15 resultados para Flux économiques
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The Equilibrium Flux Method [1] is a kinetic theory based finite volume method for calculating the flow of a compressible ideal gas. It is shown here that, in effect, the method solves the Euler equations with added pseudo-dissipative terms and that it is a natural upwinding scheme. The method can be easily modified so that the flow of a chemically reacting gas mixture can be calculated. Results from the method for a one-dimensional non-equilibrium reacting flow are shown to agree well with a conventional continuum solution. Results are also presented for the calculation of a plane two-dimensional flow, at hypersonic speed, of a dissociating gas around a blunt-nosed body.
Dimensionless spray flux Ψa is a dimensionless group that characterises the three most important variables in liquid dispersion: flowrate, drop size and powder flux through the spray zone. In this paper, the Poisson distribution was used to generate analytical solutions for the proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) and the fraction of the powder surface covered by drops (fcovered) as a function of Ψa. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to simulate the spray zone and investigate how Ψa, fsingle and fcovered are related. The Monte-Carlo data was an excellent match with analytical solutions of fcovered and fsingle as a function of Ψa. At low Ψa, the proportion of the surface covered by drops (fcovered) was equal to Ψa. As Ψa increases, drop overlap becomes more dominant and the powder surface coverage levels off. The proportion of nuclei formed from single drops (fsingle) falls exponentially with increasing Ψa. In the ranges covered, these results were independent of drop size, number of drops, drop size distribution (mono-sized, bimodal and trimodal distributions), and the uniformity of the spray. Experimental data of nuclei size distributions as a function of spray flux were fitted to the analytical solution for fsingle by defining a cutsize for single drop nuclei. The fitted cutsizes followed the spray drop sizes suggesting that the method is robust and that the cutsize does indicate the transition size between single drop and agglomerate nuclei. This demonstrates that the nuclei distribution is determined by the dimensionless spray flux and the fraction of drop controlled nuclei can be calculated analytically in advance.
In natural estuaries, the predictions of scalar dispersion are rarely predicted accurately because of a lack of fundamental understanding of the turbulence structure in estuaries. Herein detailed turbulence field measurements were conducted continuously at high frequency for 50 hours in the upper zone of a small subtropical estuary with semi-diurnal tides. Acoustic Doppler velocimetry was deemed the most appropriate measurement technique for such shallow water depths (less than 0.4 m at low tides), and a thorough post-processing technique was applied. In addition, some experiments were conducted in laboratory under controlled conditions using water and soil samples collected in the estuary to test the relationship between acoustic backscatter strength and suspended sediment load. A striking feature of the field data set was the large fluctuations in all turbulence characteristics during the tidal cycle, including the suspended sediment flux. This feature was rarely documented.
In small estuaries, the predictions of scalar dispersion can rarely be predicted accurately because of a lack of fundamental understanding of the turbulence structure. Herein detailed turbulence measurements and suspended sediment concentrations were conducted simultaneously and continuously at high-frequency for 50 hours per investigation in a small subtropical estuary with semi-diurnal tides. The data analyses provided an unique characterisation of the turbulent mixing processes and suspended sediment fluxes. The turbulence was neither homogeneous nor isotropic, and it was not a Gaussian process. The integral time scales for turbulence and suspended sediment concentration were about equal during flood tides, but differed significantly during ebb tides. The field experiences showed that the turbulence measurements must be conducted at high-frequency to characterise the small eddies and the viscous dissipation process, while a continuous sampling was necessary to characterise the time-variations of the instantaneous velocity field, Reynolds stress tensor and suspended sediment flux during the tidal cycles.
