5 resultados para Embryo-larval response

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Microorganisms have been reported to induce settlement and metamorphosis in a wide range of marine invertebrate species. However, the primary cue reported for metamorphosis of coral larvae is calcareous coralline algae (CCA). Herein we report the community structure of developing coral reef biofilms and the potential role they play in triggering the metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral. Two-week-old biofilms induced metamorphosis in less than 10% of larvae, whereas metamorphosis increased significantly on older biofilms, with a maximum of 41% occurring on 8-week-old microbial films. There was a significant influence of depth in 4- and 8-week biofilms, with greater levels of metamorphosis occurring in response to shallow-water communities. Importantly, larvae were found to settle and metamorphose in response to microbial biofilms lacking CCA from both shallow and deep treatments, indicating that microorganisms not associated with CCA may play a significant role in coral metamorphosis. A polyphasic approach consisting of scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that coral reef biofilms were comprised of complex bacterial and microalgal communities which were distinct at each depth and time. Principal-component analysis of FISH data showed that the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium of Bacteroidetes had the largest influence on overall community composition. A low abundance of Archaea was detected in almost all biofilms, providing the first report of Archaea associated with coral reef biofilms. No differences in the relative densities of each subdivision of Proteobacteria were observed between slides that induced larval metamorphosis and those that did not. Comparative cluster analysis of bacterial DGGE patterns also revealed that there were clear age and depth distinctions in biofilm community structure; however, no difference was detected in banding profiles between biofilms which induced larval metamorphosis and those where no metamorphosis occurred. This investigation demonstrates that complex microbial communities can induce coral metamorphosis in the absence of CCA.


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With the implementation of programs to control lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminths using broad spectrum anthelmintics, including albendazole and ivermectin, there is a need to develop an in vitro assay for detection of drug resistance. This report describes an in vitro assay for measuring the effects of ivermectin and benzimidazoles on the motility of larvae of the hookworm species Ancylostoma ceylanicum, A. caninum, and Necator americanus, and Strongyloides species including Strongyloides stercoralis, and S. ratti. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated with each of the parasite species, with distinct differences observed between the various species. In pilot field testing of the assay with N. americanus larvae recovered from human fecal samples, a dose-response relationship was observed with ivermectin. While the assay has demonstrated the ability to determine drug responsiveness, its usefulness in resistance detection will require correlation with the clinical outcome among individuals infected with parasite strains showing different drug sensitivities.


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The non-geniculate crustose coralline alga (CCA) Mastophora pacifica can induce the metamorphosis of competent Haliotis asinina (Vetigastropoda) larvae. The ability to respond to this natural cue varies considerably with larval age, with a higher proportion of older larvae (e.g. 90 h) able to metamorphose in response to M. pacifica than younger larvae (e.g. 66 h). Here we document the variation in time to acquisition of competence within a larval age class. For example, after 18 h of exposure to M. pacifica, approximately 15 and 36% of 84 and 90-h-old H. asinina larvae had initiated metamorphosis, respectively. This age-dependent response to M. pacifica is also observed when different aged larvae are exposed to CCA for varying periods. A higher proportion of older larvae require shorter periods of exposure to CCA than younger larvae in order to initiate metamorphosis. In this experiment, as in the previous, a small proportion of young larvae were able to respond to brief periods of CCA exposure, suggesting that they had developed the same state of competency as the majority of their older counterparts. Comparisons of the proportions of larvae undergoing metamorphosis between families reveals that parentage also has a significant (P < 0.05) affect on whether an individual will initiate metamorphosis at a given age. These familial differences are more pronounced when younger, largely pre-competent larvae (i.e. 66 h old) are exposed to M. pacifica, with proportions of larvae undergoing metamorphosis differing by as much as 10 fold between families. As these data suggest that variation in the rate of development of the competent state has a genetic basis, and as a first step towards identifying the molecular basis to this variation, we have identified numerous genes that are differentially expressed later in larval development using a differential display approach. Spatial expression analysis of these genes suggests that they may be directly involved in the acquisition of competence, or may play a functional role in the postlarva following metamorphosis.


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1. We investigated the morphological responses of larval Rana lessonae to the presence of two predators with substantially different prey-detection and capture techniques; larval dragonflies (Aeshna cyanea) and the Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibossus). 2. We also examined the functional implications of any predator-induced morphological variation on their swimming ability by assessing performance during the initial stages of a startle response. 3. We found the morphological responses of larval R. lessonae were dependent on the specific predator present. Tadpoles raised in the presence of dragonfly larvae preying upon conspecific tadpoles developed total tail heights 5.4% deeper and tail muscles 4.7% shallower than tadpoles raised in a non-predator environment, while tadpoles raised with sunfish possessed tails 2% shallower and tail muscles 2.5% higher than non-predator-exposed tadpoles. 4. Predator-induced morphological variation also significantly influenced swimming performance. Tadpoles raised with sunfish possessed swimming speeds 9.5 and 14.6% higher than non- and dragonfly predator groups, respectively. 5. Thus, the expression of these alternative predator-morphs leads to a functional trade-off in performance between the different environments.


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A field-applicable assay for testing anthelmintic sensitivity is required to monitor for anthelmintic resistance. We undertook a study to evaluate the ability of three in vitro assay systems to define drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of the human hookworm parasite Necator americanus recovered from children resident in a village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The assays entailed observation of drug effects on egg hatch (EHA), larval development (LDA), and motility of infective stage larvae (LMA). The egg hatch assay proved the best method for assessing the response to benzimidazole anthelmintics, while the larval motility assay was suitable for assessing the response to ivermectin. The performance of the larval development assay was unsatisfactory on account of interference caused by contaminating bacteria. A simple protocol was developed whereby stool samples were subdivided and used for immediate egg recovery, as well as for faecal culture, in order to provide eggs and infective larvae, respectively, for use in the egg hatch assay and larval motility assay systems. While the assays proved effective in quantifying drug sensitivity in larvae of the drug-susceptible hookworms examined in this study, their ability to indicate drug resistance in larval or adult hookworms remains to be determined. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.