45 resultados para Eriksson, Mats O. G
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Human N-acetyltransferase type 1 (NAT1) catalyses the N- or O-acetylation of various arylamine and heterocyclic amine substrates and is able to bioactivate several known carcinogens. Despite wide inter-individual variability in activity, historically, NAT1 was considered to be monomorphic in nature. However, recent reports of allelic variation at the NAT1 locus suggest that it may be a polymorphically expressed enzyme. In the present study, peripheral blood mononuclear cell NAT1 activity in 85 individuals was found to be bimodally distributed with approximately 8% of the population being slow acetylators. Subsequent sequencing of the individuals having slow acetylator status showed all to have either a (CT)-T-190 or G(560)A base substitution located in the protein encoding region of the NAT1 gene. The (CT)-T-190 base substitution changed a highly conserved Arg(64), which others have shown to be essential for fully functional NAT1 protein. The (CT)-T-190 mutation has not been reported previously and we have named it NAT1*17. The G(560)A mutation is associated with the base substitutions previously observed in the NAT1*10 allele and this variant (NAT1*14) encodes for a protein with reduced acetylation capacity. A novel method using linear PCR and dideoxy terminators was developed for the detection of NAT1*14 and NAT1*17. Neither of these variants was found in the rapid acetylator population. We conclude that both the (CT)-T-190 (NAT1*17) and G(560)A (NAT1*14) NAT1 structural variants are involved in a distinct NAT1 polymorphism. Because NAT1 can bioactivate several carcinogens, this polymorphism may have implications for cancer risk in individual subjects. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall Ltd.
Pholeohedra overstreeti n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) is described from Girella zebra (Kyphosidae) in South Australia. The new genus is compared with all genera of Haploporidae sensu late (including Atractotrematidae, Megasolenidae and Waretrematidae) and has a unique bell-shaped concavity at its posterior end. The genus otherwise resembles Hapladena in the arrangement of the testis, vitellarium and gut but also resembles Megasolena, Metamegasolena and Vitellibaculum except in having a single testis. This is the first haploporid reported from kyphosid fishes in Australia.
Investigation of two southern Australian marine sponges, Mycale spp., resulted in isolation of the known norsesterterpene mycaperoxide F methyl ester (5) together with a new norsesterterpene mycaperoxide G methyl ester (10) and a new norterpene ketone 11. All structures were secured by spectroscopic analysis and chemical derivatization. The absolute stereochemistry previously assigned to 5 by application of the Horeau procedure has been revised by application of the Mosher procedure.
A Latrunculia sp, collected off Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, returned three new norsesterterpene cyclic peroxides. Trunculins G (9), H (10) and I (11) were isolated as their methyl esters (12), (13) and (14) respectively. Gross structures for these new trunculins were assigned on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, while the absolute stereochemistry about the cyclic peroxide terminus was established by application of the Horeau and Mosher procedures.
Activation of the human complement system of plasma proteins in response to infection or injury produces a 4-helix bundle glycoprotein (74 amino acids) known as C5a. C5a binds to G-protein-coupled receptors on cell surfaces triggering receptor-ligand internalization, signal transduction, and powerful inflammatory responses. Since excessive levels of C5a are associated with autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders, inhibitors of receptor activation may have therapeutic potential. We now report solution structures and receptor-binding and antagonist activities for some of the first small molecule antagonists of C5a derived from its hexapeptide C terminus. The antagonist NMe-Phe-Lys-Pro-D-Cha-Trp-D-Arg-CO2H (1) surprisingly shows an unusually well-defined solution structure as determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. This is one of the smallest acyclic peptides found to possess a defined solution conformation, which can be explained by the constraining role of intramolecular hydrogen bonding. NOE and coupling constant data, slow deuterium exchange, and a low dependence on temperature for the chemical shift of the D-Cha-NH strongly indicate an inverse gamma turn stabilized by a D-Cha-NH ... OC-Lys hydrogen bond. Smaller conformational populations are associated with a hydrogen bond between Trp-NH ... OC-Lys, defining a type II beta turn distorted by the inverse gamma turn incorporated within it. An excellent correlation between receptor-affinity and antagonist activity is indicated for a limited set of synthetic peptides. Conversion of the C-terminal carboxylate of 1 to an amide decreases antagonist potency 5-fold, but potency is increased up to 10-fold over 1 if the amide bond is made between the C-terminal carboxylate and a Lys/Orn side chain to form a cyclic analogue. The solution structure of cycle 6 also shows gamma and beta turns; however, the latter occurs in a different position, and there are clear conformational changes in 6 vs 1 that result in enhanced activity. These results indicate that potent C5a antagonists can be developed by targeting site 2 alone of the C5a receptor and define a novel pharmacophore for developing powerful receptor probes or drug candidates.
