13 resultados para Exponential Sorting

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The particle size of the bed sediments in or on many natural streams, alluvial fans, laboratory flumes, irrigation canals and mine waste deltas varies exponentially with distance along the stream. A plot of the available worldwide exponential bed particle size diminution coefficient data against stream length is presented which shows that all the data lie within a single narrow band extending over virtually the whole range of stream lengths and bed sediment particle sizes found on Earth. This correlation applies to both natural and artificial flows with both sand and gravel beds, irrespective of either the solids concentration or whether normal or reverse sorting occurs. This strongly suggests that there are common mechanisms underlying the exponential diminution of bed particles in subaerial aqueous flows of all kinds. Thus existing models of sorting and abrasion applicable to some such flows may be applicable to others. A comparison of exponential laboratory abrasion and field diminution coefficients suggests that abrasion is unlikely to be significant in gravel and sand bed streams shorter than about 10 km to 100 km, and about 500 km, respectively. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The muscle isoform. of clathrin heavy chain, CHC22, has 85% sequence identity to the ubiquitously expressed CHC17, yet its expression pattern and function appear to be distinct from those of well-characterized clathrin-coated vesicles. In mature muscle CHC22 is preferentially concentrated at neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions, suggesting a role at sarcolemmal contacts with extracellular matrix. During myoblast differentiation, CHC22 expression is increased, initially localized with desmin and nestin and then preferentially segregated to the poles of fused myoblasts. CHC22 expression is also increased in regenerating muscle fibers with the same time course as embryonic myosin, indicating a role in muscle repair. CHC22 binds to sorting nexin 5 through a coiled-coil domain present in both partners, which is absent in CHC17 and coincides with the region on CHC17 that binds the regulatory light-chain subunit. These differential binding data suggest a mechanism for the distinct functions of CHC22 relative to CHC17 in membrane traffic during muscle development, repair, and at neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions.


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Sorting nexins are a large family of proteins that contain the phosphoinositide-binding Phox homology (PX) domain. A number of sorting nexins are known to bind to PtdIns(3)P, which mediates their localization to membranes of the endocytic pathway. We show here that sorting nexin 5 (SNX5) can be recruited to two distinct membrane compartments. In non-stimulated cells, the PX domain was independently targeted to endosomal structures and colocalized with full-length SNX5. The membrane binding of the PX domain was inhibited by the PI 3-kinase inhibitor, wortmannin. Although SNX5 colocalized with a fluid-phase marker and was found predominantly within a PtdIns(3)P-rich endosomal domain, very little colocalization was observed between SNX5 and the PtdIns(3)P-binding protein, EEA1. Using liposome-based binding assays, we have shown that the PX domain of SNX5 interacts not only with PtdIns(3)P but also with PtdIns(3,4)P-2. In response to EGF stimulation, either the SNX5-PX domain or full-length SNX5 was rapidly recruited to the plasma membrane. The localization of SNX1, which does not bind PtdIns(3,4)P-2, was unaffected by EGF signalling. Therefore, SNX5 is localized to a subdomain of the early endosome distinct from EEA1 and, following EGF stimulation and elevation of PtdIns(3,4)P-2, is also transiently recruited to the plasma membrane. These results indicate that SNX5 may have functions not only associated with endosomal sorting but also with the phosphoinositide-signalling pathway.


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E-cadherin plays an essential role in cell polarity and cell-cell adhesion; however, the pathway for delivery of E-cadherin to the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells has not been fully characterized. We first traced the post-Golgi, exocytic transport of GFP-tagged E-cadherin (Ecad-GFP) in unpolarized cells. In live cells, Ecad-GFP was found to exit the Golgi complex in pleiomorphic tubulovesicular carriers, which, instead of moving directly to the cell surface, most frequently fused with an intermediate compartment, subsequently identified as a Rab11-positive recycling endosome. In MDCK cells, basolateral targeting of E-cadherin relies on a dileucine motif. Both E-cadherin and a targeting mutant, Delta S1-E-cadherin, colocalized with Rab11 and fused with the recycling endosome before diverging to basolateral or apical membranes, respectively. In polarized and unpolarized cells, coexpression of Rab11 mutants disrupted the cell surface delivery of E-cadherin and caused its mistargeting to the apical membrane, whereas apical Delta S1-E-cadherin was unaffected. We thus demonstrate a novel pathway for Rab11 dependent, dileucine-mediated, mu 1B-independent sorting and basolateral trafficking, exemplified by E-cadherin. The recycling endosome is identified as an intermediate compartment for the post-Golgi trafficking and exocytosis of E-cadherin, with a potentially important role in establishing and maintaining cadherin-based adhesion.


