19 resultados para Ellipsoidal Harmonics

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Ellipsoidal harmonics are presented as a basis function set for the design of shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or spectroscopy. MR shim coils may be either superconductive or resistive. Ellipsoidal harmonics form an orthogonal set over an ellipsoid and hence are appropriate in circumstances where the imaging or spectroscopic region of a magnet more closely conforms to an ellipsoid rather than a sphere. This is often the case in practice. The Cartesian form of ellipsoidal harmonics is discussed. A method for the design of streamline coil designs is detailed and patterns for third-order ellipsoidal (Lame) shims wound on a cylindrical surface are presented.


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Extensions to Batchelor's theory have been derived to take into account different shaped particles while relating extensional viscosity enhancement to three parameters - shape, volume fraction and particle aspect ratio. The extended theory now allows calculation of the extensional viscosity enhancement, at a given volume fraction of particles, for either ellipsoidal or cylindrical particles. The formula improves the predictive capability of Batchelor's theory when compared with measurements found in the literature for different rod-like polymer solutions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The detection of seizure in the newborn is a critical aspect of neurological research. Current automatic detection techniques are difficult to assess due to the problems associated with acquiring and labelling newborn electroencephalogram (EEG) data. A realistic model for newborn EEG would allow confident development, assessment and comparison of these detection techniques. This paper presents a model for newborn EEG that accounts for its self-similar and non-stationary nature. The model consists of background and seizure sub-models. The newborn EEG background model is based on the short-time power spectrum with a time-varying power law. The relationship between the fractal dimension and the power law of a power spectrum is utilized for accurate estimation of the short-time power law exponent. The newborn EEG seizure model is based on a well-known time-frequency signal model. This model addresses all significant time-frequency characteristics of newborn EEG seizure which include; multiple components or harmonics, piecewise linear instantaneous frequency laws and harmonic amplitude modulation. Estimates of the parameters of both models are shown to be random and are modelled using the data from a total of 500 background epochs and 204 seizure epochs. The newborn EEG background and seizure models are validated against real newborn EEG data using the correlation coefficient. The results show that the output of the proposed models has a higher correlation with real newborn EEG than currently accepted models (a 10% and 38% improvement for background and seizure models, respectively).


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Multilevel converters can achieve an overall effective switch frequency multiplication and consequent ripple reduction through the cancellation of the lowest order switch frequency terms. This paper investigates the harmonic content and the frequency response of these multimodulator converters. It is shown that the transfer function of uniformly sampled modulators is a bessel function associated with the inherent sampling process. Naturally sampled modulators have a flat transfer function, but multiple switchings per switch cycle will occur unless the input is slew-rate limited. Lower sideband harmonics of the effective carrier frequency and, in uniform converters, harmonics of the input signal also limit the useful bandwidth. Observations about the effect of the number of converters, their type (naturally or uniformly sampled), and the ratio of modulating frequency and switch frequency are made.


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A novel three-axis gradient set and RF resonator for orthopedic MRT has been designed and constructed. The set is openable and may be wrapped around injured joints. The design methodology used was the minimization of magnetic field spherical harmonics by simulated annealing. Splitting of the longitudinal coil presents the major design challenge to a fully openable gradient set and in order to efficiently design such coils, we have developed a new fast algorithm for determining the magnetic field spherical harmonics generated by an are of multiturn wire. The algorithm allows a realistic impression of the effect of split longitudinal designs. A prototype set was constructed based on the new designs and tested in a 2-T clinical research system. The set generated 12 mT/m/A with a linear region of 12 cm and a switching time of 100 mu s, conforming closely with theoretical predictions. Preliminary images from the set are presented. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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A rapid spherical harmonic calculation method is used for the design of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance shim coils. The aim is to design each shim such that it generates a field described purely by a single spherical harmonic. By applying simulated annealing techniques, coil arrangements are produced through the optimal positioning of current-carrying circular arc conductors of rectangular cross-section. This involves minimizing the undesirable harmonies in relation to a target harmonic. The design method is flexible enough to be applied for the production of coil arrangements that generate fields consisting significantly of either zonal or tesseral harmonics. Results are presented for several coil designs which generate tesseral harmonics of degree one.


