146 resultados para FINITE-SIZE
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We use theoretical and numerical methods to investigate the general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems respectively. Analytical solutions have been rigorously derived for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function and excess pore-fluid pressure near a circular lens in a hydrodynamic system. These analytical solutions provide not only a better understanding of the physics behind the problem, but also a valuable benchmark solution for validating any numerical method. Since a geological lens is surrounded by a medium of large extent in nature and the finite element method is efficient at modelling only media of finite size, the determination of the size of the computational domain of a finite element model, which is often overlooked by numerical analysts, is very important in order to ensure both the efficiency of the method and the accuracy of the numerical solution obtained. To highlight this issue, we use the derived analytical solutions to deduce a rigorous mathematical formula for designing the computational domain size of a finite element model. The proposed mathematical formula has indicated that, no matter how fine the mesh or how high the order of elements, the desired accuracy of a finite element solution for pore-fluid flow near a geological lens cannot be achieved unless the size of the finite element model is determined appropriately. Once the finite element computational model has been appropriately designed and validated in a hydrodynamic system, it is used to examine general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrothermal systems. Some interesting conclusions on the behaviour of geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems have been reached through the analytical and numerical analyses carried out in this paper.
A new approach based on the nonlocal density functional theory to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons and energetic heterogeneity of the pore wall is proposed. The energetic heterogeneity is modeled with an energy distribution function (EDF), describing the distribution of solid-fluid potential well depth (this distribution is a Dirac delta function for an energetic homogeneous surface). The approach allows simultaneous determining of the PSD (assuming slit shape) and EDF from nitrogen or argon isotherms at their respective boiling points by using a set of local isotherms calculated for a range of pore widths and solid-fluid potential well depths. It is found that the structure of the pore wall surface significantly differs from that of graphitized carbon black. This could be attributed to defects in the crystalline structure of the surface, active oxide centers, finite size of the pore walls (in either wall thickness or pore length), and so forth. Those factors depend on the precursor and the process of carbonization and activation and hence provide a fingerprint for each adsorbent. The approach allows very accurate correlation of the experimental adsorption isotherm and leads to PSDs that are simpler and more realistic than those obtained with the original nonlocal density functional theory.
The adsorption of Lennard-Jones fluids (argon and nitrogen) onto a graphitized thermal carbon black surface was studied with a Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation (GCMC). The surface was assumed to be finite in length and composed of three graphene layers. When the GCMC simulation was used to describe adsorption on a graphite surface, an over-prediction of the isotherm was consistently observed in the pressure regions where the first and second layers are formed. To remove this over-prediction, surface mediation was accounted for to reduce the fluid-fluid interaction. Do and co-workers have introduced the so-called surface-mediation damping factor to correct the over-prediction for the case of a graphite surface of infinite extent, and this approach has yielded a good description of the adsorption isotherm. In this paper, the effects of the finite size of the graphene layer on the adsorption isotherm and how these would affect the extent of the surface mediation were studied. It was found that this finite-surface model provides a better description of the experimental data for graphitized thermal carbon black of high surface area (i.e. small crystallite size) while the infinite- surface model describes data for carbon black of very low surface area (i.e. large crystallite size).
The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the antiadiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalization group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.
Quantum integrability is established for the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model with boundary terms by means of the quantum inverse-scattering method. The boundary supersymmetric U chain is solved by using the coordinate-space Bethe-ansatz technique and Bethe-ansatz equations are derived. This provides us with a basis for computing the finite-size corrections to the low-lying energies in the system. [S0163-1829(98)00425-1].
