235 resultados para Early oral colonization
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We hypothesize that S. mutans colonization occurs more frequently in pre-term children due to their relative immaturity. In this study of 172 predentate, six-month-old infants, we found that 50% of pre-term and 60% of full-term children harbored S. mutans. The colonization was confirmed by repeat sampling. Although there were minor differences, factors associated with S. mutans infection in pre-term and full-term infants were generally similar. In both groups, increased frequency of sugar was ranked the most important factor (p < 0.001), followed by breast-feeding (p < 0.001), and habits which allowed saliva transfer from mother to infant (p < 0.01). By contrast, non-colonization of S. mutans was associated with multiple courses of antibiotics (p < 0.001). Compared with pre-term children, there were higher percentages of full-term who had night feedings and consumed sugar during sleep times. Mothers with infected infants had S. mutans levels > 5 x 10(5) CFU/mL saliva (p < 0.001), poorer oral hygiene,, more periodontal disease, and lower socio-economic status (P < 0.02) and snacked frequently (p < 0.001), compared with mothers with non-infected infants.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is associated with high morbidity and mortality which is due, at least in part, to late detection. Precancerous and cancerous oral lesions may mimic any number of benign oral lesions, and as such may be left without investigation and treatment until they are well advanced. Over the past several years there has been renewed interest in oral cytology as an adjuvant clinical tool in the investigation of oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of the present study was to compare the usefulness of ploidy analysis after Feulgen stained cytological thin-prep specimens with traditional incisional biopsy and routine histopathological examination for the assessment of the pre-malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions. An analysis of the cytological specimens was undertaken with virtual microscopy which allowed for rapid and thorough analysis of the complete cytological specimen. 100 healthy individuals between 30 and 70 years of age, who were non-smokers, non-drinkers and not taking any medication, had cytological specimens collected from both the buccal mucosa and lateral margin of tongue to establish normal cytology parameters within a control population. Patients with a presumptive clinical diagnosis of lichen planus, leukoplakia or OSCC had lesional cytological samples taken prior to their diagnostic biopsy. Standardised thin preparations were prepared and each specimen stained by both Feuglen and Papanicolau methods. High speed scanning of the complete slide at 40X magnification was undertaken using the Aperio Scanscope TM and the green channel of the resultant image was analysed after threshold segmentation to isolate only nuclei and the integrated optical density of each nucleus taken as a gross measure of the DNA content (ploidy). Preliminary results reveal that ploidy assessment of oral cytology holds great promise as an adjunctive prognostic factor in the analysis of the malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions.
Since dental caries may present soon after tooth eruption, we hypothesized that colonization of Streptococcus mutans can occur in the predentate stages. In this study, we examined S. mutans colonization and its association with oral developmental nodules (Bohn's nodules) in 60 pre-term and 128 full-term, three-month-old infants. Overall, S. mutans was cultured from 30% (56/188) of the infants, and oral developmental nodules were noted in 55% (103/188). Compared with the pre-term, full-term infants showed a higher prevalence of S. mutans (34% vs. 20%, p < 0.02) as well as developmental nodules (61% vs. 42%, p < 0.05). In both groups, S. mutans was positively associated with numbers of developmental nodules in a dose-response relationship (p < 0,001), and with maternal salivary levels of the bacteria (p = 0.03). The permanence of S. mutans infection was confirmed by repeat saliva sampling at 6 months of age. Our results thus showed that many infants have already acquired S. mutans at 3 months of age, prior to tooth eruption.
Colonization with Tannerella forsythensis may characterize the conversion of periodontally healthy sites into diseased sites. This three-year study describes the prevalence of T forsythensis and its relationship to clinical loss of attachment (LOA) in a group of adolescents considered at risk of developing early chronic periodontitis. Adolescents with (LOA+) and without (LOA-) loss of attachment were examined at baseline and 1.5 and 3 yrs subsequently. On each occasion, attachment loss was measured on selected teeth, and the presence of T. forsythensis in their subgingival plaque samples was determined by PCR. T. forsythensis prevalence in LOA+ subjects at baseline (64%) increased to 82% and 86% on subsequent examinations. In contrast, prevalence of T. forsythensis in LOA- subjects was always significantly lower (25%, 36%, and 32%, respectively). The odds of loss of attachment were 8.16 times greater in subjects infected with T. forsythensis at each examination. These results suggest that T. forsythensis is strongly associated with loss of attachment in this adolescent population.
