31 resultados para Early viral gene

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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All single-stranded 'positive-sense' RNA viruses that infect mammalian, insect or plant cells rearrange internal cellular membranes to provide an environment facilitating virus replication. A striking feature of these unique membrane structures is the induction of 70-100 nm vesicles (either free within the cytoplasm, associated with other induced vesicles or bound within a surrounding membrane) harbouring the viral replication complex (RC). Although similar in appearance, the cellular composition of these vesicles appears to vary for different viruses, implying different organelle origins for the intracellular sites of viral RNA replication. Genetic analysis has revealed that induction of these membrane structures can be attributed to a particular viral gene product, usually a non-structural protein. This review will highlight our current knowledge of the formation and composition of virus RCs and describe some of the similarities and differences in RNA-membrane interactions observed between the virus families Flaviviridae and Picornaviridae.


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Orally administered live Lactobacillus acidophilus was assessed for its capacity to enhance clearance from the oral cavity of DBA/2 mice shown previously to be 'infection prone'. L. acidophilus fed to DBA/2 mice significantly shortened the duration of colonization of the oral cavity compared to controls. Enhanced clearance of Candida albicans correlated with both early mRNA gene expression for interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-gamma and expression of their secreted products in cultures of cervical lymph nodes stimulated with Candida antigen. In addition rapid clearance correlated with higher levels of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide in saliva. Delayed clearance, less pronounced levels of the cytokine response, saliva IFN-gamma and nitric oxide, and later mRNA expression for IL-4 and IFN-gamma relative to feeding with the L. acidophilus isolate were noted in mice fed a different Lactobacillus isolate (L. fermentum). These observations indicate significant variations in individual isolates to activate the common mucosal system.


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Hemps, a novel epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like protein, is expressed during larval development and early metamorphosis in the ascidian Herdmania curvata and plays a direct role in triggering metamorphosis. In order to identify downstream genes in the Hemps pathway we used a gene expression profiling approach, in which we compared post-larvae undergoing normal metamorphosis with larval metamorphosis blocked with an anti-Hemps antibody. Molecular profiling revealed that there are dynamic changes in gene expression within the first 30 minutes of normal metamorphosis with a significant portion of the genome (approximately 49%) being activated or repressed. A more detailed analysis of the expression of 15 of these differentially expressed genes through embryogenesis, larval development and metamorphosis revealed that while there is a diversity of temporal expression patterns, a number of genes are transiently expressed during larval development and metamorphosis. These and other differentially expressed genes were localised to a range of specific cell and tissue types in Herdmania larvae and post-larvae. The expression of approximately 24% of the genes that were differentially expressed during early metamorphosis was affected in larvae treated with the anti-Hemps antibody. Knockdown of Hemps activity affected the expression of a range of genes within 30 minutes of induction, suggesting that the Hemps pathway directly regulates early response genes at metamorphosis. In most cases, it appears that the Hemps pathway contributes to the modulation of gene expression, rather than initial gene activation or repression. A total of 151 genes that displayed the greatest alterations in expression in response to anti-Hemps antibody were sequenced. These genes were implicated in a range of developmental and physiological roles, including innate immunity, signal transduction and in the regulation of gene transcription. These results suggest that there is significant gene activity during the very early stages of H. curvata metamorphosis and that the Hemps pathway plays a key role in regulating the expression of many of these genes.


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By establishing mouse primary keratinocytes (KCs) in culture, we were able, for the first time, to express papillomavirus major capsid (L1) proteins by transient transfection of authentic or codon-modified L1 gene expression plasmids. We demonstrate in vitro and in vivo that gene codon composition is in part responsible for differentiation-dependent expression of L1 protein in KCs. L1 mRNA was present in similar amounts in differentiated and undifferentiated KCs transfected with authentic or codon-modified L1 genes and had a similar half-life, demonstrating that L1 protein production is posttranscriptionally regulated. We demonstrate further that KCs substantially change their tRNA profiles upon differentiation. Aminoacyl-tRNAs from differentiated KCs but not undifferentiated KCs enhanced the translation of authentic L1 mRNA, suggesting that differentiation-associated change to tRNA profiles enhances L1 expression in differentiated KCs. Thus, our data reveal a novel mechanism for regulation of gene expression utilized by a virus to direct viral capsid protein expression to the site of virion assembly in mature KCs. Analysis of two structural proteins of KCs, involucrin and keratin 14, suggests that translation of their mRNAs is also regulated, in association with KC differentiation in vitro, by a similar mechanism


