quartz-pyroxene rock and an ultramafic boudin from the island of Akilia, in the Godth (a) over circle bsfjord, have heterogeneous and generally radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions that we interpret to represent partial re-equilibration of Pb between the sulphides and whole rocks during tectonothermal events at 3.6, 2.7 and 1.6 Ga. Both these samples have Delta(33)S=0 (within analytical error) and therefore show no evidence for MIF sulphur. These data are consistent with previous interpretations that the rock cannot be proven to have a sedimentary origin. Our study illustrates that SIMS S-isotope measurements in ancient rocks can be used to elucidate early atmospheric parameters because of the ability to obtain combined S and Pb-isotope data, but caution must be applied when using such data to infer protolith. When information from geological context, petrography and chronology (i.e. by Pb isotopes) is combined and fully evaluated, Delta(33)S signatures from sulphides and their geological significance can be interpreted with a higher degree of confidence. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The discovery of the Woodleigh impact structure, first identified by R. P. lasky, bears a number of parallels with that of the Chlcxulub impact structure of K-T boundary age, underpinning complications inherent in the study of buried impact structures by geophysical techniques and drilling. Questions raised in connection with the diameter of the Woodleigh impact structure reflect uncertainties in criteria used to define original crater sizes in eroded and buried impact structures as well as limits on the geological controls at Woodleigh. The truncation of the regional Ajona - Wandagee gravity ridges by the outer aureole of the Woodleigh structure, a superposed arcuate magnetic anomaly along the eastern part of the structure, seismic-reflection data indicating a central > 37 km-diameter dome, correlation of fault patterns between Woodleigh and less-deeply eroded impact structures (Ries crater, Chesapeake Bay), and morphometric estimates all indicate a final diameter of 120 km. At Woodleigh, pre-hydrothermal shock-induced melting and diaplectic transformations are heavily masked by pervasive alteration of the shocked gneisses to montmorillonite-dominated clays, accounting for the high MgO and low K2O of cryptocrystalline components. The possible contamination of sub-crater levels of the Woodlelgh impact structure by meteoritic components, suggested by high Ni, Co, Cr, Ni/ Co and Ni/Cr ratios, requires further siderophile element analyses of vein materials. Although stratigraphic age constraints on the impact event are broad (post-Middle Devonian to pre-Early Jurassic) high-temperature (200-250 degrees C) pervasive hydrothermal activity dated by K-Ar isotopes of illite - smectite indicates an age of 359 +/- 4 Ma. To date neither Late Devonian crater fill, nor impact ejecta fallout units have been identified, although metallic meteoritic ablation spherules of a similar age have been found in the Conning Basin.