A model was developed in dogs to determine the impact of oral enrofloxacin administration on the indigenous coliform population in the gastrointestinal tract and subsequent disposition to colonization by a strain of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (MDREC). Dogs given a daily oral dose of 5 mg enrofloxacin kg(-1) for 21 consecutive days showed a significant decline in faecal coliforms to levels below detectable limits by 72 In of administration. Subsequently, faecal coliforms remained suppressed throughout the period of enrofloxacin dosing. Upon termination of antibiotic administration, the number of excreted faecal coliforms slowly returned over an 8-day period, to levels comparable to those seen prior to antibiotic treatment. Enrofloxacin-treated dogs were more effectively colonized by MDREC, evidenced by a significantly increased count of MDREC in the faeces (7.1 +/- 1.5 log(10) g(-1)) compared with non-antibiotic-treated dogs (5.2 +/- 1.2; P = 0.003). Furthermore, antibiotic treatment also sustained a significantly longer period of MDREC excretion in the faeces (26.8 +/- 10.5 days) compared with animals not treated with enrofloxacin (8.5 +/- 5.4 days; P = 0.0215). These results confirm the importance of sustained delivery of an antimicrobial agent to maintain and expand the colonization potential of drug-resistant bacteria in vivo, achieved in part by reducing the competing commensal coliforms in the gastrointestinal tract to below detectable levels in the faeces. Without in vivo antimicrobial selection pressure, commensal coliforms dominated the gastrointestinal tract at the expense of the MDREC population. Conceivably, the model developed could be used to test the efficacy of novel non-antibiotic strategies aimed at monitoring and controlling gastrointestinal colonization by multidrug-resistant members of the Enterobacteriaceae that cause nosocomial infections.
Orally administered live Lactobacillus acidophilus was assessed for its capacity to enhance clearance from the oral cavity of DBA/2 mice shown previously to be 'infection prone'. L. acidophilus fed to DBA/2 mice significantly shortened the duration of colonization of the oral cavity compared to controls. Enhanced clearance of Candida albicans correlated with both early mRNA gene expression for interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-gamma and expression of their secreted products in cultures of cervical lymph nodes stimulated with Candida antigen. In addition rapid clearance correlated with higher levels of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide in saliva. Delayed clearance, less pronounced levels of the cytokine response, saliva IFN-gamma and nitric oxide, and later mRNA expression for IL-4 and IFN-gamma relative to feeding with the L. acidophilus isolate were noted in mice fed a different Lactobacillus isolate (L. fermentum). These observations indicate significant variations in individual isolates to activate the common mucosal system.
Minocycline is a semisynthetic tetracycline used in the treatment of inflammatory acne because of its broad spectrum of activity, less common development of resistant organisms, and its anti-inflammatory effects. A number of adverse reactions are reported, including skin and oral pigmentation. This paper details the pharmacology of minocycline and describes the pigmentation and likely mechanisms active in both hard and soft tissues. Oral pigmentation usually involves the hard tissues only and presents typically as a discrete band occupying the central zone of the alveolar mucosa and palate. As with other sites, it may persist following withdrawal of the drug. Early recognition by the dental practitioner may allow an alternative form of therapy to be sought, minimizing the likelihood of a longterm aesthetic problem.
In a case-control study in three Australian states that included 794 women with epithelial ovarian cancer and 853 community controls for whom we had adequate contraceptive and reproductive histories, Re examined the effects of oral contraceptive use after controlling for estimated number of ovulatory cycles. Other covariates included in the multiple logistic regression analysis were parity, smoking, and history of pelvic surgery. The protective effect of duration of oral contraceptive use appeared to be multiplicative, with a 7% decrease in relative risk per year [95% confidence interval (CI) = 4-9%], persisting beyond 15 years of exposure. Use for up to 1 year may have a greater effect than predicted (odds ratio = 0.57; 95% CI = 0.40-0.82), whereas use before the first pregnancy may be additionally beneficial (odds ratio = 0.95; 95% CI = 0.87-1.03, adjusted for overall duration of use). Better control for ovulatory life might attenuate these estimates somewhat. There was little evidence of waning protection with time since last exposure or of extra benefit with early commencement of oral contraceptive use. We found no convincing evidence of effect modification in any factor examined or differences in effect among the three main histologic cancer types or between borderline and malignant tumors. Oral contraceptives may act by both suppressing ovulation and altering the tumor-promoting milieu.
