16 resultados para Eradication and containment

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Background Compared to the general population, Helicobacter pylori infection is more common among adults with intellectual disability (ID) and is associated with greater levels of disability, maladaptive behaviour, and institutionalization. Little information exists about the effects of eradication therapy in this group, so we aimed to evaluate: (1) success of a standard H. pylori eradication protocol; (2) frequency of side-effects; and (3) impact of eradication on level of functional ability and maladaptive behaviour. Method A cohort of adults with ID underwent assessment of their levels of function and maladaptive behaviour, medical history, physical examination, and H. pylori testing using serology and faecal antigen tests. Some received standard H. pylori eradication therapy. Twelve months later, participants underwent repeat assessment, were grouped by change in H. pylori status and compared. Results Of 168 participants, 117 (70%) were currently infected with H. pylori at baseline, and 96 (82%) of the 117 were given standard H. pylori eradication therapy. The overall eradication rate was 61% but 31% reported side-effects. Institutional status of the participants, their level of behaviour or function, and number of comorbid medical conditions were not associated with failure of eradication. There were no statistically significant differences in level of behaviour or function, ferritin, or weight between the groups in whom H. pylori was eradicated or stayed positive. Conclusion Adults with ID have lower H. pylori eradication and higher side-effect rates than the general population. Levels of maladaptive behaviour and disability did not improve with eradication and thus greater levels of maladaptive behaviour or disability appear to be risk factors for, rather than consequences of, H. pylori infection.


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Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction and ecosystem change. As omnivores, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are responsible for wholesale adverse effects on islands. Here, we report on the eradication of feral pigs from Santiago Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador, which is the largest insular pig removal to date. Using a combination of ground hunting and poisoning, over 18,000 pigs were removed during this 30-year eradication campaign. A sustained effort, an effective poisoning campaign concurrent with the hunting program, access to animals by cutting more trails, and an intensive monitoring program all proved critical to the successful eradication. While low and fluctuating control efforts may help protect select native species, current eradication methods, limited conservation funds, and the potential negative non-target impacts of sustained control efforts all favor an intense eradication effort, rather than a sustained control program. The successful removal of pigs from Santiago Island sets a new precedent, nearly doubling the current size of a successful eradication, and is leading to more ambitious projects. However, now we must turn toward increasing eradication efficiency. Given limited conservation funds, we can no longer afford to spend decades removing introduced mammals from islands.


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International and domestic tourism are sensitive to disastrous events which make areas inaccessible to visitors, less attractive or more dangerous. One form of tourism disaster is the outbreak of an exotic disease, of which Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a prime case. It is now well documented that the 2001 FMD outbreak in the UK had a greater impact on tourism than on agriculture. It has been estimated than an FMD outbreak in Australia would impose a cost of about $13 million. The impact on tourism would be highly dependent on the extent and duration of an FMD outbreak, as well as on any management and containment restrictions imposed by the authorities in their attempt to control and eventually eradicate the disease. Public perception and thus the provision of accurate information and the way in which the media report disasters will also play an important role in determining the impact on the tourism industry. The economy of Tropical North Queensland relies heavily on international visitors, and an FMD outbreak in the region would impose a large cost to the regional economy, conservatively estimated here to be of the order of $200 million per year.


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In October 2000, Australia was declared poliomyelitis-free” by the World Health Organisation. This declaration followed some extensive six years of surveillance of all cases of acute flaccid paralysis, by the Poliomyelitis Expert Surveillance Committee (Centre for Disease Control, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra), chaired by the author. There have been seven attempts in the history of the world to eliminate a disease from the earth’s surface. The dramatic failure of five of these, the success of global smallpox eradication, and current successes and difficulties in the case of attempts to eliminate poliomyelitis worldwide, lead one to an analysis of the factors which led both to success and to failure. The global eradication of a specific disease is one of the most important endeavours which the international community can undertake. This audit reviews the details of such approaches; that such might be used as tools for the future.


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Neoplasia is common in pet birds, especially psittacines, and mainly involves the integument and urogenital system. Before treatment options are considered, a definitive diagnosis should be made and the extent of the disease determined. Treatment should initially be directed at tumor eradication and may involve using several modalities together or sequentially. Surgery, radiotherapy, and photodynamic therapy are used against localized tumors, while chemotherapy and biological response modification are also used against metastatic disease. In combination or adjunct therapy, surgery is used to excise or debulk the tumor, radiotherapy to sterilize local regional disease and chemotherapy and biological therapy to help prevent metastatic disease. The tumor control program should be rationally planned before application, rather than added on when one modality fails, as is commonly practiced. Tumor response to therapy should be regularly assessed both in the short and long term and wherever possible, assessment should be quantitated. Work place health and safety procedures for radiation and cytotoxic drugs should always be practiced. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To summarize the current state of knowledge on the use of seclusion and restraint with children and adolescents and to report the findings of an exploratory study to identify factors that place a child or adolescent at increased risk of seclusion during their admission. Method: Literature searches were undertaken on MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsycINFO databases. Articles were identified that focused specifically on seclusion and restraint use with children and adolescents or contained material significant to this population. The study reports findings from a retrospective review of patient charts, seclusion registers and staffing from an Australian acute inpatient facility. Results: The data available in regard to seclusion use in this population is limited and flawed. Further research is needed on the use and outcomes of seclusion and restraint and on alternative measures in the containment of dangerousness. Both the literature and this study find that patients with certain factors are at increased risk of being secluded during an inpatient stay. These factors include being male, diagnoses of disruptive behaviour disorder and a previous history of physical abuse. Staffing factors did not show a relationship to the use of seclusion. Conclusions: There are patient factors that predict increased risk of seclusion; these factors and their interrelationships require further elucidation. Further research is also needed on the outcomes, both positive and negative, of seclusion use and of alternatives to seclusion.


