46 resultados para GENOME SCAN

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Schizophrenia is a common disorder with high heritability and a 10-fold increase in risk to siblings of probands. Replication has been inconsistent for reports of significant genetic linkage. To assess evidence for linkage across studies, rank-based genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA) was applied to data from 20 schizophrenia genome scans. Each marker for each scan was assigned to 1 of 120 30-cM bins, with the bins ranked by linkage scores (1 = most significant) and the ranks averaged across studies (R-avg) and then weighted for sample size (rootN[affected cases]). A permutation test was used to compute the probability of observing, by chance, each bin's average rank (P-AvgRnk) or of observing it for a bin with the same place (first, second, etc.) in the order of average ranks in each permutation (P-ord). The GSMA produced significant genomewide evidence for linkage on chromosome 2q (P-AvgRnk


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We have rated eye color on a 3-point scale (1=blue/grey, 2=hazel/green, 3=brown) in 502 twin families and carried out a 5-10 cM genome scan (400-757 markers). We analyzed eye color as a threshold trait and performed multipoint sib pair linkage analysis using variance components analysis in Mx. A lod of 19.2 was found at the marker D15S1002, less than 1 cM from OCA2, which has been previously implicated in eye color variation. We estimate that 74% of variance in eye color liability is due to this QTL and a further 18% due to polygenic effects. However, a large shoulder on this peak suggests that other loci affecting eye color may be telomeric of OCA2 and inflating the QTL estimate. No other peaks reached genome-wide significance, although lods >2 were seen on 5p and 14q and lods >1 were additionally seen on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17 and 18. Most of these secondary peaks were reduced or eliminated when we repeated the scan as a two locus analysis with the 15q linkage included, although this does not necessarily exclude them as false positives. We also estimated the interaction between the 15q QTL and the other marker locus but there was only minor evidence for additive x additive epistasis. Elaborating the analysis to the full two-locus model including non-additive main effects and interactions did not strengthen the evidence for epistasis. We conclude that most variation in eye color in Europeans is due to polymorphism in OCA2 but that there may be modifiers at several other loci.


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Deterioration in stratum corneum reticular patterning (skin pattern or skin wrinkling) has been associated with increased rates of solar keratoses and skin cancer. A previous analysis of data from the twin sample used in this investigation has shown that 86% of the variation in skin pattern is genetic at age 12 and 62% in an adult sample (mean age 47.5). Variation due to genetic influences is likely to be influenced by more than one locus. Here, we present results of a genome-wide linkage scan of skin pattern in adolescent twins and siblings from 428 nuclear twin families. Sib-pair linkage analysis was performed on skin pattern data collected from twins at age 12 (378 informative families) and 14 (316 families). Suggestive linkage was found at marker D12S397 (12p13.31, logarithm of the odds (lod) 1.94), when the effect of the trait locus was modelled to influence the skin pattern equally at both ages 12 and 14. In the same analysis, a peak was seen at 4q23 with a lod score of 1.55. A possible candidate for the peak at 12p13.31 is the protease inhibitor, alpha-2-macroglobulin.


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Background: Plasma triglyceride concentration is known to be a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Previous studies have found that the level of triglycerides is strongly influenced by genetic factors. Methods: To identify quantitative trait loci influencing triglycerides, we conducted a genome-wide linkage scan on data from 485 Australian adult dizygotic twin pairs. Prior to linkage analysis, triglyceride values were adjusted for the effects of covariates including age, sex, time since last meal, time of blood collection (CT) and time to plasma separation. Results: The heritability estimate for ln(triglyceride) adjusted for all above fixed effects was 0.49. The highest multipoint LOD score observed was 2.94 (genome-wide p=0.049) on chromosome 7 (at 65cM). This 7p region contains several candidate genes. Two other regions with suggestive multipoint LOD scores were also identified on chromosome 4 (LOD score=2.26 at 62cM) and chromosome X (LOD score=2.01 at 81cM). Conclusions: The linkage peaks found represent newly identified regions for more detailed study, in particular the significant linkage observed on chromosome 7p13. \ (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the clinical characteristics of a schizophrenia sample of 409 pedigrees-263 of European ancestry ( EA) and 146 of African American ancestry ( AA)-together with the results of a genome scan ( with a simple tandem repeat polymorphism interval of 9 cM) and follow-up fine mapping. A family was required to have a proband with schizophrenia ( SZ) and one or more siblings of the proband with SZ or schizoaffective disorder. Linkage analyses included 403 independent full-sibling affected sibling pairs ( ASPs) ( 279 EA and 124 AA) and 100 all-possible half-sibling ASPs ( 15 EA and 85 AA). Nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis of all families detected two regions with suggestive evidence of linkage at 8p23.3-q12 and 11p11.2-q22.3 ( empirical Z likelihood-ratio score [ Z(lr)] threshold >= 2.65) and, in exploratory analyses, two other regions at 4p16.1-p15.32 in AA families and at 5p14.3-q11.2 in EA families. The most significant linkage peak was in chromosome 8p; its signal was mainly driven by the EA families. Z(lr) scores >= 2.0 in 8p were observed from 30.7 cM to 61.7 cM ( Center for Inherited Disease Research map locations). The maximum evidence in the full sample was a multipoint Z(lr) of 3.25 ( equivalent Kong-Cox LOD of 2.30) near D8S1771 ( at 52 cM); there appeared to be two peaks, both telomeric to neuregulin 1 ( NRG1). There is a paracentric inversion common in EA individuals within this region, the effect of which on the linkage evidence remains unknown in this and in other previously analyzed samples. Fine mapping of 8p did not significantly alter the significance or length of the peak. We also performed fine mapping of 4p16.3-p15.2, 5p15.2-q13.3, 10p15.3-p14, 10q25.3-q26.3, and 11p13-q23.3. The highest increase in Z(lr) scores was observed for 5p14.1-q12.1, where the maximum Z(lr) increased from 2.77 initially to 3.80 after fine mapping in the EA families.


