7 resultados para Diarrhea Viruses, Bovine Viral

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Flavivirus protein NS5 harbors the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity. In contrast to the RdRps of hepaci- and pestiviruses, which belong to the same family of Flaviviridae, NS5 carries two activities, a methyltransferase (MTase) and a RdRp. RdRp domains of Dengue virus (DV) and West Nile virus (WNV) NS5 were purified in high yield relative to full-length NS5 and showed full RdRp activity. Steady-state enzymatic parameters were determined on homopolymeric template poly(rC). The presence of the MTase domain does not affect the RdRp activity. Flavivirus RdRp domains might bear more than one GTP binding site displaying positive cooperativity. The kinetics of RNA synthesis by four Flaviviridae RdRps were compared. In comparison to Hepatitis C RdRp, DV and WNV as well as Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus RdRps show less rate limitation by early steps of short-product fort-nation. This suggests that they display a higher conformational flexibility upon the transition from initiation to elongation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cell culture and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) assays have been traditionally used for the laboratory diagnosis of respiratory viral infections. Multiplex reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (m-RT-PCR) is a sensitive, specific, and rapid method for detecting several DNIA and RNA viruses in a single specimen. We developed a m-RT-PCR assay that utilizes multiple virus-specific primer pairs in a single reaction mix combined with an enzyme-linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA) using virus-specific probes targeting unique gene sequences for each virus. Using this m-RT-PCR-ELAHA, we examined the presence of seven respiratory viruses in 598 nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) samples from patients with suspected respiratory infection. The specificity of each assay was 100%. The sensitivity of the DFA was 79.7% and the combined DFA/culture amplified-DFA (CA-DFA) was 88.6% when compared to the m-RT-PCR-ELAHA. Of the 598 NPA specimens screened by m-RT-PCR-ELAHA, 3% were positive for adenovirus (ADM), 2% for influenza A (Flu A) virus, 0.3% for influenza B (Flu B) virus, 1% for parainfluenza type I virus (PIV1), 1% for parainfluenza type 2 virus (PIV2), 5.5% for parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV3), and 21% for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The enhanced sensitivity, specificity, rapid result turnaround time and reduced expense of the m-RT-PCR-ELAHA compared to DFA and CA-DFA, suggests that this assay would be a significant improvement over traditional assays for the detection of respiratory viruses in a clinical laboratory.


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Twelve dairy heifers were used to examine the clinical response of an alimentary oligofructose overload. Six animals were divided into 3 subgroups, and each was given a bolus dose of 13, 17, or 21 g/kg of oligofructose orally. The control group (n = 6) was sham-treated with tap water. Signs of lameness, cardiovascular function, and gastrointestinal function were monitored every 6 h during development of rumen acidosis. The heifers were euthanized 48 and 72 h after administration of oligofructose. All animals given oligofructose developed depression, anorexia, and diarrhea 9 to 39 h after receiving oligofructose. By 33 to 45 h after treatment, the feces returned to normal consistency and the heifers began eating again. Animals given oligofructose developed transient fever, severe metabolic acidosis, and moderate dehydration, which were alleviated by supportive therapy. Four of 6 animals given oligofructose displayed clinical signs of laminitis starting 39 to 45 h after receiving oligofructose and lasting until euthanasia. The lameness was obvious, but could easily be overlooked by the untrained eye, because the heifers continued to stand and walk, and did not interrupt their eating behavior. No positive pain reactions or lameness were seen in control animals. Based on these results, we conclude that an alimentary oligofructose overload is able to induce signs of acute laminitis in cattle. This model offers a new method, which can be used in further investigation of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of bovine laminitis.


