37 resultados para Euparaphyto new species
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Two new species of the genus Lepidapedoides are described from the aulopodid teleost Aulopus purpurissatus from south-western Australia. Both are distinguished from other Lepidapedoides spp. by their pedunculate ventral sucker. Lepidapedoides pistoris n. sp. and L. elongatrium n. sp. are distinguished by the possession of a narrow, elongate form, a long ventral sucker to ovary distance: the vitellarium reaching only to the posterior level of the cirrus-sac, the cirrus-sac length and the deep genital atrium with the metraterm entering distally to its base in L. elongatrium. A key to species of the genus is given. A character matrix is included for the genus. Poorly resolved phylogenetic trees indicate two main lineages in the genus. The two new species described here are resolved as sister taxa. The new combination Lepidapedoides freitasi (Kohn gr Fernandes, 1970) is formed for Acanthocolpoides freitasi.
Two new genera and four new species of monorchiid digeneans are described from the Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay, Queensland. Provitellus turrum n. g., n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex and Trachinotus coppingeri is characterised by the presence of vitelline follicles in the forebody, a single testis, a unipartite terminal organ and filamented eggs. Ovipusillus mayu n. g., n. sp. from Gnathanodon speciosus is characterised by the presence of two testes, vitelline follicles overlapping the ventral sucker and a large, complex cirrus-sac that contains a coiled eversible ejaculatory duct joined by the pars prostatica halfway along its length. Paramonorcheides pseudocaranxi n. sp. from Pseudocaranx dentex differs from other species described in this genus in the longer flatter forebody, entire ovary and the well-developed cirrus-sac. Chrisomon gaigai n. sp. from Trachinotus coppingeri and T botla is characterised by the unflattened forebody and transversely oval pharynx. Chrisomon is redefined to include species of Lasiotocus with a vitellarium composed of clusters of tubular acini, creating the following new combinations: C. albulae n. comb. for L. albulae Overstreet, 1969, C. ulua n. comb, for L. ulua Yamaguti, 1970 and C. weke n. comb, for L. weke Yamaguti, 1970. The diagnosis of Lasiotocus is amended accordingly and the new combinations, L. polynemi n. comb. and L. sunderbanensis n. comb., are created for C.polynemi Dutta, Hafeezullah & Manna, 1994 and C. sunderbanensis Dutta, Hafeezullah B Manna, 1994, respectively. Extrapolation of our collection data suggests that there may be as many as 80 species of monorchiids infecting carangid fishes in Australia and 180 species infecting carangids in all oceans of the world. The latter figure greatly exceeds the number of monorchiids described from all host families to date.
Opechona austrobacillaris n, sp. is described from Pomatomus saltatrix from marine sites off Western Australia and New South Wales, Australia. It differs from O. bacillaris in its elongate outline, small ventral sucker, longer pseudoesophagus (relative to the oesophagus), relatively shorter ventral sucker to ovary distance and the relatively longer post-testicular region. Lepotrema monile n. sp. is described from Pomacentrus wardi from Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in the sphincter around the distal metraterm and the more-or-less oval ovary. Bianium spongiosum n. sp, is described from Ostracion cubicus from Lizard Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in lacking lateral flaps in the forebody, but in having large, internal spongiform patches in the lateral forebody. The following species are redescribed from Australian sites: Lepocreadium oyabitcha from Abudefduf whitleyi, Lizard Island; Clavogalea trachinoti from Trachinotus botla, Heron Island and T. coppingeri, New South Wales, Stradbroke Island, Queensland and Heron Island; Myzoxenus insolens from Notolabrus parilus, Western Australia; Bulbocirrus aulostomi from Aulostomus chinensis, Heron Island; Lepocreadioides orientalis [new synonyms: Bicaudum interruptum Bilqees, 1973; Lepocreadioides interruptum (Bilqees, 1973) Madhavi, Narasimhulu & Shameem, 1986; Lepocreadioides discum Wang, 1986; Lepocreadioides sp. of Karyakarte & Yadav (1976)] from Cynoglossus bilineata, Moreton Bay, Queensland; Hypocreadium patellare from Sufflamen chrysopterus, Heron Island; Echeneidocoelium indicum from Echeneis naucrates, Heron Island; Multitestis pyriformis from Epinephelus cyanopodus, Heron Island; Pseudopisthogonoporus vitellosus from Naso brevirostris, Heron Island; and Bianium hispidum from Torquigener whitleyi and T. pleurogramma, southern Queensland. Only M. solens and M. pyriformis have been reported from Australian waters before; both are new host records.