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We develop a model for exponential decay of broadband pulses, and examine its implications for experiments on optical precursors. One of the signature features of Brillouin precursors is attenuation with a less rapid decay than that predicted by Beer's Law. Depending on the pulse parameters and the model that is adopted for the dielectric properties of the medium, the limiting z-dependence of the loss has been described as z(-1/2), z(-1/3), exponential, or, in more detailed descriptions, some combination of the above. Experimental results in the search for precursors are examined in light of the different models, and a stringent test for sub-exponential decay is applied to data on propagation of 500 femtosecond pulses through 1-5 meters of water. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In the process of internalization of molecules from the extracellular milieu, a cell uses multiple endocytic pathways, consequently generating different endocytic vesicles. These primary endocytic vesicles are targeted to specific destinations inside the cell. Here, we show that GPI-anchored proteins are internalized by an Arf6-independent mechanism into GPI-anchored protein-enriched early endosomal compartments (GEECs). Internalized GPI-anchored proteins and the fluid phase are first visualized in GEECs that are acidic, primary endocytic structures, negative for early endosomal markers, Rab4, Rab5, and early endosome antigen (EEA)1. They subsequently acquire Rab5 and EEA1 before homotypic fusion with other GEECs, and heterotypic fusion with endosomes containing cargo from the clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway. Although, the formation of GEECs is unaffected by inhibition of Rab5 GTPase and phosphatidylinositol-3'-kinase (PI3K) activity, their fusion with sorting endosomes is dependent on both activities. Overexpression of Rab5 reverts PI3K inhibition of fusion, providing evidence that Rab5 effectors play important roles in heterotypic fusion between the dynamin-independent GEECs and clathrin- and dynamin-dependent sorting endosomes.


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Listeria monocytogenes has previously been shown to adapt to a wide variety of environmental niches, principally those associated with low pH, and this compromises its control in food environments. An understanding of the mechanism(s) by which L. monocytogenes survives unfavourable environmental conditions will aid in developing new food processing methods to control the organism in foodstuffs. The present Study aimed to gain a further understanding of the physiological basis for the differential effects of one control strategy, namely the use of the lantibiotic nisin. Using propidium iodide (PI) to probe membrane integrity it was shown that L. monocytogenes Scott A was sensitive to nisin (8 ng mL(-1)) but this was growth phase dependent with stationary phase cells (OD600=1.2) being much more resistant than exponential phase cells (OD600=0.38). We demonstrate that, using a combination of techniques including fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), the membrane adaptations underpinning nisin resistance are triggered much earlier (OD600 < 0.5) than the onset of stationary phase. The significance of these findings in terms of mechanism and application are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


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We report that phosphoinositol-binding sorting nexin 5 ( SNX5) associates with newly formed macropinosomes induced by EGF stimulation. We used the recruitment of GFP-SNX5 to macropinosomes to track their maturation. Initially, GFP-SNX5 is sequestered to discrete subdomains of the macropinosome; these subdomains are subsequently incorporated into highly dynamic, often branched, tubular structures. Time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed the highly dynamic extension of SNX5-labelled tubules and their departure from the macropinosome body to follow predefined paths towards the perinuclear region of the cell, before fusing with early endosomal acceptor membranes. The extension and departure of these tubular structures occurs rapidly over 5-10 minutes and is dependent upon intact microtubules. As the tubular structures depart from the macropinosome there is a reduction in the surface area and an increase in tension of the limiting membrane of the macropinosome. In addition to the recruitment of SNX5 to the macropinosome, Rab5, SNX1 and EEA1 are also recruited by newly formed macropinosomes, followed by the accumulation of Rab7. SNX5 forms heterodimers with SNX1 and this interaction is required for endosome association of SNX5. We propose that the departure of SNX5-positive tubules represents a rapid mechanism of recycling components from macropinosomes thereby promoting their maturation into Rab7-positive structures. Collectively these findings provide a detailed real-time characterisation of the maturation process of the macropinocytic endosome.


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In order to begin to understand how primary olfactory and vomeronasal organ (VNO) axons target specific regions of the olfactory bulb, we examined the sorting behaviour of these axons following neonatal unilateral olfactory bulbectomy. Bulbectomy induced widespread ipsilateral death of the primary olfactory and VNO neurons. After 4 weeks, many new sensory axons had re-grown into the cranial cavity and established a prominent plexus with evidence of dense tufts that were similar in gross appearance to glomeruli. Axons expressing the cell adhesion molecule OCAM, which normally innervate the ventrolateral and rostral halves of the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, respectively, sorted out and segregated from those axons not expressing this molecule within the plexus. In addition, VNO axons formed large discrete bundles that segregated from main olfactory axons within the plexus. Thus, VNO and primary olfactory axons as well as discrete subpopulations of both are able to sort out and remain segregated in the absence of the olfactory bulb. Sorting and convergence of axons therefore occur independently of the olfactory bulb and are probably attributable either to inherent properties of the axons themselves or to interactions between the axons and accompanying glial ensheathing cells.


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We consider the problems of computing the power and exponential moments EXs and EetX of square Gaussian random matrices X=A+BWC for positive integer s and real t, where W is a standard normal random vector and A, B, C are appropriately dimensioned constant matrices. We solve the problems by a matrix product scalarization technique and interpret the solutions in system-theoretic terms. The results of the paper are applicable to Bayesian prediction in multivariate autoregressive time series and mean-reverting diffusion processes.


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This paper presents a composite multi-layer classifier system for predicting the subcellular localization of proteins based on their amino acid sequence. The work is an extension of our previous predictor PProwler v1.1 which is itself built upon the series of predictors SignalP and TargetP. In this study we outline experiments conducted to improve the classifier design. The major improvement came from using Support Vector machines as a "smart gate" sorting the outputs of several different targeting peptide detection networks. Our final model (PProwler v1.2) gives MCC values of 0.873 for non-plant and 0.849 for plant proteins. The model improves upon the accuracy of our previous subcellular localization predictor (PProwler v1.1) by 2% for plant data (which represents 7.5% improvement upon TargetP).