28 resultados para Depression in adolescence - Prevention

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Criminal offending and poor mental health are both recognised as important social problems warranting prevention and intervention efforts. Although there is some evidence for comorbidity between these problems, little research has examined the causal relationship between offending and mental health, particularly for young people. The present investigation addresses these issues by using data from the Sibling Study, a longitudinal investigation of delinquency as self-reported by 731 adolescents and young adults in south-east Queensland, Australia. The results suggest that for young women, but not men, offending behaviours (including the use of illicit drugs) lead to increases in self-harm and depression. Conversely, poor mental health, as indicated by having low self-esteem, a poor future outlook, and a belief that life is very confusing, does not influence subsequent levels of offending for either sex. The implications for prevention and intervention are discussed, with emphasis on the need for the criminal justice system to provide mental health services to young female offenders.


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In this study. the authors examined the 2-, 3-, and 4-year outcomes of a school-based, universal approach to the prevention of adolescent depression. Despite initial short-term positive effects, these benefits were not maintained over time. Adolescents who completed the teacher-administered cognitive-behavioral intervention did not differ significantly from adolescents in the monitoring-control condition in terms of changes in depressive symptoms, problem solving, attributional style, or other indicators of psychopathology from preintervention to 4-year follow-up. Results were equivalent irrespective of initial level of depressive symptoms.


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Objective: Clinical studies of asthmatic children have found an association between lung disease and internalizing behavior problems. The causal direction of this association is, however, unclear. This article examines the nature of the relationship between behavior and asthma problems in childhood and adolescence. Methods: Data were analyzed on 5135 children from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy and its outcomes (MUSP), a large birth cohort of mothers and children started in Brisbane, Australia, in 1981. Lung disease was measured from maternal reports of asthma/bronchitis when the children were aged 5 and maternal reports of asthma symptoms when the children were aged 14. Symptoms of internalizing behaviors were obtained by maternal reports (Child Behavior Checklist) at 5 years and by maternal and children's reports at 14 years (Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self Report). Results: Although there was no association between prevalence of asthma and externalizing symptoms, asthma and internalizing symptoms were significantly associated in cross-sectional analyses at 5 and 14 years. In prospective analyses, after excluding children with asthma at 5 years, internalizing symptoms at age 5 were not associated with the development of asthma symptoms at age 14. After excluding children with internalizing symptoms at 5 years, those who had asthma at 5 years had greater odds of developing internalizing symptoms at age 14. Conclusion: Children who have asthma/bronchitis by the age of 5 are at greater risk of having internalizing behavior problems in adolescence.


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Background: Solar keratoses (SKs) are among the strongest determinants of skin cancer, but little is known about the success of measures to control these common skin tumors. Objective: To determine whether daily sunscreen application and/or beta carotene supplementation retards the rate of occurrence of SKs in adults in the medium term. Design: Randomized controlled trial conducted between February 1992 and August 1996. Setting: General community of the subtropical township of Nambour, Australia (latitude, 26degrees south). Participants: A total of 1621 adults aged 25 to 74 years. Interventions: Participants were randomized to daily use of sunscreen (application of a high-protection sunscreen to their head, neck, arms, and hands every morning) or application of sunscreen at their usual discretionary rate. They were also randomly assigned to take either one 30-mg tablet of beta carotene or one placebo tablet each day. Main Outcome Measure: Change in the prevalent number of SKs in the intervention group relative to change in the control group. Results: The ratio of SK counts in 1994 relative to 1992 was lower in people randomized to daily sunscreen use (1.20; 95% confidence interval, 1.04-1.39) than in those randomized to discretionary sunscreen use (1.57; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-1.84). This 24% reduction is equivalent to the prevention of an average of I additional SK per person over that time. A reduction in the rate of change of SK prevalence was also seen in the sunscreen intervention group relative to the discretionary sunscreen group between 1994 and 1996, but it was not significant. No effect on the rate of change of prevalent SK counts was seen among those taking beta carotene supplements relative. to those taking placebo tablets. Conclusions: Daily application of sunscreen retarded the rate of SK acquisition among adults in a subtropical environment, while a beta carotene supplementation of 30 mg/d had no influence on the occurrence of SKs.