A new species of the genus Gluconacetobacter, for which the name Gluconacetobacter sacchari sp. nov. is proposed, was isolated from the leaf sheath of sugar cane and from the pink sugar-cane mealy bug, Saccharicoccus sacchari, found on sugar cane growing in Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia, The nearest phylogenetic relatives in the alpha-subclass of the Proteobacteria are Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, which have 98.8-99.3% and 97.9-98.5% 16S rDNA sequence similarity, respectively, to members of Gluconacetobacter sacchari. On the basis of the phylogenetic positioning of the strains, DNA reassociation studies, phenotypic tests and the presence of the Q10 ubiquinone, this new species was assigned to the genus Gluconacetobacter. No single phenotypic characteristic is unique to the species, but the species can be differentiated phenotypically from closely related members of the acetic acid bacteria by growth in the presence of 0.01% malachite green, growth on 30% glucose, an inability to fix nitrogen and an inability to grow with the L-amino acids asparagine, glycine, glutamine, threonine and tryptophan when D-mannitol was supplied as the sole carbon and energy source. The type strain of this species is strain SRI 1794(T) (= DSM 12717(T)).
Aponurus chelebesoi n. sp. is described from Chaetodon auriga, C. citrinellus, C. ephippium, C. flavirostris, C. lineolatus, C. melannotus, C. mertensii, C. pelewensis, C. lunulatus, C. vagabundus, Coradion altivelis, Forcipiger flavissimus, Heniochus acuminatus, H. chrysostomus and H. monoceros from the southern coast of New Caledonia. It is distinguished from most species in the genera Aponurus (synonym Brachadena) and Lecithophyllum by its claviform (as opposed to oval to subglobular) vitelline lobes. Three species, A. pyriformis, Lecithophyllum vogeae and Brachadena cheilonis, have similar claviform vitelline lobes, but differ from A. chelebesoi in their tandem testes and the distinct egg-size.
The status of Petalocotyle Ozaki, 1934 within the Gyliauchenidae Goto & Matsudaira, 1918 is reviewed. Two new species, P. adenometra from Prionurus microlepidotus (Amity Point, Queensland, Australia) and P. diverticulata from Acanthurus nigrofuscus and A. lineatus (Heron Island, Queensland, Australia), are described. The body plan of Petalocotyle conforms to that of members of the Gyliauchenidae (oral sucker absent, well-developed pharynx, complex oesophagus and characteristic male terminal genitalia), indicating justifiable inclusion in this family. A new diagnosis is given for the genus, such that Petalocotyle is now identified by the presence of an anterior, protuberant ventral sucker, long caeca, a large, sigmoid cirrus-sac containing a coiled ejaculatory duct, and an extensive vitellarium. We suggest that, of all the known genera of gyliauchenids, Petalocotyle may most closely resemble the 'archaetypal gyliauchenid', that is, it may be placed basally within the radiation of the Gyliauchenidae. However, derived characters, like diverticula in the reproductive system, indicate that some characters of individual members of Petalocotyle may be considered advanced and do not reflect an archaetypal condition. Parallels in the structure of the male and female genitalia of Robphildollfusium Paggi & Orecchia, 1963 and Petalocotyle, along with the shared morphology of the digestive tract, indicate possible phylogenetic links between the two genera. This affinity is difficult to infer using morphology alone and recommend that Robphildollfusium remain detached from the Gyliauchenidae.
Neolebouria moretonensis n. sp. is described from Gerres subfasciatus (Gerreidae) from Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland and N. lineatus n. sp. is described from Centroberyx lineatus (Berycidae) from off Rottnest Island, south-west Western Australia. C. lineatus represents a new host family and order (Beryciformes) for the genus. The two new species are distinguished within the genus by their entire, tandem to oblique testes and cirrus-sacs that do not extend into the hind-body, by being less than 1 mm in length, and by the position of the genital pore and the relative size of the forebody and post-testicular region. N. lineatus and N. moretonensis are very similar but are distinguished by their caeca which extend further posteriorly in N. moretonensis. There is no apparent pattern in the host-specificity of this genus.