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In 2000/2001 an outbreak of multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter bauntannii (MDR-AB) susceptible only to amikacin and tobramycin occurred in the intensive care unit (leU) of a general public adult hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Over a 2 year period, a total of 32 new isolates were identified; in all cases, the isolates were considered to be colonising rather than infecting agents. No environmental or other source could be identified. A combination of infection control measures and antibiotic restriction contributed to the eradication of this organism from the leu.


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The use of Judas goats to locate remnant animals is a potentially powerful tool for enhancing goat-eradication efforts, which are especially important to island conservation. However, current Judas goat methodology falls short of its potential efficacy. Female Judas goats are often pregnant at the time of deployment or become impregnated in the field; pregnant females leave associated goats to give birth, causing downtime of Judas goat operations. Further, male Judas goats may inseminate remnant females. Sterilising Judas goats prior to deployment removes these inefficiencies. Here, we describe two methods (epididymectomy for males and tubal occlusion for females) that sterilise Judas goats while still maintaining sexual motivation and other behaviours associated with intact animals. These surgeries are straightforward, time efficient, and may be conducted in the field by staff with minimal training. Given the widespread and deleterious impacts of non-native herbivores to ecosystems and the importance of Judas operations in detecting animals at low densities, sterilisation and termination of pregnancy should be applied routinely in Judas goat (and possibly other species) programs to increase the efficacy of low-density control operations and eradication campaigns.


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Background: Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is the most common clinical presentation of acute poliovirus infection, occurring in 0.1-1% of infected cases. AFP surveillance has been used world-wide to monitor the control and eradication of circulating wild poliovirus. This study aims to review the significance of all enteroviruses, including polioviruses, isolated from patients with AFP in Australia between 1996 and 2004. Methods: We undertook a retrospective review of all notified cases of AFP, aged 0-15 years and resident in Australia at the time of notification. We reviewed all available clinical and virological data for these cases and all records of the Polio Expert Committee, which determined the final classification for all cases. Results: There were 335 notified cases that satisfied the case definition for AFP, 162 (48%) of whom had at least one faecal sample tested. Enteroviruses isolated from the faeces of 26 (16%) of the 162 cases were Coxsackie A24, Coxsackie B5, enterovirus 71, enterovirus 75, echovirus 9, echovirus 11 and echovirus 18. In addition, one or more polioviruses were isolated from the faeces of seven patients. Six of seven polioviruses were characterised as Sabin-like, one was not characterised, but all were considered to be incidental isolates. Five of these cases were classified as infant botulism, one case as transverse myelitis and one as a focal mononeuropathy. Conclusion: With the eradication of circulating wild polioviruses, other enteroviruses are being more commonly identified as the cause of polio-like illnesses. In the polio end game, when there is increased testing for polioviruses, it is important to consider infant botulism as a differential diagnosis in cases presenting with AFP.


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Background. Genital ulcer disease (GUD) is commonly caused by pathogens for which suitable therapies exist, but clinical and laboratory diagnoses may be problematic. This collaborative project was undertaken to address the need for a rapid, economical, and sensitive approach to the detection and diagnosis of GUD using noninvasive techniques to sample genital ulcers. Methods. The genital ulcer disease multiplex polymerase chain reaction (GUMP) was developed as an inhouse nucleic acid amplification technique targeting serious causes of GUD, namely, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs), Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and Klebsiella species. In addition, the GUMP assay included an endogenous internal control. Amplification products from GUMP were detected by enzyme linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA). Results. GUMP-ELAHA was sensitive and specific in detecting a target microbe in 34.3% of specimens, including 1 detection of HSV-1, three detections of HSV-2, and 18 detections of T. pallidum. No H. ducreyi has been detected in Australia since 1998, and none was detected here. No Calymmatobacterium ( Klebsiella) granulomatis was detected in the study, but there were 3 detections during ongoing diagnostic use of GUMP-ELAHA in 2004 and 2005. The presence of C. granulomatis was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions. GUMP-ELAHA permitted comprehensive detection of common and rare causes of GUD and incorporated noninvasive sampling techniques. Data obtained by using GUMP-ELAHA will aid specific treatment of GUD and better define the prevalence of each microbe among at-risk populations with a view to the eradication of chancroid and donovanosis in Australia.