Octopamine is a biogenic amine neurotransmitter of invertebrates that binds to a G-protein coupled receptor that has seven transmembrane domains. Formamidine pesticides like amitraz are highly specific agonists of the octopamine receptor. Amitraz is used extensively to control the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, and many other ticks but now there are strains of ticks that are resistant to amitraz. We have isolated a cDNA from the cattle tick, B. miciroplus, that belongs to the biogenic amine family of receptors. The predicted amino acid sequence from this cDNA is most similar to octopamine receptors from insects. The nucleotide sequence of this gene from amitraz-resistant and amitraz-susceptible cattle ticks was identical. Thus, a point mutation/s did not confer resistance to amitraz in the strains we studied. Alternative explanations for resistance to amitraz in B. microplus are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fine-grained pyrite is the earliest generation of pyrite and the most abundant sulfide within the Urquhart Shale at Mount Isa, northwest Queensland. The pyrite is intimately interbanded with ore-grade Pb-Zn miner alization at the Mount Isa mine but is also abundant north and south of the mine at several stratigraphic horizons within the Urquhart Shale. Detailed sedimentologic, petrographic, and sulfur isotope studies of the Urquhart Shale, mostly north of the mine, reveal that the fine-grained pyrite (delta(34)S = -3.3 to +26.3 parts per thousand) formed by thermochemical sulfate reduction during diagenesis. The sulfate source was local sulfate evaporites, pseudo morphs of which are present throughout the Urquhart Shale (i.e., gypsum, anhydrite, and barite). Deep-burial diagenetic replacement of these evaporites resulted in sulfate-bearing ground waters which migrated parallel to bedding. Fine-grained pyrite formed where these fluids infiltrated and then interacted with carbon-rich laminated siltstones. Comparison of the sulfur isotope systematics of fine-grained pyrite and spatially associated base metal sulfides from the Mount Isa Pb-Zn and Cu orebodies indicates a common sulfur source of ultimately marine origin for all sulfide types. Different sulfur isotope ratio distributions for the various sulfides are the result of contrasting formation mechanisms and/or depositional conditions rather than differing sulfur sources. The sulfur isotope systematics of the base metal and associated iron sulfide generations are consistent with mineralization by reduced hydrothermal fluids, perhaps generated by bulk reduction of evaporite-sourced sulfate-bearing waters generated deeper in the Mount Isa Group, the sedimentary sequence which contains the Urquhart Shale. The available sulfur isotope data from the Mount Isa orebodies are consistent with either a chemically and thermally zoned, evolving Cu-Pb-Zn system, or discrete Cu and Pb-Zn mineralizing events linked by a common sulfur source.