Multiple sampling is widely used in vadose zone percolation experiments to investigate the extent in which soil structure heterogeneities influence the spatial and temporal distributions of water and solutes. In this note, a simple, robust, mathematical model, based on the beta-statistical distribution, is proposed as a method of quantifying the magnitude of heterogeneity in such experiments. The model relies on fitting two parameters, alpha and zeta to the cumulative elution curves generated in multiple-sample percolation experiments. The model does not require knowledge of the soil structure. A homogeneous or uniform distribution of a solute and/or soil-water is indicated by alpha = zeta = 1, Using these parameters, a heterogeneity index (HI) is defined as root 3 times the ratio of the standard deviation and mean. Uniform or homogeneous flow of water or solutes is indicated by HI = 1 and heterogeneity is indicated by HI > 1. A large value for this index may indicate preferential flow. The heterogeneity index relies only on knowledge of the elution curves generated from multiple sample percolation experiments and is, therefore, easily calculated. The index may also be used to describe and compare the differences in solute and soil-water percolation from different experiments. The use of this index is discussed for several different leaching experiments. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Considerable effort has been devoted to quantifying the wave-induced soil response in a porous seabed in the last few decades. Most previous investigations have focused on the analysis of pore pressure and effective stresses within isotropic sediments, despite strong evidence of anisotropic soil behaviour reported in the literature. Furthermore, the seepage flux, which is important in the context of contaminant transport, has not been examined. In this paper, we focus on water wave-driven seepage in anisotropic marine sediments of finite thickness. The numerical results predict that the effects of hydraulic anisotropy and anisotropic soil behaviour on the wave-driven seepage in marine sediment are significant. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[1] We attempt to generate new solutions for the moisture content form of the one-dimensional Richards' [1931] equation using the Lisle [1992] equivalence mapping. This mapping is used as no more general set of transformations exists for mapping the one-dimensional Richards' equation into itself. Starting from a given solution, the mapping has the potential to generate an infinite number of new solutions for a series of nonlinear diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity functions. We first seek new analytical solutions satisfying Richards' equation subject to a constant flux surface boundary condition for a semi-infinite dry soil, starting with the Burgers model. The first iteration produces an existing solution, while subsequent iterations are shown to endlessly reproduce this same solution. Next, we briefly consider the problem of redistribution in a finite-length soil. In this case, Lisle's equivalence mapping is generalized to account for arbitrary initial conditions. As was the case for infiltration, however, it is found that new analytical solutions are not generated using the equivalence mapping, although existing solutions are recovered.
Transport in bidisperse adsorbents is investigated here, while incorporating a two-dimensional model for adsorbate diffusion in the microparticles. The latter treatment permits consideration of the macropore concentration variation around the microparticle surface, and thereby predicts an adsorbate through-flux on the macroscopic coordinate. Such a through-flux has earlier been postulated in the literature, but with unrealistic mechanistic justification. The new model therefore resolves the existing ambiguity in this regard, and covers the entire spectrum of behaviour between microparticle and macropore diffusion control. Computational results show that if the macroscopic adsorbate flux, ignored in the conventional analysis, has a significant contribution to the total flux under macropore control conditions then it is always important even when the microparticle diffusion resistance is not negligible. The effect of various parameters such as relative microparticle size and isotherm heterogeneity on the uptake is also studied and discussed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
This study provides an investigation of the availability of octyl salicylate (OS), a common sunscreen agent, from liquid paraffin and the effect of OS on skin permeability. A model membrane system to isolate the vehicle effect from membrane permeability has been developed. Partitioning of OS between liquid paraffin and aqueous receptor phases was conducted. Partition coefficients increased with increase in OS concentration. A range of OS concentrations in liquid paraffin was diffused across human epidermis and synthetic membranes into 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline and 50% ethanol. Absorption profiles of OS obtained from silicone and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membranes were similar to each other but higher than for the high-density polyethylene [HDPE (3 times)] membrane and human epidermis (15 times). The steady state fluxes and apparent permeability coefficients (K-p') obtained from the diffusion studies showed the same trends with all membranes, except for the HDPE membrane which showed greater increase in flux and K-p' at concentrations above 30%. IR spectra showed that several bands of OS were shifted with concentrations, and the molecular models further suggested that the main contribution to the self-association is from non-1,4 van der Waals interactions.