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Previous studies have shown that a deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with increased cancer risk, and exposure to UV radiation is a major risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma. High density of common nevi (moles) is a major risk factor for cutaneous melanoma. A nevus may result from a mutation in a single UV-exposed melanocyte which failed to repair DNA damage in one or more critical genes. XRCC3 and XRCC5 may have an effect on nevus count through their function as components of DNA repair processes that may be involved directly or indirectly in the repair of DNA damage due to UV radiation. This study aims to test the hypothesis that the frequency of flat or raised moles is associated with polymorphism at or near these DNA repair genes, and that certain alleles are associated with less efficient DNA repair, and greater nevus density. Twins were recruited from schools in south eastern Queensland and were examined close to their 12th birthday. Nurses examined each individual and counted all moles on the entire body surface. A 10cM genome scan of 274 families (642 individuals) was performed and microsatellite polymorphisms in XRCC3 and adjacent to XRCC5 were also typed. Linkage and association of nevus count to these loci were tested simultaneously using a structural-equation modeling approach implemented in MX. There is weak evidence for linkage of XRCC5 to a QTL influencing raised mole count, and also weak association. There is also weak evidence for association between flat mole count and XRCC3. No tests were significant after correction for testing multiple alleles, nor were any of the tests for total association significant. If variation in XRCC3 or XRCC5 influences UV sensitivity, and indirectly affects nevus density, then the effects are small.


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The standard variance components method for mapping quantitative trait loci is derived on the assumption of normality. Unsurprisingly, statistical tests based on this method do not perform so well if this assumption is not satisfied. We use the statistical concept of copulas to relax the assumption of normality and derive a test that can perform well under any distribution of the continuous trait. In particular, we discuss bivariate normal copulas in the context of sib-pair studies. Our approach is illustrated by a linkage analysis of lipoprotein(a) levels, whose distribution is highly skewed. We demonstrate that the asymptotic critical levels of the test can still be calculated using the interval mapping approach. The new method can be extended to more general pedigrees and multivariate phenotypes in a similar way as the original variance components method.


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Several linkage studies across multiple population groups provide convergent support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia - and, more recently, for bipolar disorder - on chromosome 6q13-q26. We genotyped 192 European-ancestry and African American (AA) pedigrees with schizophrenia from samples that previously showed linkage evidence to 6q13-q26, focusing on the MOXD1-STX7-TRARs gene cluster at 6q23.2, which contains a number of prime candidate genes for schizophrenia. Thirty-one screening single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected, providing a minimum coverage of at least 1 SNP/20 kb. The association observed with rs4305745 (P = .0014) within the TRAR4 (trace amine receptor 4) gene remained significant after correction for multiple testing. Evidence for association was proportionally stronger in the smaller AA sample. We performed database searches and sequenced genomic DNA in a 30-proband subsample to obtain a high-density map of 23 SNPs spanning 21.6 kb of this gene. Single-SNP analyses and also haplotype analyses revealed that rs4305745 and/or two other polymorphisms in perfect linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs4305745 appear to be the most likely variants underlying the association of the TRAR4 region with schizophrenia. Comparative genomic analyses further revealed that rs4305745 and/or the associated polymorphisms in complete LD with rs4305745 could potentially affect gene expression. Moreover, RT-PCR studies of various human tissues, including brain, confirm that TRAR4 is preferentially expressed in those brain regions that have been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. These data provide strong preliminary evidence that TRAR4 is a candidate gene for schizophrenia; replication is currently being attempted in additional clinical samples.