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Many viruses including HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B, have an outer lipid envelope which maintains inserted viral peptides in the “correct” functional conformation and orientation. Disruption of the lipid envelope by most solvents destroys infectivity and often results in a loss of antigenicity. This communication outlines a novel approach to viral inactivation by specific solvent delipidation which modifies the whole virion rendering it non-infective, but antigenic. Duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) was delipidated using a diisopropylether (DIPE) and butanol mixture and residual infectivity tested by inoculation into day-old ducks. Delipidation completely inactivated the DHBV (p < 0.001). Delipidated DHBV was then used to vaccinate ducks. Three doses of delipidated DHBV induced anti-DHBs antibody production and prevented high dose challenge infection in five out of six ducks. In comparison, five of six ducks vaccinated with undelipidated DHBV and four of four ducks vaccinated with glutaraldehyde inactivated DHBV were unprotected (p < 0.05). Although this solvent system completely inactivated DHBV, viral antigens were retained in an appropriate form to induce immunity. Delipidation of enveloped viruses with specific organic solvents has potential as the basis for development of vaccines.


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A central event in the invasion of a host cell by an enveloped virus is the fusion of viral and cell membranes. For many viruses, membrane fusion is driven by specific viral surface proteins that undergo large-scale conformational rearrangements, triggered by exposure to low pH in the endosome upon internalization. Here, we present evidence suggesting that in both class I (helical hairpin proteins) and class 11 (beta-structure-rich proteins) pH-dependent fusion proteins the protonation of specific histidine residues triggers fusion via an analogous molecular mechanism. These histidines are located in the vicinity of positively charged residues in the prefusion conformation, and they subsequently form salt bridges with negatively charged residues in the postfusion conformation. The molecular surfaces involved in the corresponding structural rearrangements leading to fusion are highly conserved and thus might provide a suitable common target for the design of antivirals, which could be active against a diverse range of pathogenic viruses.


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The potential role of viruses in coral disease has only recently begun to receive attention. Here we describe our attempts to determine whether viruses are present in thermally stressed corals Pavona danai, Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata and zoanthids Zoanthus sp., and their zooxanthellae. Heat-shocked P. danai, A. formosa and Zoanthus sp. all produced numerous virus-like particles (VLPs) that were evident in the animal tissue, zooxanthellae and the surrounding seawater; VLPs were also seen around heat-shocked freshly isolated zooxanthellae (FIZ) from P. danai and S. pistillata. The most commonly seen VLPs were tail-less, hexagonal and about 40 to 50 nm in diameter, though a diverse range of other VLP morphotypes (e.g. rounded, rod-shaped, droplet-shaped, filamentous) were also present around corals. When VLPs around heat-shocked FIZ from S. pistillata were added to non-stressed FIZ from this coral, they resulted in cell lysis, suggesting that an infectious agent was present; however, analysis with transmission electron microscopy provided no clear evidence of viral infection. The release of diverse VLPs was again apparent when flow cytometry was used to enumerate release by heat-stressed A. formosa nubbins. Our data support the infection of reef corals by viruses, though we cannot yet determine the precise origin (i.e. coral, zooxanthellae and/or surface microbes) of the VLPs seen. Furthermore, genome sequence data are required to establish the presence of viruses unequivocally.


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Over the past 6 years, a number of zoonotic and vectorborne viral diseases have emerged in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Vectorborne disease agents discussed in this article include Japanese encephalitis, Barmah Forest, Ross River, and Chikungunya viruses. However, most emerging viruses have been zoonotic, with fruit bats, including flying fox species as the probable wildlife hosts, and these will be discussed as well. The first of these disease agents to emerge was Hendra virus, formerly called equine morbillivirus. This was followed by outbreaks caused by a rabies-related virus, Australian bat lyssavirus, and a virus associated with porcine stillbirths and malformations, Menangle virus. Nipah virus caused an outbreak of fatal pneumonia in pigs and encephalitis in humans in the Malay Peninsula. Most recently, Tioman virus has been isolated from flying foxes, but it has not yet been associated with animal or human disease. Of nonzoonotic viruses, the most important regionally have been enterovirus 71 and HIV.