Ussing [1] considered the steady flux of a single chemical component diffusing through a membrane under the influence of chemical potentials and derived from his linear model, an expression for the ratio of this flux and that of the complementary experiment in which the boundary conditions were interchanged. Here, an extension of Ussing's flux ratio theorem is obtained for n chemically interacting components governed by a linear system of diffusion-migration equations that may also incorporate linear temporary trapping reactions. The determinants of the output flux matrices for complementary experiments are shown to satisfy an Ussing flux ratio formula for steady state conditions of the same form as for the well-known one-component case. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study investigates binder distribution in wet granulation and focuses on the nucleation zone, which is the area where the liquid binder and powder surface come into contact and form the initial nuclei. An equipment independent parameter, dimensionless spray flux Psi (a), is defined to characterise the most important process parameters in the nucleation process: solution flowrate, powder flux, and binder drop size. Ex-granulator experiments are used to study the relationship between dimensionless spray flux, process variables and the coverage of binder fluid on the powder surface. Lactose monohydrate powder on a variable speed riffler passed under a flat spray once only. Water and 7% HPC solution at two spray pressures were used as binders. Experiments with red dye and image analysis demonstrate that changes in dimensionless spray flux correlate with a measurable difference in powder surface coverage. Nucleation experiments show that spray flux controls the size and shape of the nuclei size distribution. At low Psi (a), the system operates in the drop controlled regime, where one drop forms one nucleus and the nuclei size distribution is narrow. At higher Psi (a), the powder surface cakes creating a broader size distribution. For controlled nucleation with the narrowest possible size distribution, it is recommended that the dimensionless spray flux be less than 0.1 to be in the drop-controlled regime. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
We show how polarization measurements on the output fields generated by parametric down conversion will reveal a violation of multiparticle Bell inequalities, in the regime of both low- and high-output intensity. In this case, each spatially separated system, upon which a measurement is performed, is comprised of more than one particle. In view of the formal analogy with spin systems, the proposal provides an opportunity to test the predictions of quantum mechanics for spatially separated higher spin states. Here the quantum behavior possible even where measurements are performed on systems of large quantum (particle) number may be demonstrated. Our proposal applies to both vacuum-state signal and idler inputs, and also to the quantum-injected parametric amplifier as studied by De Martini The effect of detector inefficiencies is included, and weaker Bell-Clauser-Horne inequalities are derived to enable realistic tests of local hidden variables with auxiliary assumptions for the multiparticle situation.
Purpose. The flux of a topically applied drug depends on the activity in the skin and the interaction between the vehicle and skin. Permeation of vehicle into the skin can alter the activity of drug and the properties of the skin barrier. The aim of this in vitro study was to separate and quantify these effects. Methods. The flux of four radiolabeled permeants (water, phenol, diflunisal, and diazepam) with log K-oct/water values from 1.4 to 4.3 was measured over 4 h through heat-separated human epidermis pretreated for 30 min with vehicles having Hildebrand solubility parameters from 7.9 to 23.4 (cal/cm(3))(1/2). Results. Enhancement was greatest after pretreatment with the more lipophilic vehicles. A synergistic enhancement was observed using binary mixtures. The flux of diazepam was not enhanced to the same extent as the other permeants, possibly because its partitioning into the epidermis is close to optimal (log K-oct 2.96). Conclusion. An analysis of the permeant remaining in the epidermis revealed that the enhancement can be the result of either increased partitioning of permeant into the epidermis or an increasing diffusivity of permeants through the epidermis.
Purpose. As reductions in dermal clearance increase the residence time of solutes in the skin and underlying tissues we compared the topical penetration of potentially useful vasoconstrictors (VCs) through human epidermis as both free bases and ion-pairs with salicylic acid (SA). Methods. We determined the in vitro epidermal flux of ephedrine, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazoline applied as saturated solutions in propylene glycol: water (1: 1) and of ephedrine, naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline as 10% solutions of 1: 1 molar ratio ion-pairs with SA in liquid paraffin. Results. As free bases, ephedrine had the highest maximal flux, Jmax = 77.4 +/- 11.7 mug/cm(2)/h, being 4-fold higher than tetrahydrozoline and xylometazoline, 6-fold higher than phenylephrine, 10-fold higher than naphazoline and 100-fold higher than oxymetazoline. Stepwise regression of solute physicochemical properties identified melting point as the most significant predictor of flux. As ion-pairs with SA, ephedrine and naphazoline had similar fluxes (11.5 +/- 2.3 and 12.0 +/- 1.6 mug/cm(2)/h respectively), whereas tetrahydrozoline was approximately 3-fold slower. Corresponding fluxes of SA from the ion-pairs were 18.6 +/- 0.6, 7.8 +/- 0.8 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 respectively. Transdermal transport of VC's is discussed. Conclusions. Epidermal retention of VCs and SA did not correspond to their molar ratio on application and confirmed that following partitioning into the stratum corneum, ion-pairs separate and further penetration is governed by individual solute characteristics.