197 resultados para Field expanded Arts Architecture
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
This article examines ways in which art can help broaden understandings of contemporary security challenges, especially in view of the limits of conventional forms of strategic and policy analysis. The article focuses especially on responses to 9/11 in literature, the visual arts, architecture, and music, and considers some epistemological questions about the status of art as a way of knowing political events, like those of 9/11, that escape state-based forms of security analysis.
Plant architecture has been neglected in most studies of biomass allocation in crops. To help redress this situation for grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), we used a 3D digitiser to measure the dimensions and orientations of vegetative and reproductive structures and derived thermal time-based functions for architectural changes during morphogenesis. Our plants, which were grown in a greenhouse, controlled environment cabinets and the field, covered a large, three-fold, size range when mature. This allowed us to detect some general architectural relationships and to fit morphogenetic functions common across the size range we observed. For example, the relationship between the lengths of successive fully-expanded leaves within a plant was nearly constant for all plants. The lengths of existing leaf blades were accurate predictors of the lengths of up to six subsequently-formed blades in our plants. Similar constant relationships were detected for internode lengths in the panicle and for heights above ground of the collars of successive leaves, even though these traits varied a lot between growth conditions. We suggest that such architectural relationships may be used to link the effect of previous growth conditions to future growth potential, and in that way to predict future partitioning. Our results provide the basis for a preliminary model of sorghum morphogenesis which could eventually become useful in conjunction with crop models by allowing resource acquisition to be related to changes in plant architecture during development. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper considers the relationship between the recent historiography (of the last quarter century) of “New Zealand architecture” and the historical notion of “New Zealand-ness” invoked in contemporary architecture. It argues that a more recent programmatic uptake of post-War discussions on national identity and regional specificity has fed the tendencies of practicing architects to defer to history in rhetorical defences of their work: the beach-side mansion as a contemporary expression of the 1950s bach; a formal modernism divorced from the social discourse adherent to the historical moment that it “restates”; and so on. The paper will consider instances in the historiography of New Zealand architecture where historians have compounded, consciously or accidentally, a problem that is systemic to the uses made by architects of historical knowledge (in the most general examples), identifying the difficulties of relying upon the tentative conclusions of an under-studied field in developing principles of contemporary architectural practice under the banners of New Zealand-ness, regionalism, or localism, or with reference to icons of New Zealand architectural history. At the heart of this paper is a reflection on historiographical responsibility in presenting knowledge of a national past to an audience that is eager to transform that knowledge into principles of contemporary production. What, the paper asks, is the historical basis for speaking of a New Zealand architecture? Can we speak of a national history of architecture distinct from a regional history, or from an international history of architecture?
Developments in computer and three dimensional (3D) digitiser technologies have made it possible to keep track of the broad range of data required to simulate an insect moving around or over the highly heterogeneous habitat of a plant's surface. Properties of plant parts vary within a complex canopy architecture, and insect damage can induce further changes that affect an animal's movements, development and likelihood of survival. Models of plant architectural development based on Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) serve as dynamic platforms for simulation of insect movement, providing ail explicit model of the developing 3D structure of a plant as well as allowing physiological processes associated with plant growth and responses to damage to be described and Simulated. Simple examples of the use of the L-system formalism to model insect movement, operating Lit different spatial scales-from insects foraging on an individual plant to insects flying around plants in a field-are presented. Such models can be used to explore questions about the consequences of changes in environmental architecture and configuration on host finding, exploitation and its population consequences. In effect this model is a 'virtual ecosystem' laboratory to address local as well as landscape-level questions pertinent to plant-insect interactions, taking plant architecture into account. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we examine the effects of varying several experimental parameters in the Kane quantum computer architecture: A-gate voltage, the qubit depth below the silicon oxide barrier, and the back gate depth to explore how these variables affect the electron density of the donor electron. In particular, we calculate the resonance frequency of the donor nuclei as a function of these parameters. To do this we calculated the donor electron wave function variationally using an effective-mass Hamiltonian approach, using a basis of deformed hydrogenic orbitals. This approach was then extended to include the electric-field Hamiltonian and the silicon host geometry. We found that the phosphorous donor electron wave function was very sensitive to all the experimental variables studied in our work, and thus to optimize the operation of these devices it is necessary to control all parameters varied in this paper.
The present study aimed to 1) examine the relationship between laboratory-based measures and high-intensity ultraendurance (HIU) performance during an intermittent 24-h relay ultraendurance mountain bike race (similar to20 min cycling, similar to60min recovery), and 2) examine physiological and performance based changes throughout the HIU event. Prior to the HIU event, four highly-trained male cyclists (age = 24.0 +/- 2.1 yr; mass = 75.0 +/- 2.7 kg; (V)over dot O-2peak = 70 +/- 3 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed 1) a progressive exercise test to determine peak Volume of oxygen uptake ((V)over dot O-2peak), peak power output (PPO), and ventilatory threshold (T-vent), 2) time-to-fatigue tests at 100% (TF100) and 150% of PPO (TF150), and 3) a laboratory simulated 40-km time trial (TT40). Blood lactate (Lac(-)), haematocrit and haemoglobin were measured at 6-h intervals throughout the HIU event, while heart rate (HR) was recorded continuously. Intermittent HIU performance, performance HR, recovery HR, and Lac declined (P < 0.05), while plasma volume expanded (P < 0.05) during the HIU event. TF100 was related to the decline in lap time (r = -0.96; P < 0.05), and a trend (P = 0.081) was found between TF150 and average intermittent HIU speed (r = 0.92). However, other measures (V)over dot O-2peak, PPO, T-vent, and TT40) were not related to HIU performance. Measures of high-intensity endurance performance (TF100, TF150) were better predictors of intermittent HIU performance than traditional laboratory-based measures of aerobic capacity.
The naming of styles or movements is a basic mechanism of the architectural journals. The announcement of new tendencies, groups or philosophies, gives a journal its character as ‘news’, and if such terms are taken up in general discourse this demonstrates the prescience of the editor and enhances the repute of the journal. The announcement of phenomenon such as ‘critical regionalism’ or ‘deconstructivism’ referred architectural developments to a context in socio-politics or philosophy, and thus aimed to provide at least an initial resistance to their understanding as the formal styles which they quickly became. A different strategy, or occasion, which this paper will discuss, is where the name of an architectural moment is given in the traditional form of an art historical style. Here the nomenclature of style and a certain attitude to form is introduced as the starting point for a more open ended critical inquiry. Two examples of this strategy will be given. The first is Peter Reyner Banham and the Architecture Review’s promotion of ‘Brutalism’ as an anti-aesthetic which took its conceptual form from early twentieth century art movements, particularly Futurism. The second, identified with Architectural Design in the 1990’s is ‘Minimalism’, a term describing a strand of the visual arts of the 1960’s which can be understood as an attempt to nuance and add seriousness to the present rampant nostalgia for the style of the architecture of the 1960’s.
Theatre, like other subjects in the humanities, has recently undergone quintessential changes in theory, approach, and research. Modern Drama - a collection of twelve essays from leading theatre and drama scholars - investigates the contemporary meanings and the cultural and political resonances of the terms inherent in the concepts of 'modern' and 'drama, ' delving into a range of theoretical questions on the history of modernism, modernity, post-modernism, and postmodernity as they have intersected with the shifting histories of drama, theatre, and performance.