An unusual new species of the gall-inducing scale insect genus Apiomorpha Rubsaamen is described from Queensland. The adult female, its gall, and the first-instar nymph (crawler) are illustrated, and relationships of the new species are estimated using mitochondrial COII data. Adult females induce cigar-shaped galls on leaves of several eucalypts in section Adnataria of subgenus Symphyomyrtus. The bilobed anal lobes of the adult female differ from those of all other Apiomorpha species (single lobe) and the first-instar nymph possesses features, such as broad frontal tubercles and dorsal stripes, that are not present in crawlers of other Apiomorpha species. However, DNA sequence data confirm that the new species falls within Apiomorpha, rather than representing a sister group, and indicate that the new species is not closely related to the A. pharetrata (Schrader) species-group, the only other group within Apiomorpha that induces cigar-shaped galls on leaves. The systematic affiliations of A. gullanae sp. n. are currently not known. Females only are known and there is some indication that reproduction in the new taxon is parthenogenetic. This represents the first putative case of parthenogenesis in Apiomorpha.
The following lepocreadiid species are described from Cheilodactylidae from south-western Australia. Cliveus peroni n. g., n. sp, from Nemadactylus valenciennesi is characterised by its attenuated forebody and C. acaenodera n. sp. from Dactylophora nigricans by its attenuated forebody, the pattern of forebody spination and the large cirrus-sac. Jericho chojeri n. g., n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has a large infundibuliform oral sucker and paired ani. Rugocavum n. g. is distinguished by the possession of a blind, wrinkled glandular pit on the postero-ventral surface of the forebody. R. nemadactyli n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has its vitelline field restricted to the hindbody, whereas in R. morwong n. sp, from N. valenciennesi the vitelline field reaches into the forebody. Paraneocreadium australiense Kruse, 1978 from N. valenciennesi is redescribed and its coiled internal seminal vesicle and lobed gonads are considered distinctive features. Scaphatrema nemadactyli (Kurochkin & Korotaeva, 1972) n. g., n. comb. from N. valenciennesi has a wrinkled, boat-shaped body, a 'Lepidapedon-like' cirrus-sac and multiple testes; it was originally placed in the genus Multitestis, but these characters suggest that a new genus should be erected for it within the subfamily Lepidapedinae.
Pretestis laticaecum is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura krefftil. The new species can be distinguished from its congener P. australianus by the following characters; significantly smaller ovary, main lymph vessels reach anterior to posterior testis, genital atrium in mid-oesophageal region, small vitelline follicles clumped around the ovary and significantly larger caeca overlapping. The, position of this species and related genera in fish, the life cycle of P. australianus and the presence of P. laticaecum in turtles suggest that it is a relatively recent host capture.
Samples of Macropodinium spp. were collected from 3 new macropodid species: from 21 of 28 (75%) black-striped wallabies (Macropus dorsalis); 10 of 11 (91%) swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor); and 22 of 43 (51%) Tasmanian pademelons (Thylogale billardierii). The examination of ciliate morphology by silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy led to the redescription of the genus Macropodinium and the description of 4 new species: Ma. tricresta sp. nov. and Ma. spinosus sp. nov. from M. dorsalis; Ma. maira sp. nov. from T. billardierii; and M. bicolor sp. nov. from W. bicolor; each species was strictly host specific. Cellular orientation was reinterpreted on the basis of vestibular morphology and it is concluded that Macropodinium spp. are laterally rather than dorso-ventrally compressed. The striated groove is thus dorso-ventral rather than lateral. Oral ciliation consisted of up to three bands: an adoral band composed of oblique kineties; a vestibular band of longitudinal kineties; and a preoral band of longitudinal kineties. Somatic ciliation occurred in two longitudinal bands: a dense band composed of several parallel kineties on the left side of the dorso-ventral groove; and a sparse band composed of a single kinety on the right internal side of the dorso-ventral groove. Few structures were homologous to those of other litostome ciliates, and thus the relationship of Macropodinium to other litostomes cannot yet be clearly defined.