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One vaccine designed to prevent cancer by preventing a precursor infection is already in common use, and at least one more is in the latter stages of clinical development. These vaccines are part of a new era of cancer immunoprophylaxis. Several further vaccines are in preclinical and clinical development, targeted at preventing cancer precursor infections, and these should add to our ability to prevent this common human disorder. However, vaccines to prevent cancers not triggered by infection are a more remote prospect, for a variety of reasons.


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Associations between parenting style and depressive symptomatology in a community sample of young adolescents (N = 2596) were investigated using self-report measures including the Parental Bonding Instrument and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Specifically, the 25-item 2-factor and 3-factor models by Parker et al. (1979), Kendler's (1996) 16-item 3-factor model, and Parker's (1983) quadrant model for the Parental Bonding Instrument were compared. Data analysis included analysis of variance and logistic regression. Reanalysis of Parker's original scale indicates that overprotection is composed of separate factors: intrusiveness (at the individual level) and restrictiveness (in the social context). All models reveal significant independent contributions from paternal care, maternal care, and maternal overprotection (2-factor) or intrusiveness (3-factor) to moderate and serious depressive symptomatology, controlling for sex and family living arrangement. Additive rather than multiplicative interactions between care and overprotection were found. Regardless of the level of parental care and affection, clinicians should note that maternal intrusiveness is strongly associated with adverse psychosocial health in young adolescents.


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fit this article, I discuss the reasons for my interest in sibling relationships, and showcase studies on sibling relationships in adolescence carried out with my colleagues and students, in the context of the broader literature on sibling relationships. Our studies have focused on a number of important issues concerned with sibling relationships. First, I report on the associations between sibling relationships and other family relationships and the ways that the various family relationships affect each other. Second, I report a study of sibling relationships in the context of parental separation and divorce and show that sibling relationships in these families are more likely to be high in both warmth and hostility than is true for relationships in 2-parent families. Third, I report on several data sets showing an association between the quality of sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment and the link between differential parenting, adolescent adjustment, and the quality of the sibling relationship. Fourth, I report on a study of comparison and competition in sibling relationships and the associations between sibling relationship quality and reactions to being outperformed by a sibling. Finally, I discuss possible future directions for research on sibling relationships, including the importance of multimethod studies and a longitudinal perspective.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine the extent of clustering of smoking, high levels of television watching, overweight, and high blood pressure among adolescents and whether this clustering varies by socioeconomic position and Cognitive function. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analysis of 3613 (1742 females) participants of an Australian birth cohort who were examined at age 14. Results: Three hundred fifty-three (9.8%) of the participants had co-occurrence of three or four risk factors. Risk factors clustered in these adolescents with a greater number of participants than would be predicted by assumptions of independence having no risk factors and three or four risk factors. The extent of clustering tended to be greater in those from lower-income families and among those with lower cognitive function. The age-adjusted ratio of observed to expected cooccurrence of three or four risk factors was 2.70 (95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.80-4.06) among those from low-income families and 1.70 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.16) among those from more affluent families. The ratio among those with low Raven's scores (nonverbal reasoning) was 2.36 (95% Cl, 1.69-3.30) and among those with higher scores was 1.51 (95% Cl, 1.19-1.92); similar results for the WRAT 3 score (reading ability) were 2.69 (95% Cl, 1.85-3.94) and 1.68 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.11). Clustering did not differ by sex. Conclusion: Among adolescents, coronary heart disease risk factors cluster, and there is some evidence that this clustering is greater among those from families with low income and those who have lower cognitive function.


