7 resultados para Enhancer

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The c-fms gene encodes the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1). The gene is expressed selectively in the macrophage and trophoblast cell lineages. Previous studies have indicated that sequences in intron 2 control transcript elongation in tissue-specific and regulated expression of c-fms. In humans, an alternative promoter was implicated in expression of the gene in trophoblasts. We show that in mice, c-fms transcripts in trophoblasts initiate from multiple points within the 2-kilobase (kb) region flanking the first coding exon. A reporter gene construct containing 3.5 kb of 5' flanking sequence and the down-stream intron 2 directed expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to both trophoblasts and macrophages. EGFP was detected in trophoblasts from the earliest stage of implantation examined at embryonic day 7.5. During embryonic development, EGFP highlighted the large numbers of c-fms-positive macrophages, including those that originate from the yolk sac. In adult mice, EGFP location Was consistent with known F4/80-positive macrophage populations, including Langerhans cells of the skin, and permitted convenient sorting of isolated tissue macrophages from disaggregated tissue. Expression of EGFP in transgenic mice was dependent on intron 2 as no lines with detectable EGFP expression were obtained where either all of intron 2 or a conserved enhancer element FIRE (the Fms intronic regulatory element) was removed. We have therefore defined the elements required to generate myeloid- and trophoblast-specific transgenes as well as a model system for the study of mononuclear phagocyte development and function. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Skin penetration of the tetrapeptide Ac-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-NH2 was assessed. This peptide sequence fits the P-P-1 subsites of elastase and inhibits human neutrophil elastase competitively. Consequently this peptide may be therapeutically useful in a variety of inflammatory disorders, including psoriasis. in which elevated levels of human neutrophil elastase have been reported. Peptide penetration was assessed across whole human skin, whole skin with the stratum corneum removed by tape stripping and epidermis, which had been removed from the dermis by heat separation. The influence of 75% aqueous ethanol as a potential penetration enhancer of the tetrapeptide across epidermis was also assessed. The tetrapeptide did not penetrate whole human skin or epidermis, even under the influence of 75% aqueous ethanol. However, when the stratum corneum was removed tetrapeptide flux of 73.39 mug cm(-2) h(-1) was achieved. The study demonstrates that the stratum corneum is the main barrier to tetrapeptide skin penetration and must be overcome if therapeutically relevant amounts of tetrapeptide are to be delivered to the skin.


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A review with 93 references. Heparins are high molecular weight, hydrophilic polyanions, which are unstable under acidic conditions; and therefore they exhibit poor oral bioavailability. Consequently they must be administered via the parenteral route which is expensive, inconvenient, and limits use by outpatients. The development of an oral form of heparin is warranted. This review examined the literature, mostly published between January 2000 and January 2005, pertaining to the gastrointestinal absorption of heparin by lipidization or coadministration with penetration enhancers. A lipidization strategy that was examined involved conjugation of low molecular weight heparin with deoxycholic acid. The majority of studies examined the ability of different formulations, typically utilizing penetration enhancers, to improve heparin bioavailability. The penetration enhancers used included fatty acids, Labrasol™, Gelucire 44/14™, polycationic lipophilic-core dendrons, saponins, mono-N-carboxymethyl chitosan, Carbopol® 934P, a combination of thiolated polycarbophil and glutathione, polymeric nanoparticles, polymeric microparticles, sodium N-[8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) amino]caprylate (SNAC), and sodium N-[10-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino]decanoate (SNAD). The variety of models used and doses of heparin/penetration enhancers applied, however, made it difficult to compare the results between studies. Nevertheless, all of the reviewed drug delivery systems showed therapeutic value and confirmation of the promising results obtained from animal studies, by progression to clinical trials, is necessary. Overall, progress has been made in the quest for an oral heparin formulation.


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Gene translocations that repress the function of the Runx1 transcription factor play a critical role in the development of myeloid leukemia. In this report, we demonstrate that Runx1 precisely regulates c-fms (CSF-1 receptor) gene expression. Runx1 controlled expression by binding to multiple sites within the mouse c-fms gene, allowing interaction between promoter and downstream enhancer elements. The runx1 and c-fms genes showed an identical pattern of expression in mature macrophages. Runx1 expression was repressed in CSF-1 stimulated, proliferating bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) and significantly increased in quiescent, CSF-1 starved cells. The RAW264.7 and Mono-Mac-6, macrophage-like cell lines expressed low levels of Runx1 and both showed growth arrest and cell death with ectopic expression of Runx1. The EM-3 cell line, which represents an early myeloid progenitor cell line, showed growth arrest with Runx1 expression in the absence of any detectable changes in cell differentiation. These findings suggest that Runx1 regulates growth and survival of myeloid cells and provide a novel insight into the role of Runx family gene translocations in leukemogenesis.


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Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the G beta gamma dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional G alpha or G beta subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in G beta- deficient mutants while G alpha-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in G beta-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, G beta-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate- induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the G alpha- deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by G alpha. We hypothesize that G beta gamma acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.


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Rhodobacter capsulatus NtrB/NtrC two-component regulatory system controls expression of genes involved in nitrogen metabolism including urease and nitrogen fixation genes. The ntrY-ntrX genes, which are located immediately downstream of the nifR3-ntrB-ntrC operon, code for a two-component system of unknown function. Transcription of ntrY starts within the ntrC-ntrY intergenic region as shown by primer extension analysis, but maximal transcription requires, in addition, the promoter of the nifR3-ntrB-ntrC operon. While ntrB and ntrY single mutant strains were able to grow with either urea or N-2 as sole nitrogen source, a ntrB/ntrY double mutant (like a ntrC-deficient strain) was no longer able to use urea or N-2. These findings suggest that the histidine kinases NtrB and NtrY can substitute for each other as phosphodonors towards the response regulator NtrC.