Background: Dental erosion manifests as cupped lesions on cusp apices and in fissures of teeth in patients from southeast Queensland referred with excessive tooth wear When found in young adults, these lesions may indicate early onset of active dental erosion. If the numbers and extent of cupped lesions increase with age, erosion may be a slow cumulative process. Methods: This cross-sectional study recorded the presence or absence and the relative sizes of cupped lesions from all cusps and occlusal fissures on premolar and permanent molar teeth from study models by image analysis. Type-specimens of cupped lesions were examined. Results: The Incidence by tooth reflected time in the mouth, post-tooth emergence. A linear increase in lesion number and size, with age, was found. However, cupped lesions occurred on mandibular first molar cusp apices as often, and attained greater extent, in adults under 27 years compared with older subjects. Conclusion: Marked differences were found between lesion number and size, between maxillary and mandibular molar sites that reflect differences in salivary protection against dental erosion. The significance of this study is that the mandibular first permanent molar indicates the age of onset and severity of dental erosion.
A marine model of oral candidiasis was used to show that nitric oxide (NO) is involved in host resistance to infection with Candida albicans in infection-'resistant' BALB/c and infection-'prone' DBA/2 mice. Following infection, increased NO production was detected in saliva. Postinfection samples of saliva inhibited the growth of yeast in vitro. Treatment with N-G-monomethyl-L-arginine (MMLA), an inhibitor of NO synthesis, led to reduced NO production, which correlated with an increase in C. albicans growth. Reduction in NO production following MMLA treatment correlated with an abrogation of interleukin-4 (IL-4), but not interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), mRNA gene expression in regional lymph node cells. Down-regulation of IL-4 production was accompanied with an increase in IFN-gamma production in infection-'prone' DBA/2 mice. There was a functional relationship between IL-4 and NO production in that mice treated with anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody showed a marked inhibition of NO production in saliva and in culture of cervical lymph node cells stimulated with C albicans antigen. The results Support previous conclusions that IL-4 is associated with resistance to oral candidiasis and suggest that NO is involved in controlling colonization of the oral mucosal surface with C albicans.
Background: To investigate the association between selected social and behavioural (infant feeding and preventive dental practices) variables and the presence of early childhood caries in preschool children within the north Brisbane region. Methods: A cross sectional sample of 2515 children aged four to five years were examined in a preschool setting using prevalence (percentage with caries) and severity (dmft) indices. A self-administered questionnaire obtained information regarding selected social and behavioural variables. The data were modelled using multiple logistic regression analysis at the 5 per cent level of significance. Results: The final explanatory model for caries presence in four to five year old children included the variables breast feeding from three to six months of age (OR=0.7, CI=0.5, 1.0), sleeping with the bottle (OR=1.9, CI=1.5, 2.4), sipping from the bottle (OR=1.6, CI=1.2, 2.0), ethnicity other than Caucasian (OR=1.9, CI=1.4, 2.5), annual family income $20,000-$35,000 (OR = 1.7, CI=1.3, 2.3) and annual family income less than $20,000 (OR=2.1, CI=1.5, 2.8). Conclusion: A statistical model for early childhood caries in preschool children within the north Brisbane region has been constructed using selected social and behavioural determinants. Epidemiological data can be used for improved public oral health service planning and resource allocation within the region.
In Australia, oral cancer accounts for approximately 2-3 per cent of all cancers, and approximately 1 per cent of deaths from cancer. The incidence of intra-oral cancer is gradually increasing. It is now well established that early detection of potentially malignant disease can improve the clinical outcome for patients, and as such it is the responsibility of dentists to identify such lesions early. To facilitate early detection of suspicious oral lesions several clinical methods of detection can be used. In addition to conventional visual screening of oral tissues with the naked eye under projected incandescent or halogen illumination, there are many clinical diagnostic aids that can be undertaken to help detect oral cancer. In this article we explore clinically available modalities that may be used by the general dental practitioner, and highlight their inherent strengths and weaknesses.