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Objectives: To identify potential molecular genetic determinants of cardiovascular ischemic tolerance in wild-type and transgenic hearts overexpressing A(1) adenosine receptors (A(1)ARs). Methods: cDNA microarrays were used to explore expression of 1824 genes ill wild-type hearts and ischemia-tolerant mouse hearts overexpressing A(1)ARs. Results: Overexpression of A(1)ARs reduced post-ischemic contractile dysfunction, limited arrhythmogenesis, and reduced necrosis by similar to80% in hearts subjected to 30 min global ischemia 60 mill reperfusion. Cardioprotection was abrogated by acute A(1)AR antagonism, and only a small number (19) of genes were modified by A(1)AR overexpression in normoxic hearts. Ischemia-reperfusion significantly altered expression of 75 genes in wild-type hearts (14 induced, 61 down-regulated), including genes for metabolic enzymes, structural/motility proteins, cell signaling proteins, defense/growth proteins, and regulators of transcription and translation. A(1)AR overexpression reversed the majority of gene down-regulation whereas gene induction was generally unaltered. Additionally, genes involved in cell defence, signaling and gene expression were selectively modified by ischemia in transgenic hearts (33 induced, 10 down-regulated), possibly contributing to the protected phenotype. Real-time PCR verified changes in nine selected genes, revealing concordance with array data. Transcription of the A(1)AR gene was also modestly reduced post-ischemia, consistent with impaired functional sensitivity to A(1)AR stimulation Conclusions: Data are presented regarding the early post-ischemic gene profile of intact heart. Reduced A(1)AR transcription is observed which may contribute to poor outcome from ischemia. A(1)AR overexpression selectively modifies post-ischemic gene expression, potentially contributing to ischemic-tolerance. (C) 2003 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article investigates the expression patterns of 160 genes that are expressed during early mouse development. The cDNAs were isolated from 7.5 d postcoitum (dpc) encloderm, a region that comprises visceral encloderm (VE), definitive encloderm, and the node-tissues that are required for the initial steps of axial specification and tissue patterning in the mouse. To avoid examining the same gene more than once, and to exclude potentially ubiquitously expressed housekeeping genes, cDNA sequence was derived from 1978 clones of the Endoderm library. These yielded 1440 distinct cDNAs, of which 123 proved to be novel in the mouse. In situ hybridization analysis was carried out on 160 of the cDNAs, and of these, 29 (18%) proved to have restricted expression patterns.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important pathogen in immunocompromised patients and secretes a diverse set of virulence factors that aid colonization and influence host cell defenses. An important early step in the establishment of infection is the production of type III-secreted effectors translocated into host cells by the bacteria. We used cDNA microarrays to compare the transcriptomic response of lung epithelial cells to P. aeruginosa mutants defective in type IV pili, the type III secretion apparatus, or in the production of specific type III-secreted effectors. Of the 18,000 cDNA clones analyzed, 55 were induced or repressed after 4 It of infection and could be classified into four different expression patterns. These include (i) host genes that are induced or repressed in a type III secretion-independent manner (32 clones), (ii) host genes induced specifically by ExoU (20 clones), and (iii) host genes induced in an ExoU-independent but type III secretion dependent manner (3 clones). In particular, ExoU was essential for the expression of immediate-early response genes, including the transcription factor c-Fos. ExoU-dependent gene expression was mediated in part by early and transient activation of the AN transcription factor complex. In conclusion, the present study provides a detailed insight into the response of epithelial cells to infection and indicates the significant role played by the type III virulence mechanism in the initial host response.