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Background The use of elective percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as a treatment for coronary heart disease is increasing. Despite this, little is known about the prevalence and patterns of anxiety and depression experienced by patients undergoing and recovering from this procedure. Anxiety and depression are factors known to negatively influence recovery after a cardiac event. Objective The purpose of this study was to (1) describe the levels of anxiety and depression reported by patients pre- and postelective PTCA, and (2) determine associations evident between anxiety and depression and the sociodemographic and clinical variables of gender, marital status, history of acute myocardial infarction, and attendance at cardiac rehabilitation. Methods In this descriptive, repeated-measures investigation, patients (n = 140) were requested to complete the Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory and Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS) at three time points: 0(1) before admission for elective PTCA (T1); (2) 6 to 8 weeks (T2) after PTCA; and (3) 6 to 8 months (T3) after PTCA. Results A typical participant was male (75%), of European ethnicity (90%), aged 62 years (standard deviation = 10.7) with single or double vessel disease, and had attended cardiac rehabilitation in the past. At T1, 16% of men and 24% of women had state anxiety scores comparable to those experienced by neuropsychiatric patients. Trait anxiety scores remained relatively constant over time; higher scores at T1 were associated with past acute myocardial infarction. CDS scores at T2 and T3 were significantly lower than those at T1. However, an unexpected increase in CDS scores occurred at T3, compared with T2. At T3, 14% of men and 10% of women were depressed, relative to T1. Conclusion The findings lend support for the closer surveillance of emotional status in this population. Specialist nurses have the potential to play a greater role in identifying those at risk of developing anxiety and depression. However, this unmet need will remain unmet until specialist nurses who spend the most face-to-face time with patients are equipped with the skills and resources to systematically identify those “at risk.”


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Background: Asthma in early childhood has been associated with maternal smoking during pregnancy and parental smoking soon after birth. However, less is known about these exposures and the development of asthma symptoms in adolescence. Methods: Data were taken from the Mater University Study, of Pregnancy, a large birth cohort study of mothers and children enrolled in Brisbane, Australia, beginning in 1981. Smoking was assessed at 2 stages during pregnancy and at the 6-month and 5-year follow-up visits. Asthma was assessed from maternal reports that were provided when the child was age 14 years. We conducted multivariable multinomial logistic regression analyses to assess the effect of maternal smoking on asthma symptoms. Results: There was a strong sex interaction such that girls whose mothers had smoked heavily (20 or more cigarettes per day) in pregnancy and at the 6-month follow up had increased odds of experiencing asthma symptoms at age 14 (odds ratio = 1.96; 95% confidence interval = 1.25-3.08). The contribution of heavy smoking during pregnancy appeared to be stronger than heavy smoking after the birth. No similar associations were seen for boys. Conclusion: Female adolescents whose mothers smoked heavily during the fetal period and the early months of life have increased risk of asthma symptoms in adolescence. In utero exposure to heavy smoking was found to have a stronger effect than postnatal environmental tobacco exposure.


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Diagnosis of a major depressive episode by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association requires 5 out of 9 symptoms to be present. Therefore, individuals may differ in the specific symptoms they experience and reach a diagnosis of depression via different pathways. It has been suggested that depressed women more often report symptoms of sleep disturbance, appetite or weight disturbance, fatigue, feelings of guilt/worthlessness and psychomotor retardation than depressed men. In the current study, we investigate whether depressed men and women differ in the symptoms they report. Two samples were selected from a sample of Dutch and Australian twins and siblings. First, Dutch and Australian unrelated depressed individuals were selected. Second, a matched epidemiological sample was created consisting of opposite-sex twin and sibling pairs in which both members were depressed. No sex differences in prevalence rates for symptoms were found, with the exception of decreased weight in women in the sample of unrelated individuals. In general, the similarities in symptoms seem to far outweigh the differences in symptoms between men and women. This signifies that men and women are alike in their symptom profiles for major depression and genes for depression are probably expressed in the same way in the two sexes.