14 resultados para Functional Materials

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Niobium pentoxide reacts actively with concentrate NaOH solution under hydrothermal conditions at as low as 120 degrees C. The reaction ruptures the corner-sharing of NbO7 decahedra and NbO6 octahedra in the reactant Nb2O5, yielding various niobates, and the structure and composition of the niobates depend on the reaction temperature and time. The morphological evolution of the solid products in the reaction at 180 degrees C is monitored via SEM: the fine Nb2O5 powder aggregates first to irregular bars, and then niobate fibers with an aspect ratio of hundreds form. The fibers are microporous molecular sieve with a monoclinic lattice, Na2Nb2O6 center dot(2)/3H2O. The fibers are a metastable intermediate of this reaction, and they completely convert to the final product NaNbO3 Cubes in the prolonged reaction of 1 h. This study demonstrates that by carefully optimizing the reaction condition, we can selectively fabricate niobate structures of high purity, including the delicate microporous fibers, through a direct reaction between concentrated NaOH solution and Nb2O5. This synthesis route is simple and suitable for the large-scale production of the fibers. The reaction first yields poorly crystallized niobates consisting of edge-sharing NbO6 octahedra, and then the microporous fibers crystallize and grow by assembling NbO6 octahedra or clusters of NbO6 octahedra and NaO6 units. Thus, the selection of the fibril or cubic product is achieved by control of reaction kinetics. Finally, niobates with different structures exhibit remarkable differences in light absorption and photoluminescence properties. Therefore, this study is of importance for developing new functional materials by the wet-chemistry process.


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Adsorption of argon and nitrogen at their respective boiling points in cylindrical pores of MCM-41 type silica-like adsorbents is studied by means of a non-local density functional theory (NLDFT), which is modified to deal with amorphous solids. By matching the theoretical results of the pore filling pressure versus pore diameter against the experimental data, we arrive at a conclusion that the adsorption branch (rather than desorption) corresponds to the true thermodynamic equilibrium. If this is accepted, we derive the optimal values for the solid–fluid molecular parameters for the system amorphous silica–Ar and amorphous silica–N2, and at the same time we could derive reliably the specific surface area of non-porous and mesoporous silica-like adsorbents, without a recourse to the BET method. This method is then logically extended to describe the local adsorption isotherms of argon and nitrogen in silica-like pores, which are then used as the bases (kernel) to determine the pore size distribution. We test this with a number of adsorption isotherms on the MCM-41 samples, and the results are quite realistic and in excellent agreement with the XRD results, justifying the approach adopted in this paper.


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Adsorption of nitrogen in spherical pores of FDU-1 silica at 77 K is considered by means of a nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) accounting for a disordered structure of pore walls. Pore size distribution analysis of various FDU-1 samples subject to different temperatures of calcination revealed three distinct groups of pores. The principal group of pores is identified as ordered spherical mesopores connected with each other by smaller interconnecting pores and irregular micropores present in the mesopore walls. To account for the entrances (connecting pores) into spherical mesopores, a concept of solid mass distribution with respect to the apparent density was introduced. It is shown that the introduction of the aforementioned distribution was sufficient to quantitatively describe experimental adsorption isotherms over the entire range of relative pressures spanning six decades.


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Nitrogen adsorption on a surface of a non-porous reference material is widely used in the characterization. Traditionally, the enhancement of solid-fluid potential in a porous solid is accounted for by incorporating the surface curvature into the solid-fluid Potential of the flat reference surface. However, this calculation procedure has not been justified experimentally. In this paper, we derive the solid-fluid potential of mesoporous MCM-41 solid by using solely the adsorption isotherm of that solid. This solid-fluid potential is then compared with that of the non-porous reference surface. In derivation of the solid-fluid potential for both reference surface and mesoporous MCM-41 silica (diameter ranging front 3 to 6.5 nm) we employ the nonlocal density functional theory developed for amorphous solids. It is found that, to out, surprise, the solid-fluid potential of a porous solid is practically the same as that for the reference surface, indicating that there is no enhancement due to Surface curvature. This requires further investigations to explain this unusual departure from our conventional wisdom of curvature-induced enhancement. Accepting the curvature-independent solid-fluid potential derived from the non-porous reference surface, we analyze the hysteresis features of a series of MCM-41 samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A review is given of the pore characterization of carbonaceous materials, including activated carbon, carbon fibres, carbon nanotubes, etc., using adsorption techniques. Since the pores of carbon media are mostly of molecular dimensions, the appropriate modem tools for the analysis of adsorption isotherms are grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations and density functional theory (DFT). These techniques are presented and applications of such tools in the derivation of pore-size distribution highlighted.


