31 resultados para European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Candida is an important nosocomial pathogen. This study was undertaken to provide information on the rate of candidaemia, to define the risks for candidaemia and to describe and account for the epidemiology of candidaemia at our institution between 1992 and 1999. The overall rate was 0.052 per 1000 patient days and 0.27 per 1000 discharges. The major risks for candidaemia were colonization at a non-sterile site (OR 3.85, 95%CI 1.80-9.09), total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in the absence of neutropenia (OR 11.8, 95%CI 4.5-35.4, P
Zinc fingers are recognized as small protein domains that bind to specific DNA sequences. Recently however, zinc fingers from a number of proteins, in particular the GATA family of transcription factors, have also been implicated in specific protein-protein interactions. The erythroid protein GATA-1 contains two zinc fingers: the C-finger, which is sufficient for sequence-specific DNA-binding, and the N-finger, which appears both to modulate DNA-binding and to interact with other transcription factors. We have expressed and purified the N-finger domain and investigated its involvement in the self-association of GATA-1. We demonstrate that this domain does not homodimerize but instead makes intermolecular contacts with the C-finger, suggesting that GATA dimers are maintained by reciprocal N-finger-C-finger contacts. Deletion analysis identifies a 25-residue region, C-terminal to the core N-finger domain, that is sufficient for interaction with intact GATA-1. A similar subdomain exists C-terminal to the C-finger, and we show that self-association is substantially reduced when both subdomains are disrupted by mutation. Moreover, mutations that impair GATA-1 self-association also interfere with its ability to activate transcription in transfection studies.
Under certain soil conditions, e.g. hardsetting clay B-horizons of South-Eastern Australia, wheat plants do not perform as well as would be expected given measurements of bulk soil attributes. In such soils, measurement indicates that a large proportion (80%) of roots are preferentially located in the soil within 1 mm of macropores. This paper addresses the question of whether there are biological and soil chemical effects concomitant with this observed spatial relationship. The properties of soil manually dissected from the 1-3 mm wide region surrounding macropores, the macropore sheath, were compared to those that are measured in a conventional manner on the bulk soil. Field specimens of two different soil materials were dissected to examine biological differentiation. To ascertain whether the macropore sheath soil differs from rhizosphere soil, wheat was grown in structured and repacked cores under laboratory conditions. The macropore sheath soil contained more microbial biomass per unit mass than both the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The bacterial population in the macropore sheath was able to utilise a wider range of carbon substrates and to a greater extent than the bacterial population in the corresponding bulk soil. These differences between the macropore sheath and bulk soil were almost non-existent in the repacked cores. Evidence for larger numbers of propagules of the broad host range fungus Pythium in the macropore sheath soil were also obtained.
Recently, a bi-allelic polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor gene (GRL) has been shown to be associated with individuals at high risk of developing hypertension and accumulation of abdominal visceral fat, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The evaluate the role of GRL in essential hypertension and obesity, case-control studies were conducted using 88 hypertensive, 123 normotensive, 150 lean and 94 obese subjects. Genotypes for a highly polymorphic microsatellite marker (D5S207) located within 200 kb of the glucocorticoid receptor gene, were determined by PCR. Allele frequencies between hypertensive and normotensive groups were significantly (P = 0.0005) different whereas no significant differences were observed between lean and obese populations. In conclusion, the results suggest that the glucocorticoid receptor gene or perhaps another gene located in close proximity and in linkage disequilibrium with D5S207, is involved in hypertension development
Transport of BPV-1 virus from the cell membrane to the nucleus was studied in vitro in CV-1 cells. At reduced temperature (4 degreesC). BPV-I binding to CV-1 cells was unaffected but there was no transport of virions across the cytosol. Electron microscopy showed BPV-I virions in association with microtubules in the cytoplasm, a finding confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of L1 protein and tubulin. Internalization of virus was unimpaired in cells treated with the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole but virions were retained in cytoplasmic vesicles and not transported to the nucleus. We conclude that a microtubule transport mechanism in CV-1 cells moves intact BPV-1 virions from the cell surface to the nuclear membrane. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
We have shown previously that melanoma cells in culture release heavy-chain ferritin (H-Ferritin) into supernatants and that this is responsible for the suppression of responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by anti-CD3. These effects were mediated by activation of regulatory T cells to produce interleukin (IL)-10. In the present study, we examined whether a similar relation might exist between levels of H-Ferritin and activation of regulatory T cells in patients with melanoma. Ferritin levels were evaluated by ELISA and regulatory T-cell numbers were assessed by three-color flow cytometry to identify CD4(+) CD25(+) CD69(-) T cells. CD69 positive cells were excluded to avoid inclusion of normal activated CD4, CD25 expressing T cells. Measurements of H- and light-chain (L)-Ferritin by ELISA revealed that H- but not L-Ferritin was elevated in the circulation of melanoma patients. In addition, these studies revealed a marked increase in the number of CD4+ CD25+ CD69- T cells in such patients, compared with age-matched controls. The ratio of H-Ferritin:L-Ferritin correlated with the levels of regulatory T cells consistent with a causal relation between unbound H-Ferritin levels and the activation of regulatory T cells. H-Ferritin or regulatory T cells did not, however, correlate with the stage of the melanoma. These results provide evidence for the importance of H-Ferritin in the induction of regulatory T cells in patients with melanoma and provide additional insight into the suppression of immune responses in such patients.