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The effects of thermodynamic non-ideality on the forms of sedimentation equilibrium distributions for several isoelectric proteins have been analysed on the statistical-mechanical basis of excluded volume to obtain an estimate of the extent of protein solvation. Values of the effective solvation. parameter delta are reported for ellipsoidal as well as spherical models of the proteins, taken to be rigid, impenetrable macromolecular structures. The dependence of the effective solvated radius upon protein molecular mass exhibits reasonable agreement with the relationship calculated for a model in which the unsolvated protein molecule is surrounded by a 0.52-nm solvation shell. Although the observation that this shell thickness corresponds to a double layer of water molecules may be of questionable relevance to mechanistic interpretation of protein hydration, it augurs well for the assignment of magnitudes to the second virial coefficients of putative complexes in the quantitative characterization of protein-protein interactions under conditions where effects of thermodynamic non-ideality cannot justifiably be neglected. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of MRI magnets with both superconducting coils and ferromagnetic rings. The work is directed to the automated design of MRI magnet systems containing superconducting wire and both `cold' and `warm' iron. Details of the optimization procedure are given and the results show combined superconducting and iron material MRI magnets with excellent field characteristics. Strong, homogeneous central magnetic fields are produced with little stray or external field leakage. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method for both current coil and iron material sources. Design examples for symmetric, open and asymmetric clinical MRI magnets containing both superconducting coils and ferromagnetic material are presented.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets have very stringent constraints on the homogeneity of the static magnetic field that they generate over desired imaging regions. The magnet system also preferably generates very little stray field external to its structure, so that ease of siting and safety are assured. This work concentrates on deriving, means of rapidly computing the effect of 'cold' and 'warm' ferromagnetic material in or around the superconducting magnet system, so as to facilitate the automated design of hybrid material MR magnets. A complete scheme for the direct calculation of the spherical harmonics of the magnetic field generated by a circular ring of ferromagnetic material is derived under the conditions of arbitrary external magnetizing fields. The magnetic field produced by the superconducting coils in the system is computed using previously developed methods. The final, hybrid algorithm is fast enough for use in large-scale optimization methods. The resultant fields from a practical example of a 4 T, clinical MRI magnet containing both superconducting coils and magnetic material are presented.


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Spondylostrobus F. Mueller, which accommodates operculate fruit-stones reported only from the mid-Tertiary of Australia, is redefined on the basis of type and other specimens of the type species, S. smythii F. Mueller, and of specimens included in S. rozefeldsii sp. nov. The globose to ellipsoidal fruits have 3-6 locules symmetrically disposed around a massive fibrous axis. Each locule has a single anatropous ovule, axile placentation, and a dorsal germination operculum that extends from near the base to the apex. In possessing these characters Spondylostrobus more closely resembles operculate fruits within the tribe Spondiadeae (Anacardiaceae) than operculate fruits of other dicotyledonous families. Spondylostrobus has widespread distribution in Oligocene-Miocene sediments of eastern Australia. At many localities it is associated with fruit-stones having affinities with extant taxa that now occur in rainforests, monsoonal forests, and fringing communities of northern Australia. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper continues the development of a new approach for the design of shim and gradient coils, used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. A cylindrical primary coil of radius a and length 2L is placed inside a co-axial shield cylinder of radius b. An active shielding strategy is used to create a desired target field at an arbitrarily specified (cylindrical) location within the primary coil, and to annul the field at a certain radius outside the shield. The form of the interior target field may be chosen arbitrarily by the designer, although zonal and tesseral harmonics are typically used in MRI applications. The method presented here designs coil windings on both the primary and shielding cylinders, to produce fields that conform to the specified interior target field and the annulled field exterior to the shield. An additional feature of the method presented here is that the target field inside the primary coil is matched at two different radii, to improve overall accuracy. The method is illustrated by designing several shielded shim coils, for creating higher order tesseral fields located asymmetrically within the coil. The simpler case of pure zonal fields is discussed separately and applied to the design of some higher order shielded coils.