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We present a new approach accounting for the nonadditivity of attractive parts of solid-fluid and fluidfluid potentials to improve the quality of the description of nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms on graphitized carbon black in the framework of non-local density functional theory. We show that the strong solid-fluid interaction in the first monolayer decreases the fluid-fluid interaction, which prevents the twodimensional phase transition to occur. This results in smoother isotherm, which agrees much better with experimental data. In the region of multi-layer coverage the conventional non-local density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are known to over-predict the amount adsorbed against experimental isotherms. Accounting for the non-additivity factor decreases the solid-fluid interaction with the increase of intermolecular interactions in the dense adsorbed fluid, preventing the over-prediction of loading in the region of multi-layer adsorption. Such an improvement of the non-local density functional theory allows us to describe experimental nitrogen and argon isotherms on carbon black quite accurately with mean error of 2.5 to 5.8% instead of 17 to 26% in the conventional technique. With this approach, the local isotherms of model pores can be derived, and consequently a more reliab * le pore size distribution can be obtained. We illustrate this by applying our theory against nitrogen and argon isotherms on a number of activated carbons. The fitting between our model and the data is much better than the conventional NLDFT, suggesting the more reliable PSD obtained with our approach.


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A new approach based on the nonlocal density functional theory to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons and energetic heterogeneity of the pore wall is proposed. The energetic heterogeneity is modeled with an energy distribution function (EDF), describing the distribution of solid-fluid potential well depth (this distribution is a Dirac delta function for an energetic homogeneous surface). The approach allows simultaneous determining of the PSD (assuming slit shape) and EDF from nitrogen or argon isotherms at their respective boiling points by using a set of local isotherms calculated for a range of pore widths and solid-fluid potential well depths. It is found that the structure of the pore wall surface significantly differs from that of graphitized carbon black. This could be attributed to defects in the crystalline structure of the surface, active oxide centers, finite size of the pore walls (in either wall thickness or pore length), and so forth. Those factors depend on the precursor and the process of carbonization and activation and hence provide a fingerprint for each adsorbent. The approach allows very accurate correlation of the experimental adsorption isotherm and leads to PSDs that are simpler and more realistic than those obtained with the original nonlocal density functional theory.


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We present a new version of non-local density functional theory (NL-DFT) adapted to description of vapor adsorption isotherms on amorphous materials like non-porous silica. The novel feature of this approach is that it accounts for the roughness of adsorbent surface. The solid–fluid interaction is described in the same framework as in the case of fluid–fluid interactions, using the Weeks–Chandler–Andersen (WCA) scheme and the Carnahan–Starling (CS) equation for attractive and repulsive parts of the Helmholtz free energy, respectively. Application to nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms on non-porous silica LiChrospher Si-1000 at their boiling points, recently published by Jaroniec and co-workers, has shown an excellent correlative ability of our approach over the complete range of pressures, which suggests that the surface roughness is mostly the reason for the observed behavior of adsorption isotherms. From the analysis of these data, we found that in the case of nitrogen adsorption short-range interactions between oxygen atoms on the silica surface and quadrupole of nitrogen molecules play an important role. The approach presented in this paper may be further used in quantitative analysis of adsorption and desorption isotherms in cylindrical pores such as MCM-41 and carbon nanotubes.


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Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful approach to electronic structure calculations in extended systems, but suffers currently from inadequate incorporation of long-range dispersion, or Van der Waals (VdW) interactions. VdW-corrected DFT is tested for interactions involving molecular hydrogen, graphite, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and SWCNT bundles. The energy correction, based on an empirical London dispersion term with a damping function at short range, allows a reasonable physisorption energy and equilibrium distance to be obtained for H-2 on a model graphite surface. The VdW-corrected DFT calculation for an (8, 8) nanotube bundle reproduces accurately the experimental lattice constant. For H-2 inside or outside an (8, 8) SWCNT, we find the binding energies are respectively higher and lower than that on a graphite surface, correctly predicting the well known curvature effect. We conclude that the VdW correction is a very effective method for implementing DFT calculations, allowing a reliable description of both short-range chemical bonding and long-range dispersive interactions. The method will find powerful applications in areas of SWCNT research where empirical potential functions either have not been developed, or do not capture the necessary range of both dispersion and bonding interactions.