Ozone is a major air pollutant with adverse health effects which exhibit marked inter-individual variability. In mice, regions of genetic linkage with ozone-induced lung injury include the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), superoxide dismutase (SOD2), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) genes. We genotyped polymorphisms in these genes in 51 individuals who had undergone ozone challenge. Mean change in FEV1 with ozone challenge, as a percentage of baseline, was -3% in TNF -308G/A or A/A individuals, compared with -9% in G/G individuals (p = 0.024). When considering TNF haplotypes, the smallest change in FEV1 with ozone exposure was associated with the TNF haplotype comprising LTA +252G/TNF -1031T/TNF -308A/TNF -238G. This association remained statistically significant after correction for age, sex, disease, and ozone concentration (p = 0.047). SOD2 or GPX1 genotypes were not associated with lung function, and the TLR4 polymorphism was too infrequent to analyze. The results of this study support TNF as a genetic factor for susceptibility to ozone-induced changes in lung function in humans, and has potential implications for stratifying health risks of air pollution.
This study provides an investigation of the availability of octyl salicylate (OS), a common sunscreen agent, from liquid paraffin and the effect of OS on skin permeability. A model membrane system to isolate the vehicle effect from membrane permeability has been developed. Partitioning of OS between liquid paraffin and aqueous receptor phases was conducted. Partition coefficients increased with increase in OS concentration. A range of OS concentrations in liquid paraffin was diffused across human epidermis and synthetic membranes into 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline and 50% ethanol. Absorption profiles of OS obtained from silicone and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membranes were similar to each other but higher than for the high-density polyethylene [HDPE (3 times)] membrane and human epidermis (15 times). The steady state fluxes and apparent permeability coefficients (K-p') obtained from the diffusion studies showed the same trends with all membranes, except for the HDPE membrane which showed greater increase in flux and K-p' at concentrations above 30%. IR spectra showed that several bands of OS were shifted with concentrations, and the molecular models further suggested that the main contribution to the self-association is from non-1,4 van der Waals interactions.
Since dental caries may present soon after tooth eruption, we hypothesized that colonization of Streptococcus mutans can occur in the predentate stages. In this study, we examined S. mutans colonization and its association with oral developmental nodules (Bohn's nodules) in 60 pre-term and 128 full-term, three-month-old infants. Overall, S. mutans was cultured from 30% (56/188) of the infants, and oral developmental nodules were noted in 55% (103/188). Compared with the pre-term, full-term infants showed a higher prevalence of S. mutans (34% vs. 20%, p < 0.02) as well as developmental nodules (61% vs. 42%, p < 0.05). In both groups, S. mutans was positively associated with numbers of developmental nodules in a dose-response relationship (p < 0,001), and with maternal salivary levels of the bacteria (p = 0.03). The permanence of S. mutans infection was confirmed by repeat saliva sampling at 6 months of age. Our results thus showed that many infants have already acquired S. mutans at 3 months of age, prior to tooth eruption.
The suitability of sedimentation equilibrium for characterizing the self-association of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b has been reappraised. Whereas sedimentation equilibrium distributions for phosphorylase b in 40 mM Hepes buffer (pH 6.8) supplemented with 1 mM AMP signify a lack of chemical equilibrium attainment, those in buffer supplemented additionally with potassium sulfate conform with the requirements of a dimerizing system in chemical as we:ll as sedimentation equilibrium. Because the rate of attainment of chemical equilibrium under the former conditions is sufficiently slow to allow resolution of the dimeric and tetrameric enzyme species by sedimentation velocity, this procedure has been used to examine the effects of thermodynamic nonideality arising from molecular crowding try trimethylamine N-oxide on the self-association behaviour of phosphorylase b. In those terms the marginally enhanced extent of phosphorylase b self-association observed in the presence of high concentrations of the cosolute is taken to imply that the effects of thermodynamic nonideality on the dimer-tetramer equilibrium are being countered by those displacing the T reversible arrow R isomerization equilibrium for dimer towards the smaller, nonassociating T state. Because the R state is the enzymically active form, an inhibitory effect is the predicted consequence of molecular crowding by high concentrations of unrelated solutes. Thermodynamic nonideality thus provides an alternative explanation for the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of glycerol, sucrose and ethylene glycol on phosphorylase b activity, phenomena that have been attributed to extremely weak interaction of these cryoprotectants with the T state of the enzyme.
OBJECTIVES: The authors prospectively examined the association between bowel movement frequency (used as a proxy for intestinal transit), laxative use, and the risk of symptomatic gallstone disease. METHODS: A total of 79,829 women, aged 36–61 yr, without a history of symptomatic gallstone disease and free of cancer, responded to a mailed questionnaire in 1982 that assessed bowel movement frequency and use of laxatives. Between 1984 and 1996, 4,443 incident cases of symptomatic gallstone disease were documented. Relative risks (RRs) of symptomatic gallstone disease and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using logistic regression. RESULTS: After controlling for age and established risk factors, the multivariate RRs were, compared to women with daily bowel movements, 0.97 (95% CI 0.86–1.08) for women with bowel movements every third day or less, and 1.00 (95% CI 0.91–1.11) for women with bowel movement more than once daily. No trend was evident. As compared to women who never used laxatives in 1982, a significant modest inverse association was seen for monthly laxative use, with a multivariate RR of 0.84 (95% CI 0.72–0.98), and weekly to daily laxative use was associated with a RR of 0.88 (95% CI 0.78–1.02). CONCLUSIONS: These findings do not support an association between infrequent bowel movements and risk of symptomatic gallstone disease in women, and indicate that simple questions directed at bowel movement frequency are unlikely to enhance our ability to predict risk of symptomatic gallstone disease. The slightly inverse association between use of laxatives and risk of symptomatic gallstone disease may be due to a mechanism that is not related to bowel movement frequency.