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In this paper, we investigate the effect of the solid surface on the fluid-fluid intermolecular potential energy. This modified fluid-fluid interaction energy due to the inducement of a solid surface is used in the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation of various noble gases, nitrogen, and methane on graphitized thermal carbon black. This effect is such that the effective interaction potential energy between two particles close to surface is less than the potential energy if the solid substrate is not present. With this modification the GCMC simulation results agree extremely well with the experimental data over a wide range of pressures while the simulation results with the unmodified potential energy give rise to a shoulder near the neighborhood of monolayer coverage and the significant overprediction of the second and higher layer coverages. In particular the unmodified GCMC results exhibit very sharp change in those higher layers while the experimental data have a much gradual change in the uptake. We will illustrate this theory with adsorption data of argon, xenon, neon, nitrogen, and methane on graphitized thermal carbon black.


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