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A thermodynamic analysis of nitrogen adsorption in cylindrical pores of MCM-41 and SBA-15 samples at 77 K is presented within the framework of the Broekhoff and de Boer (BdB) theory. We accounted for the effect of the solid surface curvature on the potential exerted by the pore walls. The developed model is in quantitative agreement with the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) for pores larger than 2 tun. This modified BdB theory accounting for the Curvature Dependent Potential (CDP-BdB) was applied to determine the pore size distribution (PSD) of a number of MCM-41 and SBA-15 samples on the basis of matching the equilibrium theoretical isotherm against the adsorption branch of the experimental isotherm. In all cases investigated the PSDs determined with the new approach are very similar to those determined with the non-local density functional theory also using the same basis of matching of theoretical isotherm against the experimental adsorption branch. The developed continuum theory is very simple in its utilization, suggesting that CDP-BdB could be used as an alternative tool to obtain PSD for mesoporous solids from the analysis of adsorption branch of adsorption isotherms of any sub-critical fluids.


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In this work, we propose an improvement of the classical Derjaguin-Broekhoff-de Boer (DBdB) theory for capillary condensation/evaporation in mesoporous systems. The primary idea of this improvement is to employ the Gibbs-Tolman-Koenig-Buff equation to predict the surface tension changes in mesopores. In addition, the statistical film thickness (so-called t-curve) evaluated accurately on the basis of the adsorption isotherms measured for the MCM-41 materials is used instead of the originally proposed t-curve (to take into account the excess of the chemical potential due to the surface forces). It is shown that the aforementioned modifications of the original DBdB theory have significant implications for the pore size analysis of mesoporous solids. To verify our improvement of the DBdB pore size analysis method (IDBdB), a series of the calcined MCM-41 samples, which are well-defined materials with hexagonally ordered cylindrical mesopores, were used for the evaluation of the pore size distributions. The correlation of the IDBdB method with the empirically calibrated Kruk-Jaroniec-Sayari (KJS) relationship is very good in the range of small mesopores. So, a major advantage of the IDBdB method is its applicability for small mesopores as well as for the mesopore range beyond that established by the KJS calibration, i.e., for mesopore radii greater than similar to4.5 nm. The comparison of the IDBdB results with experimental data reported by Kruk and Jaroniec for capillary condensation/evaporation as well as with the results from nonlocal density functional theory developed by Neimark et al. clearly justifies our approach. Note that the proposed improvement of the classical DBdB method preserves its original simplicity and simultaneously ensures a significant improvement of the pore size analysis, which is confirmed by the independent estimation of the mean pore size by the powder X-ray diffraction method.


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The nitrogen substitution in carbon materials is investigated theoretically using the density functional theory method. Our calculations show that nitrogen substitution decreases the hydrogen adsorption energy if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed on both nitrogen atoms and the neighboring carbon atoms. On the contrary, the hydrogen adsorption energy can be increased if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed only on the neighboring carbon atoms. The reason can be explained by the electronic structures analysis of N-substituted graphene sheets. Nitrogen substitution reduces the pi electron conjugation and increases the HOMO energy of a graphene sheet, and the nitrogen atom is not stable due to its 3-valent character. This raises an interesting research topic on the optimization of the N-substitution degree, and is important to many applications such as hydrogen storage and the tokamaks device. The electronic structure studies also explain well why nitrogen substitution increases the capacitance but decreases the electron conductivity of carbon electrodes as was experimentally observed in our experiments on the supercapacitor.


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The application of nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons using a nongraphitized carbon black, instead of graphitized thermal carbon black, as a reference system is explored. We show that in this case nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms in activated carbons are precisely correlated by the theory, and such an excellent correlation would never be possible if the pore wall surface was assumed to be identical to that of graphitized carbon black. It suggests that pore wall surfaces of activated carbon are closer to that of amorphous solids because of defects of crystalline lattice, finite pore length, and the presence of active centers.. etc. Application of the NLDFT adapted to amorphous solids resulted in quantitative description of N-2 and Ar adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black BP280 at their respective boiling points. In the present paper we determined solid-fluid potentials from experimental adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black and subsequently used those potentials to model adsorption in slit pores and generate a corresponding set of local isotherms, which we used to determine the PSD functions of different activated carbons. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.