The problem of extracting pore size distributions from characterization data is solved here with particular reference to adsorption. The technique developed is based on a finite element collocation discretization of the adsorption integral, with fitting of the isotherm data by least squares using regularization. A rapid and simple technique for ensuring non-negativity of the solutions is also developed which modifies the original solution having some negativity. The technique yields stable and converged solutions, and is implemented in a package RIDFEC. The package is demonstrated to be robust, yielding results which are less sensitive to experimental error than conventional methods, with fitting errors matching the known data error. It is shown that the choice of relative or absolute error norm in the least-squares analysis is best based on the kind of error in the data. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We use the finite element method to simulate the rock alteration and metamorphic process in hydrothermal systems. In particular, we consider the fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated porous rocks. Since the fluid rock interaction takes place at the contact interface between the pore-fluid and solid minerals, it is governed by the chemical reaction which usually takes place very slowly at this contact interface, from the geochemical point of view. Due to the relative slowness of the rate of the chemical reaction to the velocity of the pore-fluid flow in the hydrothermal system to be considered, there exists a retardation zone, in which the conventional static theory in geochemistry does not hold true. Since this issue is often overlooked by some purely numerical modellers, it is emphasized in this paper. The related results from a typical rock alteration and metamorphic problem in a hydrothermal system have shown not only the detailed rock alteration and metamorphic process, but also the size of the retardation zone in the hydrothermal system. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This investigation focused on the finite element analyses of elastic and plastic properties of aluminium/alumina composite materials with ultrafine microstructure. The commonly used unit cell model was used to predict the elastic properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the plastic properties of the composites and the associated strengthening mechanism within the metal matrix material were investigated. The grain size of the matrix material was found to be an important factor influencing the mechanical properties of the composites studied. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
The role of PACs (primary adsorption centers) in the mesopore (i.e., transport) region of activated carbons during adsorption of polar species, such as water, is unclear. A classical model of three-dimensional adsorption on finite PACs is presented. The model is a preliminary, theoretical investigation into adsorption on mesopore PACs and is intended to give some insight into the energetic and physical processes at work. Work processes are developed to obtain isotherms and three-dimensional sorbate growth on PACs of varying size and energetic characteristics. The work processes allow two forms of adsorbed phase growth: densification at constant boundary and boundary growth at constant density. Relatively strong sorbate-sorbent interactions and strong surface tension favor adsorbed phase densification over boundary growth. Conversely, relatively weak sorbate-sorbent interactions and weak surface tension favor boundary growth over densification. If sorbate-sorbate interactions are strong compared to sorbate-sorbent interactions, condensation with hysteresis occurs. This can also give rise to delayed boundary growth, where all initial adsorption occurs in the monolayer only. The results indicate that adsorbed phase growth on PACs may be quite complex.
Error condition detected We consider discrete two-point boundary value problems of the form D-2 y(k+1) = f (kh, y(k), D y(k)), for k = 1,...,n - 1, (0,0) = G((y(0),y(n));(Dy-1,Dy-n)), where Dy-k = (y(k) - Yk-I)/h and h = 1/n. This arises as a finite difference approximation to y" = f(x,y,y'), x is an element of [0,1], (0,0) = G((y(0),y(1));(y'(0),y'(1))). We assume that f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, that there exist pairs of strict lower and strict upper solutions for the continuous problem, and that f and G satisfy additional assumptions that are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. Under these assumptions we show that there are at least three distinct solutions of the discrete approximation which approximate solutions to the continuous problem as the grid size, h, goes to 0. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The adsorption of simple Lennard-Jones fluids in a carbon slit pore of finite length was studied with Canonical Ensemble (NVT) and Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulations (GEMC). The Canonical Ensemble was a collection of cubic simulation boxes in which a finite pore resides, while the Gibbs Ensemble was that of the pore space of the finite pore. Argon was used as a model for Lennard-Jones fluids, while the adsorbent was modelled as a finite carbon slit pore whose two walls were composed of three graphene layers with carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. The Lennard-Jones (LJ) 12-6 potential model was used to compute the interaction energy between two fluid particles, and also between a fluid particle and a carbon atom. Argon adsorption isotherms were obtained at 87.3 K for pore widths of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 nm using both Canonical and Gibbs Ensembles. These results were compared with isotherms obtained with corresponding infinite pores using Grand Canonical Ensembles. The effects of the number of cycles necessary to reach equilibrium, the initial allocation of particles, the displacement step and the simulation box size were particularly investigated in the Monte Carlo simulation with Canonical Ensembles. Of these parameters, the displacement step had the most significant effect on the performance of the Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation box size was also important, especially at low pressures at which the size must be sufficiently large to have a statistically acceptable number of particles in the bulk phase. Finally, it was found that the Canonical Ensemble and the Gibbs Ensemble both yielded the same isotherm (within statistical error); however, the computation time for GEMC was shorter than that for canonical ensemble simulation. However, the latter method described the proper interface between the reservoir and the adsorbed phase (and hence the meniscus).