Background-In adult human heart, both beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors mediate hastening of relaxation; however, it is unknown whether this also occurs in infant heart. We compared the effects of stimulation of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors on relaxation and phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I in ventricle obtained from infants with tetralogy of Fallot. Methods and Results-Myocardium dissected from the right ventricular outflow tract of 27 infants (age range 2-1/2 to 35 months) with tetralogy of Fallot was set up to contract 60 times per minute. Selective stimulation of beta(1)-adrenergic receptors with (-)-norepinephrine (NE) and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors with (-)-epinephrine (EPI) evoked phosphorylation of phospholamban (at serine-16 and threonine-17) and troponin I and caused concentration-dependent increases in contractile force (-log EC50 [mol/L] NE 5.5+/-0.1, n=12; -EPI 5.6+/-0.1, n=13 patients), hastening of the time to reach peak force (-log EC50 [mol/L] NE 5.8+/--0.2; EPI 5.8+/-0.2) and 50% relaxation (-log EC50 [mol/L] NE 5.7+/-0.2: EPI 5.8+/-0.1), Ventricular membranes from Fallot infants, labeled with (-)-[I-125]-cyanopindolol, revealed a greater percentage of beta(1)- (71%) than beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (29%). Binding of (-)-epinephrine to beta(2)-receptors underwent greater GTP shifts than binding of (-)-norepinephrine to beta(1)-receptors. Conclusions-Despite their low density, beta(2)-adrenergic receptors are nearly as effective as beta(1)-adrenergic receptors of infant Fallot ventricle in enhancing contraction, relaxation, and phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I, consistent with selective coupling to G(s)-protein.
A Clathria sp. collected during scientific trawling operations in the Great Australian Bight, Australia, has yielded the new alkaloid mirabilin G (1). A structure was secured for 1 by detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison to known marine alkaloids.
Environmental processes have been modelled for decades. However. the need for integrated assessment and modeling (IAM) has,town as the extent and severity of environmental problems in the 21st Century worsens. The scale of IAM is not restricted to the global level as in climate change models, but includes local and regional models of environmental problems. This paper discusses various definitions of IAM and identifies five different types of integration that Lire needed for the effective solution of environmental problems. The future is then depicted in the form of two brief scenarios: one optimistic and one pessimistic. The current state of IAM is then briefly reviewed. The issues of complexity and validation in IAM are recognised as more complex than in traditional disciplinary approaches. Communication is identified as a central issue both internally among team members and externally with decision-makers. stakeholders and other scientists. Finally it is concluded that the process of integrated assessment and modelling is considered as important as the product for any particular project. By learning to work together and recognise the contribution of all team members and participants, it is believed that we will have a strong scientific and social basis to address the environmental problems of the 21st Century. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scorpidotrema longistipes n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Scorpis georgiana Valenciennes (Scorpididae) from off Point Peron, Western Australia. The new genus is distinguished by the combination of a remarkably long and retractable ventral sucker peduncle, a possible uroproct, well-developed cirrus-sac and a uterine seminal receptacle. The subfamilial relationships of the new genus are troublesome. It incorporates features of the Opecoelinae, Stenakrinae and Plagioporinae. The absence of a canalicular seminal receptacle suggests a relationship with the Opecoelinae and Stenakrinae, whereas the well-developed cirrus-sac suggests a relationship with the Plagioporinae and Stenakrinae. The overall arrangement of the gonads is not similar to that of existing genera of Stenakrinae. It is concluded that the genus is best placed in the Stenakrinae although that subfamily may now be an artificial assemblage. This new genus forms part of a distinctive fauna of trematodes restricted to Australian southern temperate fishes.
This report describes the identification of a murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) G protein-coupled receptor (GCR) homolog. This open reading frame (M33) is most closely related to, and collinear with, human cytomegalovirus UL33, and homologs are also present in human herpesvirus 6 and 7 (U12 for both viruses). Conserved counterparts in the sequenced alpha- or gammaherpesviruses have not been identified to date, suggesting that these genes encode proteins which are important for the biological characteristics of betaherpesviruses. We have detected transcripts for both UL33 and M33 as early as 3 or 4 h postinfection, and these reappear at late times. In addition, we have identified N-terminal splicing for both the UL33 and M33 RNA transcripts. For both open reading frames, splicing results in the introduction of amino acids which are highly conserved among known GCRs. To characterise the function of the M33 in the natural host, two independent MCMV recombinant viruses were prepared, each of which possesses an M33 open reading frame which has been disrupted with the beta-galactosidase gene. While the recombinant M33 null viruses showed no phenotypic differences in replication from wild-type MCMV in primary mouse embryo fibroblasts in vitro, they showed severely restricted growth in the salivary glands of infected mice. These data suggest that M33 plays an important role in vivo, in particular in the dissemination to or replication in the salivary gland, and provide the first evidence for the function of a viral GCR homolog in vivo.