6 resultados para ECAP compaction

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Soil compaction has been recognised as the greatest problem in terms of damage to Australia's soil resource. Compaction by tractor and harvester tyres, related to trafficking of wet soil, is one source of the problem. In this paper an array of soil properties was measured before and immediately after the application of a known compaction force to a wet Vertisol, A local grain harvester was used on soil that was just trafficable; a common scenario at harvest. The primary aim was to determine the changes in various soil properties in order to provide a benchmark against which the effectiveness of future remedial treatments could be evaluated. A secondary aim was a comparison of the measurements' efficiency to assess a soil's structural degradation status. Also assessed was the subsequent effect of the applied compaction on wheat growth and yield in the following cropping season. Nine of the soil properties measured gave statistically significant differences as a result of the soil compaction. Differences were mostly restricted to the top 0.2 m of the soil. The greatest measured depth of effect was decreased soil porosity to 0.4 m measured from intact soil clods. There was 72% emergence of the wheat crop planted into the compact soil and 93% in the uncompact soil. Wheat yield, however, was not affected by the compaction. This may demonstrate that wheat, growing on a full profile of stored soil water as did the current crop, may be little affected by compaction, Also, wheat may have potential to facilitate rapid repair of the damage in a Vertisol such as the current soil by drying the topsoil between rainfall events so increasing shrinking and swelling cycles. If this is true, then sowing a suitable crop species in a Vertisol may be a better option than tillage for repairing compaction damage by agricultural traffic. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - In many scientific and engineering fields, large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities are commonly encountered. For example, heat transfer from the mantle into the upper crust of the Earth is a typical problem of them. The main purpose of this paper is to develop and present a new combined methodology to solve large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities in the lithosphere and crust scales. Design/methodology/approach - The theoretical approach is used to determine the thickness and the related thermal boundary conditions of the continental crust on the lithospheric scale, so that some important information can be provided accurately for establishing a numerical model of the crustal scale. The numerical approach is then used to simulate the detailed structures and complicated geometries of the continental crust on the crustal scale. The main advantage in using the proposed combination method of the theoretical and numerical approaches is that if the thermal distribution in the crust is of the primary interest, the use of a reasonable numerical model on the crustal scale can result in a significant reduction in computer efforts. Findings - From the ore body formation and mineralization points of view, the present analytical and numerical solutions have demonstrated that the conductive-and-advective lithosphere with variable pore-fluid density is the most favorite lithosphere because it may result in the thinnest lithosphere so that the temperature at the near surface of the crust can be hot enough to generate the shallow ore deposits there. The upward throughflow (i.e. mantle mass flux) can have a significant effect on the thermal structure within the lithosphere. In addition, the emplacement of hot materials from the mantle may further reduce the thickness of the lithosphere. Originality/value - The present analytical solutions can be used to: validate numerical methods for solving large-scale heat transfer problems; provide correct thermal boundary conditions for numerically solving ore body formation and mineralization problems on the crustal scale; and investigate the fundamental issues related to thermal distributions within the lithosphere. The proposed finite element analysis can be effectively used to consider the geometrical and material complexities of large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent fluid densities.


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Reforestation in tropical areas is usually attempted by planting seedlings but, direct seeding (the artificial addition or sowing of seed) may be an alternative way of accelerating forest recovery and successional processes. This study investigated the effects of various sowing treatments (designed to create different microsite conditions for seed germination) and seed sizes on the early establishment and growth of directly sown rainforest tree species in a variety of experimental plots at three sites in the wet tropical region of north-cast Queensland, Australia. The different sowing treatments were found to have significant effects on seedling establishment. Broadcast sowing treatments were ineffective and resulted in very poor seedling establishment and high seed wastage. Higher establishment rates occurred when seeds were buried. Seed size was found to be an important factor affecting establishment in relation to micro-site condition. In general, larger seeded species had higher establishment rates at all three sites than species of small and intermediate seed size, but only in sowing treatments where seeds were buried. Overall these results suggest that direct sowing of seed can be used as a too] to accelerate recolonisation of certain rainforest tree species on degraded tropical lands, but initial success will be dependent on the choice of sowing method and its suitability for the seed types selected. The results also indicate that the recruitment of naturally dispersed tree species at degraded sites is likely to be severely limited by the availability of suitable microsites for seed germination. Consequently the natural recovery of degraded sites via seed rain can be expected to be slow and unpredictable, particularly in areas where soil compaction has occurred. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We assessed the impact of large-scale commercial and recreational harvesting of polychaete worms Marphysa spp. on macrobenthic assemblages in a subtropical estuary in Queensland, Australia, by examining: (1) the spatial extent of harvesting activities and the rate of recovery of the seagrass habitat over an 18 to 20 mo period; (2) the recovery of infauna in and around commercial pits of known age; (3) the indirect effects of physical disturbance from trampling and deposition of sediments during harvesting on epibenthos in areas adjacent to commercial and recreational pits; (4) impacts of potential indirect effects through manipulative experimentation. Harvesting caused a loss of seagrass, changes to the topography and compaction of the sediments associated with the creation of walls around commercial pits, and the deposition of rubble dug from within the pit. The walls and rubble were still evident after 1.8 to 20 mo, but comprised only a small proportion of the total area on the intertidal banks. There was a shift from an intertidal area dominated by Zostera capricorni to one with a mixture of Z. capricorni, Halophila spp. and Halodule uninervis, but there was no overall decline in the biomass of seagrass in these areas. There were distinct impacts from harvesting on the abundance of benthic infauna, especially amphipods, polychaetes and gastropods, and these effects were still detectable after 4 mo of potential recovery. After 12 me, there were no detectable differences in the abundances of these infauna between dug areas and reference areas, which suggested that infauna had recovered from impacts of harvesting; however, an extensive bloom of toxic fireweed Lyngbya majsucula may have masked any remaining impacts. There were no detectable impacts of harvesting on epifauna living in the seagrass immediately around commercial or recreational pits.


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We hypothesized that the four rotation crops: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Merr.], lablab [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] and mung bean [ Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] differ in their ability to repair soil structure. The study was conducted on a Typic Haplustert, Queensland, Australia, locally termed a Black Earth and considered a prime cropping soil. Large (0.5-m depth by 0.3-m diam.) soil cores, collected from compacted wheel furrows in an irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) field, were subjected to three, six, or nine wet-dry cycles that simulated local flood irrigation practices. After each cycle, soil profiles were sampled for clod bulk density, image analysis of soil structure, and evapotranspiration. Generally, all crops improved soil structure over the initial field condition but lablab and mung bean gave improvements to greater depths and more rapidly than wheat and sorghum. Mung bean and lablab caused up to a threefold increase in clod porosity in the 0.1- to 0.4-m soil layer after only three wet-dry cycles, whereas sorghum required nine wet-dry cycles to increase clod porosity in only the 0.2- to 0.3-m layer, and wheat gave no improvement even after nine wet-dry cycles. Image analysis of soil structure showed that lablab and mung bean rapidly (by three wet-dry cycles) produced smaller peds with more interconnected pore space than wheat and sorghum. By nine wet-dry cycles, sorghum achieved deep cracking of the soil but the material between the cracks remained large and dense. Evapotranspiration was double under lablab and mung bean compared with wheat and sorghum. Our results indicate greater cycles of wetting and drying under lablab and mung bean than wheat and sorghum that have led to rapid repair of soil compaction.