Adsorption of argon at its boiling point infinite cylindrical pores is considered by means of the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) with a reference to MCM-41 silica. The NLDFT was adjusted to amorphous solids, which allowed us to quantitatively describe argon adsorption isotherm on nonporous reference silica in the entire bulk pressure range. In contrast to the conventional NLDFT technique, application of the model to cylindrical pores does not show any layering before the phase transition in conformity with experimental data. The finite pore is modeled as a cylindrical cavity bounded from its mouth by an infinite flat surface perpendicular to the pore axis. The adsorption of argon in pores of 4 and 5 nm diameters is analyzed in canonical and grand canonical ensembles using a two-dimensional version of NLDFT, which accounts for the radial and longitudinal fluid density distributions. The simulation results did not show any unusual features associated with accounting for the outer surface and support the conclusions obtained from the classical analysis of capillary condensation and evaporation. That is, the spontaneous condensation occurs at the vapor-like spinodal point, which is the upper limit of mechanical stability of the liquid-like film wetting the pore wall, while the evaporation occurs via a mechanism of receding of the semispherical meniscus from the pore mouth and the complete evaporation of the core occurs at the equilibrium transition pressure. Visualization of the pore filling and empting in the form of contour lines is presented.
Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations were applied to the adsorption of SPCE model water in finite graphitic pores with different configurations of carbonyl functional groups on only one surface and several pore sizes. It was found that almost all finite pores studied exhibit capillary condensation behaviour preceded by adsorption around the functional groups. Desorption showed the reverse transitions from a filled to a near empty pore resulting in a clear hysteresis loop in all pores except for some of the configurations of the 1.0nm pore. Carbonyl configurations had a strong effect on the filling pressure of all pores except, in some cases, in 1.0nm pores. A decrease in carbonyl neighbour density would result in a higher filling pressure. The emptying pressure was negligibly affected by the configuration of functional groups. Both the filling and emptying pressures increased with increasing pore size but the effect on the emptying pressure was much less. At pressures lower than the pore filling pressure, the adsorption of water was shown to have an extremely strong dependence on the neighbour density with adsorption changing from Type IV to Type III to linear as the neighbour density decreased. The isosteric heat was also calculated for these configurations to reveal its strong dependence on the neighbour density. These results were compared with literature experimental results for water and carbon black and found to qualitatively agree.
The application of nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons using a nongraphitized carbon black, instead of graphitized thermal carbon black, as a reference system is explored. We show that in this case nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms in activated carbons are precisely correlated by the theory, and such an excellent correlation would never be possible if the pore wall surface was assumed to be identical to that of graphitized carbon black. It suggests that pore wall surfaces of activated carbon are closer to that of amorphous solids because of defects of crystalline lattice, finite pore length, and the presence of active centers.. etc. Application of the NLDFT adapted to amorphous solids resulted in quantitative description of N-2 and Ar adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black BP280 at their respective boiling points. In the present paper we determined solid-fluid potentials from experimental adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black and subsequently used those potentials to model adsorption in slit pores and generate a corresponding set of local isotherms, which we used to determine the PSD functions of different activated carbons. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Results of two experiments are reported that examined how people respond to rectangular targets of different sizes in simple hitting tasks. If a target moves in a straight line and a person is constrained to move along a linear track oriented perpendicular to the targetrsquos motion, then the length of the target along its direction of motion constrains the temporal accuracy and precision required to make the interception. The dimensions of the target perpendicular to its direction of motion place no constraints on performance in such a task. In contrast, if the person is not constrained to move along a straight track, the targetrsquos dimensions may constrain the spatial as well as the temporal accuracy and precision. The experiments reported here examined how people responded to targets of different vertical extent (height): the task was to strike targets that moved along a straight, horizontal path. In experiment 1 participants were constrained to move along a horizontal linear track to strike targets and so target height did not constrain performance. Target height, length and speed were co-varied. Movement time (MT) was unaffected by target height but was systematically affected by length (briefer movements to smaller targets) and speed (briefer movements to faster targets). Peak movement speed (Vmax) was influenced by all three independent variables: participants struck shorter, narrower and faster targets harder. In experiment 2, participants were constrained to move in a vertical plane normal to the targetrsquos direction of motion. In this task target height constrains the spatial accuracy required to contact the target. Three groups of eight participants struck targets of different height but of constant length and speed, hence constant temporal accuracy demand (different for each group, one group struck stationary targets = no temporal accuracy demand). On average, participants showed little or no systematic response to changes in spatial accuracy demand on any dependent measure (MT, Vmax, spatial variable error). The results are interpreted in relation to previous results on movements aimed at stationary targets in the absence of visual feedback.