28 resultados para End-Notched Flexure
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The mode II fracture toughness of an oriented PVC pipe was measured using an End Notched Flexure test geometry. A relatively low value of G(IIC) was found of 1.07 kJ m(-2) and this indicates that it is energetically more favorable for a crack to propagate in the tangential direction rather than radially through the wall of the pipe. Examination of the mechanism of crack advanced showed that although the crack was propagating globally in mode II, micro-cracks were opening ahead of the crack in mode I or in mixed mode. Growth of the crack occurred by linking up of these micro-cracks. This is similar to the mechanism found for mode II cracking in carbon fibre epoxy composites. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The University of Queensland, Australia has developed Fez, a world-leading user-interface and management system for Fedora-based institutional repositories, which bridges the gap between a repository and users. Christiaan Kortekaas, Andrew Bennett and Keith Webster will review this open source software that gives institutions the power to create a comprehensive repository solution without the hassle..
BWIU with float End war in Vietnam during Mayday procession Brisbane, Australia, May 1965.
Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is important for neonatal ventilation but is not considered in guidelines for resuscitation. Our aim was to investigate the effects of PEEP on cardiorespiratory parameters during resuscitation of very premature lambs delivered by hysterotomy at similar to125 d gestation (term similar to147 d). Before delivery, they were intubated and lung fluid was drained. Immediately after delivery, they were ventilated with a Drager Babylog plus ventilator in volume guarantee mode with a tidal volume of 5 mL/kg. Lambs were randomized to receive 0, 4, 8, or 12 cm H2O of PEEP. They were ventilated for a 15-min resuscitation period followed by 2 h of stabilization at the same PEEP. Tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, PEEP, arterial pressure, oxygen saturation, and blood gases were measured regularly, and respiratory system compliance and alveolar/ arterial oxygen differences were calculated. Lambs that received 12 cm H2O of PEEP died from pneumothoraces; all others survived without pneumothoraces. Oxygenation was significantly improved by 8 and 12 cm H2O of PEEP compared with 0 and 4 cm H2O of PEEP. Lambs with 0 PEEP did not oxygenate adequately. The compliance of the respiratory system was significantly higher at 4 and 8 cm H2O of PEEP than at 0 PEEP. There were no significant differences in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood between groups. Arterial pressure was highest with 8 cm H2O of PEEP, and there was no cardiorespiratory compromise at any level of PEEP. Applying PEEP during resuscitation of very premature infants might be advantageous and merits further investigation.
Background: Guidelines recommend neonatal resuscitation without controlling tidal volume or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, these may improve gas exchange, lung volume and outcome. Aim: To investigate resuscitation of very premature lambs with a Laerdal bag without PEEP versus volume guarantee ventilation with PEEP. Methods: Anaesthetized lambs (n = 20) delivered at 125 d gestation were randomized to three groups receiving 15 min resuscitation: (1) Laerdal bag and no PEEP; (2) ventilation with a tidal volume of 5 ml/kg and 8 cm H2O PEEP; (3) ventilation with 10 ml/kg and 8 cm H2O PEEP. They were then all ventilated for 2 h with tidal volumes of 5 or 10 ml/kg, and 8 cm H2O PEEP. Ventilation parameters and blood gases were recorded. Results: Different tidal volumes affected PaCO2 within minutes, with 10 ml/kg causing severe hypocarbia. PEEP had little effect on PaCO2. Oxygenation improved significantly with PEEP of 8 cm H2O, irrespective of tidal volume. Conclusion: Very premature lambs can be resuscitated effectively using volume-guarantee ventilation and PEEP. Tidal volumes affected PaCO2 within minutes but had little effect on oxygenation. PEEP halved the oxygen requirement compared with no PEEP. Resuscitating premature babies with controlled tidal volumes and PEEP might improve their outcome.
In the first of the special essays, John Quiggin revisits the debate over the appropriate size of the public sector and canvasses the issues associated with the distribution of government responsibilities within the Australian federation, with a sweeping perspective and surprising conclusions.
With the proliferation of relational database programs for PC's and other platforms, many business end-users are creating, maintaining, and querying their own databases. More importantly, business end-users use the output of these queries as the basis for operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Inaccurate data reduce the expected quality of these decisions. Implementing various input validation controls, including higher levels of normalisation, can reduce the number of data anomalies entering the databases. Even in well-maintained databases, however, data anomalies will still accumulate. To improve the quality of data, databases can be queried periodically to locate and correct anomalies. This paper reports the results of two experiments that investigated the effects of different data structures on business end-users' abilities to detect data anomalies in a relational database. The results demonstrate that both unnormalised and higher levels of normalisation lower the effectiveness and efficiency of queries relative to the first normal form. First normal form databases appear to provide the most effective and efficient data structure for business end-users formulating queries to detect data anomalies.