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The hypothesis of the existence of one or more schizophrenia susceptibility loci on chromosome 22q is supported by reports of genetic linkage and association, meta-analyses of linkage, and the observation of elevated risk for psychosis in people with velocardiofacial syndrome, caused by 22q11 microdeletions. We tested this hypothesis by evaluating 10 microsatellite markers spanning 22q in a multicenter sample of 779 pedigrees. We also incorporated age at onset and sex into the analysis as covariates. No significant evidence for linkage to schizophrenia or for linkage associated with earlier age at onset, gender, or heterogeneity across sites was observed. We interpret these findings to mean that the population-wide effects of putative 22q schizophrenia susceptibility loci are too weak to detect with linkage analysis even in large samples.


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Univariate linkage analysis is used routinely to localise genes for human complex traits. Often, many traits are analysed but the significance of linkage for each trait is not corrected for multiple trait testing, which increases the experiment-wise type-I error rate. In addition, univariate analyses do not realise the full power provided by multivariate data sets. Multivariate linkage is the ideal solution but it is computationally intensive, so genome-wide analysis and evaluation of empirical significance are often prohibitive. We describe two simple methods that efficiently alleviate these caveats by combining P-values from multiple univariate linkage analyses. The first method estimates empirical pointwise and genome-wide significance between one trait and one marker when multiple traits have been tested. It is as robust as an appropriate Bonferroni adjustment, with the advantage that no assumptions are required about the number of independent tests performed. The second method estimates the significance of linkage between multiple traits and one marker and, therefore, it can be used to localise regions that harbour pleiotropic quantitative trait loci (QTL). We show that this method has greater power than individual univariate analyses to detect a pleiotropic QTL across different situations. In addition, when traits are moderately correlated and the QTL influences all traits, it can outperform formal multivariate VC analysis. This approach is computationally feasible for any number of traits and was not affected by the residual correlation between traits. We illustrate the utility of our approach with a genome scan of three asthma traits measured in families with a twin proband.


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Many studies of quantitative and disease traits in human genetics rely upon self-reported measures. Such measures are based on questionnaires or interviews and are often cheaper and more readily available than alternatives. However, the precision and potential bias cannot usually be assessed. Here we report a detailed quantitative genetic analysis of stature. We characterise the degree of measurement error by utilising a large sample of Australian twin pairs (857 MZ, 815 DZ) with both clinical and self-reported measures of height. Self-report height measurements are shown to be more variable than clinical measures. This has led to lowered estimates of heritability in many previous studies of stature. In our twin sample the heritability estimate for clinical height exceeded 90%. Repeated measures analysis shows that 2-3 times as many self-report measures are required to recover heritability estimates similar to those obtained from clinical measures. Bivariate genetic repeated measures analysis of self-report and clinical height measures showed an additive genetic correlation > 0.98. We show that the accuracy of self-report height is upwardly biased in older individuals and in individuals of short stature. By comparing clinical and self-report measures we also showed that there was a genetic component to females systematically reporting their height incorrectly; this phenomenon appeared to not be present in males. The results from the measurement error analysis were subsequently used to assess the effects of error on the power to detect linkage in a genome scan. Moderate reduction in error (through the use of accurate clinical or multiple self-report measures) increased the effective sample size by 22%; elimination of measurement error led to increases in effective sample size of 41%.


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The discovery of genetic factors that contribute to schizophrenia susceptibility is a key challenge in understanding the etiology of this disease. Here, we report the identification of a novel schizophrenia candidate gene on chromosome 1q32, plexin A2 (PLXNA2), in a genome-wide association study using 320 patients with schizophrenia of European descent and 325 matched controls. Over 25 000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within approximately 14 000 genes were tested. Out of 62 markers found to be associated with disease status, the most consistent finding was observed for a candidate locus on chromosome 1q32. The marker SNP rs752016 showed suggestive association with schizophrenia (odds ratio (OR) = 1.49, P = 0.006). This result was confirmed in an independent case control sample of European Americans (combined OR = 1.38, P = 0.035) and similar genetic effects were observed in smaller subsets of Latin Americans (OR = 1.26) and Asian Americans (OR = 1.37). Supporting evidence was also obtained from two family-based collections, one of which reached statistical significance (OR = 2.2, P = 0.02). High-density SNP mapping showed that the region of association spans approximately 60 kb of the PLXNA2 gene. Eight out of 14 SNPs genotyped showed statistically significant differences between cases and controls. These results are in accordance with previous genetic findings that identified chromosome 1q32 as a candidate region for schizophrenia. PLXNA2 is a member of the transmembrane semaphorin receptor family that is involved in axonal guidance during development and may modulate neuronal plasticity and regeneration. The PLXNA2 ligand semaphorin 3A has been shown to be upregulated in the cerebellum of individuals with schizophrenia. These observations, together with the genetic results, make PLXNA2 a likely candidate for the 1q32 schizophrenia susceptibility locus.