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[1] Comprehensive measurements are presented of the piezometric head in an unconfined aquifer during steady, simple harmonic oscillations driven by a hydrostatic clear water reservoir through a vertical interface. The results are analyzed and used to test existing hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic, small-amplitude theories along with capillary fringe effects. As expected, the amplitude of the water table wave decays exponentially. However, the decay rates and phase lags indicate the influence of both vertical flow and capillary effects. The capillary effects are reconciled with observations of water table oscillations in a sand column with the same sand. The effects of vertical flows and the corresponding nonhydrostatic pressure are reasonably well described by small-amplitude theory for water table waves in finite depth aquifers. That includes the oscillation amplitudes being greater at the bottom than at the top and the phase lead of the bottom compared with the top. The main problems with respect to interpreting the measurements through existing theory relate to the complicated boundary condition at the interface between the driving head reservoir and the aquifer. That is, the small-amplitude, finite depth expansion solution, which matches a hydrostatic boundary condition between the bottom and the mean driving head level, is unrealistic with respect to the pressure variation above this level. Hence it cannot describe the finer details of the multiple mode behavior close to the driving head boundary. The mean water table height initially increases with distance from the forcing boundary but then decreases again, and its asymptotic value is considerably smaller than that previously predicted for finite depth aquifers without capillary effects. Just as the mean water table over-height is smaller than predicted by capillarity-free shallow aquifer models, so is the amplitude of the second harmonic. In fact, there is no indication of extra second harmonics ( in addition to that contained in the driving head) being generated at the interface or in the interior.


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The first success in the preparation of rare earth hydroxycarbonate thin films has been achieved. Cerium hydroxycarbonate films were prepared by a hydrothermal deposition method, the sample of a single orthorhombic phase was deposited at a lower temperature while those of orthorhombic and hexagonal phases were obtained at higher temperatures. The crystals in the films could be ellipsoidal, prismatic, or rhombic, depending on the deposition conditions applied. The thin films could be candidates for developing novel optical materials and for advanced ceramics processing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The numerical solution of the time dependent wave equation in an unbounded domain generally leads to a truncation of this domain, which requires the introduction of an artificial boundary with associated boundary conditions. Such nonreflecting conditions ensure the equivalence between the solution of the original problem in the unbounded region and the solution inside the artificial boundary. We consider the acoustic wave equation and derive exact transparent boundary conditions that are local in time and can be directly used in explicit methods. These conditions annihilate wave harmonics up to a given order on a spherical artificial boundary, and we show how to combine the derived boundary condition with a finite difference method. The analysis is complemented by a numerical example in two spatial dimensions that illustrates the usefulness and accuracy of transparent boundary conditions.


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Observations of horizontal and vertical variations in piezometric head in a homogeneous, laboratory aquifer are presented and discussed. The observed fluctuations are induced by a simple harmonic oscillation in the clear water reservoir acting across a sloping boundary. The data qualitatively supports existing theories in that higher harmonics are generated in the active forcing zone and that a significant increase in the inland, asymptotic watertable over height (relative to that found for the vertical boundary case) is observed. The observed overheight is shown to be accurately reproduced by existing small-amplitude perturbation theory. Detailed measurements in the vicinity of the sloping boundary reveal that the signal of generated higher harmonics is strongest near the sand surface and that vertical flows are significant in this region. The aquifer is of finite-depth and is influenced by capillary effects, the experimental data therefore exposes limitations of theories which are based on the assumption of a shallow aquifer free of capillary effects. The dispersive properties of the measured pressure wave in the aquifer are comparable to those found from field observations and likewise do not agree with those predicted by the capillary free, shallow aquifer theory. Although some improvement is obtained, discrepancies between the data and theory persist even when a finite-depth aquifer and capillary effects are considered in the theoretical model. Further sand column experiments eliminate a truncated capillary fringe as a possible contributor to these discrepancies. However, the neglect of horizontal flows in the fringe may have caused the discrepancies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.