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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic cotton has shown changes of vegetative and reproductive growth characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the physiological change of nitrogen metabolism that related closely to the growth in Bt cotton cultivars. The study Was undertaken on two 131 transgenic cotton cultivars and their parents, one conventional (Xingyang822) and recurrent parent (Sumian No. 9), the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1) and female parent (Yumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, The results indicated that the Bt cotton cultivars were higher than their parents in leaf total nitrogen, free amino acid and soluble protein content, greater in NR and GPT activity, and lower in protease activity, during peak square and boll developing period. The biggest increase of total nitrogen was at peak boll period, which increased by 36.01 and 18.96% for Kumian No. I and Xingyang822, respectively. There were similar results for free amino acid and soluble protein content. The results showed further in 2002 study that NR activity increased dramatically at peak square and early boll open period, the biggest increase at early boll open period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyan,822 being 87.5 and 61.4% higher than their parent, respectively, the biggest increase of GPT activity was at peak boll period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyang822 being 39.1 and 29.1% higher than their parent, respectively. However, protease activity of Bt cultivars reduced significantly before flowering and early boll open period, the biggest decrease was before flowering period, with Kumian No. I being more than 30%, Xingyang822 being 26.5% at peak square period. Moreover, the boll total nitrogen content reduced sharply. The results suggest that the Bt cotton cultivars have higher intensity of leaf nitrogen metabolism than their parent, especially during square and boll development period. It is disadvantage for square development and earlier boll maturity under high nitrogen condition. The cultural practice should aim at reducing leaf nitrogen metabolic strength and keep the balance of vegetative and reproductive growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The SOX family of transcription factors are found throughout the animal kingdom and are important in a variety of developmental contexts. Genome analysis has identified 20 Sox genes in human and mouse, which can be subdivided into 8 groups, based on sequence comparison and intron-exon structure. Most of the SOX groups identified in mammals are represented by a single SOX sequence in invertebrate model organisms, suggesting a duplication and divergence mechanism has operated during vertebrate evolution. We have now analysed the Sox gene complement in the pufferfish, Fugu rubripes, in order to shed further light on the diversity and origins of the Sox gene family. Major differences were found between the Sox family in Fugu and those in humans and mice. In particular, Fugu does not have orthologues of Sry, Sox,15 and Sox30, which appear to be specific to mammals, while Sox19, found in Fugu and zebrafish but absent in mammals, seems to be specific to fishes. Six mammalian Sox genes are represented by two copies each in Fugu, indicating a large-scale gene duplication in the fish lineage. These findings point to recent Sox gene loss, duplication and divergence occurring during the evolution of tetrapod and teleost lineages, and provide further evidence for large-scale segmental or a whole-genome duplication occurring early in the radiation of teleosts. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxygen concentrations used during in vitro embryo culture can influence embryo development, cell numbers, and gene expression. Here we propose that the preimplantation bovine embryo possesses a molecular mechanism for the detection of, and response to, oxygen, mediated by a family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors, the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Day 5 compacting bovine embryos were cultured under different oxygen tensions (2%, 7%, 20%) and the effect on the expression of oxygen-regulated genes, development, and cell number allocation and HIFalpha protein localization were examined. Bovine in vitro-produced embryos responded to variations in oxygen concentration by altering gene expression. GLUT1 expression was higher following 2% oxygen culture compared with 7% and 20% cultured blastocysts. HIF mRNA expression (HIF1alpha, HIF2alpha) was unaltered by oxygen concentration. HIF2alpha protein was predominantly localized to the nucleus of blastocysts. In contrast, HIF1alpha protein was undetectable at any oxygen concentration or in the presence of the HIF protein stabilizer desferrioxamine (DFO), despite being detectable in cumulus cells following normal maturation conditions, acute anoxic culture, or in the presence of DFO. Oxygen concentration also significantly altered inner cell mass cell proportions at the blastocyst stage. These results suggest that oxygen can influence gene expression in the bovine embryo during postcompaction development and that these effects may be mediated by HIF2alpha.


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Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne Gram-positive bacterium that is responsible for a variety of infections (worldwide) annually. The organism is able to survive a variety of environmental conditions and stresses, however, the mechanisms by which L. monocytogenes adapts to environmental change are yet to be fully elucidated. An understanding of the mechanism(s) by which L. monocytogenes survives unfavourable environmental conditions will aid in developing new food processing methods to control the organism in foodstuffs. We have utilized a proteomic approach to investigate the response of L. monocytogenes batch cultures to the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase. Proteomic analysis showed that batch cultures of L. monocytogenes perceived stress and began preparations for stationary phase much earlier (approximately A(600) = 0.75, mid-exponential) than predicted by growth characteristics alone. Global analysis of the proteome revealed that the expression levels of more than 50% of all proteins observed changed significantly over a 7-9 h period during this transition phase. We have highlighted ten proteins in particular whose expression levels appear to be important in the early onset of the stationary phase. The significance of these findings in terms of functionality and the mechanistic picture are discussed.


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HIV integrates into the host cell genome where it persists for the life of the cell. One approach to reducing viral burden is to selectively eliminate cells containing integrated provirus early following infection. We have used the HIV LTR promoter to selectively express transgenes in human cells positive for the HIV transactivator protein Tat. Transient transfection of Jurkat cells, or Jurkat cells stably expressing Tat (Jurkat-Tat), with a LTR construct containing luciferase reporter gene resulted in a 37-fold increase in gene expression when Tat was present. We have demonstrated that when pro-apoptotic Bax was used as the transgene, cytotoxicity was seen only in the Jurkat-Tat cells. Annexin-V staining indicated that Bax induced cell death by apoptosis. In mixed populations of Jurkat and Jurkat-Tat cells, the LTR-Bax construct was selectively cytotoxic to the Tat-positive cells. These results suggest that Bax under the control of the HIV LTR can be used to destroy cells harbouring HIV without affecting uninfected cells. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.