Acanthoplacatus gen. nov., a new genus of viviparous gyrodactylid, is described from the rns and skin of siganid fishes from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The genus is characterized by a muscular, tube-like haptor with 16 marginal hooks on the posterior margin. The ventral lobe of the haptor is located anteriorly relative to the dorsal lobe and contains a pair of hamuli and a ventral bar with posteriorly-projecting ventral bar membrane. A dorsal bar is absent. Five pairs of posterior gland cells surround the posterior terminations of the gut. The male copulatory organ is a muscular, non-eversible bulb with several spines around the distal opening. Species of Acanthoplacatus have a bilateral excretory system consisting of six pairs of flame cells and a pair of excretory bladders. Seven new species are described: Acanthoplacatus adlardi sp. nov. and A. amplihamus sp. nov. from Siganus punctatus (Forster, 1801), A. brauni sp. nov. from S. corallinus (Valenciennes, 1835), A. parvihamus sp. nov. from S. vulpinus (Schlegel and Mueller, 1845), A. puelli sp. nov. from S. puellus Schlegel, 1852, A. shieldsi sp. nov. from S. lineatus (Valenciennes, 1835) and A. sigani sp. nov. from S. fuscescens (Houttuyn, 1782). Species can be discriminated by shape and size of the hamuli, marginal hooks and ventral bar and by male copulatory organ sclerite morphology. Three species (A. brauni sp. nov., A. shieldsi sp. nov. and A. sigani sp. nov.) were assessed for seasonal variation of sclerite size. Ten of thirteen morphological characters showed seasonal variation in size for at least one of the species. The characters were longer in winter except dorsal root tissue cap width. Only one character, marginal hook length, showed significant seasonal variation for all three species. Species of Acanthoplacatus were observed to attach using only the marginal hooks and the role of hamuli in attachment is unclear. The dorsal rn of the host is the preferred site for most species but the anal fin, caudal fin and body surfaces are preferred by some species. Prevalences for species range from 57 to 100%.
Social bees have a diverse fauna of symbiotic mesostigmatic mites, including highly pathogenic parasites of the honeybee, but there are few reports of Mesostigmata phoretic on or inhabiting the nests of solitary or communal, ground-nesting bees. In south-eastern Australia, however, native bees in the family Halictidae carry what appears to be a substantial radiation of host-specific mesostigmatans in the family Laelapidae. Herein, we redescribe the obscure genus Raymentia , associated with Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes ) spp. bees (Halictidae) and describe two new species, R. eickwortiana from L. lacthium (Smith) and R. walkeriana from L. atronitens (Cockerell). The type species, R. anomala Womersley, is associated with L. altichum (Smith). In addition, we review the mites known to be associated with Australian bees, provide a key to differentiate them, and describe and illustrate acarinaria of the Halictinae. We also report on the first occurrences in Australia of the genera Trochometridium Cross (Heterostigmata: Trochometridiidae), from L. eremaean Walker (Halictidae), and Cheletophyes Oudemans (Prostigmata: Cheyletidae) from Xylocopa Latreille (Xylocopinae), and on the previously unknown association between a Neocypholaelaps Vitzthum (Mesostigmata: Ameroseiidae) and Lipotriches tomentifera (Friese) (Halictidae).
Measurements are given for all and full descriptions and illustrations for some of the following enenterid species: Enenterum aureum Linton, 1910 in Kyphosus bigibbus and K. sydneyanus? from Ningaloo Coral Reef, Western Australia, K. vaigiensis from off Heron Island, Queensland and K. vaigiensis from off Moorea, French Polynesia; E. mannarense Hafeezullah, 1980 in K. bigibbus and K. sydneyanus? from Ningaloo Coral Reef; E. elongatum Yamaguti, 1970 in K. vaigiensis from Heron Island, Queensland and K. bigibbus and K. sydneyanus? from Ningaloo Coral Reef; Koseiria alanwilliamsi sp. nov. in Kyphosus cornelii from off Kalbarri, Western Australia; Koseiria xishaense Gu et Shen, 1983 in K. vaigiensis from off Heron Island and K. bigibbus from off Palau, Micronesia; Proenenterum isocotylum Manter, 1954 in Aplodactylus arctidens from off Stanley, Tasmania; R ericotylum Manter, 1954 in A. arctidens from off Stanley; Cadenatella isuzumi Machida, 1993 from Kyphosus bigibbus and K. sydneyanus? from Ningaloo Coral Reef; Cadenatella pacifica (Yamaguti, 1970) from Kyphosus bigibbus from Ningaloo Coral Reef. Two recent cladistic studies of the Enenteridae are discussed and a further analysis has shown that Enenterum and Cadenatella are monophyletic, whilst Koseiria appears polyphyletic. The zoogeography and host-specificity of Kyphosus-inhabiting enenterids is discussed.